all the series I need to finish | 2021

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seriously if you knock over this camera you already moved my camera this is not where my shot was at hey oh my god hey what's up i'm ali and welcome back to my channel i thought i would do a series about series does that make sense so i wrote down some notes uh i'm going to do series that i need to finish which is what we're going to talk about today um series that i want to read all my finnish series sherry's series i won't be finishing and ongoing series that i am interested in kind of deal so like these are some video ideas that i have in mind but i thought you know what i have talked pretty and not really extensively but i've talked a lot over the past year or more about how i have serious commitment issues when it comes to series so i have started a lot of series because i really really love series and way back in the day i would just wait till a series was done and binge read them but then as i got more into booktube i felt like i was expected to keep up with doing releases and then it just got out of hand and i wasn't keeping up with the ongoing progress of a series because i have the memory of a bird my battery's gonna of course my battery's gonna die okay we back we back we good all right good to go there isn't really a whole lot of organization to this first i'm just going to tell you about the series that i'm currently in the middle of so one that i talked a lot about that i'm currently in the middle of and loving and just again serious commitment issues uh storm of locusts this is the second to trail of lightning this is actually called like the sixth world sixth world series i believe um but i really really really love this story and it is a navajo inspired mythology kind of dystopian world in its kick-ass and i love it and our main character is a monster slayer what's not to love why can't i finish it i am also in the middle of kingdom of flesh and fire which is the second um in the from blood and ash i always get the name wrong and i don't understand why but i think it's from the from blood and ash i believe that's the actual series title um but this is a more romance heavy and it just is thick hence why i don't think i have made it very very far in any time i sit down and read this it's for a long period of time because i think it's so darn good and addictive once i get into it but i just i look at it and i feel very overwhelmed the other one that i've just kind of recently started is we free the stars and i just i loved we hunt the flame so diggity dang are much that i went out and immediately bought this because i knew i needed to continue just so darn darn good a huntress who has this ability to go into like basically this dark forest and no one else returns but she returns um so she like has the skill to come in and out and whatnot and a witch shows up and is like i have a mission for you you need to go find this book a magic to return magic to the world and defeat this dark forest that's like continuing to grow and then we also follow an assassin i'm always down for an assassin point of view and he has been sent to kill her it's a slow burn romance and it is beautiful thank you all for recommending this to me because this was um recommended to me several times on twitter and i was like okay i gotta see what the hype's about and it's it's so good i'm waiting for we hunt the flame to come so i can go through and tab it because as i was going through it i was like this is a book that i want to tab so bad and i've already created a tabbing system for this one a series i love the tab series so i do have several middle grade series that i'm currently in the middle of uh the jumpies is one i do believe that this is a completed series i think there's at least three in the series but i really enjoyed the first one it's kind of a horror-esque children's book about the jumbies which are like a caribbean type myth and it is fascinating and kind of spooky at times and really great i tend to really love kids horror because i can't do a whole a halt i can't do adult horror that well but i love kids horror is the sisters grim i do believe that i am on like book five of this but i just don't own a copy hence why i'm not continued i am missing a few and i'm looking very specifically for certain editions so once i get that i'll probably get back into it this is also something that i read a little bit at a time because these are really silly they are like once upon a time for kids they are about these two girls who become detectives as these crimes are happening in a fairy tale world and it's just so much fun i just uh there's fart jokes and it's great anyone who tells you they don't like fart jokes is lying i don't own but want to continue be gone the raggedy witches i only have the last one in the trilogy left and so i really need to finish that it's a darker middle grade with magic and it was one of the scarier i would say middle grades that i read just because it was so depressing at times about this girl whose um family has been like kidnapped and so she goes into the woods and has to defeat these raggedy witches and it is intense the second one was super depressing because it's about like how basically depression can change who you are and like turn you into something unfamiliar kind of deal oh it's they're really good but also really really intense i think the only other one for middle grade is the cassidy blake series which is by v.e schwab and it is about a girl who goes and like she can see ghosts and naturally her parents are like ghost hunters but they don't know that she can see ghosts and so that's been a pretty fun series i just like to listen to those here and there they're not like my favorite thing but they are interesting to listen to so i think i i just haven't read the newest one because it was a recent release yeah that's it for my middle grade um this isn't really middle grade but i would classify it as like a bridge book because it is based on a middle grade series and that is the trials of apollo by rick riordan is you know based off of some of the characters in percy jackson i can't remember if percy jackson makes an appearance in this series or not but it this uh i'm on the i think this is book four and book five is also out series might actually be done but i have left off at book four so i actually really really enjoyed this series as i was reading it so i just need to get back into it i love just rick riordan's writing is just so addictive and it's fun and it's silly but it's also very informative and i feel like i just learned so much about mythology and even um like this one deals a lot with like roman time period and stuff as well so i've been really enjoying this series and so i need to get back into it it has spoiled because i did not know that there is like a reading order to things for some reason i was just thinking that this was just like a series that takes place in the same world at a different time um this does spoil the heroes of olympus series which i hadn't read so this series did spoil that for me just a heads up for anyone else who might be unfamiliar oldest ones on my shelf uh i have not finished the bonewitch series which the bonewitch was my favorite book the year that i read it so i don't i don't know i don't know what my deal is but the heart forager is the next one on my list and i believe that there are this is a trilogy so then there's one more after this and i do want to give the bone witch a reread at this point because it has been i think like five years since i read the bone witch the bone which was one of the first arcs i ever received and i absolutely loved it i have such fun memories of it and these covers are stunning so i just need to get back into it it is about a girl who is like a necromancy type witch um and they are very feared and we find out at the very beginning that she has been exiled but you don't know why so it's kind of looking back on how she's very feared but also they need her to survive because she's very rare and so it's about like her training and also it's a little a little bit of a love triangle i guess but like a very well done one and so um yeah that's fantastic good stuff really really good stuff and then another series that i just haven't continued is the beautiful this is the damned it's the second one i think the third one is coming out soon so i i might just wait because i think it is also going to be a trilogy and just wait for it to be done at this point i enjoyed the beautiful it wasn't like super exciting or over the top or anything like new to me but i did really enjoy it and so i am interested in the dam because it left off on quite the cliffhanger and i need to know what the heck the heck is gonna happen so this is a more romance heavy vampire story about a girl there's murders happening around her and they just keep happening around her and she also maybe has gotten involved with a vampire gang maybe possibly it's a lot of fun i have my wrappings on them so like forgive me who do girls of storm and shadow this is the sequel to girls of paper and fire this is an arc i've been thinking about getting a finished copy the only problem is is i had started this and not wasn't really enjoying it and i heard very mixed things about this so i was a little on the fence i do still want to continue it because girls are paper and fire i absolutely loved it is a much darker my fantasy about a young girl who was taken to the capitol to be basically a sex slave for the king i was very confused about the rankings of the world but as the book went on it was very good it was very action-packed and of course there's this constant underlying harshness to it however it is also a love story so she ends up falling in love with one of the girls that is there with her so uh this deals with the aftermath obviously what happened in the first one i think this was originally supposed to be a duology and it was since turned into a trilogy i don't know i always feel weird about books that were originally supposed to be like a certain set of books and then they get extended because i'm just like i'm nervous about the storyline because now are you gonna have to backtrack on the storyline and like undo some things are there gonna be holes that we gotta like what i'm nervous you know like this wasn't the og plan kinda deal and then i need to finish the anti-darkness series again another one that i just absolutely loved what the heck anti-darken is a vlad the impaler retelling but it is also a gender bender type story where vlad is a girl and we are actually looking at like her upbringing and how she has come to be and we're also following like her brother and whatnot it has been a long time since i read the first one so i would probably have to do a reread i do believe that i own the whole series i think this is actually the third one so i have the second one first one is anti-dark and then we have now i rise and then we have brightly burn so just i just need to get around to it i really um enjoyed this type of story so how many times am i gonna say i just really need to get around to it you know i don't think i have to say that every time what ally stop it these are all ones hello focus on me thank you uh these are all ones that i'm sure everyone rushed out to read and i just didn't because i'm lame that's it that's that's that likes that's my excuse but horror the ninth i really really enjoyed getting in the ninth i know my hesitation on this series mostly because getting the ninth was kind of a lot to get through it's a lot of brain work it took a lot more of my willpower to get through it even though i really enjoyed it it just was a lot sometimes i had to reread parts because i was like this doesn't really make sense to me but i'm going to try to make it work i need to continue on with this series because i love getting the ninth and it left off also on quite the cliffhanger so and i would love to get back into this world it is just such a dark and gritty and fantastic world speaking of dark and gritty and fantastic and also taking place in space they both take place in space i need to finish red rising this is probably the most shameful one to me because i would consider red rising like one of my all-time favorite series and i haven't even finished it what have i been doing so this is a sci-fi which is weird because i don't tend to uh i feel like i don't tend to like hardcore sci-fi but i've heard from hardcore sci-fi fans that they don't really like this so i'm wondering if it's because it's not really hardcore sci-fi do you know what i mean you following what i'm putting down no no one is anyway amanda so graciously sent me copies of this book and she has her own notes and whatnot in this and it made it even more fun i think again the problem with this one is that it does take a lot more brain power for me because it is more heavy sci-fi and that's just not something that i read a lot of so sometimes i find it a little more challenging i guess it's just not something that i'm used to this takes place in space and there is a ranking system people are born into like a color color system and it's like um red is at the bottom and gold is at the top and then there's like different layers and like what you do for a living is based on your color that you're born into blah blah blah blah and we follow daryl who is a red and he infiltrates gold to take down the system the first one is so good because it's like a really it's a crazy game and and just everyone is just cutthroat and amazing and i just love everyone so very much even the bad guys like i think was rooting for the bad guys at times because like they're written so well so i don't know what um it takes me just a really long time to get through these which is why and this one's just extra big and i do want to continue on because there is like a another series that continues on after this the original trilogy so i want to get to that and i need to i just i need to do a reread i think if anyone is planning a red rising reread at some point or just read along let me know i am intrigued i don't wanna i just don't wanna i um so yeah i have not continued the dark artifaces series i think this comes from a really big cassandra claire burnout for me anyway so then as these were coming out lady midnight came out and i was so disappointed in lady midnight they both made it onto my most like disappointing books of the year when i read those and i just like felt like it was the same story written over and over and over again so i was very hesitant i didn't really want to continue but the problem is that i can't help but eat up cassandra clare's stories it wasn't necessarily that i hated lady midnight it's just like i was bored with it like i was just bored with this constant retelling of like the same story just in a different setting with different characters but like the same thing over and over so i kind of stepped away from that and was just like you know i'm just gonna wait until she's done with her books because at this point she's already on to like a different series and we're so many books into that series and like i'll get to that eventually but they're all connected so like it's all a big thing i'm like i just wanted to write something new honestly at this point but anyway uh yeah i need to finish the dark artifaces i just have this one but obviously it's a chunker uh cigaroni and cheese book so scythe another one of my favorites i only have the toll left the very last one in this series and when i sit down and read these i absolutely love them if you don't know it takes place in like a utopian world you can't die unless you're killed by a science and we follow two characters that get chosen to be apprentices to a scythe and there's some perks to it but the problem is is that um like they can't both get it they can't both get the job and things happen but they are like kind of following in some of the other side's footsteps and seeing like how they make the decision that they do to kill who they kill and there's a lot of things happening but there's also like this cloud thing um that we're getting insight from and the cloud has its own agenda and it's something it is something so uh went down in the second one and so i need to get to the third one i picked it up and went to start it and just it didn't happen just didn't happen and then uh serpent and dove i do think i'm just going to wait because this is also another one i thought this was just going to be like a duology and i think this one also was announced to be longer this i'm not too sure that don't quote don't quote me i might have just made that up in my head but uh i do know the second one is out and i need to get around to it this was one that i really enjoyed i just like this as a fantasy romance it is about a witch who has to marry a witch hunter and i loved it i love this like it's not a fake marriage but like this appointed marriage and like it worked for me and i know there was a lot of people who were hating on this book when it came out because of a certain scene on a rooftop in the snow and like do you know teenagers they do not care that's all i'm gonna say so i'm gonna say so we have one it is a continuation and i just conti consider those like part of just the overall series and that is king of scars this takes place in the grisha world so i just couldn't consider it a continuation instead of like a series all its own so i do need to start this i had heard mixed things when this came out but i am now more intrigued than ever after hearing some not quite spoilers but just like general talk about the series and now i'm just like i need to know like i need to know what happened i need to know another series so i started this series and i actually won the whole trilogy from the author the author was doing a giveaway and so these are customized to me and i really enjoyed the first one the first one it was something bastards was this the first this is the first one is it is this the first one no royal bastard okay so the first one in this is royal bastards then we have city of bastards and then there's war of bastards and i really enjoyed the first one when i read it and at the time the rest of the series hadn't come out so i was just waiting for that to come out and then it just got like shoved under a bunch of other things on my tbr and got pushed to the side and then when i saw the author was doing a giveaway i got really excited because i really enjoyed the first one so anyway as i was saying this is just another series that i got to get around to and what else do we have i think this is the last one that i have to show you and for some reason i grabbed both of these so i loved absolutely loved gilded wolves and so i need to get around to the silver serpents and just continue uh this is a very awesome fantasy type world it's magical and the magic is described so beautifully and it is a heisty type book and there are characters that i absolutely adore we have a very troubled like gang leader and a love interest that like wants nothing to do with him and i love it i love it i eat it up and just a very awesome friend dynamic everyone's got like their own powers and whatnot and it just works so well so i just need to continue because i loved heist stories uh fantasy high stories to be exact so this is a very interesting i had been sitting behind a candle for like two years and they have since taken on the smell of the candle fascinating now i do have a few that i don't own queens of orinthia series the first one i think is queen of blood maybe i enjoyed that and i was interested enough to see where it went i've heard that the series gets better as it goes on i don't remember much about the first one except for we have a girl who is training i believe and going to the castle to become part of like um the queen's army wow maybe should probably i should probably get a refresher on that i do own the ebook um i probably would get a physical copy so i can tab it up because i like to tap my series the themis feminist files i think is what it's called but the first one is oh wait no wait yeah waking gods is that the first one sleeping giants is the first one um i need to continue that series because that one was fantastic i love the audiobook of that one because it's a full cast narration and there's like sound effects and it's so very awesome but it is a sci-fi story about um they come across like this giant metal something the the parts of it like the element that it is made of doesn't even exist on earth so we're like what the heck have we stumbled upon so it is about like these researchers looking into what this thing is and what it means for the world and if it is a weapon of mass destruction or not and it is also mostly about like their personal relationships with each other and the the dynamics between them and the dramatics of it all when i just eat it up have a river of royal blood i do own the first one but i don't know where it's at i mean i know where i don't know where the cover is at so like i was just gonna show you a picture anyway but i didn't enjoy this one it is about two sisters and basically when they turn 18 they have to try to kill each other to get the throne and of course we follow the one sister who um has a magic that like everyone is very scared of and whatnot but her sister has the power of like persuasion so it's like how do you fight someone who can persuade you to do literally anything so it is about that her training and not wanting to use her magic because it is a blood magic and it just is like nothing but death and destruction and so she is kind of trying to find a way that like why do they have to do this and why is this tradition and things like that it's just it's good stuff so i need to find the second one i'm hoping there's like a special edition because mine's a special edition and i'm gonna like continue anyway and then i think uh the last one is uh for china for to fortuna for tuna s'more i can i feel like i say it wrong every time fortuna sworn which is a very heavy uh fae romance series and i read the first two the first one was very interesting i do think that it is extremely similar to a court of thorns and roses this girl ends up marrying her brother is has gone missing she gets a lead about where her brother is and basically has to marry this fae and he takes her to the fey world where her brother is at it is an extremely brutal world um much more so than a court of thorns and roses i will say that but she has to go through some trials you see you see how they relate so there's that and then the second one um i will admit was pretty sloppy but the characters are written so well and it's so action-packed that i just like did not care and was just like give me more and it ends on the biggest cliffhanger ever and i was like you can you can't leave me hanging like that so i need to continue the series to know what the hickety heck happens to this character start all the series i need to continue there's probably more i am working on like a series spreadsheet so hopefully i will get that done i plan on doing like a live working on it on twitch at some point i have an announcement on twitter when i plan on doing that if you are interested if you didn't know that i have a twitch it will be linked down below i do games and chit chatty stuff there so yeah if you're ever interested in just hanging out with me live that's where i'll be i hope that you all have liked this let me know if you've read any of these series which ones i should maybe prioritize over others or if there's any other series suggestions that you have for me i don't need anymore but i sure will help keep going so anyway i hope that you all have liked this video don't forget to subscribe to see future videos from me thanks for watching i will see you next time
Channel: HardbackHoarder
Views: 6,937
Rating: 4.9614644 out of 5
Keywords: books, book, bookish, booktube, hardback hoarder, hardbackhoarder
Id: G6J-JhPbMjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 36sec (1536 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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