HQ Live – Quilting with Rulers

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to HQ live hi I'm Vicki hah that handi quilter and this is Jane hot rich my guest and today we're going to talk about rulers right right right okay so we have some rulers a that are going to be that are being introduced sorry if just jumping all over that that are being introduced in the year 2018 which is now and you have been able to use them and create some really fun designs with them but before we start with rulers you know and using them do you have any tips on actually using rulers things that you would recommend to our viewers I do have tips you need to make sure that they are a quarter inch thick because that's what you need to go up against you're hopping foot okay and you also on the machine as the ruler foot which works too there are for sure foot yes I'm sorry the short foot and that works really well to help with the ruler work so it has a higher profile so the rulers aren't going to hop up over the top of it right as easy right yes okay it's also important that your markings for your ruler be on the side though that fits did that goes against your fabric so in other words if you can't read it it's upside down right so this needs to be turned over and that gives you more accurate readings so with all our rulers all the lines are against right against the thumb yes okay the other thing would be this is a handy grip it makes you have a secure connection between our contact between the ruler and the fabric do you put it on all your rulers not always I do for the most part because it does provide stability but sometimes there are some that I leave off and why would you do that because sometimes I like to slide my ruler along so like a straight line really I like to slide it along as I'm going do a straight line slide and it that way I can slide it a little bit have that resistance right okay so that's the ruler the Handy grip and you only need to put just a little peat a couple of little pieces correct and it's like a sandpaper so that it's gonna grip that fabric and and especially you always always use it on your sweet 16 - absolutely yeah it's I can't do it without now I'm a sweet sixteen oh okay we'll put that aside so the new rulers that we have are we have the slice and this you can see this is the looks like a orange slice like orange leaves and will show different designs used and we have the Swiss cheese appropriate theme yes with these three different sized holes a three-quarter inch three-quarter inch and an inch and a half that's the finished size the next one is the oval the mini oval and you can see the fun things that you can do with an oval and then added the circle with yes okay then our skinny and you know what this is becoming one of my favorite rulers because it's narrow yeah easy to hold and it's long enough that I can get a lot of stitching you can and it's got some good grids on it for you know diagonal and straight grids quarter inch marks and then we have the ditch ruler which when I say this is one of my favorites so is this because it has those breaks so that I don't stitch off the edge right I like that I do too and then we have the line grid and we'll show this is a fun one that gives you spacing correct spacing for your like you panic yet piano keys right okay so let's take these rulers and take them off and let's I'm gonna have that one to you and you have some ruler grip on it except a handy grip I'm gonna take these place them aside on my table and we're gonna work down our sample you've got some fun things you want to woops dropped on the floor do you want to talk about any of that before we get started stitching so on this side of quilt I really just used the slice to go to go around and make it go that way and then I turned it around to go that way and you create that little diamond in there and over here I just echoed that so I did it once dropped it down so you probably had a lot of other Larkin and I did a little echo and then I just showed that you could use some you know some fun little fills in there to create something a totally different look I like that thank you it really makes that look fun okay so is there anyplace else on this quilt that you used that because I think I heard that maybe this I did I had a wider border here so I figured out that I wanted I used the markings on the ruler to just create that arc up to a point and then an arc back down okay so I figured out where the middle of the section was and that's where I did the arc to and then just created some some echo quilting down and used the circle ruler in there and then I even used that along there for the operator does it has a straight it does holder okay well I'm gonna just kind of pull this to the side because you've got some lines marked here we'll move the machine over so you're actually going to show how you stitched this yes okay we'll put that aside there and we have the Surefoot on and we're gonna get so what have you got this set as far as the machine itself so I am going to be in regulated mood I tend to use mine in cruise looking with rulers I use 10 times yep I it depends I can use precision sometimes but you can use cruise - if but I usually reduce that cruise speed down a little bit and this is the Amara that we're using today and so what is what are you bringing that down to about a hundred I'm gonna bring it down and see if that fits you know for what I'm doing and so where it goes from there and do you do do you have it set with a needle up or the needle down needle down and I'll I use that because you want to when you get to a spot where you need to reposition your hands or your ruler you want the needle to be down in so you don't get that long so it'll stop that down yes it doesn't wander off if rate okay and the other thing that I've seen you've got the ruler base on so that you've got a bigger bed for your machine tape for your rulers but if you're so close to the edge as you are right here you've actually added some extenders and that's all that it is is twill tape with your clamps because you want to keep your fabric stable and it's very important because otherwise that it it that ruler base can knock your clamps right off and then you are you're ripping out yes okay all right so so you've got that ruler face the right way yes face the right way and I'm just going to line it up with the bottom line and you have to remember that you're always stitching your stitch line is always going to be a quarter inch away from the edge of the ruler so you need to keep that in mind when you're getting ready to stitch okay I'm gonna start here well I need to clip that thread so I'm just gonna stop there and and find my scissors find my scissors Thank You Cambodia camera guy it's okay okay so now that because I stopped with the needle down position I can just continue razor I heard you choke you did that on purpose I did to show that I did so when I get to the edge here I'm just gonna stop right there ruler work is a slow and steady tape quilted it's not fast not gonna race it huh no slow and steady wins the race [Applause] so you want to talk about the three point pressure that we use for rulers mm-hmm so it's my I like to have my hands press down on the fabric the ruler is pushed down on the fabric but we're also pushed up against the the sore foot and then and then your machine and the Machine again not anything too hard or it'll be too difficult for you that's right you want it to be able to move right so then I'm gonna sculpt your ten that I'm stitching up in the ditch and that bonus straight line on the ruler you have to go find another ruler and then I'm just gonna line that up with that line and I am going to bring it back the other direction and sometimes you have to be a bit of a contortionist so I'm going to stop right there because that's not comfortable or safe to go any further and I'm gonna rearrange reposition my hands and now I'm gonna come back that was really important that's safety yes because you could really you could hurt yourself and the ruler and ass machine yeah right yep don't out stitch yourself I've ever had a ruler it makes it really loud noise [Applause] so this is a a great design for borders or sashes great very traditional and what I like about this ruler is you don't with all the different markings that are on it you don't have to use the whole entire ruler you can use the markings and do an even smaller okay smaller area so so just do that so we can see what you're talking about so I'm just going to do it right up above if I use one of the lines in here then I get a smaller art art and I just make sure that I knew use that same line okay all the way across and then it fits into a narrower spotting the nice thing I like about this is it gives you a good arc but it's manageable in your hands yes you know it's a good size I like the size of this okay all right so that's our our slice yes and now I'm going to find my the circles because I think that's the next one we want to do I love this mm-hmm and it so small it's manageable so go to it do you want me to just continue right now why don't you go back and your little got lines drawn there so so we'll bring this fabric over so you can see what she's gonna do she's gonna actually show you how to travel with like with two or three if you're gonna do them all the same size right right I love that tie off oh my gosh so nice yeah that's so nice do you know another feature I really like about this machine which one which one which one you know where your scissors are if you put them back at zero aren't they is not great there's a magnet right there to put your sis wonderful so so they're not gonna be laying around out there so now you can clip your thread and you know where they are at all times mm-hmm okay when you use this type of a ruler you want to quilt on the inside so you have to get your hopping foot on the inside of this ruler so what you need to do is have the needle up slide this in over the hopping foot get that down there and put your needle back down and then that drops your hoppy and put it down drops it down and then you're in place and I like to position it like this and if I were gonna do a row of continuous circles I would have marked the middle of this oh because it has a line there that has markings for that okay so I would just position it and you're just gonna very easily go around the inside edge of that circle now to get to go a continuous one you would need to stitch another half rotation to that mark and then you can slide this ruler down and you can continue the raid on so you go around once and you go around for half circles every time and then you can just keep on sliding that right on down all right awesome so I want to change now to a smaller one okay so what you need to do is you need to raise up your hopping foot you need to lift the ruler slide the ruler out and then pick which size that you want you to go in there is an exercise slide that down and the nice thing is is you have that laser-light and you can line up exactly where that thread is coming out another nice feature of the Amara it's like GEOMAR is awesome it is wonderful that laser to the needle okay so the one she got you have that blue line that up with your middle markings and then you go right around and so this is when I can see that it would be good to have the the ruler the handy grip on it apps a little bit it holds that in place right okay I think we should do that small size just to the hydrati go so now we have that little tiny one which is actually what a quarter-inch quarter-inch that's a little that is a little tiny but there's times you need that yes you do it's nice to have precise ones so just again line it up it's not gonna be a very big circle it's not gonna be very big go around one time and a half slide it down all right now we can lift that up and see what that looks like all of it together that's quite a difference in the size of those three hotels but it's nice yes you could even do them all one over top of the other and have a nice little so you can sort of have them concentric inside or even Bay's eccentric so that they're all on the right a base nice so so as we look at this quilt I can see where you've taken that ruler that template and you have used I mean this is really cute the way you've done this but you've added it into some of your curved rulers yes in here because this free-handed that was the rulers part of it was the rulers because you couldn't get really small right but you know so the next one I think I'd like to see you use is actually this oval okay because you've added so you do the oval and then you change out just like you did the holes right to a smaller one it's kind of fun let me see if I can find that oval here on my table there we go and you have put ruler grip on that yes so it doesn't slide I have okay and I'm just gonna do them right here oh I like would they turn that way they would if you want to yeah I want them that way okay it's gonna be my quilt in the end right it is okay we're going to move this one aside oh I better keep this one because you may have to use it again I will so the same concept it has that groove correct so that you can get has the groove you would line up that mark with the middle of your doctor area and then at that point if you wanted to add that circle one because actually do it over on this side okay so we'd have to raise up the presser foot the hop hopping foot okay then we'll put that one in hmm use that laser light to line everything up and then we're just going to and you're back right there so then you can put your you can actually do your circle you could you could do your next circle oh and then put your oval in like jane says ruler work is not fast but it's very accurate it is [Applause] okay let's take that off of there and look at what you've done nice I like that you can the nice thing about this although I've realized this you can use that as a full oval but because of the lines you can use it as a half band like a clamshell or a half going across there are some great markings on that ruler yeah so you've got you could turn that as an angle you could I didn't think about that that's a good idea Wow I can't even take credit for that that would be something Murray did okay yeah but see see those lines if you turned that you'd have I like that oh okay I should have taken credit no okay so let's move on to your just your stitch in the or well stitch in the dish I should say ditch this is called a ditch ruler which to me is a great stitch in the ditch ruler that's wonderful so if we these are our ditches right so you can line up there's a dotted line there and if you line that up with your seam line actually it's this line here I'm sorry that's if you wanted to go out a little bit further but there's two little lines there right at the edge if you line that up with your seam line and you can see that the laser late lines are perfect with that right on that line right a ditch so all you have to do is this is going to help you line it up could you tell I like that yes I can tell like that oh man you're right on again if your ditch was really straight right but then you can shift you can adjust which is just and that's sometimes the reason for not having the grip tape yeah and it helps and it's got both sides with it that you can use so yes so that's an easy it is but it's also because of all the lines you can do piano keys yes spacing absolutely all right I'm actually gonna bring up your skinny ruler which like I say is one of my favorites because I like just a little bit longer and tell me what you've done I see the this sample here so on this one I used the markings on the ruler I used the different the angles different angles for it so that one was a 60-degree and I believe this one was a 90-degree so I just tried to use the different angles or the yeah the different angles to get the designs on there okay so you're gonna take the straight line here and the angle right there along the straight part right and then that gives you your bagel and I noticed I bet you used it for here I did so you've got some nice some fun piano key type quilting here so can we do that on here and do a little bit of a let's do some advancing will advance this and you right back okay all right so you're talking about using those 60 degree and 30 degree try to get this so show us how you've lined that up so that K so I've lined the 60 degree line up there okay and I'm just going to go ahead and stitch up to the top so up at the top you line down a stop there and I am going to go to the 60 degree line down here which is that one so I'm going to line that up there no it was that one there you go okay that's good to know I'd add up so my thinking or maybe some of our our quilters thinking is they would take that and flip it over and try and use that same line but you did not flip it so that the lines were on the other side of the of the plastic you actually moved it because we have the same lines down here right and you wouldn't get accurate readings if you write it so okay all right so then we're gonna go so that would be it using the sixty degree okay and then if I wanted to come back using any of the other ones like I could switch that out so probably what you would have done is marked something I would have markings on at the same point right because I wouldn't come up to about here okay I know that works coming that way and this is a thirty that what you said this one is the ninety all the 90 oh yeah it sure looks like a ninth where the 45 yeah which gives you a ninety degree right okay oh that's great and then if you want to you can even come in a little bit and you can echo that line oh I see using your just your regular straight lines right okay right and I notice on your quilt here you've done another angle it should be probably a set of 30 I think I just used the markings on that one so I I put the ruler here and I went in two lines okay and I just use that oh that's a good tip and now when I filled in with the other with the little circle little circles okay great alright now I've got another ruler for you this is called our line grid and this is awesome for doing piano keys yes and a lot of other things but piano keys so will you show us how this works sure so again you need to raise up your hopping foot and slide it in there make sure you have it so that you can read the rating and then you just need to kind of line it up how you want it to go but we're going that way so what happens when you come to this line here are you stitching along this line no I'm gonna stitch on the left side of the wall okay so I'm going to line up the grid I line up the marks so that I'm going to keep my line straight I'm going to travel up that side when I get to the other ditch I can pull that down and travel over to this side and then I can slide the ruler all the way over and go right back down perfect spacing right on over till it hits that other side slide it over and the thing that I see that's nice is it has lines on that so the year you're not gonna start tipping your ruler right so you line up the line with the past stitch path that you've stitched right right okay let's see what we look like here perfect half-inch lines all the way across you brought wonderful and then would you go in and do any embellishing you know absolutely what would you do I might do some pebbles in there or a little of them just to show I could a difference that you can do I could let me you could use your circle rulers with that are you convicted of some free motion you got me I do some circle rulers real quick now I want to do for her okay I know this is a ruler class perhaps I'm just testing you I'm gonna put it into manual okay for the surface so every other one you'll do circle rulers or circle [Applause] and if you're not comfortable doing this without the circle template then by all means put that on and perfect like you said you like to clip things to death absolute that right yes that's beautiful that is wonderful you so I there's a lot of things that you've got going on here but one thing I really like and I know you've used one of the straight line rulers yes probably the skinny or or this ditch I don't know but this I want to see how you've done this okay I make this I really like the way that looks so we're gonna advance our fabric again yeah and because you've got it marked here for us and you know we'll do that and be right back okay so the ruler that you're going to use or the template that you're going to use for this is your is your slice okay so you've got some all different techniques going on here but I'm not using the entire slice Oh only marking I'm using one of the lines in there so how large is this border here five inches except out yeah okay and so then you mark two halfway line so the one you yeah this you get that going straight yeah yes okay so I just did the ruler all the way across using that same marking and then when I came back I use that same marking again okay so you getting so even on the other side and then I filled in now with this first one I actually use that slice so you are you gonna go back and do that after oh okay you'll fill in first I'm gonna fill in first and so with that first one I actually used the curve to make kind of the veins of the leaf and I just worked my way up doing it that way even if I had to do a little bit of a straight line and I just continued up and then I just finished it out that really helps if you're afraid to do free motion that really helped out of that really nice curve rulers are great for that yes okay then our is this next one here whoops - dropped ruler is this one promotion without rulers that was free motion okay all right we're just gonna let you go though I just did a little kind of like a squared off feather and I followed the outside [Applause] I like that [Applause] okay so if that was the rest of my border and I would at that point I probably would break thread I'm not going to this time but I I came out here I place the ruler on like on the stitch line mm-hmm so I could get that echo okay because I feel like when you do straight lines it's good to create a space in between the design that you're trying to accentuate if you have the straight lines going right down to that it's sort of all blends in together so then create that stopping for a little breathe that place for your eyes to rust mm-hmm and I think it accentuates the design even more a good tip so then I would just start using you can use any of those straightedge rulers you could use the straight edge of this so this one does have your quarter-inch lines on it but which one which is your preference today well I think I'll use the skinny okay I'll move those and then you'll get all of that echoing now so so are you going to come down and then travel along and go back so what I like to do is I like to come down and travel back on the same line and why because if you have if this were the edge of your quilt you can do all your traveling out here and you don't have to worry about hitting that line and make it look Early's okay I like that so you can come in and out slide over so let's talk thread choices if you were doing this would you would you use the same thread color here as you would in this probably just like I did here I would probably I tend to try and blend to my thread with the color of the fabric that I'm working on okay if you have a busier print you probably really wouldn't even see this as much you know what thread types because you're going double stitching over that is that going to create an issue of being too much thread on each line or does it show I mean right now you've got a 50 weight thread which is not a problem right 50 weight I do that all the time I'm not quite sure if it was a heavier thread if I would be doing so if you were using say like a king tat or a variegated thread right would you do the use of variegated to do that because you've got variations probably not so you'd change out to a solid color I probably you could do your variegated in here good that would look really pretty some blend of all colors and then do a basic color color that would look really good yeah okay just you know just helping our viewers write down things that they might do all right well I just wanted to talk through some of these other route or techniques that you've got here so tell me about this what did you what did you do what ruler did you use I use the smart the line tema line grid ruler and I just sort of did different I actually used the entire ruler so I came up and I went over and down and then I shifted the ruler over and I kept on just doing different sizes like a cityscape yes just for to play and something different okay and when you have really busy fabric a lot of times I don't like to spend a lot of time with a really fancy board ruler work so this would be something that would be really good to help okay and this one here this is the oval yes that I noticed that you've made a flower out of I know so how did you did you use the lines for that I did can we do that on the fabric sure I just keep that up there so that okay because that is a fun thing that's really gives that Avila a lot of versatility does so I started out with the first the first one was the straight up and down okay [Applause] and then I decided that I would want to line up the middle with that bottom line so it would look like this yes okay so I did the one side and then I traveled over in the ditch and I pulled this around and I did this side I'm going to hand out yeah yes and then I used there's the angle line right there so once I got back over to here I was able to place that angle and make sure that it was you know that then it was straight up and down so you see how that angle is now set up and down so that was what I needed to do now what I needed to do too as I needed to make sure because what I found was when I got down to here I went I could go down past that so I needed to cut it off at that point okay and then slide it over to that middle section again and use that musician not straight up and down [Applause] and then stop it right there okay that's that is fun and if you do that on both sides if you plan it out right and do it on both side you can have a really fun border there oh yes or you could actually bring this around and do a full block didn't show absolutely so it could be into inside of a block it could it would be great that one and I noticed on you do have some blocks here let's open this up so you use the oval here yes found a common center point and just rotate it I did this one just shifting it and then of course some straight lines here right wow there's a lot of things that we can do with this dance so here's our little half areas with the other this hole is getting a lot of review here yes yeah it was a good it was a good it's an hour okay so one of the things that you have used today that we haven't pointed out is our new Amara or a new studio to frame and it is has two different configurations or loads ways to load it our normal way that we're always used to wear the top pole is up above but this is called our Clearview load where the top fabric is that is down here on our backing fabric is on this pole and using rulers this makes it awesome because you don't have any issues with the rulers hitting into the pole it does so that it's a it's that comes with our new Amara and it's a it's a great you know load system you can use either load system it's just a matter of how you set up the frame it's nice to how you can change it you know if you say oh I'm gonna do a quilt with lots of rulers then I think I'll do the clear view if you say well I'm going to do a quilt that has lots of micro quilting and I like my pole up here for my arms to be on you know you can change to those that so Thank You Jane for joining me today and showing all sorts of options with these fun new rulers so let's do some more of this with the oval since it's my favorite ruler now that's why Murray does you know it's whatever really she's using at the time that's her favorite okay all right so today is it so thanks for having me you're welcome thank you for joining us today we'll see you next month for another HQ live [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Handi Quilter
Views: 29,946
Rating: 4.9202657 out of 5
Keywords: Handi Quilter, Longarm, Quilting, Quilts, Free-motion Quilting, Finishing Quilts, HQ Live, ruler, rulers, quilting rulers, quilting with rulers, machine quilting with rulers, Handi quilter rulers
Id: EC7340chbWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 47sec (2387 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2018
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