Spider-Man: No Way Home Mod in Among Us

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so today we have an epic battle this is spider-man no way home the crew members are spider-man they're trying to defuse a bomb while green goblin venom and electro are trying to stop him guys stick around for my turn to be the imposter this is awesome and also hit the like button below the video let's get to 70 000 likes in one day hit the subscribe button let's do this spider-man spider-man there we got to destroy the bomb guy look at us spider-man or imposter man no you're the imposter okay boys over here over here we are spider-man we must protect this city first of all look at this map right oh look these canisters right look in the top left we have le web fluid we have bomb health look at the bomb knock over here come over here come here look at the ball this bomb this bomb will explode but if we shoot our webs at it it does damage to the bomb oh what what is this whenever we shoot this the health goes down guys welcome back to among us i'm spider-man i'm a crew member i have all these that wait no i don't even have to do my tests tasks only help with or it helps me get more uh web fluid let's check this out i'm gonna shoot this there we go look at the hell that's going down when you get the health all the way down and dudes do me a favor if you know what a spider is just hit the like button so i share my mouth second thing keep giving us more mod ideas down in the comments third thing stick around for my turn to be the imposter it's insane the posture is actually really oh look at my wet fluid okay let's shoot this look at that valve is going down okay where's my health no no no no put me down put me down no help inside help dude i would have died in my did you see the green goblin i saw it oh no oh okay shoot the thingy shoot the thingy shoot the thing where do i shoot it shoot the bomb shoot the bomb shoot the bomb shoot the ball shoot the bomb shoot the bomb shoot the bomb okay so every time you shoot it uses your web fluid no was that venom you stay away from me venom you stay away you stay away from me you psychopath put me down put me down you little freak you put me down you little freak [ __ ] okay all right well now i literally can't use any of my abilities well let's go throw my wet fluid while we wait oh i forgot i could also swing gotta go oh no then we just got eaten [Music] is this a hot potato grenade i think so i think he's gonna blow up oh he's right there [Music] oh no oh no he just do a bomb he just do a bomb at me oh i have no more one oh i'm out of one mini game oh no what are we doing okay we're on top of this building we gotta find a sign to hide behind i know how to put your head up here so it's gonna choose one of these and who oh nico's dead niko's dead vival are we good we're good can i hide here i'm going to hide right here okay so whenever that camera comes out it's going to choose one of these hiding spots and oh biffle's dead and it chooses tune oh hello i am dead you know what i'm going on i'm going down here i'm going down here now it's going to choose three now oh no love one oh shoot shoot it come on down keep stunning him you keep stunning him oh no he got started okay grab this grab this grab this okay i gotta wait for my cooldown and then i'll go back it's almost there nah get out of here venom nibble she's gotta shoot it go i don't got anymore i just stunned him oh no stop him i got him i stunned him i sent him bamboo ready ready shoot ready shoot ready shoot shoot it shoot it yes okay i can save the city save the city there we go is it gonna contain the explosion boys all right let's wait for my turn to be the imposter spider pig spider pig does whatever a spider pig does i thought no this is batman sorry sorry i got confused oh spiderman or imposter man guys listen listen everybody press l oh okay all right okay all right you know what your turn get out swing in a whip okay look i have electro venom green goblin all of these characters have different kills let's grab venom oh it's snacking time mom [Music] and also venom has a mind control i'll show you that later let me go and pick up that so i want to try a combo with that [Laughter] why are they so afraid of me i look so happy look my teeth are nice and white let's look at electro shall we oh look at me what is on my face oh gosh i got a star on my face who is that who is duplier what is that okay okay so what this person does i can throw a lightning bolt now check this out i'm gonna hit electrical surge and watch this the lightning comes look at the lightning anybody that gets hit by that if they don't use the web they lose all of their web fluid and they get stunned and slowed for like an hour okay i want to try i want to try combo okay here's what i'm gonna do what i'm gonna do okay so i'm gonna put an electric trap here right there they're gonna turn into green goblin i'm gonna do kidnap let's take out dolph hair wait who's dolph hair though i think that's how i am [Laughter] look just kill me everyone's making fun of me because of my name just end my suffering oh no this is too bad dull pear don't bear oh why can't you oh [Music] oh that combo is so good you put like you put a trapped up spider you know what you know i'ma throw a bomb right there oh now their controls are jacked forever oh that's so good okay gotta go down here okay let me let me oh no i don't want to kidnap i don't want to kidnap ah let's take my bible crap i want to die look at this we got a glider no no no wait can i just kite him forever can i just kite him forever i'm on my glider so i can go through walls of flying above this guys look at this map while i got this i'm taking biffalona on a rye look look i got biffle going on a ride dude bible just chillin we're just looking at this city together you know oh just exploring this night look at the city look look now right i feel great up here yeah i feel great this is nice here i'll give you i'll give you a glider you can leave i'll give you a glider to go back in there there you go yeah here you go here's a glider for you oh i forgot i also have a hot grenade oh i also have the mini game i should probably do the mini game before there are less people because i don't want to out myself because if i lose in the mini game they could kill me we'll see here we go video games guys go hide we got five seconds okay i'm gonna hide down here i don't know what i don't know when i don't have another high down here they're gonna take a picture whoever the picture is behind dies who's gonna die oh oh that's too bad that's too bad they won't go there again again now two cameras are gonna come out and try to find the hiding uh spider pigs no not me not me can we get out wait did it just go there twice he just went there twice we'll never go down here it'll never go down here now it's gonna send out three cameras oh where's the third one oh pat one no pat pat listen listen listen nico told me that you have weird looking feet that's what he told me that's what nico guys i have information i just saw pat pee kill someone you're a bad person you know what i'm gonna emerge a butterfly what i don't why would you what no that's the you know that works yeah no it is you would you wouldn't understand i'm gonna take my jacket off i'm gonna take my jacket i'm gonna take my jacket off you don't know what i mean look we're two jacketless man just being superheroes okay check this out check this out take this i like the way you look okay thank you but i look better why yeah i'm gonna go ahead now take your brain wait what can you hear me hello yeah why why are you like are you feeling hungry you're looking a little hungry are you hungry wait am i am i wait wait wait wait they can't hear us they can't hear us they can't hear what okay let me go listen listen nobody knows like i should get the symbiote and join forces with you i could be you're feeling up oh oh did they didn't get away oh you're feeling hungry you're not very good at this you're not very good at this what am i supposed to be doing you know what you know what you know what what's wrong with you all right well hey listen i can't exactly leave any survivors no no no no no no no it's fine everything's fine you gotta come with me no let's just cruise the nightline sky you want to cruise the nightline sky listen i cannot leave anybody's behind okay you know who i am you know that's the last rule you never ask me who i am right no wait no but who are you all right here you go take a bomb okay what what the heck what is this take a throw grenade yeah go ahead and get electrocuted yeah yeah now you just lost all your web fluid so you can't leave anywhere now now you're just stuck here you can't do your web fluid you can't do anything you're just kind of stuck here now that's your hot that's your you kid you know now you're dead [Music] let's go do that light the sky with the uppercuts oh let's get out of here dude they got the bomb health so low i'm gonna throw a bomb there while they're stuck in that yes they're combo i'm gonna roll up how many people left i gotta meet gotta be careful one two three four five oh let's do if i become this put down a trap right there pull somebody to let's pull simmy here pull simmy here hello you're gonna die oh that's too bad let's go ahead and do a jump with venom let's land on zod it's fine okay adam please leave me alone [Laughter] [Applause] run zod go ahead i'm gonna snipe with my ability check this out check this out check this out i hit henry [Music] oh crap all right you know what check this out so i have fake web let's put that right there no he can't use it bill gary's using abilities look at the bomb he got it you know what you know hold on let's turn into this throw a bomb at him so he can't use his controls anymore [Laughter] this mod is so fun okay what else can i do what else can i do hold on let's go to here no we can't use anything if gary doesn't stop gary if you don't stop this right now do you want to become food do you want to be electrified or do you want to get stabbed in the face i'm going to stop this bomb look at this you're not going to stop nothing gary gary listen here comes your friend here comes your friend [Music] [Laughter] you monster no i couldn't use an ability i was about to shoot you with my last stun shot oh he said wait you still got web fluid i do now so whenever that whenever that purple stuff comes out you can you can use your web fluid right that's right what happens if you what happens if you don't have any web fluid no did you just take away now what happens when you can't i have more wet fluid i just fix them up ah i'm gonna stop the bomb you're not gonna stop you're not gonna stop nothing gary that's cruel torture where's your web fluid now gary where's your web fluid now gary all right all right gary listen listen listen just just run i'll give you a chance just run go ahead i'm so just i'm stuck into the car that's cold i'm useless oh you dodged it oh he's going where's he going where do you guys think he's gonna go do you think he's gonna leave his thinking he's trying to dodge him he's trying to dodge me and now the city goes boom hit the like button hit the subscribe button
Channel: SSundee
Views: 8,348,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1STiqzydhW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2022
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