Connect With the UNIVERSE and Become Your TRUE SELF! | Eckhart Tolle | Top 10 Rules

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happiness or fulfillment does not depend on any other humans acceptance of who you are that would be a deluded thought if you think you can only be happy if these people accept and understand you some people have that with their parents so they say my dad don't understand me at all it's terrible terrible I'm trying to explain they cannot understand you it's beyond their comprehension if you have awakened spiritually and they haven't except that they cannot understand you instead of trying to explain yourself to them just be there in a loving way with them when you meet for Christmas or Thanksgiving and you hear all the judgments coming at you from them so you don't not need to justify or accepting people's limitations and suddenly realizing whether or not your father your mother your sister your brother or anybody else Close to You accepts you for who you are you become free of the need to be accepted but you can nevertheless have a deeper connection keep that deeper connection and connectedness with them need motivation watch the top 10 with believe Nation hey it's Evan Car Michael and I make these videos because the thing that saved me as an entrepreneur was watching the stories of other successful entrepreneurs and I learned from their advice I learned from their motivation and honestly I have no idea where I would be if I didn't have those videos to inspire me I still need them for myself today too and I hope that they can inspire you as well so today let's learn from one of the best at CI and my take on his top 10 rules of success enjoy rule number two is develop rational thinking I've had this strange feeling or idea in the past few months um that a certain segment of humanity is uh uh losing the ability to think rationally there's a decrease in whether I call it IQ or whatever it may be there's a diminishment of rational faculty as reflected in many ways on uh mainstream media social media and so on uh and another segment of humanity is actually becoming more aware more aware more conscious is not drawn into the regressive phase that some of humanity may be going through It's Not Unusual for Humanity to occasionally collectively regress to a lower State of Consciousness it has happened uh whenever a country or Collective has been taken over by uh an almost one could say toxic ideology ology that has completely taken possession of millions of people's minds look at of course n national socialism in Germany the maist cultural revolution was quite crazy what happened in Cambodia under pport uh totally crazy ideas invaded millions of people's minds and uh reduce their ability to to actually engage Eng in rational thinking and uh it things that happened for example in MA China during the cultural revolution um children reporting on their parents when they were angry with their parents all they had to do is go to school and Report their parents if they had said something against the government the parents would be taken away and never seen again they they went around public parks in big cities in China tearing out flowers out of because Beauty was regarded as Bourgeois you had to kill your your pets your your dogs and cats uh totally and these are just a few examples of totally toxic and uh irrational thoughts taking over people's minds so that's to some extent I've been seeing this happening uh collectively not just in one country in quite a few Western many Western countries that I'm aware of and uh but it has not affected everybody uh some people have managed to remain aware they have not been one could say infected by what one could perhaps call a a mental virus or mental viruses that uh um reduce people's ability to actually see reality reality then gets distorted through the Veil of these mental viruses that have taken over people's minds um this is um uh more serious a more serious pandemic than anything that happens on the physical level as far as um uh pandemics are concerned the actual viruses actually you might I don't know if you've read car Yung said that the greatest danger that Humanity faces is not from any external Force like natural disasters or dis diseases or pandemics he said the greatest danger that Humanity faces is uh Collective psychoses rule number three is be a good listener for someone who's a little bit hyperactive what's the best way to get a balance between removing content which is really good but then not getting annoyed when content comes in and you think oh it's it's spoiling my piece is there some way to get a balance be more a listener than a speaker make that your practice for the time being I'm not saying don't say a word but be more like 80% listener than a speaker and that for example you can do by asking question questions when you're in rather than stating your view or whatever it is ask questions that encourages the other person to speak more as the other person speaks more it forces you to listen and then make the listening into a practice while the other person is speaking are you able to let's at any time to feel your inner body can you feel that the hands but but then seem to lose them quite quickly okay but but hands you can feel the energy in your hands the rest of the body is more difficult yeah yeah okay well it's a good start it's a start so I suggest that once you've asked a question while you listen you direct your awareness into the inner feeling of your hands yeah and that keeps it there so that it doesn't your mind doesn't take off so you ask a question what um where are you from how long have you been with aard how did you first discover the the books um have you been to other R many questions you can ask and people will be happy to help you by answering your questions and they will be happy to help you by not asking you too many questions yeah now thank you that that's good yeah that'll help you yeah so and so while you listen have your attention in the inner energy field of your hands if if you can amplify that and have your attention also in other parts of your body for example your feet and hand at the same time that's even better but hands is fine too so you feel your inner the aliveness in your hands and from there you you listen and you know just give it this will help you prevent the stream of Mind from taking you over rule number four is live in the moment how do I strike a healthy balance between simply accepting life as it unfolds and actively working towards and striving towards goals destinations aspirations well accepting life as it unfolds of course is the foundation for conscious and sane living accepting whatever unfolds in the present moment there is nothing else that's the foundation does that mean you cannot have goals you cannot have aspirations wanting to achieve this do this do that it's perfectly compatible with accepting what is arriving in this moment one difference between the uncon state which denies this moment and wants to make it into a means to an end all the time the difference then is what is the motivation for your doing If you deny this moment can never embrace it honor it appreciate it then the motivation for your action is basically dis satisfaction with what is and the action is looked towards as a possible way of overcoming the discontent and the dissatisfaction that you feel with the present moment and that's a very normal pattern and that's in for many many people that what is what motivates them they don't feel good enough they don't feel there some they feel there's something fundamental missing in their lives they don't feel recognized they don't feel loved whatever and so they try to find something achieve something that will bring them that which they feel is missing they don't realize that it's that is not going to work you need to start with the foundation for your life which is this moment and go deeply into that and become okay with it friendly with it realize it's the only thing that ever is just this moment nothing ever exists that's not this moment so you might as well become friendly with it and appreciate it and look around and see how actually it's okay this moment is actually okay and if it's not okay you can still say well that's what is right now if something goes wrong that's what is and then things will come in that you want to do you suddenly an idea comes or you need to do something to make a living and then out of that state of becoming one with the isness of the present moment something arises and wants that wants to take form in the world that perhaps you want to create and then you create it out of the joy of doing instead of out of a feeling of lack that you need something to make you complete or happy so the motivation changes from neediness and discontent to joyful doing it's not stress anymore when stress is a sign that you lost the present moment the next moment has become more important than life itself also to make sure you're actually taking action after watching this video I've designed a special free worksheet just for this video the worksheet will highlight all the Lessons Learned in this video as well as pull out our three favorite learnings and quotes that will inspire you to actually do something the worksheet will also give you space to write down what your key takeaways are and your specific plan of action to make sure you're getting results if you want the worksheet designed specifically for this video absolutely for free there's a link in the description below go click on it and start building the momentum in your life and your business I'll see you there rule number five is practice manifestation the greatest obstacle is probably uh when meditation comes out of a sense of lack or neediness so you feel feel you you are deprived of something be it money or uh a relationship or a living situation and you feel there's a great lack in your life and you desperately want this to change and so you perhaps uh use manifestation in a way that is not likely to work when for example you use affirmations such as uh I want a better job I want a job with a good income and a life situation in a nice place and I want this and I want that um by making these statements uh you're actually by implication saying that you don't have it so you're also by saying that you're uh uh there's a reverse side to your statement I want and on the reverse side of the statement I want there is the statement I don't have and I need and similar things please give me if you you pray to maybe God maybe you pray to Jesus maybe you pray to Buddha they do that in Buddhist countries maybe you pray to the saint or whatever it is or you pray to the universe and say please universe please give me this please give give me that that also doesn't work very well if it works it could be accidentally who knows but usually uh that greatly diminishes your power of manifestation because it the man manifestation practice arises out of a state of lack or neediness so there's no powerful manifestation there The Secret of manifestation is expressed in one simple statement by Jesus and that encapsulates all the books that have been written on manifestation and will ever be written on manifestation it's just one simple sentence it says when you pray for something believe that you that it has been given or that you already have it and then then you will receive it so the important thing is he doesn't say believe that you will receive it he says believe that you have received it so there the secret is hiding in that statement believe that you have received it rule number six is learn to say no my North Star is the monk the story you shared about the monk who lived saying is that so for everything that came I am trying my best to get there in my journey to accepting the isness of things and accepting the moment what I'm struggling with is when am I being a doormat how do I determine it's clear in the example you just shared being homeless in the gray areas of life how do I determine when I need to take action the important thing is nonresistance is not so much to do what externally what you do but it's an it's an inner state of consciousness of non-resistance acceptance of what is of the present moment in this this moment um it doesn't if it's misunderstood then it could lead as you say it could lead you to become a dmat because then you would go along with with what everybody say anybody says to you uh and you would can you do this can you do this for me yeah okay I can do it and then you you could be used by people uh H but a state of non of non-resistance sometimes um may require you to say no to let's say somebody requests something but you feel you don't want to do it or you cannot do it uh for some reason and you say no I I don't I think I wrote about this I I had this expression a high quality no as opposed to a low quality no a low quality no is you make the other person into a kind of enemies and why you always ask me this like you argue and Sh you accuse the other you're just trying to use me I can see you've used me before and now you're doing it again now you're asking me for money again I've already lent you five times have you given it back to me no you haven't so no I'm not going to do it just don't leave me alone that's one no and then there's another no which is nonreactive it's not AR does not arise from reactivity but is a response to the situation that says uh no I don't want to let's say whatever the request is or the demand no I I can't do it anymore I don't want to do it anymore no I'm not going to give you money again because I've already given you five times so this I'm I won't give you again uh that's just how it is I no I can't uh no no I [Music] canot whatever it may be you're saying no without creating an enemy without treating or a situation without making a situation into an enemy so it's a conscious know and you're still in an inner State of non-resistance the State of resistance strengthens the ego and this is a way of not operating through not operating through ego rule number seven is declutter your mind I wonder could to connect that to what I'm doing with this month um I I suppose someone like you kind of kind of digs something like this the idea that someone could put down the devices and I wonder what what do you think just in general about a world that is so obsessively connected to other people's thoughts all day long yes that's good so um the over this um excessive identification with thinking and overthinking ex excessive thinking have been the long time long before we came up with these devices but uh these devices uh amplify the human tendency to to engage or indulge in excessive thinking and problem making thinking rather than constructive thinking focused thinking uh so the what you are doing uh is very very helpful you are basically uh uh having a period of what we could call it decluttering your mind you declutter your mind and this is necessary because our mind most people's minds have never been been as cluttered as they are now uh cluttered means there's a continuous input of stuff that comes in through the devices uh the messages come in Facebook posts uh tweets and continuously the devices demand your attention and say this is important and a lot of it is not important but as we all know there's an addictive quality to it it draws your attention to it and then every time it draws your attention you add to the Clutter of your mind a lot of that is not constructive a lot of it is just random people often see people they get out their phones and they do this random scrolling I can see it's random there's nothing specific but they think they have to do it because everybody else is doing it around them wherever you are these days people are engaging with this and they're continuously taking in thoughts from others and as we said before some of these sorts may be toxic and they May easily become lodged in your mind uh so to declutter is extremely important uh and you can see if you're even just not using a device for a day for many people is very very hard uh and some think they can do it but they can't so they are truly addicted um now when you when you when you declutter your mind first of all you put down your phone you don't use it not everybody can do it for whole months like you of course of course but I recommend to everybody to have certain periods of time when they uh do not engage so for example in your bedroom might be a good place to T for not engaging with any device uh certain periods of time when you go out into nature be there rather than carry that thing and every time it makes a noise you still look up and you're still even while you're surrounded by Beauty and aliveness you're still engaging with this rule number eight is manage your addictions and the moment you watch the screen whether it's television or one screen you might have noticed that the your own your so-called own thought processes come to a stop so to some extent you're free of the self this is why people sometimes find watching television relaxx relaxing say okay I just need to relax now let's turn it on by this they mean while they watch the television screen they're not burdened by their self induced thought processes what they do however they replace the their own Thoughts with the collective thoughts so they just you're in a state you're not in a state of thoughtless awareness when you watch television or you watch something on the screen you absorb the thoughts from there into your mind and you you link into so it for people often in a state of semi or hypnosis when they watch and it kind of paralyzes you can also happen with the screen with television already started of course um don't know when whenever tell 60 years ago whenever television started and you go and so your mind is just absorbing whatever is playing it's the TV mind which is receiving stuff from whever it comes from is going into your mind and you become a no longer thinking your own thoughts occasionally your might you say oh this guy is so stupid and then you're watching again and then another thought why am I watching this rubbish half an hour later this is so awful but you can't you can't can't turn it off here's the here's the remote let's let's just try one more Channel there might be something else there oh no that's stupid try one more this is this is how an addict behaves and the device is even more addictive you because you carry them with you and uh you have to admit you may have to admit that you there's an addiction in you not everybody here but quite a few it would be almost normal to feel this draw towards it and you use it even when you don't need to use it that's the amazing thing when you're standing at the elevator waiting another person is standing next to you and he or she is pulling out the phone and then you pull out yours you don't know why or anywhere you in a you order have waiting you're ordering a tea or coffee somewhere and you're standing in line and if you look around there's almost nobody and probably no nobody who is not looking at this little thing this is scary zombie like number nine is acknowledge your emotions the feeling first of all needs to be acknowledged and accepted uh you can't start with letting go so you have to start with acknowledging it and accepting that it's there because it's part of what is the isness of the present moment whether it's an external thing or an inner thing it is it is what is and to deny or to argue with what is creates suffering so you acknowledge you accept that it's there then how much time you need to be with it depends varies from person to person and what what kind of a feeling it is and so [Music] on and then the question arises what is the link between that feeling and your thought processes the person needs to find out whether the thought [Music] processes keep that feeling alive continuously whether they renew by playing out for example a past scenario in their minds by Reviving memories from the past by dwelling on certain narratives that are painful repeating them in their minds that gives Renewed Energy to the feeling so the first the most important thing is to be aware of both levels what's the level of my thinking how does that contribute to the perpetuation of what I feel and so you also then acknowledge or the these are the habitual thought patterns that go through my mind in relation to the feelings and then the you would begin to realize that the Letting Go the most important step in letting go of feelings is to cut the link between your thinking and what you're feeling how do you do that you do it by by being aware of your thinking and realizing that that thinking is pain it feeds the old feeling and the narrative whatever it is is a painful narrative and you realize that you've been keeping it alive for some years and you when there's some enough awareness you realized that it has no purpose except to make you unhappy and to perpetuate that feeling and room number 10 the last one before some very special bonus Clips is connect with nature oh there may be one or two people being with us here there who perhaps are stuck somewhere in a room and can't get out because of physical disability or they may be in prison and they say what can I do what can we do we can't get out into nature well you need to remember that your body also is nature so you can start there every time you take a breath that's nature nature is breathing the air that you're breathing is nature the very fact of breathing is a natural process it's not Choice it's done for you it's not so much that you breathe although we say I breathe but you're not the body breathes so it's a natural thing that happens you wouldn't say I'm beating my heart you don't do that but that's the same thing the body does it it's a natural process for some reason we say I'm breathing because breathing is semi voluntary you can stop it for a while but not for that long because if you stop it for too long nature takes over and go so nature takes says nature you live with nature with your body so even if you can't get out you can start by being aware of that level of yourself the the physical level the natural part of who you are the body and not just by saying okay I'm looking at my hands or my feet not just the physic not the external image of the body but you can go into the body with your attention and that's you're in nature even if you're in a prison cell you can do that and even if there's no opportunity you might be in an office Block in Manhattan and you look out of the window and all you have is maybe a little bit of Sky okay there's a little bit of nature there you can look at that but you have more nature than that in yourself so as you s to in your office wherever it is go within first be conscious that breathing is happening the body is breathing be conscious also of the the preciousness of the air it's such a precious substance so to acknowledge that is actually part of what sometimes is called to to live in a state of gratitude now some people say what can I be grateful for there's nothing in my life that I can be grateful for well are you breathing yes well you start there you can look at the world wars you can look at all the the terrorism and all the other mad Wars that are being fought as just it's just a question of degrees of unconsciousness not different so when you go into that state of unconsciousness you it takes you over you lose it basically then that is the same energy field that has created what we see as the m Madness of human history and what we see of The Madness of the socalled world news the same energy so don't complain about all these violent people who are doing all these Dreadful things all that it is is human unconsciousness in a more pronounced form than yours or your partners and so that helps a little bit to find perhaps almost some compassion towards all these crazy people that are doing such crazy things and creating such terrible suffering now if you become compassionate towards them don't worry it doesn't mean that they will not experience the consequences of their unconsciousness that still happens you by being compassionate to another human being you don't necessarily remove the karmic consequences of their action but you yourself become free from the from being drawn into the karmic cycle so the the act of [Music] forgiveness does not mean that this person is not going to suffer the consequences because life makes sure in whatever form that they do suffer the consequences of the suffering that they inflict on other human beings it's a karmic law but if you don't want to be part of that anymore if you want to step out of the karmic law the the first step out of the and the most important step out of the karmic law is [Music] forgiveness then you do not feed it you don't become part of it that's why traditionally in spiritual teachings of various Traditions forgiveness is always emphasized it must be real though it's there are many forms of superficial forgiveness when just the mind is okay I forgive you it's not deep it's not real yet the mind is trying to forgive but you you can only forgive if you realize that whatever actions have been perpetrated are the effects of human unconsciousness in other words what Jesus said on the cross or is reported to have said forgive them for they know not what they do very profound statement it is a profound statement that can be applied to any Act of uh violence perpetrated against other humans or life forms forgive them for they know not what they do not knowing what they do of course means they are unconscious the word unconscious probably in that sense wasn't used at the time so he said they don't know what they do karmic law still operates but without you and you can notice karmic [Music] law when when you see a movie some movies like to manipulate your emotions and so the particular types of movies where they first they build up the tension by by showing you some very evil person and this evil person is killing all these people or hurting all these people and then you're being manipulated to feel that incredible pull that this person should suffer for what he or she has done that's the manipulation the audience loves that they love watching things like that so then the emotion builds up and finally there even some movies like The the movies that uh about um Vigilantes who take justice in their own hands because the justice system doesn't deal with the criminals anymore so finally you have this guy who goes out and kills all the bad guys and the your emotions have been manipulated so much that the audience say yes yes he must die not realize no what you what you are feel what what you are feeling this incred it might also happen if you read about some Dreadful crime that somebody has committed and then if you read it on the internet the you can read in some on some news websites you can read the comment section and in the comment section every other comment says we should have the death penalty he needs to electric chair he needs to be done to what he did did he they should do to him and all these and this is an enormous pressure that people feel inside and this is connected to karmic law because there's a comp compensatory factor in karmic law and you can feel that as the pressure inside you but it keeps you trapped in karma so in that sense watching these movies is not helpful because it keeps you trapped in that that wheel of the of karma so they don't teach forgiveness there so this is we are talking it's about something very important and that is dealing with human unconsciousness and what looks like evil they so there are many things that are quite Dreadful so so how do we how does that affect our state of Consciousness and what role does our state of consciousness play in this whole scenario it does have a role to play so it's for us important that we are no longer part of action and reaction because the definition of karma is action Karma means action and reaction and it goes on and on and as you can see in certain societies and so on the karmic thing goes on goes back centuries and centuries the same grievance transmitted from one generation to the next and the next and the next and they are all asleep this is why spiritual teaching say you are asleep they are all so unconscious they get taken over by the collective mental emotional pattern and the mental story they just inherit it from their parents and then they pass it on to their children and then they each generation suffers they suffer they call much suffering created for each other and at some point the suffering becomes almost unbearable for certain people people within that society and that's beginning of a shift when it gets too much so suffering drives humans to a point of Awakening that's a strange Paradox here is the suffering is created by the unconsciousness in humans but in some strange way eventually it wakes you up it awakens you that's the redeeming feature behind the suffering that humans create for each other eventually it leads to a spiritual awakening so it all a good thing to realize it all comes down to your State of Consciousness and how you relate to the people around you and that spreads that is what creates the world and even how you react to when you listen to the world news has certain influence because [Music] all all human minds are connected at a deeper level so the way in which you react to what you hear on the world news contributes either to the unconsciousness if you get on the on your computer or the iPad and you type in this guy does not deserve to live he should be die slowly and they should torture him then you become part of the same Karma if you've ever done that please forgive yourself and if you enjoy reading those comments also for give yourself life is always now uh this seems almost too obvious to state but uh most people live in a way that almost contradicts the simple fact that life is always now they live as if some future moment were more important than this moment so most people always live towards the next moment they're always on their way towards the next moment so if they get very old then the usually they live in the past and they still don't live in the present moment so we're not talking here about making plans and on a practical level all this is necessary and great making plans what to do with your life or what to do the next day but most people are never at home in the present moment there's always something missing there's an inner feeling that I need need to get to the next moment where I will find some kind of completion or fulfillment but when they get to the next moment another next moment appears that they need to get to so there first of all the simple fact that life is always now so in we can learn instead of continuously uh ignoring uh the present moment we can first of all realize the amazing fact that your entire life is experienced in and as the present moment life is never not the present moment so it's the most precious thing we have it's we could say it's the only thing we have because the future what we call the future never actually comes nobody has ever experienced the future because the moment the so-called future comes we experience it as the present moment again the past when we talk or think about the past we can only do that in the present moment so even thinking about the past and thinking about future is ultimately happens in the present moment now uh what we when we are always mentally projecting forward into the next moment we miss the aliveness and vitality of this moment which is ultimately all there ever is I think it's an amazing realization that the many many people never actually get to a place where they are able to except for brief moments where they're able to uh come uh into a good relationship with the present moment it's amazing there are millions of people on the planet who live in an all most antagonistic relationship with the present moment they they don't they don't want to be where they are they'd rather be somewhere else they may be engaged in some kind of activity but they'd rather be doing something else or they'd rather be already at the end of this particular activity uh they may be with somebody but they don't really want to be with them they'd rather be somewhere else uh you know the bumper sticker on some cars that says like things like I'd rather be golfing I'd rather be fishing um so there is this um strange fact that uh the present moment is treated by in by people internally either as antagonistic I just need to get get to some better moment or as a means to an end it's always a means to an end so when you are engaged in an activity you're already mentally projecting yourself to the next moment where the activity comes to an end or whatever you want to achieve through the activity so uh it's like being on a journey and all mentally projecting yourself to the destination and not realizing that the journey takes let's say you're on a journey uh it takes a week arriving at the destination is a one brief moment and there you are it takes one week to get there but if you uh reduce the value of the steps that you are taking in this moment if you reduce that to always a only a means to an end then your entire life becomes a means to an end an end that never really arrives because when you arrive at that moment then something else immediately pops up that you need to reach you won't really enjoy the fruit of your labors if habitually you cannot be present in the moment no matter what you achieve the enjoyment will be shortlived because of the habitual pattern of dissatisfaction in the background it's always there some obscure sense of lack and often it comes into the foreground as real unhappiness frustration and then if you realize that there's always this waiting for the next thing which is thought when you're waiting for the next thing you're trapped in thought because that's what future happens now the realization that this is happening to you is very important the first step is uh the beginning of something else arising and in all of you that has already Arisen or the occasionally it still gets obscured perhaps probably I assume something else has arisen that's not thought that is beyond thought the ability to recognize thought the ability to recognize certain patterns that are bit arise in your mind your mental emotional field the ability to witness that which arises in your mental emotional field that's an enormous leap in Consciousness another dimension one could say has arisen we could call it presence we could call it awareness it's not thought but it's intelligence so intelligence is not confined to thought there is a dimension in you that is far greater far more intelligence than any intelligent thought it's the place from where all intelligence arises a place of where all creativity arises [Music] so there's the ability to suddenly be aware of your inner states to be aware of what what your mind is saying the The Narrative the habitual narrative what you're telling yourself you're having a monologue or many people have a dialogue with themselves where they split themselves in two and then this one argues with the other why aren't you good enough why did you do this why do you never get anything right this shouldn't have he shouldn't have said that yes but on the other so you can have a dialogue in your a narrative or you can have a monologue says I am such a miserable creature because a lot of the time the narratives the unconscious thought processes tend to be more negative than positive for many many people so to be aware that this is happening that's an enormous gain in consent it's the beginning of Awakening spiritually speaking something arises that is not part of the conditioned mind patterns so there's the ability to observe your inner states and that's a wonderful little pointer to ask yourself uh frequently what's my inner State at this moment and then look at it direct your attention to it the narratives what have I been telling myself have the emotion that accompanies The Narrative what am I feeling what's the emotion so in addition to being an story in your head and an emotion there's a knowing behind it there's a space behind it sometimes I call it Inner Space there's an inner space from where you can be aware of what's happening on the level of the person the personality because that Inner Space the awareness is not part of the personality it's part it's the being the knowing that is inherent in the being I haven't gone through physical death yet uh as the the Zen master who was asked about life after death said I don't know and they said why don't you know you're the master and he said yeah but I'm not a dead Master but I've gone very deeply to what one could call death to identification with form so in a way I have gone into that realm from where I can say and know that ultimately what we see as death is the dissolution of form that the Eternal in us with I know that firsthand cannot be touched by that so what exactly happens I would say depends on whatever State of Consciousness you were in that must be a predominant State of Consciousness in this lifetime if in this lifetime you were continuously identified with form your body or the psychological form of me that means Consciousness this expression of Consciousness was still in a somewhat dreamlike state which is identification with form and you can easily extrapolate from that if the tendency of Consciousness to identify with form was still there which in other ways the Awakening had not happened this tendency will continue there will be further identification with form and the process will continue as the Consciousness that is not yet fully awake will continue to identify with form again and then gradually come to a place where Awakening happens or if there has already been a disad identification from form in this lifetime then you can extrapolate from there that the compulsive urge to identify with form and to seek another form or another cycle of form identification this compulsion to seek further experiences through through identifying with form then would either be much weaker or be completely absent in which case the Consciousness that you are is no longer bound to this realm and will not seek to re-experience the real of form but in either case you really I know I can tell you that all is well it does not really matter whether this person now needs further experiences of un identification in which case this will happen or whether he's already free of this urge in which case he will move on and live in a realm that we can't even conceive of from where we are here I get a sense deep within in the forms of what that is but we don't need to talk about it here all we know is nothing this is the beginning of A Course in Miracles which is the entire Course in Miracles summarized in two lines nothing real can be threatened nothing unreal exists herein lies the peace of God that which is real in him is beyond form anybody can know that when you see a dead body you realize that this is no longer whom you knew this is not the this is not the being that you knew this is only a shell so nothing real can be threatened nothing unreal ultimately exists this is why sages from all Traditions speak of this real of form as ultimately illusory It ultimately it depends what level you look at the important thing is all is well beyond the appearance on the level of form which is the only level where death exists it is a transition from from one form into another form or from one form into formlessness that is what death is no more than that nothing real dies nothing real dies which is to say ultimately there is no such thing as death there only seems to be it's a transmutation of form either form dissolves or seeks some other form some other identification with form first you see the need to be a victim identity also unfortunately is a form of ego because any conceptual identity is a form of ego and even though you seem to be amply justified in having a victim identity because of the things that other humans did to you you yourself are finding you are finding yourself in a kind of prison that created by your mind so there's no denial of that bad things happen to you yes now question is how do you exit this mental Pres the first step is perhaps to see um that uh unconscious human beings unconscious human beings in the grip of their own conditioning their own ego they have virtually no free will when you unconscious you are controlled by the the Mind patterns that are lodged in your psyche you have you cannot really speak of Free Will by somebody who has zero awareness and yet their entire makeup is uh conditioning from the past so the famous sentence phrase used by Jesus in Connect contion with forgiveness on the cross he said forgive them for they know not what they do now these these two interesting these points put together forgive them why forgive them they know not what they do in other words if he had spoken these days using our terminology he probably would have said they are completely unconscious because that's what it means they know not what they do they're completely unconscious uh so when you see nobody can act beyond their level of Consciousness then you see that it's almost like it becomes almost like like the evil that was perpetrated becomes almost like a natural phenomenon that is like you've been hit by lightning or something or lived in very Pleasant climatic conditions that that injured you near volcano my dad what what had problems with anger huge outbursts of anger quite frequently it was living like living legs to a volcano that could erupt at any moment and he could not help it he was it was impossible there was no possibility of being being different and so these humans are run by unconscious conditioning usually goes back to their childhood and what happened there I know why my father was angry I I re I realized much later that it all originated in his childhood the reasons why he was so angry and also for a while also I felt a resentment towards that and only when I was able to awaken out of egoic Consciousness I saw that there there's nothing that he could have done differently because there wasn't enough awareness now when you see that then you don't personalize or you don't create an identity for other humans out of their unconsciousness because in essence that's not who they are the recognition that there first recognition then step one you recognize that no human can act beyond their conditioning in the absence of awareness if there's awareness they can transcend their conditioning and then they begin to become conscious of their own conditioned mental emotional dysfunctional mental emotional patterns yes so they couldn't they can't help it so that's that's already a useful step in forgiveness but it you may not yet be able to arrive at at full forgiveness because of that another before I continue with that does that mean then a question may arise in your mind does that mean then humans are not really responsible for what they do if they unconscious how are they respons and does that mean then that we shouldn't punish them for what they do if they commit a crime are they not guilty that's an interesting question the the unconsciousness that operates in human even if you are able to forgive a human when will come we'll go more fully into that in a minute even if you're able to forgive an human for their transgressions or whatever they did uh this does not mean and even though the human is not responsible for their unconsciousness and yet it is built into the structure of human life they still need to suffer the consequences of their unconsciousness when when I look at you first thing I would see is your personality and of course the physical body and the personality whatever makes up your personality but if I look more deeply and not just look but actually sense your presence I know that beyond your personality there's an Essence in you that is one with the essence in me and one could describe that as Consciousness itself the essence of who you are the essence of who I am is consciousness when I recognize that Consciousness the same Consciousness that in me this Consciousness beyond the conditioned self recognizes the Consciousness in you that which is beyond your conditioned self and that recognition is what Jesus called love and therefore he said love thy neighbor as thyself but that as a separate statement it doesn't work but when you put it together with Kingdom of Heaven that then it reads find the Kingdom of Heaven within you the dimension of spaciousness then you will recognize your neighbor which is anybody that you are with then you will recognize him or her as yourself and this recognition that in essence you are one that you are deeply deeply connected that you share the the one Consciousness when you recognize that in the other then you have suddenly an out flow of benevolence and Good Will and love not the ego love but true love towards the which in the Old Testament in the New Testament is agape spiritual love for another human being you can sense their very beingness so and that's the whole secret of the of of all spirituality it's in Jes in the teaching of Jesus you need the challenge and you need to challenge yourself if you want to create something if you want to bring about some change in this world you want to make your life your so-called life better you looking to achieve this or to learn this or to acquire this that's part of being human we don't deny that and if you don't want to achieve anything let's say you have no ambition whatsoever say oh it's all pointless because you don't want to be you don't want to challenge yourself then life will challenge you even more if you don't if you challenging yourself would be even to engage in physical activity and jogging you're challenging yourself or you're lifting weights you're challenging the body on a physical level the only way you can make the body stronger the physical body is by making let's put I'll put it like this it's a strange way of putting it but it's true you have to make life difficult for your body other it doesn't get stronger well to lift the weight is I mean if you ask your body would you rather have a good just relax or lift this weight oh no I just want to relax it's not I don't want to have make make my life more difficult than it needs to be so I just okay you don't get stronger without the but when you make life difficult for the body then more energy is demanded and more energy comes flowing in the energy doesn't come until you demand it there's a request or demand for energy because there's a there's a gap between uh what you want and what at the moment the body doesn't have enough energy and suddenly it comes and then you reach a point when an influx of energy starts then you it's no longer perceived that the the you make life difficult for your body once the Energy starts flowing the body enjoys this flow of energy but before the Energy starts flowing life was difficult for the body and so you always you meet always the the threshold of life gets difficult for the body and then energy comes in and then suddenly not even perceived as difficult anymore and that you may experience it every day when you start exercising certain actions take place you do things you know they're not the optimal things to do but you can't help it it's something acts through you um there there seems to be some power there that makes you do things that you know know are not right or not good for you and yet you can't stop it that seems to be case um and that of course um is often the case with people who are with you it might be many different different areas of your life but uh um this is also the case with addictions for example people who are addicted to a certain substance or who are addicted to eating too much or thinking um there's something that overpowers them in you that seems to obscure the awareness or the awareness is pushed to to the side and this thing this this powerful thing does it anyway and again my answer is a little bit similar to um what I say to the first question [Music] tonight the the power of presence needs to grow in you so that it is strong enough not to it's not Willow because willpower is not the best way of dealing with these things but it's what I'm talking about could sometimes be confused with willpower but willpower includes the um application of a force to hold something down let's say um if you're addiction is to um have a to indulge in intoxicating beverages in other words booze is the British word uh then uh and you can feel it it's it comes on there it comes you know the bottles are there there they are and you feel you have to go there and you have to reach out and you have to pour yourself a drink now when you're not aware at all you don't even know what you're doing you're so unconscious that you you're already holding the drink and you're drinking then you at that point you you even know that you're drinking uh the same with food I've spoken to people who have had addictions to food they often say they wake up when they already they've already eaten in the middle of the night they've already unconscious ly gone to the fridge taken out the chocolate cake and then they're already halfway through the chocolate cake when suddenly like what am I doing but so awareness comes in at a very late Point willpower would be to hold an urge down let's say I go they have to pull or even what the example you gave you want to turn on the TV and you know it's not right because I I'm not here for that and he actually told us not to do it and I but I can't help it I have to go I can't I can't now willpower you would you would say I'm going to hold this down I'm not going to do it and I you can feel the urge but you're holding it down um when you hold things down often after a while the an explosion happens it's like a boiling Kettle can't hold it for that long and then you have some kind of rationalization in your mind why you'll do it anyway the mind will give you a reason the ability to think of course was a wonderful evolutionary achievement uh it it is associated also it's linked to the development of language too so gradually humans develop the ability to think and uh it was a wonderful evolutionary evolutionary advance but over the over many many Millennia uh the the thinking activity uh began to take over and so most human beings these days actually never stop thinking uh so what they experience is I would I call a voice in the head which is the internal dialogue that most people uh exp experience throughout the day during their waking hours there's this continuous inner dialogue taking place monologue dialogue whatever you want to call it there's a there's a commentator in the in your mind that interprets immediately and judges situations and people and and things it spends much more time thinking about some other moment rather than this one and usually it's the future uh and and some people of course dwell excessively on the past too they carry around the burden of past in their minds and and in their emotional field without knowing it without realizing that it doesn't have to be that way without realizing that uh they are alive allowing the past which after all is only certain thoughts that they carry in their head they allowing the past to uh to sabotage their whole life they're carrying such a burden of past that they can no longer experience the present so you're either burdened by the past or you're burdened by the future now the question of why is very important what what what is the ultimate cause of this and that is uh the what one could call overthinking uh thinking was a wonderful thing and still is a wonderful thing but it has taken over human beings it has uh proliferated to such an extent that now thinking has become almost a uh an a parasitical entity that lives in your in your head that uh uh won't leave you alone you know most people's sense of identity most people's sense of who they are is um bound up with their mind activity with their thinking so they derive their sense of self from certain stories that they're telling themselves in their mind and that's to do with what happened in the past what other people did to you things you identify with that these are uh thoughts things that belong to me me these are my things these are all thought formations so people identify with the voice in the head and the voice in the head becomes um uh for them impossible to to distinguish from who they are so they talk to themselves in that you everybody has met people in the street who talk themselves out allowed and usually people look at them say oh there's a crazy person going but virtually everybody does that except that they don't do it out aloud MH if you could listen into when if you look walk around in the city if you could listen to to what go what's going on in people's heads you would realize they're all talking to themselves a lot of chatter yes and they are so identified with it that they they kind of they are it the voice has taken you over the the the the Mind activity the conceptual mind has taken you over and then it becomes virtually becomes you so in that state which in spiritual terms we call unconscious when we use the word unconscious in in spiritual terms it does not have the same meaning as as it has in conventional terms usually when we use unconscious in conventional terms we're talking about somebody who is just dropped off he's unconscious when we use the word unconscious in spiritual terms it means it refers to somebody who is totally identified with the stream The Continuous stream of thinking which is conditioned by the past the types of thoughts that you think the stories that you continuously revive in your head [Music] are have been conditioned by your past and the past of the culture that you grew up in the country you grew up in all the things that make up your past your personal past and the collective past of your environment so a person who grew up in let's say Saudi Arabia will not be thinking the the same kind of stories and will not interpret the world in the same way as somebody who grew up in Canada or in the west but what they have in common they are both identified with A continuous stream of think they may be different stories they may be a different sense of identity but but in both cases they are they they cannot they cannot separate themselves from The Voice in the head is religion necessary Neary it depends who you are on the level of the form for some people it can be necessary or helpful for two reasons it can provide the more superficial reason it can give your life a certain amount of structure which for some people can be helpful regular practice gives you feeling of comfort uh some people have too little structure in their lives and others have too much already if you have too little structure in your life then religion can provide that more importantly on another level religion can can either obscure the spiritual Dimension within yourself and often it does or if used rightly if approached rightly if understood on a deeper level it can help you access and stay in connectedness with that deeper level of yourself or the Transcendent dimension of Consciousness whether or not you need it only you can know whether you find it either helpful or a hindrance it can be either depend depends on you as a person your past what function it had in your past and so on it is a hindrance if religion becomes an ideology then it operates only on the level of the mind and is very similar to any other kind of ideology that you may believe in whether it's uh communism as a as an ideology or any political Theory or anything that explains the universe it could be a metaphysical system that you completely believe in philosophical system and so on so an ideology is something that takes possession of your mind and exerts a controlling function uh and it can influence almost your entire mental functioning if it becomes something of overwhelming power in your mind it's a it's a little thought that grows into a huge thing in your mind and the tentacles bre into every aspect of your mind and there are religious people like that uh usually you can recognize that it is an ideology by the fact that they are not peaceful human beings and by the fact that they have enemies either even within their own religion or another religion anybody who does not agree with their ideology becomes an enemy in the same way people who were not nowadays that many were deeply believing in communism which was a wonderful idea to start with of was the road to hell is paved with good intentions it was a beautiful idea of equality everybody the same that is wonderful no personal possessions or it's wonderful too and the only mistake was it was imposed from outside by people who themselves has not gone beyond the egoic State of Consciousness they just played it in their mindest that's a good idea and then it was imposed on on other people who also were not in that state of consciousness but most importantly those who imposed the idea on others forced them to live it out the ideal became contaminated with ego so when these people came to power their egos became inflated to an enormous degree all most to absurdity and without realizing it they uh reenacted the same evils and in some cases worse than those that they were fighting against because you made it this far in a video I want to celebrate you most people start and don't finish most people never actually follow through most people say they want something but they don't ever do the work to actually get it but you are different you are special believe Nation you made it here all the way to the end and I love you so as a special celebration if you put a hashtag believe down in the comments Below on this video I will showcase you and celebrate you somewhere on the screen in a future video because you are awesome for 10 more amazing Rules from go dispenza check the video right there next to me I think you'll love it continue to believe I'll see you there when we wake up in the morning and we go to bed at night and it's simple brain chemistry and simple physiology we have a circadian rhythm soon as there's light our body has been pretty much programmed that we begin to release serotonin different chemical
Channel: Top 10 Rules For Success / Evan Carmichael
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Keywords: eckhart tolle youtube, eckhart tolle 2021, eckhart tolle, eckhart tolle presence, present moment, eckhart tolle teachings, eckhart tolle teachings youtube, living in the present moment, the power of now, eckhart tolle special teaching, how to live in the present, eckhart tolle meditation, eckhart tolle spiritual teachings, jordan peterson present moment, eckhart tolle the power of now, eckhart tolle youtube 2022, eckhart tolle youtube latest, eckhart tolle youtube presence
Id: Jrf0mIYlxSU
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Length: 87min 13sec (5233 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 14 2023
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