Good Measure Every Oval Quilting Rulers by Amanda Murphy for Brewer Sewing

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I'm Bernina expert Amanda Murphy and I'd like to show you my every oval quilting rulers they're part of my good measure ruler collection for Breuer sewing there are five rulers in the set which basically gives you ten different sizes of ovals let's begin by quilting horizontal pebbles so I'm going to bring up my bobbin thread with my ruler well away from my ruler foot so I don't crash down on it and I'm gonna hold on to the threads as I begin stitching once the foot is down then I can bring the ruler over note that I can use the horizontal lines on my ruler to stay Square to the sashing area so now I'm going to begin stitching and I'm going to stop to clip my threads I'll be going over them again so there's no need to do little securing stitches in this case so I'm going to quilt all the way around and then continue quilting on until I get to the other side of this oval shape and then I'm going to shift my ruler and what you'll notice is the dark curve lines on my ruler are right on top of the previous stitch lines so now I'm going to quilt again all the way around you'll note that I change directions and I tend to change directions every other oval because it's less likely you'll notice mistakes here I'm showing you how to do vertical pebbles so we're quilting around the pebble basically a pebble and a half and then we're going to alternate directions and quilt around again and I'll shift over the ruler and quilt around a third time changing directions again and continue down the row so here we have both horizontal and vertical oval pebbles so let's try another design let's try scallops so this time I'm going to align the center line on the ruler with the edge of my border and I'm going to pull up and over the oval [Music] I'm going to stop and reposition my ruler using the center line again aligning it to the edge of my border and continue quilting over the oval this is an excellent way to fill a border whether you embellish it with free motion or whether you do another pass with this ruler so here I'm doing in the second pass and this time those curved lines on the ruler are going to go over my previous stitch lines and I'm basically going to be doing a second set of scallops offset from the first so this creates a very ornate design so as I work backwards I'm filling in with a second set of scallops and you can work this I'm showing it worked vertically here but you could also turn the roof ruler horizontal and work it that way too and that's a set of offset scallops so I'd like to show you another thing you can do with local rulers this time I'm going to do as a design mcsim allure to the scalloped design but instead of quilting all the way over that over on the SKA reposition the ruler and quote back down so I'm still using that horizontal center line on the ruler to align the ruler with that border but this time I'm stopping right at that vertical line you see there and then reposition the ruler so I'm only going a part way up the ruler and this gives a little point at the top of my design which looks like a cathedral window this can work just beautifully in a border it produces a very ornate pattern whether you just execute one pass or two and then the final design I'd like to show you is a blossom so the first thing you want to do is is mark the 45 degree lines across your block area and I'm gonna use the internal part of the ruler here so I'm lowering my foot down and bringing my bobbin thread up with my ruler well away from the foot and then I'm going to do a few stitches to start and then bring my ruler over and what you'll note here is I'm going around the Oval each time I go around the Oval deep vertical lines on the ruler aligned with the spokes that I've drawn on the fabric so there you have it a variety of designs you can do with my good measure every oval ruler set for Brewer sewing [Music]
Channel: Amanda Murphy
Views: 11,391
Rating: 4.9759035 out of 5
Keywords: quilting, quilts, free-motion, rulers, rulerwork, Good Measure, Brewer Sewing, BERNINA, Amanda Murphy Design, Amanda Murphy, Every Oval
Id: lRnP1dOF5Zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 02 2019
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