How you can hit the CENTRE of the DRIVER!

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to hit the most successful drives that you can striking the driver from the middle of the club face is pretty much Essential modern clubs are more forgiving than their predecessors but if you want the most efficient transfer of energy from the swing onto the ball that's why we need to hit the center of the face now obviously that is easier said than done and the chances were If You Were Striking the driver from the middle every time we wouldn't be spending the next 6 to 8 minutes together and yet here we are thank you for being here and if you are not a subscriber to the swing Quest Channel already make sure you hit that button now we upload weekly videos to help you improve every aspect of your game so how can we try and ensure a more centered contact on the face now I want to introduce you to something today that you may not have used before you may not have seen before but you can pick up for relatively cheap on Amazon although other online shopping outlets are available so this is impact spray this is from a company that I got sent through this isn't got paid video or anything and there are other versions of this available but what this does very simply all you need to do is spray it on your driver face give it a good old coating and as you can see here the magical world of chemistry takes over and all of a sudden this driver face has become a slightly different color now hopefully I can give a really good demonstration shot here you know what I've got a really bad feeling that was absolutely centered just a bit high it's not bad it's not bad so I could also gather this data using the GC quad to get where the strike is located but as you can see here I've Struck it pretty much from the center of the club just slightly high on the face now we will get into more of the specifics about where you strike it on the club face and what type of energy transfer what type of spin what type of flight that could accomplish striking from the center of the club that gives the most efficient energy transfer from swing speed into ball speed now we can get into that in a little bit more detail but you can be safely assured that stri the center of a club face on The Sweet Spot is going to give you the most potential energy transfer into the golf ball now you could be asking yourself or Pete just how is going to be spraying the face beneficial to me hitting the center of the driver well Let Me Explain Kevin understanding impact location is very very important and if you're seeing a current coach they may be using impact spray or a system like the quad like foresight to understand where impact is you need to understand where your striking in the driver face because that can affect ball flight it can affect distance and face is always the place to start if you're looking to change a swing however just giving your brain a task such as trying to make the mark of the ball in the center of the club face honestly it's remarkably effective also if you continue this pattern and you're consistently striking from one location whether it be heel whether it be toe that will give you an indication of what you might need to change within your swing but just having a target of striking the center of the club face honestly it's amazing what that can do and I've also got a little drill up my sleeve that you can use to try and get that feeling a little bit more consistently by using this type of system and by using the quad I know that my tendency is to hit slightly out of the toe now for ball flight for me actually that's not the worst thing in the world but we will get into that a little bit more I just want to get that absolutely pure Center strike for you guys oh is that my tendency it is that's pretty good that is pretty good okay so I know what you're saying I can put all the spray in the world on Michael face and I ain't going to be hitting the center well Janice I've got a drill for you as well so don't you worry so what I've done here is I've set up a gate drill now this is something that Tommy Fleetwood uses for example and many other golf pros but it's got a couple of things that I want you to be aware of now the whole point of this drill is to get the club head passing through this gate and contacting the ball which sits in the middle of the face if you try and do this drill like straight off the bat with a full swing it's possible that it will work but what I would recommend is linking this up with a little half swing drill which I'll show you now the other thing to notice about this is the T which is in the ground here notice how it's the same angle as the shaft if you put something on the inside of the ball which you say Obviously it wouldn't be as big as this box but it's something which is quite tall which could intersect the shaft the hands will start automatically lifting to try and avoid that object so if you want to put something on the heel of the club let's make sure it's angled at the same point as the shaft takes me back to my days on the street impr Preston I'll never reveal my tag name and I never will so as mentioned moving this onto a full swing straightway is a little bit difficult so what I would recommend is getting set up as you would for a normal driver but only having a half swing back into impact through the gate and then a half swing through now obviously this ball is going to be going what maybe 120 yards through the air maximum but this is all about training the body to pass that club through a gate but also once again to try and find the center of the club face it's dead straight through the gate nothing was moved I'm not looked yet it's just it's fine so you can see here that those impact marks they're all pretty much clustered around the center of the club face which is ideal which is what we want now just to give you a bit of an explanation as far as what would happen if you start to wander off the center of the club face because that is where something called gear effect will start to be a little bit more Dum so when you strike from either kind like the heel or the toe the club will twist around that axis so if you strike it from the heel the club will twist this way if you strike it from the toe the club will deflect away what happens is as the ball is Struck from those points gear effect takes place now gear effect is if the club moves back this way because of the Bulge and roll of the face the ball will start to twist off to the left hand side so it will draw back to Target similarly if you hit it from the heel Club will twist in this direction and it will come off with fade spin very simplified version of it there but because the driver face is bulge and roll this actually takes place if you strike it from the top of the club or the bottom so the club will deflect backwards or it will deflect downwards that's why when you strike a driver more from the bottom of the club it spins up starts off low and then spins up but also if you strike it from slightly above the equator you can also get those high flying low spinning bombs and this is why for me actually striking it slightly high and slightly from the toe is not the worst thing in the world because even though the energy transfer drops ly as I move away from the center of the club face I can actually launch the ball quite high with quite low spin also helps add tiny little bit of a drawer just like that just like that so I hope you've enjoyed this video and you found it useful make sure you drop a like on the video and to continue your swing Quest and your improvement check out these videos here
Channel: Swing Quest Golf
Views: 66,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf, channel, tips, drills, instruction, lessons, easy swing tips, easy swing drills, easy golf swing, golf tips, golf drills, downswing golf drills, backswing golf tips, impact position, effortless golf swing, driver swing tips, learn to strike your irons, chip the, chipping and pitching tips, improve driver strike, swing quest, quest golf lessons, Peter finch golf, golf coaching, golf help, fix my slice, stop topping the ball, Danny Maude Golf, Revolution Golf
Id: vslLjj47vME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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