HTB Live Stream | 11.30am Sunday 3rd October

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[Music] it starts with prayer igniting something in our hearts sparking revival from within like the fire under a volcano reminding again of just how deeply we are loved our hearts overflowing with a joy so great we can't keep it to ourselves spurring us to action stirring our hearts for justice moving us to generosity a hope that catches and grows between us each of us are linked in a chain of our own unique purpose united in a common course we want to see the hungry fed help those struggling with financial burdens bring hope into prisons empower a rising generation worship together in person and in spirit grow together in our faith strengthen relationships and see a thriving church in every community most of all we want to invite our friends our city and the world to meet with jesus we believe that worship is more than what we do on a sunday morning we can reach our city one prayer one joyful moment and one gift at a time our god is on the move and with us all together playing our part we believe we'll see the evangelization of the nation the revitalization of the church and the transformation of society welcome to htv we are so pleased that you have joined us with us joined us with us my name is jess my name's tom and it's great to be back thanks so much to luis and ryan for filling in while i was on my little hiatus lovely hiatus good to be back with you all it's good to be back in the studio um hello welcome um if you would like to access this stream in bsl british sign language as always um you can do so by clicking on the link that will be appearing in the chat now and the lovely dion will um is there and ready and waiting for you that's right just head to forward slash live stream and um dion will be there to help you with that and today we've got two chat hoes we've got james ray who's in the chat we all know james and love james we've got a new chat host looking after hdb church today so ollie is there say hi to ollie will you give him a little wave and i'm sure hdb church could send a little wave emoji um i realized it didn't say his name but it is ollie there you go you know who the chat hosts are because they've got a little spanner by the side of their name and they're looking after any questions you've got during the service yes we've got a great service lined up today um we've got catherine chow our associate vicar speaking to us it's gonna be fantastic and she's talking on acts four that's right it's gonna be wonderful um but before that shall we pray please do jess please do heavenly father i thank you so much for this service today and i thank you that you can meet with us and connect with us wherever we are um lord i pray that you fill us with your holy spirit now in jesus name amen [Music] till i met [Music] [Music] glorious day [Music] is thank you jesus [Music] leo [Music] and i ran out of that place [Music] is [Music] glorious day come on foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now your love is [Music] [Music] into your glorious day oh thank you jesus thank you hey can i celebrate the name of jesus in the house today he's worthy jesus [Applause] [Music] people come together strangest neighbors [Music] children of generations [Music] of every nation hold your head apart don't fear [Music] so take courage hold on be strong remember where our head comes from [Applause] [Music] [Applause] see [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] god is [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] repeat the [Music] his name is [Music] [Applause] [Music] his name is [Music] all this his name is jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] holy [Music] his name is [Music] [Music] and [Music] oh he is [Music] oh he is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] be the wind inside myself [Applause] [Music] oh he is [Music] so we'll praise you now and forever [Music] let me down you're never gonna [Music] me down [Music] [Music] you're never gonna live you're never gonna [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are good you are good jesus oh in every season and in every challenge [Music] you [Music] [Music] lord you are good even in times of difficulty and trial you are good and we worship a good god [Music] and we know that your promises are good and we thank you for your reassurance and your love afresh today in jesus name amen would you like to see be seated as we continue to pray [Music] lord we want to pray for all the students that are coming into the country from all over the place into london but into cities all over who are starting their student days and we pray for them that you they would find a home in churches that many of them will come here and discover a faith in you where they can blossom and feel that they are part of the family of god we want to pray too for alpha as it continues thank you for an amazing week last week and for all the people who came either online or in person to discover more about the christian faith we want to pray for everybody who is struggling and finding life difficult we pray for women particularly who may be feeling unsafe due to this trial of sarah everard again but we thank you that you are our god you are our refuge and strength and ever-present help in times of trouble amen amen and as we start black history month we want to thank you lord for all those heroes of the faith like martin luther king who've gone before us who paved the way help us to follow their example and to continue the fight for equality diversity inclusion in our society we pray lord for general synod the election is coming up and we pray that there will be a greater diversity and inclusion uh in the leadership of our church in jesus name amen groups live started uh last tuesday and if you're not in a group were you going to say something nikki oh well only just to welcome the people who are uh joining us uh online you are so welcome it is lovely that we are online and you can watch us at home as well as being in the place here and it's so much better to be in the place because it's you know the spirit of the lord is here and in your home the spirit of the lord is in your house of course of course he is but you can join us again on tuesday if you like we would love that and what's happening on tuesday pips do you know the bishop of kensington is going to be speaking up groups live we've been joining just for this for four weeks all the connect groups are joining to on tuesday evenings to have a talk input this time from graham tomlin our bishop and then you have uh discussions in your own groups and if you're not in a home group you can form one you can get a few friends gather together and just if you're online you can do that as well you can do that as well and join us on tuesday night and then what about what's happening on wednesday pips too much excitement in one week there's alpha then on wednesday it started last week yes thank you for the little weep and in person so after all this time for so long in person last week and it's going to be there here again on wednesday evening at seven o'clock and online at 7 30 and it was wonderful to see the church full again with people and so many people joining online too it's really exciting so come along if you've never done alpha we'd love to have you how was your group pips fantastic you were there and um and it was just such an exciting group we met some wonderful people from all over the place who are on this journey of faith and what could be more exciting than that exactly [Laughter] [Applause] so today is one of the most exciting days of the year we do this twice a year we have uh gift day and there's a lot of myths about htb and one of them is that hdb is a rich church actually it is only all the riches such as there are in your hands because we don't keep reserves anything more than we need for the charity commission and so on but we we don't have some pile of money somewhere uh it's all in your hands and we are totally dependent on your giving so if you stop giving we close down it's as simple as that second myth is that hdb is funded by the church of england that would be so wonderful if that was the case in fact it's the opposite we pay a voluntary tax although it's not voluntary because we have to pay it and it's about including all this you know we're six sites 11 different services we pay 333 000 that's nearly a third of a million every year to support churches in more deprived areas and actually we're delighted to do that because it is more blessed to give than to receive third myth is that hdb is funded by the sale of alpha resources again that would be wonderful if it was the case but it's a myth three percent of the needs of alpha international three percent are funded by the sale of resources zero percent of the needs of of hdb are funded by the sale of alpha resources fourth myth is the only one there's a slight element of truth involved in and that is that the sums involved are so large that my contribution won't make any difference the bit that's true is the sums involved are very large that's because you're all doing so much stuff so many amazing things that you're all involved in love your neighbor 18 million meals across the country through an initiative that started here [Applause] this is the home of alpha which uh this is alfred international is based here the home the home of alpha and alpha international there are 30 20 000 churches and over the last few years 30 million people have done alpha around the world that's again that's all thanks to you this is all the things that you are involved in and that you are making possible so the sums involved are very large but the bit that's the myth is therefore my contribution won't make any difference that's like saying an election i'm not going to vote because my vote won't count in fact it's it's much more than that because uh in in an election your vote is one of like 30 000 in the constituency in this case there are 1769 individuals and families who give regular monthly giving of an average of 213 pounds a month and that is the foundation of what happens in this church and it's everybody involved and that's what i'm going to ask you to consider and and of you those of you who are online who think of this as your church the best way to give is by regular monthly giving and we're going to have an offering which we hope everyone will be involved in and we'll explain to you online how you can do that from the comfort of your own home if you would like to uh but we are going to have a time of celebration and amazing fun giving giving here is always fun celebratory because it is more blessed to give than to receive and because it's so amazing to see what the blessing you bring to other people through your giving you may remember a few weeks ago we had a special collection for uh to go to to world vision and the work that they're doing in in afghanistan and this is always i was i wish you could see that all the like the thank yous that come from around the world to the thank you from all over this country from people in the congregation who've been blessed because of your giving here's just one example from that little offering that we had a few weeks ago take a look at this i'm assuming the national director of world vision afghanistan this is a message for nikki pipa gumbel and all of you at holy trinity brampton church andrew just told me of your incredibly generous response to our afghanistan appeal raising over 13 000 pounds at your sunday services we are moved most importantly i know the children of afghanistan are grateful because you are literally saving lives and you are bringing the hope of christ to children who need us now more than ever 2.7 million people are starving in afghanistan with many malnourished children the money you have raised can provide enough food for 100 families including children for the entire month along with this it can help them buy hygiene kits and medical supplies and equipments for our mobile health teams to support the most vulnerable children we want to make sure that we help every afghan child to realize his or her own dreams thank you once again for your generous support our speaker today is catherine chao the associate vicar of htb and the service pastor of this service so please would you give a very warm welcome to the reverend catherine chao [Applause] good morning today i want to talk to you about the power of generosity i have to admit and confess that i've not been feeling very generous this week partially because at the forefront of my mind i'm aware that my little car only has a third of a tank of petrol left and i've been walking around the area trying to find a petrol station but this was what i saw basically every day this week the pumps are empty and i don't think i'm going to be filling up my tank any time soon one of the most fascinating things that i've been thinking about in this pandemic is how we as humans respond to scarcity i remember my aunt in hong kong calling my mom in london in january of 2020 and she was in a complete panic and this is she said to my mom you need to go out right now and buy a 20 kilo bag of rice and you also need to buy as much toilet roll as you can because there's going to be a worldwide shortage and you need to get on it now so um you can imagine what happens next is my mum comes barreling towards me and she says i need you to drive me to the supermarket right now so that we can buy the biggest bag of rice and fit as much toilet roll in the car now many of you have not met my mum but she is someone that you do not want to mess with but i i turned to my mom and i i refused i told her to stop being crazy and to calm down i said we were not going to run out of rice we were not going to run out of toilet roll and we were not going to see the supermarket shelves empty it just wasn't gonna happen and i think you know how the story ends because two months later in this nation all of those things happened i looked briefly into the psychology of panic buying that it's basically a human response to environmental stresses around us so when things happen like a war or a pandemic or a natural disaster we tend to respond to negative emotions like fear or panic or anxiety or uncertainty or lack of trust by taking our own action steps we want to control the crisis and that means we panic by we hoard and we stockpile that is how we try and cope and how we try to regain control last week nikki mentioned that it's time to rebuild it's time to rebuild our lives it's time to rebuild our community and it's time to rebuild our nation but how do we rebuild our lives how do we rebuild our community what is this community supposed to look like and who is god calling us to be not just individualistically but collectively as a community and i think there are some lessons for us to learn from the early church in fact i never think it's a bad idea to go back to the beginning to look at our startup story once again and today we're going to look at acts 4 verses 31-37 and it says this after they prayed the place where they were meeting was shaken and they were all filled with the holy spirit and spoke the word of god boldly all the believers were one in heart and mind no one claimed that any of their possessions was their own but they shared everything they had with great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the lord jesus and god's grace was so powerfully at work in them that all there was no needy person among them for from time to time those who own land or houses sold them bought the money from the cells and put it at the apostles feet and it was distributed to anyone who had need joseph a levite from cyprus whom the apostles called barnabas which means son of encouragement sold a field he owned and bought the money and put it at the apostles feet how do we as a community respond during a time of scarcity well i think the first thing that we're called to is to be a community that is radically dependent and trusts in god it says here in verse 31 that after they prayed the place where they were meeting was shaken and they were all filled with the holy spirit and spoke the word of god boldly what you do reflects what you really believe who do you believe god really is if you believe god is real which is only really made possible by the power of the holy spirit then prayer becomes the first response in every crisis in your life prayer becomes the first response in every crisis in our community and in our nation prayer is the marker of faith when we pray we are reminded that we are created to be in relationship with god choosing to pray means that we choose to look to god and not to ourselves i have been raised and trained to be self-sufficient so i find it really hard to be dependent on god in fact i would say that it is a battle every day to depend on god to trust god and to pray i grew up on a council estate in london and my dad used to work for british telecom and some of you may recall that during the 90s bt had several rounds of redundancies and when i was a child one day i overheard my parents talking in the living room and they were talking about what would happen if my dad lost his job my dad was the sole breadwinner in our family he had three young children and he was also financially responsible for my grandma so he would still send money back to hong kong and as my dad was talking about what would happen if he lost his job i could hear my mum panicking i could hear the fear in her voice and i remember as a child praying to god desperately that my dad wouldn't lose his job and because of my parents experience immigrating to this country growing up i was taught to work hard to make practical choices and to do everything that i possibly could to ensure that i had financial security because to not have financial security is to be in a place of vulnerability i was taught not to be financially dependent on anyone to not be a financial burden on anyone else and if i'm honest i have a very complex relationship with money i ended up moving to new york and practicing law there and i made partner when i was 29 and when i started to make money the experience of scarcity when i was growing up made it really hard for me not to want to hoard my money or to view my money as my ultimate form of security in life if i'm honest money became an idol i spent so much time thinking about it that it began to control me it began to enslave me i used to think that i could make money and buy lots of stuff and that stuff would make me happy but actually after the initial buzz all of that stuff just left me empty i remember in 2008 when the economy collapsed and we faced one of the most significant financial crisis since the great depression i looked out of my office window on the 16th floor in new york city and as i looked down at the street i could see people walking out of their offices with cardboard boxes because they had lost their jobs and if i'm honest i felt completely shaken i felt fear i felt panic and i was brought back to that childhood memory i felt vulnerable i felt powerless and i felt totally out of control you may be feeling vulnerable fearful and anxious today at all the uncertainty in life you're not sure what the future holds but today i want to encourage you that even though you feel fear you can still choose faith every day i still feel fear but i choose faith over fear you can cry out to god you can be totally honest with him god is not helpless god is not powerless god hears your prayers and he knows your needs the early church faced difficult times they faced persecution and attack and i'm sure they faced real times of scarcity but their first response was to pray because they looked to god as their father their protector and their ultimate provider when they prayed the holy spirit filled them and enabled them to know that god was still in control despite their circumstances god is your father and he cares for you it's one thing to believe that in your head it's another thing to know that in your heart which only the holy spirit can make a reality but god cares about your heart he wants to encounter you today and remind you that he is with you and that he cares about you he doesn't want you to look to money to be the source of your identity and security he wants you to look to him to be the source of your identity and security you are a child of god the church is filled with the holy spirit and two things happen as a result of their experience of god's presence and his love they talk about jesus and the way they see their money and possessions radically changes i don't know who needs to hear this today but you are so loved you are loved so much that god sent his son to die for you on the cross it cost god everything it costs god his son the cross is the ultimate sign of generosity jesus gave up everything for you he spared nothing he experienced scarcity so that you might experience spiritual abundance he was separated from god so that you never have to be separated from god jesus came he lived he died he rose again and he is still at work today the apostles testified to the resurrection of jesus christ jesus is still alive he is at work today and he lives within you by the power of his holy spirit and he loves you love is deeply sacrificial you give to what you love and i think every day we face a choice we get to choose what our lives are ultimately going to be about jesus himself said that no one can serve two masters you cannot serve both god and money one has to come first what is money well money is a measure of exchange this is a measure of exchange are you going to be defined by this is your life going to be about the pursuit of this or actually is there a different measure of exchange because this is a measure of exchange when you look at the cross you know that you are a child of god your brokenness is exchanged for his wholeness every day this measuring of exchange tells me that i am loved i am a child of god and i belong to god and not ultimately to this world my dad passed away quite suddenly five years ago and he was 64 years old he was going to retire at 65 after working for bt for over 30 years and i still believe that my childhood prayer that god would would stop my dad from losing his job was somehow hurt but we all thought that we would have a lot more time with dad i watched my dad leave this world and take absolutely nothing with him and it was a wake-up call for me because i had to ask myself some very tough questions what was i really living for whose kingdom was i really building grief gave me clarity it made me think about the legacy i want to leave i don't want to assume that i have all the time in the world life is fragile the pandemic has shown us that life is fragile i want to spend my time solving problems that really matter so many people are lost right now desperate for hope looking for purpose and we believe that true belonging true meaning true hope and true purpose can only be found in the person of jesus and i don't ever want to stop talking about it that is probably why we will never stop running alpha here at htb but every day it isn't easy to talk about jesus i don't always feel brave i struggle all the time i don't have all the answers i feel inadequate most of the time but that's okay because even when we feel weak that just means that god's power is on greater display the early church was radical i love it in verse 32 it says all the believers were one in heart and mind there was unity and diversity there was genuine friendship and love across lots of different people the early church was full of people from all different backgrounds it was ethnically and racially diverse it was social economically diverse it had rich people and poor people it had educated people and uneducated people it had men and women and this was totally radical at the time the surrounding culture couldn't figure out what could draw together such a diverse group of people how could these people coexist together the greek philosophers at the time said that you can only have friendship with social equals so that you stayed in your class you would be friends exchange benefits help people out in the same class in the same race but the church was different class barriers were broken racial barriers were broken gender barriers were broken because the holy spirit broke these barriers down what could possibly bring all these people together well the only person who can do that is jesus the grace that jesus offers is open to anyone and everyone everyone is welcome we are called to be a community that is radically generous the early church spoke about jesus and they saw their money and possessions in a radically different way this community was radically generous no one claimed that any of their possessions was their own but they shared everything they had and because of god's grace there was no needy person among them from time to time people who own land or houses sold them and bought the money to the apostles feet and it was distributed to anyone who was in need and this is a pretty big deal because in that time land and possessions meant everything i mean owning a property in london is still a pretty big deal today but in that time it was all about inheritance it was all about passing on your wealth to your children it was all about the biological family but as this group of people called god their father they saw themselves adopted into a wider family there were single people there were widows there were orphans there were married people everyone belonged in this wider community people who didn't have a biological family were able to be part of god's family wealthy christians in the early church gave sacrificially because they'd experienced god's love their worldview completely changed they looked at everything through the lens of god's love and their attitude to their possessions was radically transformed because of the love they had found in jesus the early church loved their neighbors as they loved themselves and they gave to anyone who was in need it was both generous and sacrificial the early church loved people and used things they didn't love things and use people [Applause] there are two men in the book of acts that i have to admit are my personal heroes and these two people are people who embody radical generosity and the reason why they're my heroes is because i think generosity really is the most attractive quality and the two people are barnabas and cornelius in acts 4 barnabas known as a son of encouragement sold a field and bought the money and put it at the apostles feet and in acts 10 cornelius who is a centurion in the italian regiment which means that he's probably ripped um he and his family were devout and they were god-fearing cornelius gave generously to those in need and prayed to god regularly when i grow up i want to be like cornelius barnabas and cornelius simply point us to the most generous and attractive person that ever walked the face of the earth jesus and the most encouraging thing is that the holy spirit who lives within us is always working to help us become more and more like jesus to grow in generosity to to grow in love to grow in our kindness and compassion but it is a lifelong process for many years i have tried to understand why so many people love football i know nothing about football but i've asked many people i've heard that football brings people together it is full of excitement people eat and they drink and they love watching their team win you know for some people football is an obsession they eat sleep and drink football i'm clearly on a process of understanding that but um i think there is a difference between being a fan and being a player if you ask any fan i'm sure they would do anything to have the opportunity to be a player to be part of the team there is a difference between being a spectator and being on the team if you ask sir alex ferguson the former manager of man united he would probably say that on the team everyone matters from the coaches to the club owner to the players to the person who serves the food in the canteen to the person who mows the grass on the football field to the person who sells the tickets in the booth everyone matters on the team the christian life is all about being on the team and not about being a spectator it is about every single person playing their part you know god is interested in your heart more than anything else he just cares about your heart he cares about you he cares about what you need but let us be known as a community that exercises radical faith and trust in god that will never stop talking about jesus and let us be a community that is radically generous with everything that we have our time our talents and our treasures in jesus name amen [Applause] [Music] brilliant oh look look 50 pound note that's a lot of money catherine i'll just slip it in my pocket now we come to the fun bit we come to the giving bit and those of you online that will be explained that will team will explain to you exactly what you can do and i'm going to explain to you in a moment what we can do and what pepper and i are going to do uh we'll give you i will show you what we're doing and we love you all to be involved in this if you want to know what you're giving to if you go to the hdb website you can just google it online go hdb church go to our website you'll see the vast range of activities that all of you are involved in in love your neighbor in all the other things in in groups in alpha and just an amazing amazing range of of activities that that this church is involved in through you through the shelter the night shelter the day shelter debt counselling just a vast range of social transformation revitalizing churches across the country planting churches just a vast amount of things if you want to know the absolutely like penny by penny what every penny you're spending there are accounts at the back of church which you can pick up and digest if you would like to if you just want a general opinion opinion uh general uh look at it then you can go to the website and there are so many things and one of the things i mentioned earlier on is that htv is not just the local church it's also the home of alfred international which has 20 000 churches running out for 30 million people doing it and again i there's one of my frustrations is that i i'd love you to see all the things that i get to see all the thank you letters to the people who are thankful to you because it's because of you that all this is possible and it's literally all over the world just this week i came across this video we're doing we were doing a conference for alpha uh in the catholic church and and i saw this video so i thought i'll show it to you this is one of the millions of things that you're involved in and make possible here's one [Music] my name is brother jason vergara from the life of jesus family a catholic charismatic community here in the philippines when alpha came to the sin in our community it's like a bomb a nuclear atomic bomb to our community because we grow we grow we grow and we expand [Music] so [Music] i've seen a lot of young people right now who are lost and they don't know what to do and they they don't know their purpose and i always remind them during the course that your purpose in life is to love god and to serve god so for a year i was able to establish 66 alpha group and we are in the second year right now so right now we have 70 groups of alpha as of the moment and counting and i praise god alpha alpha is the missing ingredients especially to our community however my dear friends you are wondering what's your role in this world just look to christ and serve others and if ever you are wondering what's your future just look to christ and serve others because only in christ that you will fulfill your true potential and also it's it is not enough to know christ we must bring him to others [Music] and that's what you're all doing all of you here all of you joining us online bringing christ to others and we're going to pray now uh we're going to invite the spirit of god to come and guide us because we want each one of us to be led by the spirit in what we give lord that's our prayer today come holy spirit fill each person here each person watching online at home and guide us as what you want us to give what your holy spirit is asking us to do thank you that we can't out give god that when we give we receive a huge measure press down shaken together running over into our laps thank you lord for your great love for us we offer you ourselves today i want to encourage you as your pastor we don't want anyone to give out of any human pressure we don't want you to give what the holy spirit asks you to give that's what all god asks us is to be faithful and to do whatever he asks you to do and do it in the name of jesus amen okay now we come to the fun bit and those of you online are gonna go to our live stream hosts to explain what you can do if you're giving online and we are gonna in this room we're gonna have a hilarious time do you know what it says in the bible god loves a hilarious giver so we're going to have some hilarious giving we're going to have some fun so um what we're going to do is we're going to fill out um i guess fine he said we have come to the fun part where we all get to respond together in a hilarious way that's right so upstairs they're upstairs that's where they are i don't think we've ever said that they're upstairs anyway they're um they're running around with pens and paper and forms and they're all filling in so what we're going to do obviously we can't post the form that would be great which maybe we would like to have done so we come up with a new way um online which i'm sure you'll be fine quite easy to do so there's a link in the forward chat giving or there's a little qr code on the screen you can scan it on your phones or click on the link and then the form is going to appear which will look just like this here it is in the middle of our screen and the form appears here like this and so what you could do is you go to forward slash giving we're just going to do it on her phone at the same time very clever and basically tuck that in and then you scroll down here on the form click on give now you might want to give um you could give a monthly donation as nicki said and that helps us plan ahead standing order or maybe you're watching for the first time or you um you're part of our community and you've been watching online and you'd love the live stream you could give a one-off donation so go ahead fill in the form here um sure this is full giver cheerful given this is you forgiver cheerful giver at so putting your email address what your email is sorry keep it in your phone number yes so we're meant to be doing it on our own form like i'm looking at it wow yeah it does touch it we could have our hands against the phone uh the address put your address in yes hopefully all joins you amazing that we can all do this together wherever we are yeah it's good in the world all over the world and as nikki and people were saying like no matter no amount is too small god can bless every single amount um this is wonderful and select the service i think on the service as well you can also put that you are at on your online yes you can online services at the very bottom online service there http livestream you can click in and um then you click through secure payment and then you can put in your card details there online sean i shouldn't show my card on screen no don't it is here though putting your three digits there um and as we said all across um the sites now everyone's filling in their forms and in fact i think we've got a camera in our um booth room where the producers are they're producing here it is they're filling in their forms in there that's nick yes nick and jack who run the stream every week and you can see bsl there yes and you can see us you can see us on the big screen so all across the sites there nick's doing on his phone that's what we're doing so we're so thrilled that you can join this online um head to forest giving the link is in the chat yeah and um fill in the form online um giving giving it's a pretty like important thing and like catherine spoke about it how did you start well i was saying this suggests before my i used to get some pocket money i just kind of keep filling this i think i used to get 10 pounds a month and my dad encouraged me i had to give two pounds save two pounds and the other six pounds that was left i could spend on whatever i wanted so from an early age i was doing i was saving the two pounds it was like a proper two pound coin as well and i'd take it to the bank back in the old days no mobile mobile and banking i take the two pounds in um so i've been doing it um since a very very young age there's two pounds uh a month and why don't you let us know if you filled in the the form and what we're going to do in a moment in church is that everyone's going to bring their envelopes to the basket and so in a similar way we could do that online i guess we could put an emoji a little thumbs up little piece signing a little peace sign there's a actual basket emoji or envelope envelope and whatever you feel is it makes sense for you you could put that in and then we're all going to play over the basket that's right in the end um yeah so as we said one of the best ways to give is the is monthly donations it might be your drawing for the first time or you're watching and you really love the live stream and why don't you you you could give a a a donation straight with a monthly giving form looks just like this so um it's slightly different head to and um you could go in there too coolest thing it's very cool i've realized i've said if you're joining us for the first time and of course if you're joining if it's your first time please don't feel obliged to give in any way shape or form it's just if you've come to love the live stream of the um a little while here we are this is the uh monthly one set select your monthly amount uh select the date that you want it to go out of type in your uh the name of your account mrs chef this is a very easy sort code to remember one two three four five six put in your account number and um you can select to add gift aid there and you're i fill in all your details name you should come again sure full giver this is genius whoever came up with that um email address and your phone numbers and there um there you have it's quick and easy process you've done it yeah wrong so um as we said all across the sites they're filling in the forms and um completing this in a moment we'll join back upstairs with um as everyone brings in there underneath the envelope and so um upstairs they are now giving um into the basket and we've got a question in the chat here if you've got any questions um let us know and then the team will respond or you can email giving hdb dot org um go to the website for any more information but upstairs they're putting money in the baskets and the envelopes the basket bringing their offering there and worship started yes so um would you put in an emoji in the chat if you've given choose a basket sign or a peace sign and if you want to see um how your money is kind of being spent then you can head to forward slash ministry update and you can read all about it all the wonderful ways that our giving is being used that's it should we join worship again see you again at the end of the service [Music] and we won't be quiet [Music] we sing to the god who saves we sing to the god and always make some way cause he hung up on that cross then he rose up from that grave my god [Music] and we won't be quiet [Music] and we won't be quiet [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are forgiven upset redeemed by his grace [Music] [Music] in the there's joy in the house of the lord there's joy in the house of the lord today and we won't be quiet we're gonna shout out your praise there's joy in the house and the lord our god is surely in this place and we won't be [Music] joy in the quiet of the lord there's joy in the house of the lord today and we won't be quiet [Music] there's joy in the house of the lord our god is surely in this place and we won't be quiet [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i was lost but he brought me [Music] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] a is [Music] me [Music] me foreign [Music] yes [Music] a place [Music] [Applause] [Music] house there's a place for me i'm the child of god yes sir [Music] you [Music] holger and z lifting up the box so everyone can see as we pray [Music] lord thank you so much for the generosity of your people thank you for every penny given today we ask that you would take it and multiply it and use it for your glory that the kingdom of god would be advanced that people's lives would be transformed because of everyone's generosity today and thank you that we can never out give up give you because when we give we receive and we thank you so much in jesus name amen amen and right now i'm going to pronounce god's blessing on you all and all of you watching online as well because uh the um the promise of the bible is that as we give we will be blessed and there's a verse at the end of malachi right at the end of the old testament which says that as you bring your gifts as you have done today as you have done online this is what god promises that he will open the windows of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will hardly be able to contain it and that's what i'm going to pray now for all of you because as you you've given god is going to bless you and i pronounce now god's blessing on you god's blessing on your finances god's blessing on your health god's blessing on your home god's blessing on your family god's blessing on your workplace god's blessing on everything you put your hand to pray that you will receive the blessing of god almighty the father who loves you so much more than any parent loves their own child the son who died for you who gave up his life for you sacrificed everything for you the holy spirit who lives within you and gives you an experience of his love and his peace fill you the blessing of god almighty the father the son the holy spirit be upon you and remain with you always amen what an amazing service and a fun service too fun hilarious hilarious um if you didn't get a chance to give during the service but um you'd like to or you suddenly something happens in the week and you're like i would like to give it's not too late you can still head to forward slash giving or the link that has appeared on the screen now and you can give all throughout the week it will be there all week and of course if it's your first week and you've joined us you're so welcome would you scan this qr code or go to welcome and let us know that you've joined we'd love to get in touch with you this week get you involved in the community here at htb yes and as always if you would like prayer as well there we have a wonderful team of online prayers who would like to pray for you throughout this service so head to the link that is on the screen and we prayed at the start of the service for students coming to london and if you're a student and you've just joined or you know a student coming to london why don't you send to the website for students and let them know what's going on they meet here at brompton road on tuesday so get them involved in a student over the next few weeks if you have just joined us i'm jess oh yeah this is tom it's great to be with you welcome to htv and our live stream here on youtube we're so pleased that you're here and um don't forget it's week three of alpha yep which is the best week so it's a great week to join and it's also a great week to invite your friends to join and so why don't you head to to find out all the information to join in either an in-person group or an online group and online as well is hdb groups hdb groups live on tuesday nights on youtube uh if you want some information on that it's groups or of course for any of these things just google yeah as nicki grumble says google hdb church and it'll pop up it will so there it is uh normally find everything on hate basically you can find it it's gonna be there it's gonna be there um as always why don't you subscribe to this channel and hit the bell little ding and you can be notified every time that we go live or we post a video that's right thanks so much for joining us it's been great to be back here in the live studio can't wait to see you again same time same place next week have a great week bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: HTB Church
Views: 4,601
Rating: 4.9523811 out of 5
Id: WiiquHrwFvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 47sec (4907 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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