How You Can Use Cubase to Produce Music | What You Can Do with Cubase

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hi and welcome to Cubase on this video I'm going to show you how you can use Cubase to compose music create song arrangements and coupe chord progressions fast and easily so here we have an empty Cubase project there's nothing in there so let's start building a track from scratch what I have here is I have a groove agent instance I have loaded a kit this is groove agent SC 5 and I have a few patterns right here so I can start auditioning those drum loops let's say I want to start with this drum loop so I'm gonna drag and drop the pattern into Cubase and now if I want to extend it for a few bars I can just hover my mouse in the center of this event right here and just drag like this so there we go now we have a nice 8 bar loop now let's say I want to add a different groove after this something like this which is a little bit more of a breakdown loop let's drag it in there perfect and now maybe I can add a Bezier loop so that it's my chorus loop so let's drop it in and extend it for a few bars maybe 4 bars this time and now we have a very basic drum structure let's play back now let's say I want to add some instruments to this track I have a retrologue synth right here so I have this sound Cubase has some really cool tools when it comes to creating harmonies and chord progressions for a song so let me show you all you need to do is click on this icon right here and go and add a core track there we go now we have our core track right there and maybe I want to change the color maybe I want to turn it green done on the coat rack I can now start adding chords into this track now you don't need to know about music theory or music harmony necessarily the core track will really help you create the sound that you have in mind so let me show you I'm going to add a few chords right there I'm going to grab my pencil tool and I'm gonna add some chords one two three four one for every bar now if I want to addition those codes all I need to do is just record enable an instrument track like the retrologue right here and just click on one of the X symbols and now I can set up the chord maybe an a maybe name minor or an a minor 7th or if I won I can turn it into an a 7th with a 9 let's keep it simple a minor 7 let's go to the next chord and maybe on this court I want to have like an F major this sounds a little bit too clean let's try with a major 7th nice if you need some help selecting the next chord you can just double click go to quarter system and then Cubase can give you some suggestions on what chord to use next and you can change the complexity of the core suggestions so if you want some simple chord progression you can select complexity one and you can go up to complexity seven that will give you some really really interesting chord progressions let's say I want to keep going with my cause right there and I want to add a name a minor 7th and maybe on this one maybe I want like a little bit of a surprise and I'm gonna have a a flat major with a major 7 now if I want to make this a little bit more interesting maybe I can change the timing of the chords so we have a little bit of a surprise element let's move this chord right here and maybe this chord right there and our retrologue will follow the core track [Music] great now the next thing we can do is add another instrument to this core track so I have an ambient pad right here from Halion sonic and I'm going to audition this along with the retro log pad so let's just record enable it and play [Music] now let's say we want to commit this chords into MIDI it's actually very very simple to do that you just select the chords like this drag them onto the corresponding channel for example rachel OGG and there we have our MIDI events our MIDI files now I can just drag these again it's my ambient pad like that and there I have the MIDI part super simple now let's say I want to also create the bassline let me show you something very cool if I just drag those chords into my bass which is right here which is again from retrologue a really nice nice sub bass of course for the bass we don't want full chords because we need the single notes so all we need to do is open the key editor in Cubase so double click and there we have our key editor like this and as you can see Cubase always gives you the bass notes as well so you can see the bass notes are right here and these are my chords so if I want to just keep the bass notes all I need to do is just select the rest of the notes hit delete get rid of them and now I have my nice bass line so after this point we have our two synth sounds and our bass along with our drums let's listen to it [Music] now the great thing is if you want to keep on working with these cords but add a little bit of groove to your arrangement it's very very easy to do we need to use the core pads this is another very cool feature to help you compose in Cubase so let me go into this section bar 9 and I'm gonna use my retro log and I'm gonna use my ambient pad as well so what is the core pads let's bring them up all you need to do is just click on this icon to bring up the lower zone right there and we need to click on core pads there we go so here are my core pads and each one of these core pads can hold a separate chord so I can click on them and I can build the chord like we did on the core track or if I know I'm gonna be using the chords that I used up to this point I can just drag the chords from the court right into my core pads like this a minor and there we go now what can I do after I do this I can actually trigger those chords on my MIDI keyboard like this but with any dynamic that I choose and any rhythm that I want so now I can just hit record and I can record those chords into Cubase so just like this I can record a very complex keyboard part without necessarily having to be a great keyboard player or having knowledge of music theory or music harmony and now let me show you the MIDI parva we just recorded I'm gonna double click on this one and as you can see I have all the proper MIDI notes like a real keyboard player came into the studio and recorded those meaty parts very very cool so once you've recorded those meaty parts you can open them into the score editor and actually check out the school of what you played all you need to do is select the MIDI event Gowe MIDI and open score editor like this and there you have the sheet music of what you just recorded there with the core pads extremely useful if you have a keyboard player coming into the studio to record some part and you want to print them out and give them a nice score to read so that they can perform or if you have recorded everything to your studio and want to send them off to your keyboard player so that you can play them live with you on a live performance so these are only a few ways that Cubase can help you compose music quickly easily while keeping you inspired hope you enjoyed this one and we'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Cubase
Views: 328,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music harmony, MIDI, chord track, chords, music theory, song composition, yt:cc=on, building a track from scratch, Chord Pads, composing a song, drum loops, composing a beat, how to compose music, MIDI editing, how to compose a song, Cubase, chord progressions, how to create song arrangements, how to use the Chord Pads in Cubase
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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