*NEW* Embarassing Mod in Among Us

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so today and among us our mom is trying to embarrass us and this is a different game mode mom is trying to gain points by embarrassing us while we try to gain points by popping our pimples what guys stick around for my turn to be the imposter this is good and also if you've ever been embarrassed hit the like button below the video make the like button turn red what hit the subscribe button let's do this all right boys i'm a teenager i got pimples and braces but i'm ready to go look at this of all of you all of you okay boys listen listen we have a score up top it's mommy versus crew we have 10 minutes get your tasks done to get more points go okay look when we do this task look at the look at the points we just got a point gary do that test faster you're so slow gary do the download how this works we have 10 minutes as our bar fills up after i'll show you what this looks like after the download look at this we got it we gotta hurry look if my bar fills up i die gary if i got more pimples oh gary i gotta shave my face i gotta shave my face save it shave it shave it what happened are you good-looking homework logo so whenever we do these stations to lower our bar it also adds a point to us every time mom embarrasses one of us she gets a point ah gary's getting kissed embarrassing oh that's so embarrassing gary get out there gary hurry up here gary gary make yourself more beautiful we have eight minutes we need more points am i gonna die no no you might obviously shave your face gary that did that barely did anything gary i gotta get more no your controls are messed up though you know what i'm going over here i gotta work out i gotta work out i gotta work out i gotta get strong i gotta not be embarrassed okay so i gotta land this little dumbbell in that green area and what dude look at me i'm getting swole boys oh he got so embarrassed he dug himself into a hole oh guys stick around for my turn to be the mom her abilities are insane i'll show you they're pretty good and also hit the like button down below the video video if you've ever been very embarrassed and keep giving us more mod ideas down in the comments we're constantly looking for more mod ideas so keep you know help us out here oh wait hold on i gotta i gotta interact with this tim where are you doing this one i finished my pimples oh this is so gross oh this is disgusting [Music] so the more our bar fills up the more uh embarrassed we look oh no oh there's mom there's mom no no no no headway padaway's getting kissed oh oh no mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy why oh we're losing we need to get more points hey boys we need more points now embarrassing what is this henry oh henry henry [Music] no there's mom there's mom oh son why are you eating don't throw your phone at her go take her phone take my phone oh no this is your phone oh she farted no this dad is a weird mom guys does your mom fart get your test done dude i only have one left i'm carrying this team on my back you are oh no can't find laundry where's one dinner time oh no no no watch it watch out watch out watch out yo get out of here get out of it get out of here i'm sorry i'm sorry i told you to get out of it that gives us more pimples i gotta save i gotta shave i gotta shave it no it's 58 15 seconds 13. no no it's so close it's so close oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no i gotta get this done get this done get this done get this done hurry up three three somebody [Applause] oh my god dudes let's wait for my turn to be mommy everybody be quiet i'm not being quiet don't tell me that no i told you to be quiet because we're rolling around on potato chips we're getting pimples and my mom doesn't love me i'm shaving my head uh no that's your beard what's wrong with you i'm already a nerd i'm are you a nerd okay boys i'm the mom okay look at the score it's already four they already got four points crap i gotta hurry up okay let's transform i gotta shut all doors shut all doors i have to stop them turn off lights i have to stop everyone i'm gonna yell at people through here so here are all my abilities check this out i'm going to do the giant meatball through the lights is crazy through the lights through the lights here goes the meatball here comes me watch the points fourth we only got four points dang it so every time i increase someone's embarrassed meter it increases their uh it gives me two points right i'm gonna yell i'm gonna yell i'm gonna yell i'm gonna let niko i got six points i got six points okay i gotta keep increasing my meter all right so i have giant meatball that goes across the the room i also have handbag i think there's an exploit close the door close the door i think there's an exploit with handbag if they get too far ahead later on in the game because i have 13 minutes i'm gonna see if the exploit works i really don't know the handbag if they get hit look gary's controls are all messed up gary's gonna die [Music] oh wait no that's bad now we can do tasks okay i gotta get my i gotta get my points up there if i press the sing button every i get a bunch of points watch my there we go but it goes on a long cooldown but now everybody's stunned i'm gonna hit people i'm gonna hit pitfalls i'm so crazy 38 30 okay so i increased this meter the handbag it doesn't increase their meter i don't think but it messes up their control so they can't run out of the meatballs i also have homework there's henwi i'm gonna henwy oh great now he's got to stand there and spam his space bar to get out of the home i'm going to hit him we i'm going to who should i hit i'm going to hit look hims now it goes on cooldown you can throw up to three books at a time i finished my homework don't know leave me alone i finished all my homework all right so you can throw a home where you can sing you can throw me i'm gonna throw a meatball i'm gonna throw a meatball oh right there right at sigils he's popping pimples he doesn't know this is gonna hit him oh it did it hit henry i'm at 47. oh gotta be careful okay there's also a family call let me use that watch my watch my points whenever i do family calls since it hits everybody look at my boys 20 points so these speakers i'm currently talking to my grandma their grandma and telling them an embarrassing story and they're all hearing the story and they're getting embarrassed oh don't you smash my speakers don't you smash my speakers hey wait henry i'm gonna take a picture of you picking your boogers oh henry why are you picking your boogers you're still picking my boogers i was just shaving my face oh no oh no shut it oh no he got out give me the phone ah he took my phone and smashed it i caught him back in his nose though we have 10 minutes left they are up by five i need to keep upping my score okay let's do give chore on sigils let's put it on sigils here we go sigils this is my laundry where is my laundry where's my laundry he's got 15 seconds to do his task you're toxic you're so unbelievably toxic okay we're still on here where's the laundry i can't let him get to the lodge i stopped her right before i got to the laundry he had to do his chore he didn't get it in time because i stunned him with the sing score's still good we have eight minutes i gotta get more score i gotta get more score okay so you've saw you've seen post photo and let's put this on zod i took a picture of his uh right took a picture of picking his nose now he has to come to me and steal my phone and break it before i upload it to the internet where's he i can stay away from inside i am not gonna let him take my phone i just need to keep no their points are getting i'm going to do sing i'm going to do sing or family call get my points back up 21. there we go this is good here we go oh no stop it stop it you're ready oh there's son homework at him so i want to hit somebody with a combo i want to hit him with a giant uppercut hi ma hi mommy i was just gonna go do my homework and i gotta go no i don't wanna do your homework son i gotta fart why is this homework so difficult oh no oh no [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh that's too bad oh oh okay the score boys oh this is getting close this is getting close finally i found you come here no they took my phone dang it you smashed my phone should i do the the baby photo now i should probably do the baby photo alright so how this works i want to get to the center of the map and i want to booby-trap everything because if i booby-trap everything with these bags right look at they're all hitting them they're all hitting them look at them okay so now that nico his uh his controls are all messed up i'm gonna put a baby photo on him go to the baby photo before nico gets there the baby photos are in the laboratory it's in laboratory and his controls are messed up so the first one to get to this baby book up here you can see it right there wins no no no no no no no hit him with the homework yes get sniped oh in your demise here's the baby photo to embarrass you embarrassing photos oh it's on nico nico what happened oh nico oh you paint your pants nicole okay guys listen listen listen we are up by ten just keep dabbing you know what i'm saying 180 to 200 oh no i gotta catch up i gotta catch up oh they're getting a lead oh i gotta okay let's make everybody dance mommy yes okay i'll catch him back up dude this is so difficult i'm gonna give somebody a chore jimmy give the gift to me a chore does that give her okay she's got a chore over there you can see your points right there she's counting down can she hit this hit her yes can she get there in time this is not going to phone call oh i caught back up this is not going well this is not going well i need to hurry up get off the phone get off the phone i don't have time to talk to you grandma i don't have time dude yell yell it done yell it done yeah hello just keep yelling stop what's happening yell it's done yell inside no okay look that door keep headway in there look at their points i might have to use this exploit okay come here come here yes but i don't want to take her out if i if she dies then she can do tests while yeah she's a ghost and that gives her more points i hit three of them that's three points why am i running again look him like i took a picture of look i'm picking his nose and eating it oh no let's give a chore to simmy let's send this i have a minute 33 no i've got to exploit soon i have to exploit you i have to exploit soon oh no i don't want to exploit exploiting is bad son we have a minute left i hate to do this to you but i have to exploit you're gonna what do you mean what are you doing handbag handbag doesn't have a cool down if it keeps hitting what do you mean what are you doing what are you doing stop it why are you cheating why are you cheating we were winning fair and square and now you're just cheating stop it don't help me someone help please what are you doing are you serious this is so cheating we were literally winning we were winning fair and square and the unicorns had to use these stupid [Music] this is your guy's fault you unlocked this monster [Music] time's up and uh [Music] well uh that was fun i win 182 that sucks 800. hit the like button hit the subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 8,640,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EZTumt2GenI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 07 2022
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