August TBR!!

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hi guys it's regan and welcome back to another video today i am here with my august tbr and to be fully honest i am just throwing everything at the wall and trying to see what sticks my tbr for the month is ambitious um and just kind of full of a little bit of everything i can't exactly pin down what it is i feel like reading so i wanted to give myself a broad choice kind of a buffet of books if you will i was honestly kind of inspired by noel i watched one of her recent tbr videos he also decided to give herself a bit of an aggressive tbr for more choice so i thought i would embrace that idea so here we are august tbr let's go ahead and dive right in so i truly have a mix of genres here i have some fantasy i have some contemporary fiction i also have a thriller and historical fiction story the first book that's on my tbr is the black tongue thief by christopher bolman this is a newer fantasy release that i feel like is going to be a quick and really fun read i'm hoping it's full of wit and humor as well as adventure but essentially this is a dual perspective story that kind of brings two unlikely characters together and they go on a quest our first main character is kinch and he owes the takers guild quite a bit of money for his education as they have taught him everything from pickpocketing to pulling off larger heists so he decides that he is going to rob the first person he sees to try to get this debt dealt with unfortunately for him the target he decides to pick is not an easy one to steal from and that is our other main character galva who is a knight and also a veteran of the goblin war and then from there their fates and lives get entangled and they venture off on a quest together i really love this idea of like unlikely people working together i feel like their dynamic is going to be hopefully very funny sort of a down on their luck thief character and probably a grumpy night but we shall see i've heard really excellent things about this it's also not too long so i'm hoping it'll help kind of spur my reading as well but this is a book i definitely hope to get to this month next up is a very anticipated read for me and i want to get to it before the end of summer and that is malibu rising by taylor jenkins reed this is of course taylor jenkins read newest release um and i have read her two previous books and really really enjoyed them so i wanted to jump into this also i am traveling to california later this year so i feel like this could be vibes for that you know but this essentially follows one dysfunctional surf famous family in malibu in the 80s and the entire story i believe kind of takes place on a very short period of time specifically it might be over the span of one single day you shift between all of the characters but essentially it's on the eve of this big party they throw every single year and it ends with a house burning down and i think it also kind of emulates the falling of their family a bunch of secrets kind of rise to the surface and i've really enjoyed this author's other works and i'm hoping this is just juicy and dramatic and full of family angst i'm also possibly going to listen to the audiobook of this so if you've read this if you've checked out the audiobook let me know but i feel like this could also be a really great not super long read as well i'm battling a bit of a reading slump so i'm trying to read some shorter books um and i feel like this could be a great option this book on my tbr is a recent july release that i just wasn't able to get to in the past month and that is she who became the sun this is one of my most anticipated reads of the year i've been counting down the days and i'm definitely going to be checking this out right at the beginning of august as i'm just so so excited this is said to be song of achilles beats mulan and it's said to be a bold queer and lyrical reimagining the rise of the founding empire of the ming dynasty i've heard so many good things about this early reviews current reviews post publication have been so strong i just i don't know i feel like i'm gonna love it anyone else just like see a book and you read the synopsis and you're like yes that is for me 100 i'm definitely going to be checking this book out early in the month of august and hopefully filming a reading vlog um but this will definitely be read this month another book i for sure hope to get to is the jasmine throne by tasha suri this is a book i was really looking forward to but have gotten even more excited about since i've seen so many comments from you guys i feel like so many of you have read this and told me how much you really really enjoy it so because of that i feel like it's a must read i hear it's explosive fantastic character dynamics politics has it all but essentially this is a dual perspective story following two characters again kind of working together in an unlikely fashion sort of fates collide if you know what i mean the first is princess milani and she has been trapped by her despotic brother within the crumbling walls of the temple she herself dreams of vengeance and tearing his kingdom down we also follow priya who is a maidservant and she has been forced to hide her birthright and her magic because of her past and she herself dreams of freedom so i believe these two characters come together i'm hoping there's some romance between them and basically you know like fight to destroy an empire it just sounds so exciting i feel like it's going to be really really fast-paced and honestly i'm just really looking for a fantasy novel to hook me with lots and lots of action so i have a feeling this might be that next up i have two middle grade options that i'm hoping will kind of be good palette cleansers at least one will be the first is arusha and the song of death by rashni chokshi i read the first book within this middle grade series i want to say late last year and loved it it has the humor it has the adventure it has the mythology that i just absolutely love in middle grade and this particular series just really really blew me away i'm not kidding when i say it's just so funny and endearing and you will immediately fall in love with the main character arusha but essentially in the first one she basically finds out that she's a descendant of the pandava brothers which basically means that she has access to supernatural powers and also at the beginning of the first one she basically touches an artifact that kind of freezes everyone around her and she has to go on a quest to save her family and everyone else in the world she meets friends along the way she meets animal companions she goes to a costco this again is just a classic quest middle grade setup so much fun and i feel like i will just fall in love with it i love the first one so much so i've been meaning to continue on with this series i've also added this to my tbr next book i hope to get to is the second book within the dark materials series i reread the golden compass back in may and loved it this is my first reread of this series since i originally read it in middle school and this was always kind of considered to me one of my all-time favorite series so i really wanted to revisit it now that i'm a bit older and see with time and age and space if it's still something that i really really enjoy luckily the first one the golden compass absolutely blew me away honestly it's so much darker and more political than i remembered at all and it's really making me excited because i feel like there are some political aspects to the story that i maybe just didn't notice or care about at the time when i read it when i was like 12. um so i do hope to read the subtle knife this month which is book two i actually recall book two being my favorite when i read it the first time so i'm curious to see if that stays true or not but yeah i'm gonna continue on with my reread of this and this beautiful bind up edition it's just stunning i love it so so much with the subtle knife but if you're not familiar the golden compass series basically in the first one follows our main character lyra and she basically lives in a world that is similar to our own but also very different in this fantasy world magic does exist as well as technology has kind of evolved in a slightly different fashion kind of steam punky as well as politically speaking religious organizations hold a lot of power not only within a social realm but also in a government realm as well as a science realm as well in the story lyra kind of goes on adventure to try to save her best friend roger who has been kidnapped along the way she meets all sorts of people including a really powerful and grumpy polar bear and she basically is just trying to save the day the story itself is very very intense the world is really richly imaginative and really fascinating again kind of how it foils our own um within this little knife i do know there is a location change but of course everything is still connected so again really really looking forward to picking it up i feel like it might be a new favorite for the year the next three books on my tbr are kind of more of the murky ones they sound really good to me right now but we'll see if i read them but nonetheless i am really looking forward to them the first one is the bone season by samantha shannon i've actually already read this i read this right when it came out about four or five years ago now but now that the third book recently has been out in the world i feel like it might be a good time to reread this and continue on the rest of the series i remember really enjoying this at the time um so i'm curious to see if i still feel that way with the reread and if i do i can continue on the next two books i personally really enjoy samantha shannon's writing i've read a few of her other books as well and i know this series is expected to have quite a few books which actually very much appeals to me i love a long fantasy series but this is a near futuristic story set in 2059 and in this store we follow our main character paige who works in the criminal underground in london and why she works in the criminal underground is because she is clairvoyant and under scion law anyone who has a magical ability can be arrested for treason and basically power kind of manifests itself in different ways and specifically our main character page is known as a dreamwalker which is a very rare form of magic but at the beginning of the story though some events go wrong and she finds herself arrested by the government and so begins kind of a journey of beginning to understand both the political aspect of this kind of learning more of her magic and in general just getting more embedded within this society again i read this book many many years ago so there's not too much that i remember but i do recall her being a romance that i very very much enjoyed as well as just like very cool magic and i liked the underground criminal setting sort of this grimy london vibe as well so i feel like this is a good time to pick this book back up and reread it and hopefully really love it next up is a book that i've been trying to read all year long and just for some reason have not picked it up and that is a man called over by frederick bachmann again this is incredibly beloved an international bestseller and so many books by this author are just loved and read and just everyone seems to really like them so i feel like i really want to jump on that bandwagon in general too this book is not too long and i'm hoping it's a bit of an emotional hard hitter kind of a feel-good story at least that's what i want in the store we follow a very grumpy man he's a man who lives by strict routines and kind of looks at other people as frivolous he's also the chairman of the neighborhood association that kind of keeps everything in line and keep everything in the neighborhood in line if you know what i mean but ova's life is kind of turned upside down when a new young family moves into him next door and slowly his distaste turns into something like camaraderie and love and i think this is a story of found family and him kind of forming new connections and also kind of having a second chance on life an old dog learning new tricks if you will i'm hoping again that this might make me cry and everyone seems to love it and i've also been saying i would read this book like all year and it's already august so i'm running out of time so this is also hopefully going to be read and the next book that's on my list is a historical thriller i've actually been craving a thriller and i don't know if this is because i feel like fall is around the corner so they're sort of calling out to me but i've decided to go with the devil in the dark water by stuart thurton i'm specifically craving sort of a whodunit very classic style mystery story those are my favorite types of thrillers as well as i believe this has an unreliable narrator as well as a sort of disjointed quality to the structure we don't really know if we're supposed to be rooting for our main character or condemning him to like prison actually this is set in 1634 and we follow our main character samuel pips who is considered one of the greatest detectives of his time and he's currently being transported to amsterdam be executed for a crime he may or may not have committed he's traveling with his very loyal bodyguard aunt who is determined to prove his longtime friend innocent but no sooner after the ship leaves harbor things begin to go wrong i think like bad omens begin to appear and possibly the voyage itself might be thrown into chaos i honestly didn't want to read too too much about the synopsis of the story given that it is a whodunit classic style thriller so i want the mystery to just really pull me in but i love the historical setting of this i'm hoping it's very atmospheric and just overall like strange and bizarre and i don't want to guess the ending so this is one that i really am excited to read and then the very last book on my tbr should not be too much of a surprise and that is rhythm of war by brandon sanderson i'm hoping to finish this book this month but we shall see if i get there i obviously have a very aggressive tbr and it's also all over the place i'm not quite sure what it is i feel like reading i feel like i've been reading a lot of heavy books both in the fantasy genre and outside so i think if i have like a few light-hearted moments i can get back into rhythm of war which has been a little emotional i won't lie um but i am absolutely loving this book and i'm really looking forward to see how the plot continues to expand and evolve following all of my favorite characters but this of course is on my tbr as well alrighty guys that is my august tbr leave it down below some books you hope to read this month as i would love to know and i will see you soon with another video soon goodbye
Channel: PeruseProject
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Id: IQ-HxgdthCk
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Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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