HPAC - Be Ready To Meet The Lord

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everything that the bible has spoke about is fulfilling right now in front of our eyes are we ready for the appointment that is to come are we ready for the appointment because this appointment we can't miss no matter if you run to the east or if you run to the west as you run to the north as you run to the south we're still gonna have to face it separate yourself says get into the mountain talk with god and be ready to meet the lord in jesus name so foreign do [Music] so [Music] is one more time he didn't have to make me live and the sin which though it so easily beset us let us run with patience the race that is set before us praise god and in verse 5 it said and we have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children my son despise not thou the chastening of the lord nor failed when thou art rebuke of him and tonight i just want to say that let us not the little things that we think that it's it it's nothing those are the things that those beset us the things that we think that it's it's nothing those are the things we often think that it's for the haitian and and all the the other things that is out there that we would try to prevent or or or ask god to keep us from but the little things that we think it's nothing those are the things that beset us and and we i'm encouraging us tonight to to pay attention to the little things there is the thing that does beset us the the attitude the problem somebody speak to us the way we speak back to them the way we talk to them and offend them and make them go away um feeling bad about themselves being confused and and think different things that can be set them as well too so i'm just encouraging us tonight and he said do not despise the chasing of the lord because when he chased us it's because he loves us he wants us to be perfect we want us to be holy in his sight he wants us to do according to his will we don't want us to walk contrary to his will because he said we don't holiness our righteousness is it's impossible we can't please god we cannot enter it so we need to be like christ is and in order to do that we have to pay attention to the little things that will easily be set us let us just keep our eyes focus on god and let us just stay focused on god and stay in his presence because in his presence his fullness of joy and when we're in god's presence then these things we will be aware of it we will see it and know that it will be settled so that we don't fall into that trap so let us just hold fast let us keep to and hold on to god and change it and because he said if we despise the change we are none of this we are not his son we are not his children so let us just trust in god let us all the faith let us let us not get weary or get despondent because he said if we don't if we despise if we despise then we are none of hate and in order for us to enter in we have to meet all the requirements that he requires of us so let us just stay focused on god in jesus name anyway i'm glad to be in god's service one more time he didn't have to make me live but he did and i am glad that he made me live you know was us thinking some things that we do and we take for granted say for instance we have our children and we want to get them into a school of our choice then we will we will move our location just to get our child into a certain school and if you want a house or maybe you can't get one in this borough you will move and you will make every effort not to miss that appointment if your mortgage is late you're in trouble because they're gonna take you out but you can't miss that appointment at the bank what are we ready for the appointment that is to come are we ready for the appointment because this appointment we can't miss this appointment is there and we can't say we are late or we can't make that appointment are we ready i pray to god that we all will be in jesus name amen [Applause] [Music] think of who he is when you think of wait what he has done for us praise god he rolled back the waters yes praise god and the children of israel walked through enjoy you know everywhere he went he was in the precious name of jesus this is the privilege of you tonight praise god many did not wait this morning praise god but they are passed into eternity but god is so good to us that we can hear we can't be here you know what i think of what god has done for me hallelujah when i think of where he has brought me from down in the valley is so low on the rough side of the mountain what i can say tonight twitter yes sweetheart [Applause] you know i said to myself you know god has made me live do everything because he got a purpose in my life he wants to bring me up higher where i can see the glory we can want to remove the veil from our eyes praise god that we can still go you know moses said you want to see the face of god that's right you want to go higher and you know we want to go higher where we can see the glory where we can hear you know but sometimes we have little things in our lives that we cannot see the glory or saying that god i'm so glad for his presence tonight i'm so glad to be here to worship my god because when i think of where he is praise god i just want to give him glory i just want to give him his praise because he is our god tonight he is king of kings and he's the lord of lords and we just want exalted praise praise god be thankful for the house of god we can be able to worship our god when we think of his goodness and his mercies praise god and what he's done for us when you think of calvary amen praise god we read the phony crown praise god just because he loved the soul you know i just keep falling in love with him over and over again in jesus name praise the lord jesus [Music] and christ encouraging words um rise and style like to render a song to the church so could the rising rise rising star rise and shine in jesus name praise the lord jesus praise the lord church praise hello church we did talk to our pastor and everybody in jesus name please pray for us when we sing this little light of mine [Music] uh [Music] hey [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] bye [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me wow oh [Music] so standing here in the presence of the children of god i'm so glad i'm one of them thank you jesus this song said if anybody asks you what's the matter with me just tell them for me that i'm washed in jesus blood and sanctify i am redeemed thank you jesus isaiah said the redeemed of the lord shall return and come with singing unto zion and so that is one of the reasons why hallelujah i put up with everything because there's a prize and only one is going to win the prize and i want to win that prize thank you jesus i give god all the praise the honor all the glory belonged to him we don't know we just do not know hallelujah how blessed we are sometimes the least and we murmur but murmuring doesn't solve any problem when a problem arises it's amazing that some people don't realize that god chastises us also it's not just when it's all sweet and nice there are times when he bring us through some places and some things the beauty about it is that hallelujah that hallelujah is that he is with us whatever he takes us through we are not alone in it hallelujah you know sometimes when you read the scriptures and you say but how did this one suffer like this and he belonged to god he uses our enemies to chastise us at times hallelujah because if we notice when the children of israel were entering was it the promised land they got a beating from the people why they were told not to touch anything through this place that they were passing move along and touch nothing [Music] but this one man it's amazing what the country contrary thing can do hallelujah and when we find that out don't make a secret of it try to help the person in some way or other he did what was wrong this man and spoiled the whole thing because they were all chastised because of it and when joshua realized what was happening what we are losing a battle something is wrong here he fell on his face before god and he called on his god god said get up what you're doing down there search the camp huh search the cam glory to god they're seen in the camp search it and when he searched the camp truly this poor man thought he was clever joshua said what did you do son he said i saw you know a nice quote a babylonian i mean that is too good to throw away or to leave he said not only that but i saw a witch of gold as well oh i could be rich so he took it and he hit it in his tent hallelujah brethren we don't play with god we never tried to do that when it ended at least what it all came to us in the end hallelujah joshua said to him confess confess and in your confession give god some glory hallelujah and so when he confessed and realized that things weren't going so good his way praise god forever he destroyed his entire family i mean sin sin hallelujah it's like not like it's a disease and it's very contagious right yes poor man he ended up being stoned to death his whole family oh my brethren there are times in our lives when we are faced with some situation it's a good job it's not stone in time right it's a good thing it's not stone in time because this merciful gracious god we do some things and we think some things that the person next to you don't know you're thinking something bad but god knows he looks at it hallelujah but he's ready to pardon our god hallelujah there's none nowhere like him you i mean how could we worship idols and lead the living god we couldn't do that and so tonight brethren i want to praise god for keeping me i'll just tell you a short story here i felt like a cup of tea i got it upstairs and by the time i reached upstairs and put it down i didn't know who i am i didn't know my name nothing all i could see was a bunch of little things like flies and that's all there was to it would bless god forever for that for that woman she came to the house she must have seen what i couldn't see because she took me out everything i had and she brought me over here and god bless the woman who sit there when she's in here hallelujah she didn't say oh take her back no make her comfortable give her something to eat [Applause] and i've been here ever since praise god forever amen and the saints of god in this assembly prayed for me everybody could lay hands on me but you don't have to lay hand just pray and suddenly here i am standing in front of a microphone i know my name i can find where i used to live hallelujah thank you jesus god has lifted me up thank you jesus he has given me new life hallelujah and i can appreciate my brethren again saints of god god bless you whatever is a stumbling block in your way it's got to be moved don't be discouraged about anything you serve a great big god you serve a god where you can't conquer him you don't have to tell him about your secret because he had it long time and so tonight i'm exhausted i'm exhausting you all young and old especially the young hallelujah hang on in there don't be discouraged just keep on keeping on and whatever you do let us have this season remember that teacher who has been killed her people so that when we talk to the lord and ask him to help us we can remember the people who are less fortunate and as god to help them because they need us they might think so but they need us the world needs jesus at the moment and so we have to shine a light somebody just sung this little light of mine i'm gonna let it shine praise god so let us let our light shine that men may see our good works and led to glorify our father which is in heaven i love you all you pray for me in jesus name praise the lord jesus praise the lord jesus praise god christ has gone now home to prepare far beyond the blue sky [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] oh foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] praise the lord i mean you worship the lord i mean you praise god you know truly god is an untimed god you know what he had a couple days ago i asked you guys if you could just pray for my son because you really needed that job you were so stressed out fed up on everything and always tried to tell him so just depend on god i know honestly speaking he gets a certified project manager and i just want to give god thanks and pray for you guys but father prayer because god is truly amazed and guess what he's an on-time god [Applause] praise god praise god [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] blessing our church thank you jesus praise the lord church bless the lord church thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus [Applause] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you thank you lord praise the lord church i greet the spirit of god i pass on all the saints in jesus name the song says why won't you lift up your hands and praise the lord and this is testimony service please make your testimony straight to the point testify of god's goodness he'll be the first in jesus name praise god thank you jesus praise god thank you friend i jesus you in jesus name thank you jesus why i stand here it's because me i was standing right here last week brett and i was in so much pain jesus and then monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday i mix up all diaper mix up and i drink bread drinks yes garlic thank you jesus and it did not move nothing and i mix the friday when i get up i have to kneel down on the bed like this and just say god give me strength jesus and i end up going to the world first i did not go to the hospital and here i am today the next thing again i said the next thing again i look at the money janna said you know what i'm giving you some time you know because i need money and i need to add myself and my son and i don't have a husband i don't have nobody to help me about god and i said you know what you call me dancer today but let [Music] is yes and what happened she said okay okay you can have this update and like yesterday when i come i come here 10 o'clock that's what i used to do and and nobody was here and i went back wrigley wrote all about and i come down about 12 o'clock and i clean the church and i sweep the yeah and i do everything i'm going to fasting is blessed i have to stand up and agree that amen and this wreck is jesus because jesus christ is coming soon but i'm asking you to continue praying for me and pray for my family [Applause] [Music] so bye thank you lord thank you jesus thank you lord thank you jesus amen jesus thank you jesus [Applause] thank you jesus [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus praise god [Music] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] amen amen thank you jesus jesus amen amen [Applause] to somebody today no matter what you are going to do when your christ was born [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know why i get up to testify because my sister i may not testify we sit on our worship but i have to testify so 10 years ago i used to testify before i get a stroke and i say i can't find on testimony and i could not find my testimony again so i don't matter with it but i am standing here because this song said um i am pressed in my way and because sister ivan knows that first hour she get up we testify about the goodness of god because some time ago i thought last month i said i'm going to fire meeting vietnam prior meeting i did not come because i took sick i did not call so sisters tell me that inspire meeting friday night and i come and i come yesterday and i tell myself say i am not talking autumn we just doing not speaking because is that the devil one for years when we open them out instead i tell myself that i'm going to the hospital to do a mri with me coming all around with me and brother howard said come after sunday anger monday monday november [Music] tomorrow morning tomorrow come again may not go in and you know all the devils still if there were only one year you said something because even this morning i get up to for my ear and i was [Applause] and i am giving god [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so so [Music] [Music] praise god thank you jesus [Music] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] yes [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so so so [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] jamaica you know i went around before me and everything they have no characters to take you to indian chestnuts but one time when i come to church this morning i couldn't get anywhere [Music] you can't go and i said to him well i don't know what i want to do this week but i am not working this week so you can do anything you want to do and i call her and i said i'm going to church tomorrow so your problem with me she said [Music] praise god testify in jesus name thank you jesus [Applause] myself is [Music] [Music] yes jesus christ [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] um it's good to sit down and think of what god has done to me and i i like to do it because it tells me to speak more fast i don't know why you love i don't know why you me [Music] he said i don't know why he sacrificed his life but i'm so glad and i was actually here because i remember in 2016 i was at work and my brother called me [Music] [Music] when you know that god is the healer when you know that god is [Music] i remember one of the time while she was going through her sickness the other boy took sick so there's one sunday at home she's sick in one room he's [Music] the children party separate from the adult i said i can't be in two places at the same time so what i did i died [Applause] [Applause] i remember i was working i've been working since i was 17. i was in a full-time job since i was 17 and it was a long stuff i had no break but i said don't break a little bit easier because the children are young at some times i start work at eight o'clock in the morning ten o'clock at night i was still at work so i was saying i need something a little bit easier yes so i left that job and i went into another one a lot easier was five minutes from my house after nine months i was made redundant never made redundant before but i said i've got confidence in my ability i know it won't take me long to get another job i applied i [Music] and i remember it was leading up to thanksgiving and i made it up in my mind [Music] [Applause] with i am god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus is [Music] amen i remember when i was [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] because again he was so tight [Music] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] jesus christ [Music] [Music] one [Music] oh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] great [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign um [Music] [Music] um [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] my mom took off [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] praise the lord church bring the spirit of godly to our pastor all the saints greet us in jesus name i don't know if possible can just sing a song please can you please help me sing this song i'll be here ready to meet the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] praise the name of jesus praise now giving god thanks for life give her thanks i probably found this house another time i know that is nothing good that i have done it's because his loving kindness and his tender mercies towards me giving god thanks and he's brought me through the week and brought me back safely you know last week i went to work well before i reached the work and i stopped on at the service station because i was feeling very tired and then i feel the car started to shake not realizing because i see the truck so the truck was passing and hit on the vehicle and has passed me like that i mean i went to the driver we sought it out i never made no big fuss of it but something just said move and why by the time i move a next truck was just coming off the motorway at a high speed coming very fast and i give god thanks that i listen and move because i know that the devil's after my life very strongly but i know that god is almighty god i mean this song came to me because earlier on sister stand up and she said that many times we have appointments like evil we have a mortgage and there's appointments that we have and we do everything that we can to make sure that we make that appointment but she said that there's an appointment coming and that appointment we can't miss it and she said that we must be ready now minister miller stand and he said that he had when he talked about the 10th virgin that came to him and again it came to me about being ready and even this morning i was talking to motherlake and she said make sure that you stay in god she said don't give up because our eternal home is near amen so i'm taking that for a message unto myself that i have to be ready we all have to be ready no one know the minute nor the hour when the great almighty god shall put in his appearance and each day we are going along many times we don't get things right many times we slip up and that's just being honest the truth is the truth though we fast and we pray though we meditate and we try so hard yet still we slip up and we don't get things right all the time but you know i always give god thanks for his mercy give god thanks for his mercy you know every day i wake up and i said god i thank you that you give me another chance to make today better than yesterday because no one know the minute not the hour i always look into this no one knows and i'm saying that i'm just asking god that and i'll be ready and all of us will be ready because as we all know we're living in an uncertain time today you may wake up and you're getting used to certain things that's going on within the society and next you know something else come again now you have to say now i have to readjust but one thing we have to do reggie we have to hold on to our faith and what we believe in because the real the real test has not yet come upon us and it's the real real test region has not yet come upon us and it's going to take our faith in god because it's easy that's why i love when brethren say it's easy to talk you can stand and say i am not going to run away i'm not going to back down but i'm going to tell you that exactly my talk is cheap flesh cannot do it it takes god in you to do it that's what that's what's going to help us to withstand all what's going to be coming up upon us and i see that bridging that these times if we're not careful we'll be worrying against one another i see it and and honestly sometimes we fall to it because it happens to me so that's why i know you know but i have to stop and realize i said that the fight is not against my brother or my sister you understand the fight is against the devils spiritual wickedness in high places because while we all want to argue and war against one another you have those wicked people are sitting down constructing how can we destroy the children of god they don't want to destroy the children of the devil because they already have them [Applause] so we have to stand fast and we have to something just came back to me remember years ago when i just got baptized and remember sister rose she always used to be reading ephesians 6 to him right about putting on the whole armor right and i didn't really understood how come sister rose was always bringing this scripture to me but i give god thanks because as time was going on i started to realize that without the whole armor of god not the armor of myself nor my family nor my friends the whole armor of god because inside god there's protection and outside god there's no protection let us not be deceived bridgette let us not be deceived in these times because we know that our heavenly father is on his way don't be afraid don't be afraid don't be afraid because they can only kill nobody but they cannot touch the soul so we have to fear god is god we have to fear but as i say the fight is not against one another it's like in the if you if you ever watch the wildlife and you see when there are animals there they're fighting wildebeest they're fighting and gazelle they'll be fighting but while they are fighting the lion is just walking around waiting for that right moment to attack so we have to be vigilant in this time and be ready to meet the lord and just be strong is my viewer just be strong in the lord and in the power of his mind continue to trust god hold on to your faith believe in god believe in the almighty god who give us life who made all our organs put it all together who made this whole entire world this way was not created by a big bang don't believe no lie we know we have a creator i give god thanks for life always i mean when i stood up i didn't know what i was going to say but this is what come to me so just hold on bridget times is going to get hotter i'm not going to tell you that the time is going to get sweeter because it's not going to get any sweeter all right it's whether we're in is whether we out so we have to know that we have made a choice and that choice has to be forever and the time is going to get hotter and hotter and hotter and this is a time when we're going to have to unite not just us here the whole church the whole church of god right because at the end of the day our greatest weapon that we have is prior it's not going to be a time when the bishop is going to say i'm a bishop so i don't have to listen i'm a pastor i'm an evangelist i'm a deacon that does not matter everyone needs to come together as one and cry out to god because the world is in problem right now we see over there in in spain how the volcano just erupted they're summoning on the land right now people are going out of their minds day by day people are killing one another day by day they say there's a shortage of food but right now we have to see that everything that the bible has spoke about is fulfilling right now in front of our eyes and this is the time where we have to unite together this is the time we're gonna have to stand and we're gonna have to fight against the wealth of the devil praise the name of jesus because this fight is a different fight he said we're going to see things that we have never seen before we have read about it in the scriptures but there are going to be things that's going to happen what we've never seen before you see countries and countries make it seem like they are dividing but behind closed doors they are together [Applause] they are together trying to deceive the people as they have but they see not is they have and they hear not [Applause] we have to stand and fight against the wilds of the devil praise the name of jesus i give god thanks that is my tear the fight is on right right now and we have to fight brittany the devil wants to trap our minds i want us to be folded up and call up that we can't praise god i know because it's happening to me i know because it's happening to me but i have to keep on fighting and i can't fight with my fists i can't take up no weapon and fight but down on my knees when trouble rise i talk to jesus down on my knees i promise him and i will save him praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus we are the church of the living god praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus every time we jump some hurdles you have some bigger hurdles that come before us because they don't want us to press ahead praise the name of jesus but god has given us the power he's given us the power to tread upon serpents praise the name of jesus he's given us the power he's given us himself because all power belonging unto him praise the name of jesus praise the name of jesus be strong and be not weary praise the name of jesus the lord thy god is our help and he's our strength praise the name of jesus when the way get dark and dark god is gonna come and shine his marvelous light he's gonna lead us home to him praise the name of jesus let us stand together virgin please by the grace of god for myself also for all of us and all not only just here but all over the world because it's gonna have to come a time where we're gonna have to stand before government and we're gonna have to declare the word of god and they are going to want to put our heads on a block and to chop it off many of us are going to be locked up in prison because of the word of god the word told us that this is going to happen and are never true they are doing it already because even right now as we are talking many they can't they don't have this privilege where we can come together like this because of a truth i said god please i count it as a great privilege just to enter into the house of god as many are hiding many are running away because they can't freely gather together and call on the name of jesus [Music] but no matter where they're on but the word tell me that ebony and every tongue must confess that jesus christ is lord so put it in your heart and in your mind virgin that you're gonna have to stand no matter if you run to the east or if you run to the west as you run to the north and you're on to the south we're still going to have to face it so let us stand let us stand [Music] be strong bridging the devil don't like none of you don't like me neither but it's all right i don't like him neither as long as i know i abide in god and god abide in me i don't need to worry please pray my strength while i continue to press along as i said before bridging the devil want me to shut my mouth and to sit down and don't speak i said i open my bible and i see the scriptures saying that i must stand and speak and i closed my bible i had some scriptures that i write out from about i think it was 2015 or early 2016 and i locked the bible because i didn't want to read a scripture when they say i must stand and i must speak and i hope and i looked at the paper and i went to a scripture and he said the same thing again so though i do i am running because it's not easy to stand before god when god speaks you and you know that is god it's not easy for all i know that i'm gonna have to stand [Applause] because god god is a consuming fire that is not to be played with and because this is what i know that's why i'm afraid of his presence though i want to be in his presence but i'm afraid of his presence because he's powerful but as long as there's life within me and god tell me to speak i'm gonna speak thought i was there and i'm feeling so tired and i was feeling so weak right now that's not evil in me i know that my strength is in god and i know that your strength is in god be strong brethren be strong in the lord and in the power of his might he shall see us true he has not left us and he's not forsake us many times we pray and we feel like god is not answering our prayers and then he said an answer we have to say god forgive me that i did not wait he is still with us he is guiding us oh be he ready to meet the lord ten virgins were there but five was wise o be he ready to meet the lord please spread my strength in jesus name praise the lord jesus praise the lord jesus praise god we're giving god [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] um he shall break the king of kings and lord of lords is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh me [Applause] i told you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] if i just ministers all the sense in jesus name i'll give god fans to bring me to his house one more time spare my life i'll go see another day not because of any good that i have done because of his love and his mercy towards me um there's nothing else to add to what rain has already said and like our pastors sang the song so um reading truly if we do need prayer we'll continue to sing the song whilst those that need prayer come up for praying in jesus name there's nothing more to add brethren nothing to add nothing to add all i'll say is that god loves us god loves us because if he didn't love us he wouldn't keep warning us myself included he wouldn't keep warning us and letting us know and telling us that he's coming again and that is coming soon so whoever needs whoever needs whoever needs prayer brethren whoever needs prayer um saved unsaved if you need prayer the altar is open while we continue to sing the song or we sing the same song oh be ready let the song was saying get into the mountain you're saying getting to the mountain i isolate yourself separate yourself says get into the mountain talk with god and be ready to meet the lord in jesus name so whoever needs prayer the altar is open as we sing that song i'll be ready in jesus be ready to be the lord o be ready to be the lord get into the mountains [Applause] [Music] ten virgins [Music] is [Music] [Music] we worship and adore your name lord jesus father lord god almighty we thank you lord thank you for your words tonight lord jesus god we thank you for the reminder oh god father god to tell us to get into the mountain with you lord father got to get into your presence tonight lord jesus father lord god you're telling us oh god to fill up our tanks oh god father god because god we are gonna be running to and fro oh god god's stations are empty father lord god and i pray tonight o god father god even before we leave through the doors heavenly father god i pray that you will fill up all of us with your blood father lord god we pray you fill us up oh god forever god less of us and more of you tonight god we don't know what we have to face oh god it's before us oh god but in the name of jesus christ god i pray oh god that you will give us more of your strength more of your grace father god help us to know it's a warfare we're in father lord god and it's a full-time warfare that we're in god i pray you will help us to have our weapons in our hands father lord god help us to continue to be vigilant help us to continue to be watchful father lord god help us all god to just continue to go oh god with grace oh god strength o god almighty keep us oh god throughout the week we pray forever god threaten each and every one tonight god almighty in our minds and our soul in our body in our spirit oh god father lord god remember our pastor right now god i pray that you will touch her in a mighty way god i pray o god at your angels will be a wall of fire around her oh god father god i pray you will encamp around your servants oh god with flaming sword and fire god as we pray oh god we pray that you will send out your angel god you see the battle that she has to face but i pray that you will be her backlash god i pray that you will be her sword god i pray that you will be your shield god i pray o god that you will continue to give her your grace be a wall of fire around us oh god god he said the gates of hell shall not prevail for god we are built on the solid rock oh god build us up all god in you go before us oh god go before us oh god those that are taking the buses those that are taking the train god i pray that you will go on the transport before we get on the transport god i pray we'll get into the homes god before we get into the arms of god i pray you will be at the door like your blood god i might just say when you see the blood you will pass over us cover us under your blood cover us under your blood cover us under your blood cover us under your blood cover us under your blood god will look to you by faith tonight i will say thanks in jesus name
Channel: Hackney Pentecostal Apostolic Church
Views: 1,800
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: kdZC49w_6jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 59sec (6179 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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