Birthday Book Unboxing | thank you all so much!!

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hi everyone my name is maddie welcome back to my channel and it's my birthday [Music] so yeah it is the 4th of june it is my birthday um i am now 23 i'm definitely not processing that we're kind of ignoring it i quite liked being 22. um but it's my birthday uh firstly thank you so much for the many many many birthday messages so far this morning it is greatly appreciated and very unexpected so thank you but why we are here today you can see peeping over my shoulder is this i have a wish list which might be closing soon but i have a wish list and i've you know got the odd thing off it and like around christmas i got quite a few but i've never really thought much of it i've always seen your booktubers do the big hauls around their birthday and they get sent so many things and i was like that won't happen why would that happen i underestimated you all um just just a little bit so we have a few things to open today these have been arriving probably the last week and a half or so maybe a little bit longer and i am the most impatient person on the planet it has been torture not being able to open these but i get to open them now two i'm pretty sure are from like friends because they're not in amazon packages one of them might actually which is this one this one here i actually almost opened you will see the ends when we get to it are already open because it had a luma crate tape on it and i was just like oh my luma crates arrived and started opening it and then rose it had a handwritten label i was like oh that's definitely someone just reusing the box let's not let's wait so there's a lot to open i have no idea what order we're going to go in thank you obviously to every single person who has sent me something there is never any need to do this i am beyond shocked and just thank you for everyone for all of your support whether it's sending something or hitting subscribe or watching one video or lurking in the comments i don't care just thank you so so so much because the last year has been a bit insane in the best possible way but i'm not gonna make this intro too long so i feel like we're already going to be here for far too long so i'm kind of just gonna start i don't i don't have an order to go in i'm also gonna have to be so careful to not show you my address in this um there might be lots of blurring if there's weird cuts it's probably because i've shown my dress and can't blur it but i guess we'll start start with a little one on the top oh my god this is so weird so exciting i've why am i still chatting there's gonna be a lot of random chatting in this video sorry i've never really got that much my birthday not for like no give me stuff i need that i just i've never really known what i wanted i'm a nightmare to buy for because i literally never know what i want um and so until the last few years where i've got quite a few books from my family for my birthday i've never really been someone that gets loads of birthday presents i don't often have a huge friend group so there's not like many people but i love opening stuff like anyone so this i'm very excited the best birthday present here is just like getting to open loads of stuff oh we're off to a swimming start that's more like it sorry i want to show you that properly but my dress is on that side oh my god i'm so excited i have oh my god this is so exciting okay we've got the gift note it's rebecca happy birthday hope you have a great day thank you becca this is i'm so excited i hear a sunspot volume one the oh my god i'm so excited this is one of swoops favorite series i hear a sunspot and i trust spoops completely there is an edition there is a copy of my harassment sport which i need to get hold of to like start the series but they seem to be like sold out ever at the moment but i know from spooks i'm going to love this series so i'm like coping with the fact that i need to track down the first one hopefully by the end of june so i can binge this through june if i can because it sweets his favorite so whatever i thought i want to read it now but oh my god i'm so excited this is queer manga i haven't read manga since i was about god 15 so i'm dying to try some again this is queer manga and i think it has um hard of hearing or death rep in it which i'm so excited for so thank you so so so so much becca oh my god i'm so excited to read this spooks is going to be so happy that i'm getting these books to read also it's it's so small and floppy and i'm just kind of obsessed so thank you okay the second one let's see how to show this without showing my address hey this is so much fun oh my god what is it oh exciting exciting exciting oh my god okay we're two for two on gift notes that's promising this is from chloe at the persistent book one thank you so much happy birthday maddie i hope you have an amazing day and able to relax for a little bit during this very hectic month oh i hope so too we'll see and this is the summer of everything by julian winters i am so excited for this i have running with lions and oh my god what's it called happy grammy cameron by julian winters both of which i am dying to read and i just look at the gorgeousness i think these are all very queer y contemporaries and i've heard phenomenal things about all of them so i am so excited to give these books a go and i am pretty damn confident that i'm going to absolutely fall in love with them so i cannot wait also apologies if i go through these pretty quick um there's quite a lot to get through and i do have friends coming this afternoon and so i need to get this filmed edited and uploaded before that so we're not we're not gonna hang around too much but oh my god this is so much fun why why is that there we go this is so excited i'll just show you my dress maybe not sure oh my god yes okay this is when the tiger came down the mountain by gevo and this is from justine thank you happy birthday i love this book i hope that you will too justine from i should read that i'm so excited for this i read the episode on fortune a couple months ago didn't love it but did read it whilst half asleep and can't remember any of it so have full intention to reread it because i think i'm going to love it and this is the sequel and it is just beautiful and we love it all of ella i had a whole video reading tournaments where i proved my logic that i do just love tour novellas like 90 of the time so i am so excited for this thank you so much justine oh fantasy queer to warner bellas i'm in heaven okay we've got got one here with the tear strip on the right side we can actually show you oh come on there we go that'll work that'll do and we have oh oh yes we have fresh water by equating messy i am so excited for this one that's actually so much prettier than i anticipated it's like a really muted coral i thought we like quite a bright orange but i love this really muted coral and like the textured text that's so pretty who is this from it's from christy thank you chrissy happy birthday a massive congrats on whatever thon currently watching kickoff live so wait to read oh my god thank you so much christy i'm so excited for this i won't spoil too much but i will be reading this for a reason later in the year so keep an eye out but oh i'm so excited for this i haven't actually tried any questions yet and i really really want to and i think this is actually like kind of adult lip thick which is a bit out of my comfort zone but i think in a really good way so i am so hyped to give this one a go okay oh my god this one next again tear strip let's see okay this is oh my god yes it's this oh my god okay who is this from oh this is from amy it says just wants to send a gift as i absolutely love your booktube channel and being in phase and gays book club i recently read this and adored it so i hope you'll enjoy it too love from amy thank you so much amy this is we go on forever by sarah govit i might spoil why this one is i feel like i can announce before the end of the day what this one is so i might spoil it one minute let me text the person i need to check with that i can announce before this video goes out this afternoon so i can tell you why we're reading this okay so we're gonna announce it today so i can tell you all this is the july august pick for the burned books club it is a dystopian story following a like dystopian world where the world's kind of gone to ruin and i think she's like radioactive waste and the wilderness dying and basically it follows this character who isn't called like a level one who can live forever in the sense of when you're dying or when you're ill your consciousness is transferred to a different body i think i'm not exactly sure um spoops and i came across it well spoops came across it on instagram and instantly send me sent me a thing about it we were really keen to do a completely unknown book that people hadn't heard of i'm not gonna lie caught both our eyes because by flag colors that's the only reason but it just sounds really interesting it's completely unknown it only came out about a month ago um but hopefully should be available pretty easily to people so this is the next burned books pick so thank you so much amy sending this across i cannot wait to read it with so many people and hopefully we all really enjoy it i'm so excited it's so pretty it's so pretty okay this next one's pretty pretty chunky pretty heavy i'm intrigued let's see what it is exciting oh my god i'm so excited look oh my god okay right okay i've got the if note let's see who it's from bex oh my god hi bex thank you oh what did they say okay so first one happy birthday maddie i hope you have an amazing day i'm really intrigued about this one so i hope you love it thank you for all you do oh thank you for all that you do and i've loved being a part of your patreon community thank you so much bex and thank you for being there this i have had on my wishes just so long i can't even remember what it's about but i just for whatever reason it just appeals i think this is like space opera which is scary for me but i'm excited i remember just hearing the most amazing thing about it and it just sounded fantastic so i'll read the back it says a washed up treasure hunter a hot shot racer and a deadly secret society that all on a race against time to hunt down the greatest warship ever built something the ship has lost forever some think it's been destroyed and some think it's only a legend but one thing's for certain whoever finds it will hold the fate of the universe in their hands and treasure that valuable can never stay hidden for long i'm so intrigued i is this queer i seem to remember this is queer surely it's queer it's me okay i have no idea but for whatever reason this just massively appeals to me those people saying it's like f1 racing and really action adventury which i'm so intrigued in a sci-fi especially as the only sci-fi i've like really enjoyed was skyward by brandon sanderson which is quite actiony so i'm excited it's also floppy floppy books my favorite thing and then the other one we have here it's so beautiful is the fascinators by andrew eliopoulos and again becca said happy birthday i hope you love this one as well thank you for being so amazing to chat with on discord and for working into the part of the community of course i love chatting to you all i love that i just get to ship posting my discord and be chill and chat and oh my god this is too beautiful this is queer why a i'm pretty sure like speculative magically ish which is exactly my vibe light fantasy sam doesn't know where he'd be without james and delia living in a small town where magic is frowned upon he needs their friendship and their time together in their school's magic club to see him through to graduation but as soon as senior year starts little cracks in the group begin to show sam may or may not be in love with james who may may not have a crush on a girl from his church deena wants to get into a hyper-competitive magic college where mate which makes casting spells with her friends look increasingly like a waste of time and james reveals that he got mixed up with some sketchy magickas over the summer putting a target on all of their backs never mind the cute new guy who wants to join their club sam hardly has time left to think about him with so many fault lines threading to derail his hopes for the future sam is forced to face the fact that the very love of magic that brought this group together is now tearing them apart and there are some problems that no amount of magic can fix it sounds so good i'm so excited also this like sage green is literally my favorite color and i'm obsessed oh so pretty i'm so excited oh my god thank you so much bex i'm so so hyped for this my problem with doing this right now with a crammed tbr for june is i want to read all of them and it's taking all my self-restraints and i should be like add this to my tbr add this to my tbr add this to my tbr i want to read them all right now i don't want to wait it's killing me okay up next i feel like i need to flip these over so my address isn't on show there we go let's see this is heavy again what are you all doing oh my god got it oh my god what have we got what have we got oh oh that's not from my wish list oh being sent extra things oh what are we doing okay so these are from nicola who has sent me things before just thank you so much and first we have an unsolicited one which i'm intrigued by which is can you see me expect to fit in proud to stand out and she said sorry for the unlisted book but it's the book that i would recommend to anyone happy birthday i hope you have a great day color me intrigued um i've been hiding parts myself for a while now it's hard to expose the bits that i've been made to feel uncomfortable with tally's autistic but she hides it as much as she can she knows how uncomfortable people feel around her they don't understand autism they don't understand her by masking her autism tally is hiding her real self but when your real self is fierce and wonderful it can't stay hidden forever with moving diary entries written by 11 year old libby scott based on her own experience of autism can you see me as an authentic powerful and truly memorable collection collaboration with esteemed author rebecca wescott that will change the way you think about autism that sounds so interesting thank you i'm very intrigued to give that one a go that sounds absolutely fascinating and then the other one she said which i'm so excited about is rapsodic which is the bargainers book one this is fantasy romance and oh my god i know steph loves this i know becca loves this i know even jade quite enjoyed this if i remember correctly and i'm i'm hyped self-pub fantasy romance is such a vibe and something i always want more of so i am extremely excited and i think this one's quite dark as well which i'm really here for i've been wanting to check this out for ages so i cannot wait so thank you so much nicola okay next up oh my god this is just ridiculous in the best way but it is ridiculous oh satisfying when that actually kind of works what do we have i'm so excited for this one oh no there's no gift note alison is letting us down there is no gift note so if this was from you please please please let me know this is darwin's dragons this is a middle grade and i don't read that much middle grade but i saw this one in waterstones recently and i just was so drawn to it as someone who grew up loving biology and evolution and considering going into something like paleontology the story of darwin and his expedition was obviously exactly what i wanted to read about and it's dragons and yeah it's all about captain boyson's covington it's on the voyage of a lifetime to the galapagos islands with the world famous scientist charles darwin but when sims falls overboard during a huge storm he washes up on an unexplored island stranded there he makes discovery that could change the world now it's not just his own survival at stake the future of an undiscovered species is on his hands it looks so cute and it's got these gorgeous illustrations all the way throughout and like the end papers are stunning and oh i'm just so excited for this it's so beautiful i love it it's dragons and evolution and exploration and it just i want to read it so bad but yes the gift note is missing so if you sent this to me please please please let me know so i can thank you properly thank you okay up next this one i'm not good at doing these there we go oh there we go oh my god this is so exciting i feel like a kid on christmas this is amazing oh my god this is from katie in katy brightness reads it says hi maddie happy birthday i hope you have an amazing day filled with lots of love and friends thank you so much for being a lovely booktube friend this past year it's been great getting to know you i love you katie and this is the ones i meant to find by joan hee i'm so excited for this i've been excited for this anyway it sounds phenomenal it's dystopian which is amazing it follows these two sisters in like a world where you get like ranked for how eco you are i think i might be wrong um and i said i've been excited for this anyway and i know row finished it pretty color row finished it yesterday and gave it like five stars so pretty sure i'm gonna love it and oh my god it's just so gorgeous i'm obsessed with this cover and oh my god i can't rate thank you so much katie i'm so excited this is another one i want to put on my june tbr i don't feel like i can but i really want to okay up next we have this one oh my god it's heavy again what is this there we go let's see i'm so excited i'm so excited oh my god yes who is this from space it's from space happy happy happy birthday buddy love you millions hope you have a fantastic day i am going to have a very good day i can guarantee you that um and this is are you listening by tilly walden this is a graphic novel i'm so excited i read on a sunbeam by tilly warden and adored it it was so amazing everyone wanted to read more of theirs god this is just beautiful isn't it and i can't remember exactly what this one is about but i very much want to read it b is on the run and then she runs into lou this chance encounter sends them on a journey through west texas where strange things start to happen a lost cat becomes a kindred spirit the weather shifts from sun to snow within minutes and they are followed by mysterious men from the office of road inquiry the landscape moves into an unsettling world as they drive on toward a town that doesn't exist on a map or at all where they have no one left but each other this beautiful haunting story of friendship loss heartbreak and traumatic revelation about sexual assault accommodates an exquisite example of human connection well doesn't that just sound absolutely wonderful i cannot wait i will read this in june won't i how can i read 20 books in june that's what i'm attempting for here but i need to read this so bad thank you so much spoops this sounds amazing okay next up i think this one which didn't survive the trip very well it's covered in tape i think if i remember rightly this is the one my mom sent me just because she texted me the day something arrived to say oh it's arrived with you and this i think is the only one i got that day so i think this is from her and therefore i think i know what one of the books in here is okay we found a way in oh my god i'm so excited i can't wait are there gift notes or is amazon dummy dirty amazon's done is dirty there's no gift notes but oh my god i'm so excited so this is the one i knew about this is daughter of the sun by effie calvin this is the sequel to queen of the flaria which i read god a few years ago and i'm actually rereading this month and i'm so excited to read the sequel this at least the first one was suffix and dragons so that's all we need to know and then she's also gonna got me the queen of rhodia which is the third book i'm so excited to continue this series i loved the first one so much so i'm just really hoping i love these ones as much and i cannot wait and i am very sure that she will be borrowing them off me to read as well because she also loved the queen to be a flarea so thank you so much my mum for both of these i cannot wait what we've been to this whole series this month i can't read more books this month i need to stop okay next up here i'm very concerned you can see my address more of these but i don't think you really can we have this one which i did actually partially open because i this arrived on the same day i'd ordered myself some notebooks i needed for work and so i had to try and work out which one had the notebooks in it wasn't this one so i just peeked in the corner i promised i wasn't like cheating and looking early i'm so excited i'm so excited um this is from kendra a massive happy 23rd birthday hope you have an amazing day i bought this as i have it on my tbr too this is the fever king by victoria lee as you may know i freaking adore this book and this series i have read them i read them earlier this year and i love them i have the paperbacks and love the paperbacks they're really nice additions but my friend chris got the hardbacks and she showed me this and i couldn't resist look at this it's just the most stunning thing so that is going straight on the collection as one of my favorite books and i'm sure i'll be rereading it in this format at some point so that i can tab it up to high heaven but it's just so beautiful so thank you so much kendra god i love this series so much okay last one on this stack i can't believe we've only got through one stack in half an hour i don't know what this is just huge and i genuinely don't know what it is oh my god it's huge is there a gift note there's a gift note oh my god i'm so excited who is this from nina happy birthday maddie thank you so much for creating whatever thon i can't wait for june and thank you for all of the amazing content thank you this stunning thing is mythopedia ashley from follow through fiction i think read an arc of this like an e-arc and oh my god it's basically loads of different myths from around the world with these huge illustrations and i love myth and especially greek myth i used to be really into and for years i've kind of lost touch with it but i'm still just obsessed and really wants to get back into it and this is just one of the most stunning things i've ever seen yeah and it's like the future oh this is mythical beasts in their tails specifically but oh my god it's so beautiful i cannot wait to just sit one evening and indulge in these gorgeous illustrations and all of the stories in here because oh my god look at it and it goes through all the continents so you can like see where they are from around the world oh i'm so excited thank you so much nina okay i'm gonna i mean yeah no screw it let's do this one i think this is from jade i may be really wrong and if i'm wrong apologies but i feel like it's her handwriting we'll see okay i had to grab scissors to be able to get into this but this is the one i almost opened as i said because it's obviously a reused luma crate box we love it reuse boxes please but i was zoned out and not thinking i was like oh it's a luma crate and i'm like wait no it's not and so i had to not open it oh my god i'm so excited oh it's definitely from jade okay i wasn't wrong i'm happy oh jade i love you so much oh my god this is too sweet i can't this is too cute that you've done this i'm envelopes are my nemesis i have never been good at opening envelopes and i'm 23 i should be able to oh that's so cute oh my god happy birthday have you have the most wonderful day you deserve it lots of love from jade i hope you like the prezi oh two party hats on the horns that's so cute oh my god i love it um then we've got patreon stickers because you know save on that shipping get them all in at once and then oh my god birthday present do not open until birthday i was very well behaved and didn't open it you will be very glad to know as i'm filming this on my birthday oh my god not okay i'm just gonna show you what i can see that to me looks like a strange the dream of off i'm not okay jade what have you done it's holographic it's holographic it is holographic jade oh my god [Music] jade i'm not okay right now oh my god look at this oh that is the most beautiful thing i've ever seen in my life also appreciating black jumper you know literally all i wear [Music] jade oh my god thank you so much watch this just be a five minute clip of me staring at it oh my god it's so beautiful i want to wear nothing else ever okay we're going to pause the video because i'm putting this on screw my black jumper this is way better it's so soft oh my god wait no i'm not okay right now look at this it's so shiny okay well jade you did good i'm freaking out thank you oh my god i'm just obsessed thank you so much jade oh my god look at look at this oh i'm gonna i'm gonna message you in a second because i'm freaking the hell out right now okay we're gonna oh my god i can't we're gonna carry on i'm gonna try and compose myself what is my hair doing i don't know it needs washing but i didn't want to do it in the morning of my birthday i'll do it later right we're gonna carry on i'm gonna try and maintain some semblance of sanity oh my god jade god damn girl you do presents well i'm now extremely stressed about your birthday being in a few weeks because i'm not it's good in it oh my god right what have we got here oh oh yes yes i'm so excited for this i'm from india that's so appropriate all right i'll explain this is the prison healer i was on sprints with india steph and jade the other day and steph was reading this and talking about it and she gave us the synopsis for it and all three of us while jayla she already owned it but india and i both while steph was talking we're like we're gonna go on our wishlist and add this right now because it sounded so good and it has a tournament in it and it just sounds amazing and so interesting and this is a beautiful addition actually this is absolutely stunning it's like really pale duck egg blue um and so india the reason i was laughing is the voice note says i jumped straight on this one when you added it to the list hope you love it and have the most amazing birthday so grateful to have your beautiful self in my life i love you india i love that you literally just went straight like oh that's sorted thank you i'm so excited for this i can't remember exactly what it's about but i know steph was saying there's like a tournament in it and people like fighting for their lives and fighting for someone else's life and it just sounds really good yeah dark throning action-packed y-a fantasy i'm here for it and it's beautiful thank you india okay let's go with this one there are more just carry carrying on okay that is interestingly stuck what have we got here this is excited we have the friend scheme by kyo iphone you say it friends scheme by kl dietrich um from kitty thank you so much i have had this on my list for forever i've been really wanting to read it i think it's two people who work as like spies and they're on opposite sides and they get like a romance and it sounds cute matt's filed was a criminal with high hopes that his son will follow in his footsteps his family is at war with another and that matt's dad is caught in the crossfire matt and his older brother are expected to fight for their family but deep down matt has other ambitions and attractions when he meets jason matt believes he might be falling deeper than friendship for the first time the boys keep their connection a secret and soon matt suspects that jason is part of the family that tried to kill his father the truth however is even more shattering and matt must decide if he can ever break free and know who he really is and who he's meant to love cannot wait i also read if this gets out by sophie gonzalez and kale dietrich earlier this year and loved it so i am even more hyped to read kale dietrich's book and just oh my god i'm so excited this this monochrome with turquoise color scheme as well absolute vibe love it okay we're going to do this one next because i'm again pretty sure i know who this one is from i think this is from gav because gab messaged me the other day and said like hi i have something i want to send it can i can i can i send it to you it is i'm so excited this is from doubt oh my god okay this is rainbow grey by what's his name laura ellen anderson and it is the very special oh my god one minute one minute the special edition with the rainbow sprayed edges which are literally my favorite thing this is uh i would assume very queer middle grade which does actually feature gavin in it he is a character in this book i'm gonna see if i can find the page i don't know what page number is but it's an illustration i would recognize so hopefully i can spot it oh there it is there it is there we go it's gavin that's his character in the book and yeah he knows this is a book i really wanted to read and it's all about weather magic which sounds really freaking cool um so he messaged me and said can i send it to you with a signed book plate which is super cute it says cloud cat cuddles on it that's adorable oh gav thank you so much also i'm i'm literally obsessed with lim cat have i read this yet no am i obsessed with the little look at it that is the cutest character i've ever seen in my life i'm obsessed thank you so much gav i love it and i can't wait to read it i'm going to try and read it in june like every other thing on this tbr so that i can count something for middle grade for devathon even though i'm not on the middle grade team but i have to have to okay i'm gonna leave this box till last because i'm really intrigued as to what it is okay i picked up two small ones to stop me having to turn around so often there we go oh my god it keeps sticking to me what have we got here this looks like more here a sunspot exciting yes this is theory of happiness who is this from this is from kayla happy birthday you are seriously my favorite booktuber you're so relatable and i absolutely love your content i hope you have a fantastic year i feel like being called relatable when my channel is just chaos is quite funny it's just like you don't shut up you're loud and you don't have boundaries relatable this is i hear at sunspot the theory of happiness again i need to track down all the editions of this because it is so stunning and i cannot wait to read it i will actually like harass boots exactly on the reading order so i can make sure i get it right but i cannot wait to start this series i'm just sure i'm going to love it and then we've got really diddy one here which i have a guess just by its size and it might be a murderbot book am i correct no i'm not oh i'm completely not i just i imagine tournaments no it is binti by nedi okorafor from maya happy birthday maddie i love your channel but i'm really shy so i don't interact much online but i want to wish you a happy birthday and thank you for hosting whatever thon i'm so excited i hope you enjoy honestly this is what i was saying at the beginning i do not care if you look and you're quiet if you are there and supporting me it means the world please please please never feel like you have to be loud and vocal or anything like that like before i created my own channel i was the quietest supporter of anyone i would never ever comment i would never ever tweet i was completely hidden like i've been watching cody and becca and all of them for years and years and years and i've commented on a couple of cody's tbr videos because i couldn't resist but other than that i just didn't do it i felt too like shy to do it i never did so please never ever feel bad about that the appreciation for the support is still 100 percent there but yes binti by an idiocarro4 i was about to say oh i'm going to read this this month because it's so short i need to stop wanting to read every book that i own right now but yeah this is a sci-fi novella which i've heard phenomenal things about and it's so pretty and yeah nedi okara 4 is just like a hugely regarded author and i cannot wait to give this one a go so thank you so much okay we're getting there we're getting through the stack slowly but we are getting there and then we have oh that was satisfying what have we got oh someone gift wrapped it oh thank you i never know whether to put gift wrap on things for people because like it's really fun but like i never know oh my god who's this from it's from larissa happy birthday i hope you enjoy this book from larissa oh my god this is so fun this feels like a birthday can i get into it there we go we're in we're in let's see what it is it's even more gift wrapped oh my god i've never had one like actually wrapped this feels so fancy oh my god i love it this is so fun i also have no idea what this is no i i should know what i have my own wish list but i don't oh oh yes i'm so excited this is the red threads of magic with magic a fortune by uh neon yang oh i'm so excited i read the black tides of heaven earlier this year and really liked it it was a really interesting book and a really interesting length i think my one thing i said is i would have liked it to be slightly longer hopefully the sequels will do this there are going to be four books or there are four books in this series so i'm definitely at some point hopefully soon gonna try and reread the first one and go straight into this and i'm so excited for it i think there's a very good chance i could end up absolutely adoring this series especially as the covers are so dang beautiful so yes thank you so so much larissa i cannot wait to get to this one oh my god how are we still going this is getting ridiculous like i i don't think i can describe how blown my mind is by this just icon what do we have here we have lumberjanes i'm so excited for this lumberjanes volume one who is this from also from india oops i did it again happy birthday much excitement for the month ahead love you india i this i was about to say oh i added this to my wish list in the same live as the prison healer because um it sounded really good and uh jade was comparing india and steph to characters in this and i was like i need to know whose characters are i'm so intrigued so i added it and i take jade's recommendation completely i trust her with graphic novel recommendations and this is also partially illustrated you can see up here by noelle stevenson who did nina nimona which i really really loved so i am so excited for this and it feels like camp vibes isn't like camp not camp but oh i'm so excited i cannot wait adding it to my june tbr how many times have i said like that video i feel like we need a counter i'm not going to do this it's a lot of editing but i might have to tally up at the end i'll count as i edit or you guys can count tell me in the comments how many times in this video i've said i'm adding a book to my june tbr because it's far far far too many okay now this one oh my god this is insane and that didn't work i'll push it myself in the face oh exciting oh my god yes okay oh who's this from sophie from what's so freeze next um happy birthday maddie thank you for creating such fun bookish content and especially whatever thoughts get me reading in june i hope you have the best day thank you so much sophie this is the witch doesn't burn in this one by amanda lovelace i read oh my god what's the first one called the princess saves herself in this one a while ago now um and really loved it was so moved by it i don't read a lot of poetry but for whatever reason it just truly moved me it had me an absolute tears through most of it and so i've really wanted to read more i do have the mermaid gets her voice back in this one or something like that i don't know what it's exactly called and i have a third one as well i need to pick up the second and third one i've been too scared considering how much the first one made me cry and i've not felt like ready to pick it up yet but optimistic and they're just such beautiful additions and i know a lot of people don't like this like instagram poetry where it's like not a lot on a page but i genuinely enjoy it and genuinely believe like you can say a lot through very very few words if they're well chosen i remember when i first ever got into poetry it was back in school when we were taught the format of haikus because i just loved them it was so interesting and so clever how you can tell so much and feel so much through such a small number of words and i really appreciate that i say as someone who loves flowery lyrical writing so thank you i cannot wait to read this one i'm not gonna say it but we know i'm all thinking it i'll add it to my june tbr i have a death wish okay we've got two left which are both chunky so i'm intrigued i never know whether it's just amazon doing stupid packaging or what oh that's such a good noise when it works well oh this one's gift wrapped as well the gift wrap is a lot of fun i'm not gonna lie it makes it feel very birthday oh my god who is this one from this is from can i open it stacy enjoy your gift happy birthday maddie thanks for being so amazing and always having such great content love all the amazing things you have going on on patreon also thank you stays oh my god oh i'm excited i'm excited just unwrapping it off camera so i can actually get in what have we got i have no idea oh my god it's actually wrapped again since when did amazon start doing this i kind of love it it's kind of nuts this i have yeah i had a suspicion from the weight from the heft yeah it is heart song by tj cloon this is um one of the books in the wolfe song series by tj clune which i haven't started yet but i plan to start this year perhaps i would love to and i'm rereading the extraordinaries this month so i'll probably get back into my love for tj clune and we'll pick this up and i'm so excited for this series it's werewolves it's gay i don't feel like i need to know anything else everyone says i'm gonna love it i think i'm gonna love it i cannot wait to pick up this series and just run through all the books so fast so thank you so much for sending this one okay we are on to the last chunky package i'm trying to hide my address on and i've lost my scissors under all the cardboard so i can't get into it oh no wherever i put my scissors my scissors are on the sofa behind me got it i would hold this up and open it but i'm already precarious enough when it comes to having things like scissors so i'm not going to make it more risky here we go right we're in let's see oh oh my gosh i'm being spoiled absolutely spoiled who is this from that's the note this is from it's from meg from 12 books a day oh my god um happy birthday gracing your father my first choice books if i was on my favorite but they wouldn't send to you amazon wishlist is an absolute pain i swear to god um i've heard nothing but good things about this book though so i hope you love it i am sure i will and that is god oh it's hefty i'll outsoy by darcy little badger i'm so excited this again i'm reading this for reasons later in the year and it is god it's beautiful isn't it oh god it's stunning absolutely stunning look at this oh beautiful oh i'm obsessed i cannot wait and also illustrations by ravina sai who is one of horovina kai i'm not sure but one of my favorite favorite illustrators um she's done illustrations of shawna maguire's books i have a patrick ness book illustrated by her just gorgeous and i love them thank you and then this is why i'm being spoiled we also have some lindors which make a scent which i i i do appreciate i really do i hope you like this kind of chocolate and if you don't know something is wrong with you good luck with your crazy being crazy busy and the readathon love meg thank you so much meg and i these will get eaten don't you worry these will get eaten okay so i i'm not even gonna try and pick up the stack because i will die i say that whilst trying to pick up the stack don't i mean you have to you have to try i'd feel bad if i didn't try i'm gonna regret this let's let's see how this goes for me this is what i'm realizing how ridiculous this is guys you are too much you are all too much oh my god i'm not even gonna manage half okay we're gonna have to do two stacks so this we're gonna go with this stack number one so thank you so much for all of those and i'm gonna do a second stack because i can't hold them all and then thank you so much for all of these this is crazy this is out we've got a hand caught under them this is in thank you all so much you do not want to see the mess i'm surrounded by right now as i said at the beginning the support throughout the whole of the last year has been insane both for my channel and then more recently for things like whatever thon it has just been incredible and i cannot explain how much i appreciate it and i love you all so much and thank you so much for being here and obviously thank you to every single person who sent me something for my birthday i have never in my life felt my birthday so much as like a birthday of fun opening stuff so that's been pretty cool but thank you so much i hope you enjoyed watching this video i definitely had a good time making it to say the least but that is it for this video as i finished filming i got an email from the front desk that there were more things so we're gonna keep going oh my god we've got three more to do so let's carry on you are all ridiculous you know that right but i love it oh my god we have more i hear a sunspot i've actually just ordered myself the first edition of this because it's been unavailable for ages and so you know not able to get it but i thought we have limit two from steph i've also checked the reading model with spoops so we're sorted happy birthday angel i really want to read this series i hope you enjoy love you tons steph love you steph thank you so much watch me read this whole series in june why why am i not capable of saying i'll read it any time later than this month i don't know but thank you steph this feels non-bookish and i'm intrigued is this this oh no it is a book it's just gift wrapped ooh intriguing ooh intriguing why is gift wrap so much fun who is this from this is from larissa oh my god happy birthday i like this one i hope you enjoyed this as much as i did larissa you've sent me you already sent me something mate dude thank you oh my god oh my god it's also it's green gift wrap this time mixing it up a little bit it's so pretty oh my god i'm excited this is second murder mark book artificial condition i'm so excited for this i very recently read the first one and adored it and it ends on a massive cliffhanger so i cannot wait to continue this series it was so good also that is how you do an inside flap that's so pretty oh yes also god why are two little hardbacks so cute i love them thank you so much larissa okay this one's heavy again and i don't know what it is other than heavy it's a big old box oh my god oh am i in i'm in okay oh my god what the hell appreciate myself in the face what why do i feel like this is also steph it is also steph that's why oh right pause pause first things first we have the electric air by victoria lee again with the unbelievably stunning bit i can't cope with these editions thank you so much steph oh my god oh it's so beautiful look at it i love it i love it so much and what have you done is it happy birthday beautiful it's imperative you have this edition obviously i hope you love it boo of course i do and then happy birthday everyone needs something sweet when they're reading or partying or you know whatever i love you have the best day what is this i'm so excited oh my god look at this i said she asked me what my favorite sweets were and i said honestly think anything fruity and fizzy i think i think she's checked that off pretty well oh my god sour twin cherries candy necklaces fizzy sour apples flying sauces sour watermelon slices mermaids oh that's interesting orange and lemons blue jelly babies funky fruits giant strawberries space mix cola bottles oh my god oh there's more there's so many more i have been so truly spoiled and i'm so excited about it yes i'm going straight in because i need to investigate further what is in here oh my god i'm in heaven okay okay i'm very happy right now oh my god you all know the ways in my heart sugar and books i'm so happy okay i'll stop eating for a minute but that is actually the video done now i cannot believe you all you are all too much and i love you so much but that is actually it now so thank you so much bye and i'll see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: book browsing blog
Views: 6,507
Rating: 4.9718308 out of 5
Keywords: book haul, unboxing, birthday haul
Id: sh8Wv-0AAvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 44sec (2924 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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