Inside The Crazy Rich World Of Isha Ambani

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many people would be content to kick back and relax as a billionaire heiress but yo Ambani is not one of them she's gone above and beyond to make a name for herself and also step out of her parent's shadows today we're gonna be talking about ishes fabulous life and how she got to be where she is today now let's dive into the extravagance of aja Ambani before we learn about how YCJA Ambani came to become the woman she is today let's talk about where she came from Aisha is the daughter of Mukesh and Nita Ambani for some of the richest people on the planet just how much spending money do these two have to work with there are many wealthy and powerful people in the world and Mukesh Ambani is one of the most prominent among them for over a decade he's been listed as one of the richest people by Forbes magazine and on their list of the most powerful people he's the only Indian businessman to earn a mention as of July 2018 his net worth was estimated to be about forty four point three billion dollars and he's considered to be the wealthiest person in the entire world who does not reside in either of North America or Europe so what we're trying to say is this guy is absolutely filthy rich in fact he and his family could easily never work a day in their lives despite eventually moving into his billion-dollar estate known as the Antilia building Mukesh grew up in a surprisingly modest environment his father started out trading spices before eventually moving on to textiles and raised his family in a modest 2-bedroom apartment in Mumbai India Mukesh has two sisters and a brother so things were a little bit cramped to say the least like many of us Mukesh was forced to rely on public transportation and dreamed of someday receiving an allowance however his father's business soon began to flourish keeping Mukesh the opportunity to attend the Institute of chemical technology Matunga where he obtained a degree in chemical engineering later on Mukesh attended Stanford University and set his sights on obtaining an MBA but surprisingly the brilliant businessman would ever actually finish obtaining his higher education his father believed that the best way to acquire life skills was to get your hands dirty and experience things in the real world so Lucas dropped out of school to take over a yarn manufacturing project at his father's company still Mukesh insists that his time at Stanford was still valuable and many of his professors encouraged him to think outside the box and mukesh did just that greatly increasing the production capabilities and profitability of his father's business eventually he went on to purchase the IPL cricket team the Mumbai Indians for the price of one hundred and eleven point nine million dollars this move earned Mukesh the title of the world's richest sport team owner before he passed away in 2002 Mukesh his father did him one last kindness he introduced him to the love of his life his father met Anita during a dance performance and knew she would be a perfect match for his son Mukesh however the two had some issues early in their courtship with Mukesh as a bustling businessman and Nita a schoolteacher the two struggled to find time with one another it took me to some time to adjust to Mukesh's flashy lifestyle and she often insisted they travel by bus instead of driving in his extravagant Mercedes even after they were finally married Mukesh supported the fact that Nita did not want to give up her teaching career eventually Mukesh Anita moved into the 27-story Antilia building which is considered the world's most expensive residential property following right behind Buckingham Palace just the keep up on his place alone requires a staff of 600 people to take care of the 160 car garage 3 helipads private movie theater swimming pool and more mukesh anita would eventually have three children two sons and one daughter named aja Ambani being the only girl child in the family meant that aja got a lot of attention growing up she was reportedly her grandfather's favorite grandchild and he would start out each and every day by looking at a photo of her before breakfast being the daughter of the billionaire chairman of Reliance industry would be enough for some people but Asia refused to let her father's success define her instead she decided to make her mark on the world in her own way rather than settling for her father's accomplishments Ayesha decided to attend the prestigious Yale University where she received an undergraduate degree in psychology and South Asian Studies but before she could graduate Aisha was expected to make her society debut when she was 20 years old and a senior at Yale her father mukesh presented her at the formal new ball des debutantes in Paris the lavish event was hosted at the Hotel de Creole the definition of a luxury hotel which has hosted the event for decades while each had plenty to do in order to prepare for the ball her father had some things to take care of as well in order to present his beloved daughter properly Bhupesh took some ballroom dancing and etiquette classes before the event mukesh had long mastered the art of business but presenting his daughter at a formal ball was something else entirely and he wanted to make sure everything was perfect for Isha Mukesh and his wife Nita escorted Asia to the Place de la Concorde to attend the event each year the proceeds from the Lebel de debutante goes to a different charity and this particular year it would benefit the children in Asia charity which helps children in Southeast Asia in 2012 the opening dance was performed by Sophia Rowe Stallone who was accompanied by her famous father Sylvester Stallone instead of a tuxedo mukesh wore in Indian a hero jacket and his wife Nita wore a beautiful Indian sari for her debut Isha was dressed in a positively immaculate gown by Christian Dior but making appearances at glamorous parties wasn't all YCJA did prior to graduating from Yale while home on a holiday break Asia spoke with her father about the importance of broadband internet she managed to convince Mukesh that without it India would be left behind in the dust according to Mukesh Asia's ideas were what inspired him to launch Geo infocom limited more commonly referred to as Geo which has its own 4G smartphone brand named since its launch geo has maintained a top-five spot in India's telecommunication services Aisha was accomplishing no shortage of amazing things even before she graduated from college having a father who owns a massively successful corporation means that many people expected Asia to start working for Reliance Industries immediately but she had other things in mind upon graduation she took on a position with McKinsey & Company located in New York many people believed this career move was strategic on her part and that she hoped to learn some skills and strategies to take with her when she eventually moved over to Reliance Industries to us Outsiders Asia making a pit stop on her way to the family business may seem strange but it's actually common many heirs and heiresses take on other prominent positions before ultimately joining the family business after all it's a great way to learn new ideas and ways of thinking that can be brought into the existing business and among such positions consulting is a popular option since it gives employees exposure to things like day-to-day operations finance strategy and more it's clear that Isha doesn't take her family's business for granted and wants to make sure she earns her place and is able to make contributions but there was a time when she wasn't sure if she would follow in her father's footsteps in fact she wondered if she might follow her mother Nita into the world of teaching but deep down Asia admits she knew she would eventually be working in the family business her parents raised her to believe that family always comes first and she feels that extends to her both personally and professionally eventually she joined her father's company but being the boss's daughter comes with its own set of challenges she claims the pressure put upon her is immense as all eyes are on each and every move she makes Ayesha feels as though she has to work twice as hard as the average employee and that people are always expecting her to fail but thankfully Asia's time there has been successful so far and she even oversaw the launch of Geo the service now has over 120 million subscribers when a to business ayesha isn't one to play it safe and believes the more ambitious the project the better geo helped bring India into the digital age and Isha also works on the subsidiary reliance retail which is India's largest retail company she launched a Geo an online fashion retailer which sells a mix of Western and traditional Indian clothing not only is Asha doing her part to help her family but she hopes to be an inspiration to other women as well India has one of the largest gender gaps in the world in terms of economic participation with women making up only 23 percent of the workforce Ayesha says she hopes her career will help encourage more Indian women to join the work force and she wants to create a welcoming environment for them she's the first to acknowledge that she's lived a very privileged life but she firmly believes this makes her responsible for giving back to her community she helped start the Reliance Foundation's digital education program which helps teachers in rural parts of India gain important information on a digital platform he knows that access to technology can greatly improve people's lives and she wants to make sure as many people have it as possible there's no doubt that Asia has lived a remarkably unique life but she managed to find a partner who grew up in similar circumstances Ayesha and Anand Parimal grew up together and his father as chairman of the pyramid group both Asia and Anand are involved in their parents companies and graduated from Ivy League schools after graduating from Harvard Business School on and began to companies of his own in addition to becoming the executive director of pur amo enterprises it seems like these two are as close to a perfect match as you can possibly get to say the wedding of Asia and Anand will be a lavish affair is perhaps the understatement of the century to put things into perspective think for a moment about the highly publicized wedding between Prince Charles and Diana in today's dollars that wedding cost about 100 ten million dollars the wedding between Asia and Anand is reported to cost nearly as much an estimated 100 million dollars the wedding will be a week-long affair involving celebrity guests such as Beyonce politicians including Hillary Clinton and many other big names some Brides arranged a hotel block for their guests but this wedding requires at least five five-star hotels to hold everyone the ceremony itself will be held in new Cash's home the incredible and Tilia building in Mumbai while the following events will occur in this city of Jaipur although this is clearly a star-studded event with no expense spared the people of uh die poor will benefit as well Asia's family has donated a massive amount of food enough to feed 5100 people three meals a day for four days in addition to feeding the masses they'll also be entertaining them with a bazaar featuring 108 traditional Indian pieces of artwork by local artisans it's not quite a private concert performed by Beyonce but we're guessing the people of uh die poor won't be complaining what do you think about the exciting life of issa Ambani is she just another wealthy heiress or are you impressed by what she's accomplished so far hear your thoughts with us in the comment section and then click on the subscribe button to get access to the latest videos from us here at the taco thanks for watching we'll see you again next time
Channel: TheThings Celebrity
Views: 3,596,127
Rating: 4.632144 out of 5
Keywords: TheTalko, life, story, world, Isha Ambani, Anand Piramal, Reliance Group, business, wedding, marriage, family, engagement, Beyoncé, Mukesh Ambani, celebs, Yale University.
Id: gRo8Anrx5Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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