How YOU can get PALWORLD for FREE (It's Easy!) Palworld Free Download (Xbox / Steam / PC)

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hi guys so I'm just editing this video on how to get power world for free and I didn't realize but my microphone was turned off whilst I was recording the video so if you find that annoying you can skip to around the 1 minute 10 point in the video to go directly to the tutorial and once again apologies for the audio problems but yeah enjoy Y what is going on guys welcome back to my YouTube channel now you watching this video guys because you want to know how to get power world for free on Xbox or PC this is going to get you the full game and this game is new out and it's pretty much gone viral for right and wrong reasons nevertheless I've managed to find a method of getting power world for free and all you need is your mobile phone and around 5 to 10 minutes of your time and I'm going to be showing you in this tutorial how how to do it so let's get into it I'm going to be recording my mobile phone and putting it here so you can follow along okay guys so as I mentioned you need to use a mobile phone and open up an internet browser and you need to go to this website guys so type it the same as I'm going to be typing it here www. wavy so wavy pause the video um copy this website exactly how I've typed it because you need to go to this website here Wy coupons and as you can see on my screen um they don't only have game codes they have tons of different stuff but to navigate your way to the power world page you can go to the search bar at the top of the screen and type in power world and it should pop up like this power world free game code so tap on that page internet's super slow today there you go so you see here you can choose which console you want the game for obviously it's only available on Xbox or PC um I'm personally going to choose Xbox because that's what I play on so you simply click on show code and it's going to pop up guys like this free digital copy of power world for Xbox consoles and you can see it gives us the start of the code but we need to unlock the rest of the code completely normal guys obviously these are pretty valuable codes and they usually um obviously the game usually costs money so this just prevents someone from stealing all of the codes so tap unlock code okay and now you're going to see this power world code unlocker which is completely normal and you may have seen something like this before so you can see we need to basically follow the instructions on this screen and it's going to unlock our power world game code once we follow them so it says complete two of the free app SLS survey offers below and we basically need to follow the instructions um below the two that we choose so on my screen you can see I have a list of different things and they're all completely free and uh like I said there is a description telling you how to complete the tasks um so pretty easy so I'm going to go and complete two of these tasks so this one I've just clicked is the one at the bottom which is a survey so basically I just have to answer some questions and enter my email address so that's what I'm going to do so I'll pause the video complete two of these tasks and then I'll return all right then guys so that took me around 5 to 10 minutes like I said I just went and completed two of the tasks on this page so I did the survey at the bottom where I just had to answer some questions and then input my valid email address and then I just did this game at the top travel town where I had to basically download the game and play it until I got to um level 10 so now I've completed two of these tasks and fully completed them go ahead press your tabs button and if you've done everything correctly you should now see this power world um tab down here on the bottom left open that up then click back on the code that you wanted to unlock and there you go it's now revealed my Xbox code for a free copy of power world and that is how you do it guys that only took around 5 to 10 minutes and that's going to save you a bunch of money so I'm going to use this code and uh yeah that's going to credit me the full digital copy of the game for my Xbox so you need to go to Wavy and get your free copy of the game guys
Channel: mitchnp
Views: 6,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, how to get palworld for free, how to get palworld for free xbox, how to get palworld for free steam, how to get palworld for free pc, pc, steam, xbox, palworld for free, palworld free
Id: _rLsfPhKTg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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