Huge Massive House Everything’s For Sale | Estate Sale #EstateSale

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it what are you doing here on a Friday it's raining see the wet stuff so what are we doing what do we do on a training State selling either that or we're listing on eBay but um we've got that done for the day don't we yeah we got to buy some more stuff to put on eBay all right running out let's go see what this sale is cuz we had to park all the way down there and we're walking down here where that white sign is so let's just see what we can find here goes the RTA don't you work on those lines that they're running on these are RTA lines up there but that's what that bus there was was an RTA bus going through Dayton so what do you have in your hand di have a one kid $5 and I looked them up and they were selling for 22 to 39 so who knows on to the next one right we're traveling on 675 this is like a loop around Dayton um off of 35 and all the way out to I75 so we are heading I'm thinking to the ketering area be Beaver Creek we're going to Beaver Creek so this thing says we will be there at 1:30 it is 1:24 now so 46° outside rainy Jim's got the day off so we take the advantage of getting out and filming for you guys we had to come in the sideway cuz it's so busy over there but guys estate Sal shop with Gwyn we really love coming to Gwyn sales and you'll hear that from us all the time so we're here at the second one and let's go see what we can find now today's the first day right honey oh today's the second day let's go see what Gwyn has to say today finding anything all right he's in new toy room we find anything now these are old there's one light bulb in there I don't know what's in this sack oh those are from a hospital there's our Hospital picture what's that water wise good question huh going down the steps look at all the books hey watch there's a step here got to step down wow W if you sell books there you are some glasswar computer lap desk Jim's looking at this C iron what is that called duten Dutch oven but there's no markings on it is who makes it so I don't see a price either what's in that box right there it's 40 bucks what it is something missing dermatic Duo Pressure Cooker set at this old stove with the oven wow it's a westing house that's pretty cool wonder what this handy tray is was it to a refrigerator yeah they have a FICA top isn't that fah mm look at the knickknack guys let me walk back here wonder what these glasses are what you got in your hand rolling roller and some false craft glasses okay and we got here some satin hangers I want this jumbo fabric shaper and I want to see what they want for this Corning wear Poppins and it appears to be all there well you're concentrating on the next one we are leaving gwyn's sale here what did we spend for everything we bought in there 22 so $22 they give us a great bundle deal so where are we going now with we going to Zena Ohio yeah hey that's the land of the wind where did I meet you at unfortunately I was in Zena Zena Ohio and do y' all remember the tornado was that 1974 April 3rd 3:40 p.m. 1974 and you lived through it my Eight houses it miss us thank God look at this house yes that is a golf course back there I thought he brought us to the wrong neighborhood this area is all new to Jim since living out this way so there he is all the way up there he's telling me to hurry I'll move it I watch the mud well if they want us to take our shoes off I hope they have covers okay it's the right address 25 537 so let's go see what we can find I'll try to take you in with us we made it to the door here we go much to yorky what kind of he is oh a little yorky wow guys he doesn't eat too much it's my kind of pet all right do you know anything about thread let me get a name maybe says blending Corella I don't know if you can see it I think it says 125 yards look can you see that 19 Cent I wonder if that's the price for all of them is this something that may be on an online auction look at there's a whole drawer oh know it's $30 have to think about that one the telephone's still hooked up I think so look at the court going back there must still have a landline not for sale wait what you finding I know you got a pile out there already you finding something else I had to wait for what you looking at oh my gosh that is something it's got a that you you refrigerated does that have a $2 tag on it isn't that green yeah oh my gosh this says fiesta wear what a beautiful vase Hey look it's a tupperware thing Japan blue tag that would be $10 plus it's 25% off day I think I'm going to look that up guys here he goes oh look at these coats wonder if they were military we're in that area 125 and 100 steps the guy that's doing the auction is going to be putting this house on the market I bet they're really going to have to clean some car carpet oh look at that hat what is it Chesapeake Marine Tours um that's is is that $2 would you look that hat up you never know hey Santa what do you got I'm not sure what kind of cap that is and what tag is that a purple it's a dollar check it out you never know a souvenir book San Diego some novels Phantom of the Opera wonder if this was at the Shuster Center here in town or if it was in New York not sure but look at this today's 25% off and they want $5 for that so it makes it 375 and it is I think Japan at least it's got the tag on it there's the outside why'd you find out about the hats hm is that a thing so a kid doesn't fall out of the bed yeah okay look at the hat that Hat's a dollar let's go in here oh there's this there's more bunch of Linens look at that box there's a water pick that's an old one isn't it all right not much in this closet here there are some purses that green one's got a dollar on it I'm going to look through these never know the guys are more interested in their collector coins and stuff and sell on that so maybe this stuff will be a better deal I this house is just huge there's another full bath where does it connect to it connects with that office which has a sink here look at this this house is going on the market get the fireplace in here looks like they're gas logs so now go back out this way to the main hallway and the steps upstairs and there's Jim and I'm coming back around and there he goes and this is probably a bedroom ain't that something beautiful home entered another room another bathroom look at this look at this closet what kind of bag is this wow it's $30 there he is where'd you go closet oh well you better come out of the closet I'm not in that closet I'm in the tie closet look at the ties let me in so I can get a s these ties that's got this thing that's called a fast track look at all those now scooted up so I can show these pants back here look how the dress pants probably for suits and all the suit jackets are up here is that something suit jackets 20 ties are four suit pants are five shoes are 10 all other clothing $2 want a robe have might come up to Jim's waist at all the shoes well those right there look pretty new I don't know much about selling men's shoes oh there's another toilet room is't this crazy look at that wow I know you're G to say well you should be buying that well I don't know enough about it dark in here but this looks like a bunch of cameras they want 150 for it what is this handsfree telephone $25 wow what do you find in here it's so dark in here let me see the front of that where did I see the tag it's on the other side now we showed you the house that shows coach what does that show okay is there a leather tag inside also I'm trying to see it's dark man it is dark in here guys we found this tote tote of purses I've got a bunch of veers in my hand might not be the right time to buy these for us today is December 1st but all of these ornaments and what did you say they wereth $3 a piece then they're 25% off can you show those glasses they got Scotty dogs on them and if you saw in the beginning of the video coming in that there was a a dog and then there's three there so you've got two big ones are probably 16 oz it's probably a 12 oz and that would be an on the Rocks 8 oz maybe so um I've got a sack I found laying down here I'm going to put these in a sack to carry them upstairs cuz we're in the basement so I just wanted to show you what we were buying today this is also what we're getting and it is a $2 that's what the green means and it is federal housewares and I saw one listed for 25 but paying two for it you can still make a good return on your investment listing that on the eBay store I think this is was it a gift from Computer Share is that a computer company yeah it's remote control car there's no price on it yeah look that up would you camera look over here oh I can't show you those magazines H you can show the top there ain't nothing mad about them oh this is for your floppy disc look at that a that something tripy oh my gosh look at the old rollers how many of you now how many of you your mom put these in your hair and you went to bed and slept with these foam rollers in your hair come on you got to tell me make sure you leave a comment at that bag he's carrying trying to break it back yes I'm sorry um guys we did buy some rever wear and it has the stainless bottom and again everything was 25% off look at this oh I can't show it to you I've got my hands full too so we get to the car I'm going to show you this little sailor that I have on the top of a box didn't show you this this whole box and there's a drawer in it is full of thread it's all wooden spools and here's the doll I wanted to show you a it precious look at him little sailor boy coming up on our last estate sale of the day so that would make four not bad for Jim being home on a Friday since it was raining we didn't leave till after left oh gosh it was afternoon when we got to the post office cuz we had to do the eBay shipping so we're looking for the last sale that's supposed to be open until 5:00 and it's just a few few minutes till 4: but look at the Christmas lights garage is way over there in front of that white van and look at this so these houses back here are good size I'm trying to stay out the mud wow A little pressure sprayer would clean that wouldn't it hey get the sleeper Dune on it they do good pressure spraying stuff get all this stuff in here I knocked on the door they let us in wow prices are kind of high they always what are these coffee mugs I guess small deep fryer well the tea kettle wasn't priced it is a Gibson I scanned it but I'm not getting anything I'm surprised like all those are empty bottles I want to see what this cool wear serving station cost there's no price I see and then these liy glasses of onetta 12 Christmas are new for $10 so I don't know if there's a discount today but um those are worth getting well if you made it this far hit the Thumbs Up Hit the notification Bell after you subscribed it is free free oh you are crazy you ain't SE crazy yet this is everyday life guys thanks for watching watch for the next one and we'll see you soon see you on the next one bye bye
Channel: Adventures With The Hudsons
Views: 8,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #AdventuresWithTheHudsons, #EstateSales, #Reseller, #EBaySeller, #Adventures, #Treasures, #Profit, #MakingMoney
Id: 8Nz96MAa33k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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