HTB Live Stream | 11.30am Sunday 15 August

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello and welcome to htv as we said in the pre-service chats it's national relaxation dating national relaxation but however you are feeling whether you're relaxed you're anxious you're stressed you are welcome here i'm jess and i'm fernando and it's so good to be with you today don't worry tom will be back i'm just filling in his shoes today you you're doing a wonderful job um as always we have got some chat posts in the chat and i believe today it's georgia and reuben and um you can tell who they are because they'll have a little spanner next to their name so if you're joining us for the first time and you don't know um who to say hi to in the chat just say hi georgia hi reuben and they will say hi back and we've also got our fantastic british sign language interpreter claire with us today so if you'd like to access this stream in bsl then you can head to forward slash livestream and you can access that there yeah it's so great to have that team they're incredible and today we're in the third week of our series in the book of science and jemima haley is speaking in our series say it to god yeah dwyane is pregnant isn't she joanna was pregnant i've known your mother for almost five years i remember when she was single and she was praying to get married then when she met her husband and now she's pregnant it's incredible to see her journey we also got ordained together so it's incredible to see a great friend kind of journey through life that way yeah she's having a baby next month i can't believe that it's already next month i am very very excited and um if you are new to church or you'd like to join a connect group or you would like to serve on team then you can scan the qr code that will be coming up on the screen right now and um that will just take you to a little form that you can fill out and you can find out how to get connected into the life and work of the church for me being on a team has been one of the best ways in getting connected into the life of the church i just love serving i've met such incredible friends and we i we just come and serve and we just have so much fun together we go out to eat after so serving and joining a team is one of the best ways that you can get plugged into the life of the church and and then by joining a connect group you get to see your friends not just on sundays but during the week you get to pray together study the bible together live life together and i think those two together really help everybody find community and grow in their walk with jesus so true um and if you'd like to access prayer um then you can do at any point throughout the service you can um access it by heading to the link that is on the screen and in the chat now um but before we join the service let's pray together heavenly father i thank you so much for everything that you are doing here in this room and jesus i thank you that you can meet with us whether wherever we are and what i pray that you do amazing things today in jesus name [Music] what sacrifice was made and as the heavens rose jesus [Music] savior of the world [Applause] there was a moment eternity the king of life was on the moon [Music] jesus [Music] jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] jesus oh the lord of heaven and earth [Music] savior of the oh world came to rescue us we came to rescue us savior of the world [Music] and all hell king jesus oh hell the lord of heaven and earth jesus oh hail the savior of [Music] move over come us on us drop rest on us as the spirit was new over the water spirit come move over us come rest on us [Music] come rest on us as the spirit was moving over the water spirit come move over us come rest on us come rest on us as the spirit is moving over the water spirit can't move over us come rest on us [Music] you're here and i know you are moving [Music] and i know you will feel me oh come and fill us up [Music] come rest on us come [Music] you're here [Music] come and fill us with your presence come and fill us with your presence [Music] every way for you [Music] oh we wait for you god [Music] holy spirit come rest on [Music] holy spirit come rest on us [Music] [Music] holy spirit [Music] is [Music] i'm here [Music] just like in the upper room just like in the upper room [Music] just like in the upper room just like in the upper room [Music] you said you would pour out your spirit on [Music] calm down spirit [Music] [Music] [Music] me so [Music] [Music] christ what a beautiful name it is what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus christ what a beautiful name it is and nothing compares to this what a beautiful name it is the name of jesus [Music] is [Music] what a wonderful name it is what a wonderful name it [Music] of is christ my king what a wonderful name it [Music] name is is the name of jesus what a wonderful name it is the name of jesus [Music] oh the name of jesus just one mention of your name it breaks every chain or the power of your name or the power of your name jesus jesus [Music] jesus [Music] and the heavens are roaring [Music] oh yours is [Music] what a is name it is what a powerful name is the name of [Music] what a jesus name it [Music] is the name of jesus [Music] forever [Music] what a is name it is the name of [Music] what jesus powerful name it is [Music] a powerful name is [Music] the name of jesus what a powerful name it is what a powerful name it is what a powerful name it is and nothing can stand against what a powerful name it is the name of jesus [Music] jesus we worship you [Music] is you we lift our voices for it's you we praise this morning jesus the name above every other name jesus the name that breaks chains jesus the name that breeds new life jesus the name that breaks the powers of injustice jesus that gives us hope [Music] jesus the promise of resurrection power jesus who died for us who rose again it's you we worship this morning would you remind us of your love for us remind us of your faithfulness if you are for us who can be against us this morning as we gather as we worship you would you fill us afresh with your spirit set our hearts a fire for you again may we see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living in jesus name we pray amen would you like to take a seat as we continue in prayer let's continue in prayer father we pray for our world at this time we lift up the parts of our world that are hurting right now that are still feeling the effects of this pandemic those around the world who are serving tirelessly on the front lines to fight against covert 19 to roll out the vaccine father would you be with those women and men right now be with the communities around the world who are grieving who are mourning and father we pray especially for afghanistan at this time those who are scared those who are burying loved ones would you pour out your spirit pour out your peace jesus our ever-present help in times of trouble would you comfort those who are hurting at this time we pray also for our nation father we pray for plymouth and those who are grieving right now those who are scared those who are mourning father would you break the chains of anxiety would jesus the prince of peace make his power known at this time and father we pray too for our church father would you be raising up a generation of women and men who would be carriers of your good news of your hope into all areas of our society to lead with integrity humility and love would we see your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven we pray all these things in jesus name amen well welcome again and welcome if you're joining us right now on the live stream it's great to have you with us and there are so many ways that you can get stuck into the life of the church here at hdb both in person and online we would love for you to join us in prayer in serving and joining a team trying alpha and joining a small group and one way that you can continue to play your part in the life of the church is by giving financially if you consider hdb to be your home church we would love for you to consider making a monthly gift to the church so we can continue to plan ahead and you can see more details on the screen right now and another way you can join in with the life of the church is throughout august we'll be joining together in here hdb brompton road every tuesday throughout august including this tuesday for one hour from seven to eight for an evening together of prayer of worship and teaching and praying for one another you can book online today but we're going to continue our sermon series looking through the book of psalms this morning and it is my pleasure to introduce to you our speaker today the reverend jemima haley jemima is on the team here at hdb church she's ordained in the church of england she's married to carl who has a daughter called bae and together they're expecting their first child in just under a month's time so please give a warm welcome to jemima [Applause] good morning today i would like to talk to you from psalm 27 all about how we can overcome fear i'll read the passage for us the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall i be afraid when the wicked advance against me and devour me it is my enemies and my foes who will stumble and fall though an enem an army besiege me my heart will not fear though war break out against me even then i will be confident one thing i ask of the lord this only do i seek that i may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life and gaze on the beauty of the lord and to seek him in his temple for in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me up on a high rock then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me at his sacred tent i will sacrifice with shouts and joy i will sing and i will make music to the lord hear my voice when i call you lord be merciful to me and answer me my heart says of you seek his face your face lord i will seek do not hide your face from me do not turn your servant away in anger you have been my helper do not reject me or forsake me god my savior and though my father and my mother forsake me the lord will receive me teach me your way lord lead me in the straight path because of my presses do not turn me over to the desires of my foes for false witnesses rise up against me spouting malicious accusations i will remain confident of this that i will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living wait for the lord be strong and take heart and wait for the lord what are you afraid of if i'm honest with you i am afraid of most things um i i don't like heights so i don't do theme parks i'm normally the person in a safe corner looking after everyone's bags i don't i don't even do the teacups because the speed is just too much for me i i don't like long journeys because i get i get carsick i'm even afraid of rainy days especially if i've just come out the salon i'm afraid of being in big crowds of people in case i speak too much and offend somebody i'm afraid that i might speak too little and offend somebody so i'm pretty much afraid of most things the command of do not be afraid appears in the bible over 300 times so i ask this question because we are all in fact afraid of something perhaps you have a fear of catching kovid or maybe you have a fear of the vaccine even a fear of work demands college uni your exam results not posting the right content on social media or maybe you have financial fears fears about your relationship your marriage your children maybe you have fears about never getting married or never having children maybe you're fearful about getting older and the health concerns that come with that the truth is that none of us are exempt from from the feeling of fear and different seasons bring with it different fears there is no level of success that makes us immune from this i i really doubt that oprah goes to bed at night and says ah thank god for all my money because of it i have no fear the sheer fact that the bible says do not be afraid so often tells us that this is a common universal experience of all people but god doesn't say don't feel fear what's important what's important is that we acknowledge that fear is not our final destination we have to make sure that we choose not to set up camp there it is not our permanent place of residence but simply a place that we pass through to get to the other side the thing is if we don't call it out and then call out to god fear can disillusion us and paralyze us preventing us from being able to move forward but here in psalm 27 verse 1 to 3 it says the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall i be afraid though an army besiege me my heart will not fear so firstly in order to overcome fear david says this i will not fear david has resolved in himself that come what may he has already made up his mind and has taken his stance and this is david we're talking about the same david who fought lions and bears and even a giant the same david who was an outlaw living in caves and hiding in fear of his life this is the same david who committed adultery and even manslaughter the same david whose son was murdered and his other son died at a young age if anyone had a reason to be filled with fear it was david and yet he says the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear he declares that he has made up his mind he says i will not fear so how did david do this how did he get to the point where nothing could move him i think it's because david knew who god was in that one line he says i don't need anything else but to know that god is god that he is my salvation david knows who god is to him and that god is the light in the midst of absolute darkness and hopelessness he doesn't say i won't fear because i know what god is going to do how when and and what no what he holds on to is the knowledge that god is god and that he is his salvation and there is a peace that comes from knowing who god is even if our immediate circumstances cause for us to doubt that all will be well in the end sometimes i look for solutions i know that in many of my work meetings i like to end with claire with a clear action plan you know what do we need to do how can we get the ball rolling on this what are the practical next steps that we need to take in order to achieve measurable outcomes and you may be like me you want to know what do i need to do better yet god what will you do in this situation but the thing is that the solution is him he has already done it when jesus died on the cross he said it is finished and the bible says that in him is the light of all mankind we may not know what our situation needs right there and then to be resolved but who we do know is god and that in him we have the strength to face any and every circumstance that comes our way david says so in verse 2 he says the lord is the strength of my life secondly in order for us to overcome fear david says i will be confident the passage says in verse 3 they will break out against me even then i will be confident and then again in verse 13 i remain confident of this that i will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living i think the confidence that david is talking about here is being so well grounded in what you know as truth so secure that no one can convince you otherwise think back to a time where god stepped into your life into your situation and showed you his power mine was when i was at college and after a night out in the middle of january filled with all the wisdom of an 18 year old i decided to get into the back of my friend's convertible car with the hood down and if you've ever sat in the back of a convertible the way the wind hits you is absolutely insane so i woke up the next day the day of my sociology a level exam with a fever i was shivering i was so cold i couldn't get out of bed and so in that moment i prayed because i needed to get to college i prayed and god showed up god healed me and he showed me his mercy he showed me his compassion and his power and his ability to heal no one can take that experience away from me that was the first time that i experienced god for myself and that's when i knew with absolute confidence that he is who he says he is that he is powerful and mighty and able to save think back to your moment when god stepped into your circumstances and showed you who he was even those moments where the world has convinced you that it wasn't really god it was just a coincidence think of that moment and hold on to it that moment of unshakable truth because god has shown you who he is remain confident in that and he will continue to show himself to you over and over again that is his character when those exam results come in and it says something other than what you were expecting even in that be confident when you have your appraisal and it highlights situations that you were completely oblivious to even in that be confident when you are having difficulties in your marriage and your children are doing that thing they do which is the opposite of what you told them even in that be confident make the decision today i will be confident even when it feels like the walls are closing in and an army is surrounding me and the reason that we can be confident is because we know who god is and we know his character and we know what he has already done in jesus so i am confident in that and lastly in order for us to overcome fear david says i will shout with joy verse 5 and 6 reads but in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and at his sacred tent i will sacrifice with shouts of joy i will sing and i will make music to the lord when i was at university people thought i was a little bit weird and if i'm honest with you i completely understand why i would hear them saying oh there's jemima she's going to invite you to church i can hear her singing her jesus songs in the corridor what they didn't know was that while i was at uni my mom had been diagnosed with cancer and she was in intensive care what they didn't know was that she had been in a coma for months and most evenings after i left my lectures i would go straight to the hospital and fall asleep in the chair beside her bed what they didn't know was that my brother and i had been told that it was most likely that if she did wake up that she would die within a matter of days they didn't know that i was fighting my battle they didn't know that my joy was my weapon they didn't know that i was in my day of trouble and as i sang my jesus songs it was god who protected me it was god who kept me safe he protected my heart and my mind and somehow i was able to carry on fear is our reminder that we have to take everything to god in prayer and in worship it is our reminder that joy in the face of adversity is our greatest weapon especially in those moments when it feels like we are at war there is something healing about being able to be in god's presence and let go of every weight that holds us down to be able to still choose joy no matter what we're going through and for those years while i was at uni and and everyone saw me as this happy-go-lucky slightly annoying christian it didn't faze me because even then i knew the power of worship i knew what worship does i knew that keeping my eyes fixed on jesus and being able to shout with joy is what stopped fear from taking a hold of me when we recognize what god has sheltered us through and protected us from how can we not shout with joy davis says there is only one thing that i need even when the walls are closing in all i need is to come and to be in your presence theologian alexander mclaren said this peace comes not from the absence of trouble but from the presence of god david says so too he says better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere the most powerful place that we can be is at the feet of god in worship so how do we overcome fear we resolve in ourselves just as david did that we will not fear that we will be confident and that we will shout with joy and it takes determination to be able to make that decision beforehand to plant our feet so so firm in the knowledge of who god is to be confident in what he has already done in jesus and to make the choice to worship him even when it doesn't make sense and so we're going to do that this morning if you are able i would love for you to stand with me as we pray and worship together lord we thank you that you are a good god lord that because of you we have no reason to fear that your perfect love casts out all fear and this morning lord we choose to stand firm in that truth today that we are confident that you are good that you are merciful that you are powerful and lord if we have forgotten that would you remind us again this morning would you open our lips to to shout with joy as we praise you remind us of your goodness and all the days that you have sheltered us and protected us remind us that regardless of our circumstances that you are god that you are our light and our salvation so we worship you here in jesus name amen [Music] there's a table that you've prepared for me [Music] in the presence of my enemies it's your body and your bloody for me this is [Music] the presence of my enemies [Music] and i really [Music] this is how [Music] [Music] this is how i find my battles this is [Music] your goodness and your mercies follow me and my weapons are praising thanksgiving [Music] foreign [Music] this is [Music] you go before me he's there beside me oh jesus [Music] jesus [Music] you may look like i'm surrounded but i'm surrounded by you it may look like i'm surrounded but i'm surrounded by you it may look like i'm surrounded but i'm surrounded by you it may look like i'm surrounded but i'm surrounded by [Music] hear me [Music] this is how i [Music] this is my battles this is [Music] it may look like i'm surrounded but i'm surrounded by you and this is how i find my battles this is how i find my bottoms this is how i find my battles this is how it this is how i find my battles this is how i fight my battles this is how i fight my battles [Music] god is here he is meeting with people all across this room online and we're not going to rush anything we're going to wait on god's spirit you might find it helpful to to close your eyes at this time you might find it helpful to open out your hands in front of you even online wherever you are in your room hold out your hands in front of you as a sign of saying god i'm open to receiving your spirit afresh today there's nothing special about it it's just the opposite of this and we're going to pray [Music] the prayer we pray every sunday htb the oldest prayer in the church come holy spirit [Music] we wait for you [Music] this might be unfamiliar or even uncomfortable to wait in the stillness [Music] i encourage you just in the stillness of your heart ask god god is this real for me today what are you saying to me [Music] i wonder whether for some of us this morning as jemima was talking about fear maybe you're acutely aware of what that means in your life right now god wants to meet with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] god wants to pull out his love he's meeting with people all over this space [Music] i wonder for others of us as jemima was talking about seeing her mum in hospital i wonder whether there might even be one person and for you that's exactly the season you're in it might be your own health or maybe a loved one of yours is in hospital now maybe you've lost a loved one [Music] receive god's presence with you our ever-present help in time of trouble [Music] never will he leave you never will he forsake you [Music] come holy spirit [Music] i have a sense this morning that some of us we know we desperately need an encounter with jesus and i have a sense that god wants to heal broken hearts this morning it might be dreams and hopes that haven't come to pass it might be a breakup in relationship it might be the loss of a loved one i'm just reminded of jesus's words that the spirit of the sovereign lord is on me to preach the good news to the poor [Music] to proclaim freedom to the captives and to bind up the brokenhearted [Music] father would you heal our hearts this morning [Music] those areas of our lives where we know we need a touch of your holy spirit [Music] we need streams of living water we need your love father would you pour out your love afresh remind us that we are much loved daughters much loved sons of the king of kings [Music] that even if you clothe the flowers of the field how much more do you love us in a moment chris and the band are going to continue to lead us in worship as we respond to all that god is doing let's fix our eyes again on the risen jesus who loves you who is with you right now he was making a way where there seems to be no way who's healing hearts [Music] let's worship are here moving in armits i worship you oh i worship you you are here working in this place i worship you oh i worship you you are here moving in i worship you oh i worship you you are here working in this place i worship you oh i worship you [Music] you [Music] my god that is who you are you are here touching every heart i worship you oh i worship you you are here healing every heart i worship you oh i worship you you are here you are here [Music] you are here oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] you never stop you never sing it out even when i just [Music] you're [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] that is who you are that is who you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] lord jesus we worship you for who you are that you are kind that you are loving you are compassionate your love endures forever father as we leave this place today would we leave transformed by that love would we be your hands and your feet in a world that is hurting in a world that is divided would we be as your daughters and your sons would we carry that presence of your holy spirit with us everywhere we go into our city into our homes into our streets into our universities our hospitals our places of work would we see your name jesus glorified [Music] in jesus name and receive this blessing may the god of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the holy spirit and the blessing of god the father who loves you the son who died for you and the spirit who lives in you be with us now and evermore amen what a fantastic service thank you so much jemima and thank you so much everybody for joining us online if you have been affected by something that was said today in the service we by going to forward slash further support and there will be people there who would love to talk to you walk you through maybe something that has been brought up through today's message and we'd love to to to be there for you during whatever god may have been speaking to you today yeah but if you would like someone to pray with you right now then you can um there are people waiting to pray for you now and you can do that by following the link that will appear on the screen or going to hgb dot org forward slash live stream prayer um but if you joined us throughout the service and you're like who are they well welcome um my name is jess and i'm fernando and we are so pleased that you have joined us here today and we would love to connect with you if it's your first time if it's your tenth time but you just haven't connected in yet then why don't you scan the qr code that will be appearing on the screen and that will just um take you to a place a little form that you can fill out your information get in the connect group serve on a team it's the best way to meet new people it really is the best way and there's another way you can join us here at htv brompton road every tuesday from seven to eight for something we call summer nights we're gonna be doing ministry worship and teaching and it's all based on the holy spirit throughout this summer so we'd love to see you this tuesday at seven yeah and as always if you haven't already subscribe to our youtube channel subscribe hit the bell and you'll get like that you'll get a little notification whenever we go live i was telling fernando earlier i used to walk around when i was like 14 just saying subscribe and hit the bell to like all the time i just felt so cool so again do it again just do it one more time why don't you subscribe hit the bell like that um and you will get a notification whenever we go live um it's been a great week it's been so great and it's been lovely being here with you today jess and being with all of you like online you can join us same time same place next week see you later [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: HTB Church
Views: 4,459
Rating: 4.7192984 out of 5
Keywords: Church online, HTB, Faith, Prayer, Hope, Positivity, Good News, Preaching, Bible, Worship
Id: XcQvDFcLy-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 20sec (4160 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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