HUGE birthday book haul UNBOXING 2021 [watch me unbox over 30 birthday books + gifts]

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[Music] i think we got a good thumbnail scissors that's right it's my birthday and i'll open tons of books if i want to hello what's up welcome back to my channel so happy birthday to me i am turning the big two nine last year of my 20s ripped to the 20s i don't know how i'm gonna feel next year when i turned 30. hopefully by that time i actually have a baby so that way i'm not having you know like a kind of midlife crisis without a midlife crisis thankfully you guys have made everything better because i am sitting in a pool of bookish gifts let me show you really quick we got things falling down over here already so we got this stack right here oh i didn't count it i should count everything we got this lovely stack right here and then we got this stack right here yeah let me count them all really fast and see how many i'm about to open 25 that's almost as old as i am what the heck it's only three o'clock in the afternoon but i am loving this like day drinking hey so when you're seeing this video it actually is my birthday but i decided to open these a little bit early because i finally had a day off and i cleaned the whole house and i'm about to treat myself let's get started first off before i open everything i know you guys want to get to like the nitty-gritty of me opening these things but i do have an online book club that has a very tight-knit group to it and so most of these i am pretty positive are from all of my friends in that book club so i know that when you're like a smaller booktuber or if you're just an outsider and you're looking in you're wondering like why i get so many packages or you think i'm a stuck up person and you think that i deserve all these gifts well i'm gonna tell you that you're wrong this is definitely not a normal thing not all booktubers are going to get gifted this amount of things and i don't want you to look at what is my life and think that that's the normal and that you should expect that or that you get upset if you aren't getting gifts on your birthday this is just because of my amazing friend group like i cannot just i cannot express how much i appreciate every single one of these people that have sent me these packages and i do not deserve this much love like i am going to be the first person to say that i did not expect to get this many i didn't expect it last year i didn't expect it for christmas nothing like that i don't take this for granted at all and i just want to say a big thank you for everybody that wanted to gift me so i am so excited this has made my birthday so amazing now let's get into it usually there's like little notes with these and i will be um probably reading those notes out loud so let's see who this one's from i like to find the actual written note first before i see what book i got given happy birthday jackie i hope your birthday is the greatest ever thanks for being an awesome friend this year i won't make you suffer with another stephen king this is from my friend jesse who actually has a channel reading with jess last year i actually just watched my like unboxing from last year's birthday and she had sent me 11 2263 by stephen king and after i watched that i felt so bad because i dnf'd that book so i'm really sorry jesse okay the next wife this one i believe i saw this on tick tock actually which is why i added this to my wish list i like this because it is about a married couple i love domestic thrillers and this is about um a husband that left his wife for another woman yeah that looks so beautiful cannot wait thank you so much jesse okay now we've got this let's hope i don't flash my address on this video probably done it before i'm surprised serial killer hasn't come to get me yet i see what the book is i'm sorry okay this is happy birthday i hope you have an amazing day you are a beautiful person inside and out and deserve all the happiness in the world xoxo from my friend karen oh my gosh wait till gwen sees that i got this because gwen has been raving about this book she talked about it in our podcast which is talkbookish to me shameless plug and this is a like dark oh i'm gonna have to change my tbr for romance-a-thon this is like a dark romance and i believe this is pretty i think this is indie so this is probably going to be my indie romance read but it's super dark she said so i just really hope that i like it oh my gosh it looks so great i'm only two books in and i'm already high online you guys oh and really quickly i wanted to say okay so this is the only bookshelf that i own because i was previously unhauling all of my books so i swap them i gift them whatever it is my dear friend gwen is buying me a bookshelf for my birthday you know like one of those actual bookshelves like from ikea that are like beautiful and they're bigger and you can fit so many books on them yeah she's buying me one of those and i am so excited because i started collecting all of my favorite like five star reads a couple of my four star favorites and so i'm going to have a bookshelf with all of my favorites thank you gwen i'm that's that's like gwen's uh gift for me and i am i literally cannot wait she's gonna be here like next week actually when you guys see this she's gonna be here in like five days to help me set it up and i am so excited okay let's find the note here we go happy birthday i hope you have a wonderful day this book looks so good hope you enjoy from kathy ingles from my book club we be booking oh yes okay a lot of people have been talking about this book it's called the girl next door by jack ketchum and they say it is so dark and disturbing that they couldn't believe what they were reading and like they just can't and it's based off of a true story also i am so excited for this oh my gosh this is gonna be like the perfect halloween read it is gonna be so great i know it's like older but i hadn't heard of it before and then all of a sudden a bunch of people in my book club were reading it this says a teenage girl is held captive and brutally tortured by neighborhood children based on a true story the shocking novel reveals the depravity depravity of which we are all capable and i think that there's like a documentary or a movie or something like that oh so good thank you so much kathy okay next up here we go this one feels like heavier oh that's not the note that's the receipt okay jaclyn i hope you enjoy this book thanks for making a wonderful book club the book club is like family i love all the events you come up with this is from my friend sylvia thank you so much sylvia let's see what it is oh okay this looks gosh i really am gonna have to change my whole romance-a-thon like tbr because this this is going on your girls tbr okay now this is gonna be my first sports romance and i actually heard really good things i hope that i like it i just want to venture out more to see what type of romance i like because i feel like i either read like emotional romances like colleen hoover and taylor jenkins read or i try and read like just the most popular ones like talia hibbert and stuff like that and i just haven't really found something that i i mean i love colleen hoover like i love that but some of the other ones i've tried i just don't love them so i'm venturing out i'm gonna try a bunch of different romances this year and i'm so excited happy birthday jaclyn i hope you have a great birthday month i hope you enjoy this book this is from my friend theresa oh it's wrapped oh i couldn't see what it was at first let me open this up here the chosen one oh my god look how beautiful i have never seen i don't know if you guys can tell but like look at that color it's like a like a seafoam green and it is beautiful like i think this is my new favorite color ever because that's beautiful okay i believe that this is a cult book i think it says 13 year old kira has grown up in an isolated community without questioning the fact that her father has three wives and she has 20 brothers and sisters that's right look at me here we go okay that's all i need to read cannot wait for this one thank you so much teresa i'm gonna have to get a drink refill soon okay here we go okay happy birthday i'm so grateful to have found this group and i love being part of the admin team i have a bunch of ladies that like help me out with the book club because i would not be able to do it myself and literally they put in so much work for free it is ridiculous thank you for letting me be a part of it all enjoy your book and your birthday this is from darlene i'm actually gonna get to meet her for the first time this year we're going to the beach together i'm really excited yes this is oh my gosh this cover is so beautiful the three mrs grays this is one wealthy businessman a trio of unsuspecting wives an explosive turn of events so this is their three wives noel diamond and vanessa but it's not like polygamy or sister wives it's that the husband like didn't tell them that they all existed so it's kind of like the wives by taryn fisher but i'm hoping that this one is better you know what i mean um i mean obviously it's like they don't know each other exist but anyway it says that they don't know until he's nearly shot to death and he's in a coma oh my gosh that looks so good and sounds so good thank you so much darlene i am so excited oh my gosh here we go another one karen naughty girl you sent me two books happy birthday i hope you have an amazing day you're a beautiful person inside and out and deserve all the happiness in the world this is again from karen naughty naughty do not send me two books oh wow this one is big but i know that this one is definitely a cult book that i had wanted this says before she lived inside the fence with her family after she's trapped now in a federal facility before she was never allowed to leave the property never allowed to talk to outsiders with a capital o never allowed to speak her mind after there are too many people asking questions wanting to know what happened to her trying to find out who she really is so this is like she lived in this like cult thing and then i guess she's finding out that like colt like that she was living in a cult you know what i mean this looks so good thank you so much karen oh my gosh i do not deserve two books from you another one let's take a drink here we go here we go satellite radio the boom boom ooh okay happy birthday darling i hope you have the most wonderful birthday miss you tori oh my gosh sorry i need to message that girl she's getting married this year oh my gosh oh it's a bullet journal in one of my favorite colors of all time i love this teal color oh my gosh i might have to use this for the second half of the year or if i get pregnant i want to put together like a pregnancy bullet journal if that happens this summer this might be my pregnancy journal oh thank you tori so much i am so excited okay should we do this stack next let's wait for the boxes let's do this one happy birthday this book sounds so good thank you for all the most amazing book club ever from my friend angel funny story about angel she actually it's it's funny how i remember sometimes who bought me what book and angel bought me all the ugly and wonderful things i think it was for christmas a couple years ago i ended up like loving that book like it became one of my favorites of all time so like thank you angel for sending me my favorite book of all time so let's see what this one is oh yes i am so excited for this this i think it said it was for like lovers of dark matter which you guys know i love this is infinite by brian freeman it says infinite lives infinite loss one rainy night the unthinkable happens dylan morgan's car plunges off the road into a raging river his beautiful wife drowning as he struggles to shore the aftermath through his grief dylan experiences sudden strange visions wherever he goes he's haunted by glimpses of himself dylan initially chalks it up to trauma but that changes when he runs into a psychiatrist who claims he's her patient she says he's been undergoing a unique hypnotherapy treatment built on the idea that with every choice he creates an infinite number of parallel universes literally oh my gosh this book it is i just really hope it's so good oh my gosh i am so excited to read this okay here we go another one okay this is from oh alicia thank you so much thank you for all your help and for being so nice have a wonderful birthday she is in my book club here we go oh this one is a um i think a polygamy book this is keep sweet and it says alba jane has never questioned her parents her faith her future she is content with the strict rules that define her life in pine ridge the walled community where she lives with her father his seven wives and her 28 siblings yes i'm so excited okay here we go with another one i had to delete clips off of my camera because i ran out of space happy birthday i'm so thankful for this club you created and the friends i've made i hope this next year brings great things your way from your weeby booking friend hannah hannah van husen thank you so much let's see oh thank you so much this is the bible in 52 weeks i had wanted this because gwen i think she got this for christmas i think and she was saying how amazing it is and how she really really loves it and i am a christian i just have a really hard time like having enough time to do a bible study all the time with working full-time and juggling everything and so this i thought would be a little bit easier because it's just a couple pages so it's like you do um your daily reading and then there's like a page and then there's just questions at the end so it's very short and i thought that um it would just be really great and she has been like one has been loving it so thank you so much hannah for getting this and it's very very beautiful okay next up these ones are rip and ready i should always drink and open books like this is fun this is from my good friend debbie who's in my book club happy birthday hope you love this book i've heard a lot of good things about this author yes this one i have seen on tick tock this is the arrangement by kirsten madglim and i actually was looking at a lot of her books because she has written a lot of them but this one intrigued me so much with the synopsis so i'm starting out with this one and then if i like her writing style i might try out a few others but this one just sounds so good so this one is about a married lady and their marriage is like you know at a breaking point so she comes up with a plan she says the rules are simple they will each date someone new once a week they will never discuss what happens on the dates soon though the rules are broken turning terrible mistakes into unspeakable consequences so i just i don't know i'm very excited for that like the synopsis just sounds so good so um thank you so much debbie oh i don't know if you saw my address so we're just going to pretend that you watched me open this rip this open but i had it flipped the wrong way let's see okay this is okay okay okay so i have there's a story to this okay so in december we had a team tbr challenge like this is all the fun stuff that we do in my book club and it was for it was christmas themed and i was the team leader and i named my team team ho ho host anyway that group of ladies we've all stayed really close and we have this like chat and obviously we call it like team ho ho ho's chat so this is one of the girls from that chat and all i saw was from your host shane i was like what the heck but anyway that's why okay so i couldn't let a ho's birthday go by and not get anything i hope you have a wonderful day from your joshe thank you so much that actually sounded like it rhymed okay let's see what my wonderful joshe got me oh this one's in here it's the bonnie read from romance-a-thon yay okay this is sunday sunday by emma scott we are um buddy reading this for romance-a-thon which is happening in june so definitely you know don't forget to participate i will leave the announcement video down below if you guys didn't know about romance-a-thon thank you so much shae this is absolutely perfect and this is a male male romance in case you're interested in reading my legs from sitting on the floor okay here we go oh amanda okay hold on i need to marco polo her also while i'm opening this because amanda is one of my really really good friends from the book club and she deserves a marco polo for me while i do this okay amanda i opened one of you well i didn't i didn't look inside yet but i pulled out the little thing that said it was from you she said so grateful to have you as one of my besties love you so much amanda and yes i am filming at the same time so i already let them know okay there is something first but there's a book so ah oh my gosh you got me one of my favorites oh thank you so much oh my gosh and then there's i already drank one drink so i'm having a hard time getting this open all right boxes are hard you guys oh my gosh this is so beautiful love this look at that that is so incredibly gorgeous i love that so much okay so amanda got me the dream daughter which is one of my favorite books of all time and she sent it to me because of my shelf of my favorites so i'm gonna be able to put this on my favorite shelf and i'm so excited uh i totally want to reread this one day i know i used to like make fun of people for rereading books but the more years that go by i'm like i definitely am not remembering like the books that i've read three four five years ago like maybe with thrillers i do but i totally want to reread this book so much oh my gosh thank you so much amanda and then she also got me this beautiful gold bracelet how just don't pay attention to my nails i haven't filed them but how cute is that oh my gosh thank you so much i guess we'll do a box now i mean why not another one from amanda okay okay so the next one i opened was from you um but i saw what is in there so unfortunately you didn't get the full surprise but thank you so much and you got me beautiful i thought you were you didn't have to buy me these books like i thought that you were like oh yeah like i just have them on my shelf and i'm getting rid of them no you literally bought me like how beautiful is that it's so pretty okay so amanda got me fan girl i had to marco polo her really quick again in this book is so gorgeous i have already read this book i wanted it for my new bookshelf and i thought she was just sending me because she was like oh yeah i totally have like the dream daughter and fan girl i'll just send you like my copies that i don't want and then she shows up and buys me two out don't drink two phone calls guys she sends me two i feel like i taste blood like once okay anyway thank you so much amanda for sending me these absolutely gorgeous books you did not have to send these to me i appreciate it so much okay gotta get another drink even though i hit myself in the head with a book we got this my boss gave me this actually this is from aldi this is pear seco sorry about the sun at time of the day but this is paraseco so it's like a pear cider pop a top again that's always what me and my husband's saying anytime we open up a can oh that is very good i like that [Applause] i don't feel any notes in here oh no this one doesn't have any notes okay this is spilled milk by kl randis and this is based off of a true story and it is about a child abuse story after reading a child called it i knew that i definitely wanted to dive more into just stories about that i mean not that i'm like oh my gosh i totally want to read about child abuse it's just like those are the types of stories that i do like reading or like true stories very dark stories so i'm very excited thank you whoever got this for me i'm gonna have to post in my book club and ask because i need to thank you personally all right another envelope this is from my friend jasmine from the book club happy birthday so very glad to know you hope it's a wonderful day here's to many more and this is phantom limb by lucinda berry okay so i heard about this book from jessie over at reading with jess because she loves listen to barry and she had told me to read the perfect child and i ended up really really liking that book then she told me about this one which is about these two kids that spend their childhood locked in a bedroom and terrorized by a mother who drinks too much and disappears for days uh that sounds so good it doesn't seem that long yeah it's only 233 pages but oh my gosh thank you so much jasmine i cannot wait to read that one happy birthday to the leader of the hose okay this is one of the girls from the host chat i hope you have an amazing birthday from lynn thank you so much lynn let's see oh we're stuck here oh oh butter okay i had i actually heard about this from take talk because i had never heard of this book before look how crazy that cover is and it's like shiny this says he picked the deadline now the clock is ticking it takes butter only 15 minutes to create a website and announce his plan to eat himself to death live on the internet he wants to command the conversation to make sure that when people talk about him is because he invited them to butter expects pity insults and possibly sheer indifference what he gets are morbid cheerleaders rallying rallying around his deadly plan yet as their encouragement grows it feels a lot like popularity and that feels good oh my gosh i heard that this is like just a really messed up book and i am so excited to read it thank you so much lynn oh that didn't make me sound like a psycho at all i'm like this is a messed up book i'm so excited to read it i feel like a little kid all right teresa did you get me two books you're not supposed to do that happy birthday jaclyn i saw this book on your list and just had to get this one for you too maybe you could do this one as a reading rec sent in by me i hope you love it as much as i did from theresa i will definitely do that for you teresa like it is happening i will do it for you oh okay torn all torn up series book one okay so teresa actually talked about this one in the book club i saw her like she was recommending it to others and she said that she thinks that i would really like it and so yes i am totally doing a reading rex video for this one because of the fact that this is straight up a recommendation from my friend teresa this says when i was five years old i told torin grace i was going to marry him when i grew up when i turned 18 i made it clear i still felt the same the problem he's 15 years older than me and he's my father's best friend i love age gap romances and i have been looking for more than i'm going to like i am so excited oh my gosh this is gonna be a read in the summer i can totally feel it right now thank you thank you teresa hey on to boxes but i know that some of my friends said that some of their packages didn't show up yet so if they get here before my birthday i'm gonna include that footage like after this footage this says happy birthday enjoy from sam folly folly foley i'm sorry if i said your name wrong this is mirrorland oh my gosh this just came out this year and someone recommended it to me i think on i think it was on my videos actually like in comments on my videos or it was on the wrecks by the bottle but i'm pretty sure it was in my videos i had multiple people tell me to read this one i am so excited actually this says with startling twists like gone girl and the haunting emotional power of room which i love room a thrilling psychological suspense novel about twin sisters the man they both love and the dark childhood they can't leave behind that sounds so freaking good cannot wait for this one happy birthday i knew i had to get the best jeopardy leader of book for her birthday i hope you have an amazing day filled with love from beatrice my gosh thank you so much so what she's referring to is in my book club we had a jeopardy tbr challenge last summer and i was a team leader she is one of the amazing people that was on my team that helped us win victory thank you so much let's see wow it's caroline levitt with or without you this is beautiful i read caroline levitt's cruel beautiful world and i loved that book so much that's actually what gwen got me last year for my birthday so i wanted to read more by this author because i loved her writing style so much thank you oh wow this one's wrapped oh my gosh who paid for the expensive wrapping natalie happy hi jaclyn happy birthday i recently started this and i'm really enjoying it i hope you enjoy it as much as i do this is so nice oh my gosh oh no my battery is dying wow this is all like wrapped so well oh nice this is they never learn and i am so excited for this because when raped about this so many people have raved about this i think my friend aaron read it during christmas time i am so excited it says scarlett clark is an exceptional english professor but she's even better at getting away with murder thank you so much natalie for getting this for me and for wrapping it like this okay a big thank you to everyone who got me let's see if i can do it you guys oh these books oh my gosh i'm so excited to put all these on my new bookshelf oh my gosh thank you so much okay got another package in the mail oh this is so sweet okay so one of my really good friends brandi in my book club she has a son who is like six or seven and he has this like little mini crush on me and she said that he wanted to get me a birthday present so he she said he picked it out he wrote the note she didn't get to see any of it and so he said have a good birthday jackie can i get to see you i love your youtube videos from carter oh my gosh that is literally the sweetest thing ever in the whole entire world okay let's see oh my gosh he got me a bullet journal which is so that is so sweet of him because his mom my my friend brandi is actually the person that got me into bullet journaling and she does tons of bullet journals and then he does bullet journals and oh my gosh thank you so much carter that is so sweet you are so cute hello okay so i got more packages in the mail also you guys i know i was drinking the truly's punch the other day but i tried the tea version of it this is truly this one's the lemon one it is so good and it does not taste like alcohol like you could get really messed up on these because you could easily just drink a bunch of them the lemon one is very good but the peach one is i've not tried the raspberry yet and the strawberry i think was my third favorite so i'll have to see where the raspberry falls in okay let's go ahead this is from shannon withers thank you so much for all your hard work with the book club i absolutely love it and i'm so glad to be part of it i hope you have an amazing birthday thank you so much shannon oh nice in the dream house this looks so good this is a psychological suspense and it's a memoir i believe but oh my gosh does this cover not look absolutely beautiful oh my gosh this is just absolutely gorgeous i cannot wait to read this it says it's about a relationship gone bad and also about psychological abuse can't wait thank you so much shannon that is beautiful okay next up okay this is from barbie or it says also barbara sutherland enjoy your gift happy birthday and thank you for everything you do for the group thank you barbara so much let's see [Applause] oh okay i was very interested in this this is an end of the world weight loss epic look that's an ice cream sandwich i love ice cream sandwiches by the way it says before and after when the world ends what have you got to lose oh that's i forgot how like crazy this one sounds like this is about like the end of the world and someone that has a problem like eating too much so it says ben stone is terrified he's terrified because he weighs 610 pounds and needs his right leg amputating he's terrified because a crane will shortly lift him from his fourth floor flat and lower him to the ambulance waiting below he's terrified because he hasn't been outside in nine years and he doesn't know who will look after his dog he didn't worry though because the world is about to end this is a horror story it says oh my gosh that like okay that's a cool cover tell me it is not a cool cover wow thank you barbie so much this is from vanessa navarro she said happy birthday [Applause] and it is saving noah by lucinda barry oh my gosh so she asked she asked and she was like is your wish list the only thing that i can buy you and i was like well no like i can give you my address if you want to actually like send me something that's not on my wishlist so this is so cool because it's like i feel like this is like a personalized recommendation for me this is so cool like i did not have this on my wishlist i actually didn't even know about it this is awesome it says we forgive murderers not pedophiles this sounds right up my alley not since lionel shriver brought us we need to talk about kevin which i actually really want to read that book i have not read that yet this is about a disturbed mother-son relationship meet noah an a honor roll student award-winning swimmer and small-town star destined for greatness there weren't any signs that something was wrong until the day he confesses to molesting little girls during swim team practice he's sentenced to 18 months in a juvenile sexual rehab rehabilitation i saying that right center his mother refuses to turn her back on him despite his horrific crimes but her husband won't allow noah back into the hou into the home oh my gosh this sounds so amazing and right up my alley thank you so much for like thinking about me and like buying me a book that's like personally recommended to me that is so amazing thank you so much oh whoops this is also from vanessa oh my gosh vanessa that is so nice you guys sent me way too much okay so we have book love in here which is so nice i love debbie tong so much and i have not read this one yet oh my gosh thank you so much this is perfect for going on like my new shelf and everything because i keep all my graphic novels because i just think that they're absolutely gorgeous and then she also sent me this willow tree oh it's a little girl that's like reading i'll open it up but that's what it looks like it says love of learning open books open minds this is gonna go on my new book show i hope this piece has personal meaning just for you a little reminder a reflection a gesture that marks a memory nice oh my gosh yeah it says love of learning open books open mind cute oh my gosh it's so adorable that is absolutely perfect oh my gosh look how cute i love that for my new bookshelves thank you so much vanessa you are oh my gosh i can't believe you sent me all of these things that was so nice of you and i cannot wait to put this oh my new bookshelf oh my gosh so cute that was so cute thank you so so much oh my gosh you guys okay so we've got more packages that came today i am so excited i also went today is my actual birthday and i know i'm wearing the same shirt that i did in the beginning of this video but it's like a week later okay give me a break and i know my hair looks the same too but it's just because that's how i like it right now and then also i did get more glasses they're from zymph i talk about it in an upcoming video but if you like mine and you want to use my discount code i'll just link down below the information are they not just like i love them they're my new favorite also the iced the iced shaken espresso get less of the classic i got one pop of classic and then i had um the cold foam on top it was my new favorite drink okay let's open up some packages okay okay this one is not a book i don't think this is from my friend erin happy birthday i know this wasn't a wishlist item but i thought you might love the nostalgia of this mug i'm so happy to have you in my life now hose forever she's also part of my ho ho chat oh my gosh i love mugs aaron i cannot wait to see what you can never have enough mugs okay there's never there is not a thing as too many mugs oh my gosh what is it gonna say oh my goodness i love this so incredibly much do you see this this is the old-fashioned library cards and i am one of the biggest library supporters of all time like i love libraries so much wow wow wow thank you thank you erin this is literally such a nice thoughtful gift oh my gosh that is so beautiful i love that thank you so much okay here we go all right this is from my friend jess zulman hi jacqueline i hope you enjoy this it's such an important topic i hope it helps on your body positivity journey happy birthday nice things no one will tell fat girls by jess baker i put this on my list because i wanted to read more fat rep especially since i'm not like plus size i would say i'm mid size i'm a size like 14 i am a little taller i'm five foot eight but i'm 180 pounds and i definitely have lots of fat on my belly um so i have been like putting together a list of fat rep books that i wanted to read and this one just looks so good because it is like a memoir it's not just like a fiction book about you know fat women so i am so excited thank you so much i am this is this is a really nice book i am excited to read this happy birthday jacqueline hope you have a wonderful day from jay miller oh pretty stolen dolls i saw this because um gwen had it over on her channel and this is like a thriller but like super super dark and i think it's also a dark romance too i'm not sure it is part of a series though but i think it's about these like sisters that get taken and he like yeah turns them into dolls the one girl runs away but like she doesn't even know where she was kept captive at so she doesn't know how to go back and save her sister it sounds very very good thank you so much this is from my friend brandy nothing mushy this time just know you're so loved happy birthday day from brandy [Applause] roommate by serena bowen this says wanted one roommate to share a three-bedroom house split the rent and ideally not be the guy i can't stop thinking about and then seeking it's like a male male romance um where they're gonna like one guy's gonna move in with the other guy just for like to be you know roommates or whatever but then i think they're gonna start to fall in love so very excited for this thank you brandi i also got a card the other day um and it's a homemade card that is so beautiful i wanted to show it on here and this is from my friend gail she said jackie just wanted to wish happy birthday to one of my favorite book buddies but like that is so gorgeous i can't believe that she made that thank you so much gail okay and last but not least um my friend alex from the book club she sent me a message this morning and sent me a gift card for amazon and so with that gift card i went ahead and ordered everything is fine by vince granada this is a memoir about mental illness and i think it's about his brother who has schizophrenia and like murdered their mom so i'm very interesting number one i just really love the cover of it so much um but i you guys know how much i love memoirs so i'm very very excited to get that thank you so much alex for sending me the gift card and it going towards this book i am i am so excited for it okay that's it you guys i will see you guys very soon in another video it's probably going to be the video of like me setting up my bookshelf with all my new books so hope to see you guys soon bye [Music]
Channel: J A C Q U E L I N E
Views: 5,967
Rating: 4.8983049 out of 5
Keywords: jacqueline, jacqueline wheeler, booktube, booktuber, book recommendations, book, reading, books, thriller, thriller books, thriller book recommendations, thriller recommendations, book haul, book outlet haul, haul, bookish, unboxing, thriller book haul, romance book haul, romance books, adult books, huge book haul, book haul 2020, birthday haul, birthday book unboxing, wheeler, birthday book haul 2021, 2021, big book haul
Id: HeHxlaM33Kk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 26sec (2546 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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