How You Can Bring Balance to Your World (Pt. 2) | Eckhart Tolle | Rubin Report

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no matter what your life circumstances are the the message is wake up where does where does past guilt which I think you're sort of reference you know just fit into this because we mentioned right before we started that I've been on tour with Jordan Peterson and during the q and A's I see so many people that will say to him you know I just read your book and I'm applying the twelve rules for life and my life is better my relationships better I'm not doing drugs whatever whatever it may be I've mended relationships etc etc but they have trouble getting over some sort of past guilt yeah and I think what you're describing here is the first step in getting away from that but I think a lot of people think it's something that you can do like this right but but it's not no you need to recognize where it comes from how it arises in you of course guilt is related to grievance well when it refers to another person it's a grievance you have a resentment or grievance towards another person when it refers to yourself then it's called guilt by it always refers to something that was that either you did to somebody that you now recognize as bad in some way not ethical you did something perhaps when you were younger perhaps you brought up your children in a way that you now recognize as dysfunctional in some ways or you injured somebody or you inflicted suffering on somebody whether it's emotional suffering mental suffering even physical suffering in extreme cases you might even have killed somebody in a very extreme cases and that brings about guilt now guilt is something that you did that you now recognize as bad this becomes a thought form in your head it becomes incorporated into your sense of self what you don't realize is you did something because you didn't your consciousness your level of consciousness will at that time manifested that kind of behavior no human being can manifest behavior that's beyond the level of consciousness so if you inflict it harm on somebody the ego tends to then make it into an identity for yourself and that brings about guilt when you see through my that this is your sense of self is guilty that can be a huge ego boost they can also be a huge ego boost to declare somebody else as guilty and somebody who did something to me so people carry a grievance or resentment sometimes for many many years and then again what they are doing is they're transforming somebodies I call it unconscious behavior when you inflict suffering on another human being except of course self-defense or whatever but you inflict suffering on any life form or a human being you do it it's it's unconscious you Jesus is supposed to have said on the cross forgive them for they know not what they do translated into modern terminology is they are unconscious they know not what they do so people do all kinds of things sometimes in States after they've taken drugs they become even more unconscious or they've consumed alcohol they'd be makes you more unconscious even with they're not more unconscious in normal unconsciousness by unconscious by the way and perhaps need to explain what I mean by unconscious which is in spiritual terms in conventional usage unconscious means obviously you're right of lost consciousness but in spiritual terms unconscious means you are at the mercy of the conditioning of your mind and your emotions the ways in which your emotion has been conditioned you're being run by that conditioning there is no way that this young being has any awareness of their conditioning there's no awareness whatsoever and the human being who has zero awareness perhaps not to be cooked throughout their lives in moments when they I very unconsciously get triggered by something as I said to take drugs whatever they'll become zero awareness and then they do what they do later you look back on that and and then you erroneously incorporate that time of your life when you you weren't even there you were run by an automatic program in your mind and in your emotional field you weren't even there but the ego will transform it into an identity and since I I did this is now part of who I am or it will do to to somebody else there was a long time when I had resentment towards my father because my father was pretty unconscious except very late in life at a very strong ego and living with him as a child was living with an unexploded bomb that could go off at any moment we get these intense rages would suddenly come several times a week so I lived in a constant state of kind of background anxiety but his brain is his bomb going to explode again next and then for a long time in my twenties I had a resentment towards him until I went to the shifting consciousness and I suddenly realized he he did what he had to do there wasn't enough awareness in a drill act any different so he was at the mercy of his own conditioning and once you see that you don't wanna make it into an identity for him and so you free him and really perhaps this is the meaning of forgiveness you can forgive yourself by not making unconscious behavior in your past into an identity for yourself or for somebody else now a question may arise this is an interesting point now does that mean people are not really responsible for that they do so that's that's an interesting question in ultimate terms is to say it is true they are not responsible for they do but they will have to suffer the consequences of their unconsciousness because we humans are meant to become more conscious here and one of the ways or even one of the perhaps the main way in which a very unconscious human evolves eventually or potentially is by suffering the consequences of their unconsciousness and sometimes the consequences might be they have to go to prison it doesn't so but it does even if you meet a prisoner it's important if they did something in the past they let's say they killed somebody in the past of course they have to suffer the consequences and consciousness but when you meet a human being like that you can still you may be able to to sense that there's more to this human being than this this unconscious person so how does that play into your perspective on free will then free will ultimately does not come in until there's some awareness in you that's where free will comes from until you have some awareness you are run by the conditioning of your mind and so you have no choice the element of choice comes in when you become aware for example of your the thoughts that go through your head and you might realize suddenly and for some people that's the first time they awaken spiritually when they realize that for years they've had a voice in their head talking to them which could be a monologue it could be a dialogue you could have a conversation with yourself you can you know you can beat yourself up and say why why you're no good enough aren't you lonely it's on the part of your cells as well well I'm doing my best I'm just I can't I can't do it I'm not I'm not good enough the voice in the head for some people the spiritual awakening comes when they become aware that there's a voice in their head and there's the awareness at the moment is the awareness you might even be able to choose to let go of a certain thought a repetitive thought that you don't need an more that you don't want anymore and then you you surrender it or you breathe it out you don't need it you reckon an emotion but sometimes people's and the grip of strong emotions but if there's a little more awareness there if at let's say it's anger you're suddenly anger arises but in the background you're aware that this emotion of anger so there's a small element of choices come in do you want to then attract this person if there's awareness you can observe the anger but maintain longer may no longer need to act it out I'm not talking about suppressing but recognizing it's the more awareness you have or presence the more choices in your life and then it's only then that you actually become truly intelligent because this awareness is not an IQ thing the way you can have I've met highly intelligent people with one or two or three PhDs academics others we are completely unconcerned aware still just completely in their minds and people who do in their personal lives often very dysfunctional personal lives so it's not to be equated with intelligence this awareness it's what do you make of that life actually so if there's someone that exists in that state all the time but then becomes any you know a world-changing scientist or mathematician or or athlete or whatever it takes they have to stay in that whether it's consciously or not they have to stay in that mode of thinking what what do you make of that life that maybe doesn't lock in to hearing the inner voice well it can be a very extremely unbalanced life and no matter how intelligent they are even people who have there are some people who are very creative in one area but the rest of their lives is completely unbalanced and then some people are almost destroyed by the by the UM the lack of balance in their lives select famous people like even some famous pop artists who were quite quite creative in the way Michael Jackson for example um as a person he's just come just I mean he's passed away now but I remember seeing him an interview as a person he's just got much to say and it's a teammate and from but the moment he moves he makes a dance movement or just a power flow through him and I saw that but these the important thing is the this this the creative intelligence needs to come into the interest of Allah your knife needs to become a work of art a creative work of art not just a little area in your life so what the world needs is actually not more intelligence it doesn't need more knowledge I mean we're just we're drowning in facts and information that we don't need more of that to use an old-fashioned word what the world needs is wisdom wisdom is inseparable from awareness it it arises out of awareness without wisdom you are torn you know you may be identified with the the polarities of life there were perhaps worth mentioning here you know the ancient yin and yang Chinese way of looking at the world they see the yin is the feminine principle and the yang is the masculine principle so these the polarities are everywhere in life this is a very for Western mind is a very strange way of looking at things but the the Chinese philosophy ancient Chinese philosophy says this is there's a play of the the world is a manifestation of the play between yin and yang the feminine masculine principles you may remember the symbol of yin and yang the birth and here too you can be you can be in the grip of a particular energy movement without awareness you can get into the grip of yang and then you would become quite destructive if you go to an extreme a country can be in the grip of yang energy like Germany was Russia China any country where this dictatorship is in the grip of an extreme grip of Yang and traditionally society in at least in the West has been dominated by the yang energy with occasional interludes of yin in between but relatively insignificant for example the Romantic movement in the 19th century in art and literature was again coming in but not for too long so would you put the Enlightenment it again stated the Enlightenment there was a bit of yin coming in yes yes but to the first half of the 20th century was an extreme manifestation of yang the world wars the genocide in in Germany in Russia and China Cambodia in other places absurd unconsciousness yang Frank then the world the Western world especially experienced as a reaction to the extreme yang an influx of yin it started in the 60s actually a very strong influx of game and with that came the woman's women's movement and all those things more empathy towards other human beings came in also an openness to work to support spirituality more instead of the rigid patterns of institutionalized religion there was an openness towards influx also of Eastern spirituality coming into the West there was an embassy over with this is where the embassy will with a disadvantaged humans came from an embassy to the suffering of people who are physically disabled be mentally disabled or the so called marginalized all those things this is a wonderful thing human could sense their suffering so more empathy came up and this was a great thing it's a necessary thing education changed completely from being dominated by the yang energy discipline and yang and now education became more and more permissive you do your own things it became so permissive that eventually there was no structure anymore it was all and schools became chaotic and family many families became totally chaotic and so and the wonderful empathy towards other human beings turned into political correctness quickly the world was moving towards an extreme of a yen to counterbalance but there was no awareness so people first were in the grip of the yang movement and identified with that as a collective and now a significant portion of the Western civilization not all but a significant portion of the population is in the grip of a yen movement and it's not stopping it's going to an extreme where something that it was initially good and necessary yeah now anything that goes to an extreme becomes destructive and another ancient saying in Greek philosophies nothing in excess nothing in excess so now the collective is is in the grip not all of it but she gave him part the especially the the mass of the media universities and so on strongly in the grip of yen Germany is a the example they like to go to extremes they went extreme of Yang they became the most aggressive country in Europe and now they are going into extreme again they are the most compassionate country in Europe except Sweden the most company opened their borders completely so please we want to help you this is this is this consists of two things there is the compassion that arises when the incomes in there is another element that needs to be mentioned yes there's also guilt which plays its part to the combination of of guilt and yen energy so yen is symbolized as this this is yen receptive open this is yang you can see yang is a mask in the thrusting principle it's almost a sexual yin yang so yang says let's close the borders on extreme form of yang says let's expand our country and then close the borders let's attack the neighboring countries and then we'll be even bigger the extreme of the incest no borders at all an American book and this it's if it feels so good to be able to say how can you deny human beings a much better life how can we deny it feels so wonderful just say that but what's lacking is wisdom and compassion is there and it's wonderful so you have yin and yang what's missing is it they need to be instead of two polarities you need to be a triangle at the apex of the triangle you need to have awareness if there's nothing honest when you don't need to go to an extreme of either general yang you know it's so interesting because I wasn't really planning on doing anything sort of political with you but actually I think in the last few minutes you've given me as good political analysis to sort of where we are so without getting into the nitty-gritty of politics if your premise is basically right and this is why I always say the road to hell is paved with good intentions but know that I'm frustrated with right now that you're describing as in I don't believe there are evil people there can be there can be bad actors within that let's say or people that aren't acting in their conscious but I don't believe that the bulk of them are but if we're active if we're right now we're caught between this how does the good decent person that I think most people are that can check in and out of their higher self and all of those things but that want a decent world how do we how do we help these sides to get to that place well first you have to be careful with yourself so that you do not get drawn to either one or the other extreme because now the reactive mode of course - fine - again it would be to go - fine - yang and so a society they it was totally into yin would produce fascism again that's the danger so the individual needs to be aware that they don't want the reactivity so that you remain aware so you don't contribute to the polarization in the world so what what you contribute whether it's only social media or in person when you speak to somebody or you write something be careful that you do not confuse also somebody's mental emotional position which may be whether they are there with who they are and then regard him as an enemy the ego feels strengthened the more enemies it can have the stronger it feels there's always the tendencies the unconscious ego to make others into enemies so it's we need to develop enough awareness to be able to conduct a conversation with another human being without regarding the other who might hold very very different mental positions as an enemy I was very happy to see recently happen to see an interview on YouTube with a guy who has come quite Longway Russell Brand mm-hmm has come a long way with the other briefs doing great things now even anybody who hasn't seen him matter for a long time should see him again he met with Candice Owens oh I saw and they exactly pretty incredible they had an interview he's on the Left she's on the right they were in many ways opposing opposite viewpoints respected each other as human beings without making the other into an enemy that is a wonderful step if they can do it but other people don't do it it just requires a little bit of awareness so that you can then have a conversation and it's only by having a conversation that you can find somewhere a middle of a middle way some of this is a Buddhist expression Buddhism is called the middle way you find the middle way somewhere I if we don't have conversations with others we'll have different viewpoints then the there will be deterioration and eventually they would it might even be violence so it's interesting because I know you talk a lot about the collective conscious which obviously I mean look you happen to see me on YouTube that brought us here now your message can get out to you know tons of other people and all of that stuff which is absolutely incredible so that's the that's the great part of the internet that I think has fed the collective unconsciousness unconscious but then there's another part of it where we seemingly are just fighting all day long and you mentioned before we're distracted all day long so if we're standing on a corner we automatically go to our phone do you think that level of distraction and Technology and our our adolescents relative to knowing what is really going on by having the world in your pocket at all times do you think that is leading us to to a sort of strange existential crisis that actually could have never happened before just because of the the speed with which yes we can communicate and learn and and ate and all those yes well they supposed what is community what is communicated through these devices but the very fact that there is this device this was a many years ago there was a book by Marshall McLuhan it says the medium is the message it was about television but the the nature of the device itself we we need to be very careful because what it does is it contributes to the clutter of our minds so no matter potentially it it can be a very beneficial thing to connect with humans through these devices but at the moment the dangers it might be destructive are greater I can see what it does to children who from an early age interact with these and no longer able to have personal relationships increasing number of children have attention deficit disorder now what is attention deficit disorder they can't focus on anything for very long anymore what does that do to human consciousness what does it do to a civilization if you must grow up now without the ability to focus on tension for very long because ending any creative act requires you to be present with something a period of time to give it attention and if humans lose the ability to give attention then they lose the ability to be creative if they lose the ability to be creative they lose the ability even to solve their problems because the problems that they have created it requires wisdom and true creativity to solve those problems so all kinds of scenarios are possible scenario of a breakdown of civilization within two generations is a possibility but these things if these things I need to learn how to use these devices in the same way that we have to learn how to use our minds because they are an extension of our so if become more aware of what our mind is doing then it might be easier also do to handle these devices because they are an extension and amplification of the mind and the dysfunction that we see on the internet with all these dysfunctional behavior and so on it's just it's an externalization and an amplification of the dysfunction of the human ego you can just see it much more clearly now it's all for everybody to see and that might be a good thing to see it because then become really aware of it what are we doing to ourselves it's a good question to ask what are we doing to ourselves this is becoming insane and the moment you see that it is insane then there's some sanity in you because nobody who knows they're insane is completely insane the really insane people don't know the answer so if you see the insanity in the work way that we collectively communicate you say ok I am NOT going to be part of that it's necessary to see it and then your responsibility as an individual is not to feed it to stay conscious to stay present so that your input is conscious and does not seek to destroy other human beings and deem demonize other you dehumanize and demonize other human beings so you view that really as the antidote let's say to the mob culture that we have because there is this you can feel this you know it's funny I this morning I was scrolling your Twitter feed in it and your Twitter feed is basically a breath of fresh air it's like when I was reading it I could there's like a breath and it's and it's Pleasant and you know there's there's some of your sayings and some of the ways that you want to help people think clearly one of the things but that's so the reverse of the way most of Twitter is and I'm part of that other world and sometimes sometimes I feed it and I try not to but you know I'm not perfect either but I do see this thing where where the mob is sort of moving or on Twitter and sometimes it comes to get me to yeah and there's this there's an innate human feeling you see something and it has a lot of attention and it's shiny and it's whatever and that everyone wants to get in but basically you're saying if you would take that breath if you would just say I don't want in on this that eventually you can actually you can almost pull other people out of it to by your own behavior yes because this isn't just about you yes also not to feed other if other people post negative things about you in many many cases non-reaction is the best thing instead of feeding at hours and I need to learn I will try to take that one that applies both offline and online in your personal life too often it's just well I believe Jesus was talking about non reaction when he's talked about turning the other cheek I don't think is to be taken literally but it means when somebody at somebody attacks you not not physically it's an analogy he uses it's a parable turn the other cheek is just be free of reaction and that that very quickly deflates even the other person's ego it doesn't if the ego needs the reaction it needs the reactivity so that's a powerful thing but how do you avoid then just becoming a pushover within that well in some situations something needs to be said but even then that can come from you could say let's especially if you're with somebody that kind of behavior is unacceptable you can say that in a conscious way rather than in a destructive and aggressive way you can one can actually be very firm and conscious or when you say no to somebody it doesn't have to be aggressive it's just unique a clear is I call it a high quality no somebody says can you lend me again the $2,000 i need i know are still owe you 20,000 but I need some more and then and then not to make the other engine enemy just know I'm sorry can't do it anymore it's a high quality no that's a your present well you say it and then you can set boundaries if necessary so in some cases something needs to be said we need to do something but in many other cases complete non reactivity can be very very powerful what gives you the most amount of joy in your life now the little things in life the little things walking around in nature sometimes sitting quietly in the room just being I love being nature I still enjoy traveling and the greatest joy is teaching giving talks because that's my life purpose and so once every every time I engage in my life purpose then I'm really in a state of joy and heightened aliveness and that's why I'm still doing it yeah would you say you're are you an optimist inherently as far as human destiny is concerned you mean or humanity or in general yeah and I don't mean it personally actually I mean it's just in the in the wider world or are you hopeful oh yes I'm opting I'm well I sometimes call it I'm a long-term optimist I will say world-weary optimist short-term I don't know it's possible who knows where humanity is going right now nobody could predict where it's going all the individual or the individual can only take responsibility for their own state of consciousness but they ought that matters very much the because your state of consciousness the travel determines the way in which you experience reality and that has many repercussions you affect many other humans through your state of consciousness so let's don't underestimate the importance of your state of consciousness in the present moment in there's so much more we can do here but I want to be respectful of your time so I'll ask you one more and then when we end this I'm going to beg you to come back but if someone's watching this right now and is really in what Jordan Peterson would describe as the state of chaos or the state that you were in in in your late 20s before you had your awakening and they hear you and they say well just you know taking that first breath isn't gonna do it if they're really just out of sorts right now what would be some some way that you think you could help shake them out of it give them something concrete that would help them click you know stop on this thing and and fix themselves or begin the process that's a no yeah well the best starting point is the present moment now whatever I say any advice I gave it's quite possible if not likely that they're conditioned mind will deny what I say and it'll say that's not going to work so don't believe what I say now if your mind says it is not going to work don't believe what your mind says just try what I've got what I'm saying now so we become more fully conscious of the present moment right now because this that's all there ever is your entire life is experienced and unfolds in the present moment most humans don't seem to even realize that because they always live as if some other moment we're more important than this one you need to honor this moment it's the basis for the soak for the future all that unfolds which never comes because when it comes it's and now and the past never happened except when you remember it it's over and you remember it now so coming to the present moment be aware of your breathing and another one I recommend anybody discover actually very powerful bit sounds almost too simple but it's very powerful feel the aliveness inside your body and if you don't know what I mean are usually I advise people to close their eyes hold their hand like this and ask themselves without looking at my hand or moving my hand how can I know whether my hand is still there that question requires you to direct attention into your hand and then after a few seconds you'll probably feel a little bit of a tingling or liveness in your hand that is the beginning of being able to feel what I call the inner body this is the the energy field that the that pervades every cell in the body if you can start with the hands then you feel your legs your feet your hands simultaneously and then you incorporate the totality of your body and so your attention is moved from your mind you're taking consciousness into the body so one could say you're now inhabiting your body consciously and when you it's a very very lovely feeling and you'll notice that you're no longer thinking very much you can't and all the the problems that you have to a large extent we are created by dysfunctional thinking and the emotions that accompany dysfunctional thinking most of the problems reside in your mind so if you are able to become more present then you access a higher or deeper dimension of consciousness and to become more present you have to be able to step out of your mind without losing consciousness so the consciousness the goes into the body and the body becomes an anchor you can hold it through several minutes at a time becomes an anchor for being present become as present as you can also present of sense perceptions it's very important sense perceptions can also bring you into the present moment an expression you could use is come to your senses in both meanings of the work expression come to your senses look around because consciously take everything in without label it is needing to label it mentally and then you suddenly aware of your surroundings you aware of your inner energy field you're in the present moment and in the present moment there's no problem competent is not an emergency sometimes yes then you have to act but it's not an emergency he has no problem then your ability to deal with your so-called problems becomes much greater if you're able to access the power of your presence then when you choose to deal with your problems saying okay now I apply focused thought what can I do when you return to presence it's always going thinking back in to learn what presence is it's there it's the the kingdom of heaven is at hand sati it's right here it's right here don't look for it elsewhere and then you realize the a lot of the unhappiness in one's life the Buddha called it dukkha suffering he says every human suffers unless they have awakened but and a lot of the suffering is not due to your life circumstances or the most people think it is the the larger part of your suffering is due to your mental commentary about your life circumstances your mind is telling you something that creates the unhappiness even you can test it out you in a simple situation you're in line somewhere you get irritated it's taking too long you're waiting you get very angry and irritated then experiment how would I experience the situation without adding any thought to it if I didn't add any thoughts to this moment just and then suddenly well it's actually fine it's not before you aren't happy but we are not unhappy because of the you had to wait you weren't happy because of the narrative in your mind so there are millions of people who carry very toxic narratives in their mind and they call it my life that's not it's a it's a terrible burden they carry around it doesn't have to be like that and the essence of all spirituality is to be able to step out of that realize if only a little bit of self transcendence which is inner spaciousness and then that grows and then you can begin to sense there is a power in you that transcends the person and that is also the place where you can transcend the the feelings of happiness and unhappiness which fluctuate continuously I'm not saying you've it's not happiness that you ultimately find happiness it's a little bit superficial I've made it in the next day or the opposite it's something that transcends happiness and unhappiness it's a deep sense of rootedness in being of a deep sense of inner peace that really have nothing much to do with your personal circumstances I've had letters from people in prison who have written to me said I feel free now because I've read your book and I've practiced it and my life is transformed and now I'm just teaching others from many letters from prison prisoners so it's it's well no matter what your life circumstances are the the message is wake up wake up out of complete identification with your mind and so let's you're the ultimate purpose in life it is to awaken this has been a an absolute pleasure I think that I I'm not I think I know that I had a few of those brief fleeting moments while we were here and I thank you for that and I think if my audience gets even 1% of that through the internet waves they're all out I think this will be something that I will always remember I hope we can do this again because we thank you get started here I normally tell the Twitter handle of my guests but in this case I'm going to look at the camera and tell you guys just to take a breath
Channel: The Rubin Report
Views: 296,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rubin report, dave rubin, eckhart tolle, eckhart tolle 2019, the rubin report, power of now, the power of now, emotional triggers, mindfulness, tolle, consciousness, enlightenment, a new earth, spirituality, spiritual, zen, higher self, yin yang, balance, politics, idw, intellectual dark web, news, Rubin-Bericht, rubin rapport
Id: SQmQLWuw9xQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 59sec (2519 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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