LEARN to Become the CREATOR of Your WORLD! | Eckhart Tolle | Top 10 Rules

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do not be attached to the fruit of Your Action which of course simply means don't look to the the goal of what you want to achieve through whatever you're doing now give your complete attention to the doing rather than where you want to get to through the doing and that's again a very important lesson nowadays because most humans don't know that yet they are always one moment ahead they want to get there you may find in your own life but still a lot of the time you are not present moment centered you are focused on the next moment that you need to get to so whatever you are doing at this moment is designed to get you to the next moment and internally you project yourself away from what you're doing now because in doing becomes a means to an end need motivation watch a top 10 with believe Nation hey it's Evan Carmichael and I make these videos because I need I need it for me because I don't wake up every day and say yes let's go conquer the world now I wake up and and I need that external motivation to match my internal motivation when I see somebody who's doing amazing things it makes me just want to play a bigger game and so I hope that today's video makes you want to play a bigger game too because your message matters and let's get it out to the world so taylorson from one of the best Eckhart Tolle and my take on his top 10 rules of success enjoy whatever they do is a means to an end and meant in their mind the end is more important than what they are doing that is so habitual and unconscious that most humans don't even know that that is how they live that they always live for the next moment but they're never completely in this moment they also don't know that by living in that way they create frustration and suffering and stress and discontent basically they're condemning themselves to continuous discontent and to stress because if you ignore the present moment continuously and ignore means you make it into means to an end because the next one is so important that you need to get to then you miss life completely you miss the depths that potentially is there in life and life becomes shallow it's because it's all mental because the next moment is always a mind formation the next moment is a mental protection the next moment is never a reality because it doesn't exist when the next moment comes Okay one minute from now I've got one minute to finish this and then after one minute it's not one minute it's always now again and then there's the next thing to do of course immediately you look to the next thing because you have become used to being uncomfortable with the present moment condition since childhood to feel ill at ease in the present moment well I should be doing something and doing implies some future projection you can never be you're always doing rule number two is raise your Consciousness as you get little tastes of that State of Consciousness that we call presence for example now you feel yourself you feel your presence right now Beyond any uh you know beyond any thought that's connected with your life situation or whatever it may be whether what age you are becomes irrelevant what gender you are becomes irrelevant uh what you have achieved or suffered in this world it all it's one sense or that it is more powerful than any of that it liberates you from all that it's not that the person disappears completely of course the person the personal self is still there and continues to operate in this world but there's a continuous knowing that there is more to you than that and that is mindful so you continue to operate as a person in this world but no longer deriving your identity from a personal sense of self you can operate as a person but you need to in this world in this world of time past and future you can operate in this world without losing yourself in this world and without losing yourself in identity that ultimately is a very shallow and fleeting thing that you call me the person so that thing continues to operate for a while but your challenge is while you operate in this world as a person not to lose connectedness with a deeper dimension and that is bringing presence into every situation that you deal with every interaction in this world and that is a skill that skill develops and is required presence itself is timeless but it is a skill for you to it requires some practice at a high degree of alertness to bring presence into everyday life whatever you do here whatever function you have in this world function and for example not to confuse your function with your identity to function I am a teacher of presence you are a teacher of presence or you are becoming a teacher of Presence by living in that way by bringing that Consciousness into every situation so that you don't Lose Yourself in the doing of whatever it is you're doing in the situation and you don't lose yourself in a sense of identity that's to do with your function and to reduce you reduce other people to their function in this world rule number three is eliminate suffering in presence all this which I sometimes call unnecessary baggage that people manufacture mentally and emotionally all that unnecessary baggage that really is at this heaviness to it that they carry around doesn't arise anymore unless the simple is what is I can either do this or I can do that I can deal with it now I can put it aside this no story but this is frustrating to the ego because when there's no longer any stories where you oppose the other where you make yourself feel superior to the other then there's no food for the ego anymore [Music] but there's an incredible lightness at the lightness of being comes and the heaviness goes out of situations that really that's what the ego is the heavy me and even when it attempts to make itself Superior what it doesn't recognize is that all these are really forms of suffering the ego doesn't even recognize suffering or suffering it doesn't realize that when you get angry or irritated about somebody else's behavior and bring up a big story about it you are actually in a state of suffering if you were able to have attention into in your body you would notice that your body is suffering because those things affect the smooth harmonious working of the energy field that goes through the body so an angry thought has an effect on the body small irritation or has an effect and the body doesn't really like it but the ego the ego itself is not in touch with the body so it did mistakes suffering for something good anger can really get into this perfect so you can look at your own life and see where you are manufacturing unnecessary stories both in small situations [Music] and in bigger life situations and in situations to do with relatives family members partners ex-partners a wonderful source of egoic stories and talk about your ex-husband or wife for hours either to somebody else if they are ready to listen or in your own mind or you had a confrontation or an exchange with somebody yesterday and you can go on continue that in your mind and say so many hurtful things to the other person that unfortunately you couldn't think of in the situation but you can relive it now and it's almost as good as the real thing [Laughter] so in that fantasy world of the mind you can be right again and again and the other person can be wrong again and again how wonderful [Music] [Laughter] these things are not all this is what we call unconscious so people don't know what they are doing that's for them that is their reality rule number four is Alter your personality being is the one thing of course it's not a thing you're just using words is there one thing that you can be absolutely sure about the only thing that is beyond doubt in your life the only thing whose reality is beyond doubt everything else could be a dream on illusion whatever you perceive could be a dream an illusion you don't know that it's not a dream or an illusion because when this meditation comes to an end then it evaporates into the so-called past and everything that happens quickly dissolves dissolves dissolves same way that a dream comes to an end when you wake up except that this dream seems to go on and on replaced by another and another if it is a dream something what is it then that cannot be doubted that there is a consciousness in which if it is a dream whether it's a reality or dream doesn't matter in which it arises in which it is known the light in which it appears so your presence cannot be dotted whatever happens in that presence can be doubted but for it to happen there must be a presence and of course I say to your presence it's not your presence it's the one universal presence consciousness I particularly welcome those of you who are getting tired of their personality that Comfort something that weight you carry around and create the same old stuff again and again it's a good point to reach to become tired of yourself [Music] that is sometimes misperceived and then you think you're tired of the world you're tired of living you're tired of it's a misperception but you're really tired of is the self the world that it creates or seems to create aren't there with the same old conflict the same old problems or different problems but basically the same if you deep down same old thoughts in your head again and again the same complaints oh dear so the spiritual past there are many practices you can use in order to access the dimension of presence which is the spiritual dimension but the most direct practice that immediately accesses that dimension we could call that surrender what is that [Music] it is to offer no resistance or opposition to whatever arises in the present moment whatever happens whatever Rises whatever people say you do to become one with the is-ness of the present moment the present moment always already is the way it is there's no doubt about that whatever Form This Moment takes it is as it is and if internally then you give up opposing which is the normal State associated with dense personalities instead of opposing internally what is getting upset getting angry arguing with what is either just in your head or out allowed telling people what they should have done or should be doing but are not doing what it should be like but it isn't like what I should be doing what I'm not doing I should be whatever the whatever form the opposition takes and I mentioned a few minutes ago those of you who are getting tired of the old personality and of course this is part of the old personality the way in which it interacts with people and events and places it's not usually Pleasant there's always some resistance always something not good enough always something missing Here and Now wherever you go the structure stays with you goes with you so you recognize so that's one important part of the false self that lives through opposition to what is it strengthens itself through that sense of Separation separating itself from what's going on condemning it judging it and people and then you realize what happens if I just accept that whatever arises in the present moment say oh that's what is you can still foundationism acceptance surrender and then immediately the false itself can't really operate anymore and something else comes in which is Essence which is awareness which is consciousness itself some of the most fundamental spiritual practice is surrender so that internally you're one with what is and immediately you are a spiritual master [Music] because that's all a master master does not necessarily have more knowledge than you you may have much more knowledge than a spiritual master but the master lives in alignment with the is-ness of the present moment that's all and that's where the power arises because when you're aligned with the illness that inner spaciousness opens up Essence is there and that is the power that then moves through you and can become a thought it can express itself in form through a a thought an action a movement some something you do or make in many ways or just as an emanation that is true power also to make sure you're actually taking action after watching this video I designed a special free worksheet just for this video the worksheet will highlight all the Lessons Learned in this video as well as pull out our three favorite learnings and quotes that will inspire you to actually do something the worksheet will also give you space to write down what your key takeaways are and your specific plan of action to make sure you're getting results if you want the worksheet design specifically for this video absolutely for free there's a link in the description below go click on it and start building the momentum in your life and your business I'll see you there rule number five is let go of your defenses when you feel the need arise to be defensive about anything know that you have identified yourself with an illusion it is not danger that comes when defenses are laid down it is safety it is peace it is joy and it is God so when you feel the need arise to be defensive about anything know that you have identified yourself with an illusion when you become defensive about something then it will be something that is conceptual you as a concept or some concept you hold that you need to defend because you've identified with it so you are defending your sense of self your fictitious sense of self that means you're defending an illusion when you don't defend because the truth of who you are does not mean to be defended so to let go of defenses can be a way of accessing the deeper dimension of Who You Are and because it takes you beyond ego because the defensiveness is ego ego is conceptual identity in my defenselessness my safety lies you're safe already so you don't need to defend anything nothing real can be threatened nothing unreal exists herein lies the peace of God herein meaning knowing this is the peace of God I'll just let it be that I'm not going to interpret those lines I believe it's a their most powerful if you just let them sink in rule number six is stop negative thoughts whenever there's a situation that says work or like an emotional relationship one side of my mind is like this is not gonna work out blah blah and the other side is yes it's gonna work out no yes no and all day long seriously I'm doing something and in my mind they're gonna let you off no they're not gonna lay her off no they're gonna let her off no no it's seriously comes to a point of losing my mind sometimes but sometimes I know it so strongly so I can calm myself down so I just wanted to ask you how can I know what's the right answer what's the voice of intuition like how do I know the voice of intuition instead of this fighting okay okay well I believe many people recognize your question in it's a pattern in the human mind and perhaps in you it's stronger than in some who knows but it's in in many people's minds uh so it's of course the the answer is in and this is your challenge is not trying to figure out which of these voices is the right one that's not it it's to discover within yourself that space that is not the voice that space of awareness so that can only you can only practice that while it happens there's that voice and then there's the other voice and who is aware of these voices you don't need to answer that question I'm just putting it out don't answer it because there's no answer there's only a direct realization of it within yourself there's no external answer because if you give an answer that's another voice so this is the question that you should not answer in words so I'm asking again who is it in you who or what there's something in you that is aware of these different conflicting voices there is an awareness otherwise you wouldn't know that there is a voice now the voice is a these are thought formations these are energy for every thought is an energy field and each thought formation wants to draw your attention suck it up into itself come here the other one says God come here these are like little this may sound a little spooky but it's not spooky what you can regard as thought almost as an as an entity not not a physical entity but as an as an energetic entity and that lives there it has a it has a lifespan and some thoughts persist for a long time and certain thought patterns are also entities that can shift to take on one form and then another form and another form so you have every thought is a little entity or energy field it wants to it wants your identification with it to draw your all your attention in because the more tension you get drawn in the more it grows it wants to grow it wants to like everything wants to it once doesn't want to disappear so it's for you to know when this happens am I who are are you this voice or that voice no you are aware of the voice all these voices and that is the place where you go so that from that place of aware presence the voices are no longer disturbing you you recognize them as only a voice this is not important whether you go this way or that way or whether something is going to work out or something is not going to work out you don't know that your responsibility is to be present which means to disidentify from the voices rule number seven is acknowledge your feelings can we trust our feelings now often you hear people say trust your feelings I would suggest however that that's not necessarily true acknowledge your feelings yes be there as the observing presence for your feelings yes be aware of your feelings accept that they are there trust which means to take them to be the truth or the truth for you or it you're using them as a guide to correct or skillful action that may be doubtful because it depends where these feelings arise in you a little anecdote from my life to illustrate that when I lived in England in the country in that alternative Town Glastonbury for three years I lived in a cottage and once a month I would travel to London or other cities in my beloved russian-made Lada car air to do a workshop and usually a weekend Workshop uh called things like transcending time will be here now nothing much has changed except that might the average number of people I had was about 10. and since my income was not enough I had to rent out a room upstairs in my Cottage so I had a all the these three years three years a few people was a second room but also occasionally went out anyway the room became vacant I advertised in the local local paper several people came to apply and finally chose a young woman who had just been offered a job in that town she came she moved in and after the first night in her room she came down for breakfast into the kitchen which was a sad kitchen and she said I can't stay here it's just a feeling and I always listen to my feelings I just I just can't say it there's something not right so I was very nervous and I said okay that's fine and that she found it very disconcerting because she had expected a more conventional response which would have been what I've interviewed or all these people have chosen you and now what you're doing this to me and you're not getting your rent money back that you paid in advance but I said okay I'll give you your money back it's fine so she was even more confused after that foreign nights she spent the second night and then in the morning she said no I think I'll stay I have a different feeling now and I said oh that's fine that's good and again she was a little disconcerted because the conventional response would have been which I did do I just put another ad in the paper and now you're telling me this this is how to make the conventional responses are how to make life complicated for yourself and others but it's normal it's how the ego responds and so whenever somebody does not respond in that way life becomes simple but when life becomes simple people who expect the conventional responses become confused this is a weird person and so she decided to stay and a few weeks later when I got to know her better she explained to me that that first night he was in her bedroom and she said I found you so weird that I I thought you might creep in in the middle of the night and murder him thank you and later she said living in the same house with you is like living in a float tank I think she learned a lot not so much through me explaining things to her just by being there not that she didn't go through her episodes of neurotic reactivity which is quite normal for most people but that's fine uh so feelings now where did her the initial feelings that she experienced that she that she's in uh believed that they were a correct guide for action of course they were not because they originated in fear and they were also originated in a misinterpretation of reality which is so easy to do for the mind to misinterpret another person to misinterpret the situation you misinterpret because you see it through the conditioning of your mind you see it through your beliefs your prior experiences in childhood you see it through evil other things that have conditioned your mind maybe even scary movies about weird people who don't say much [Music] and then just when you're having a shower they creep in so it is not the therefore it's not that easy often to to say where does this feeling that I have arise where does this feeling originate rule number eight is gain your wisdom how do we deal with a collective problem with through presence or through reactivity and if we deal through by the way when you deal with something through presence it means there's wisdom this is another important word wisdom arises out of presence wisdom is different from intelligence intelligence is the ability to use the conceptual mind that has its purpose it's fine but there is something deeper and more important in every potentially in every human being and that's not intelligence it's wisdom wisdom is this faculty that arises out of presence and then you can deal with situations truly intelligently rather than reactively and you do not make the situation worse by your reaction to the situation um so you need wisdom what the world needs is not more intelligence very soon AI is become probably becoming more intelligent than humans and the human challenge is to access the dimension by wisdom arises that's computers don't have that they can be very good at thinking probably they're making incredible advances but not wisdom wisdom so we need to as as we are being almost replaced by artificial thinkers uh these coincides with the transition of human beings to a higher state of consciousness than thinking where of course they can still think but they are not trapped in thinking and so it's terribly important and again coming back for a moment to that situation um Collective situation there's a collective challenge we had the uh pandemic situation as a huge Collective times was there wisdom in the way in which we reacted to the asylums not very much there was a lot of fear there was a lot of panic the word of anger and many measures were taken not necessarily seeing all the possible repercussions of measures that were taken that would still play themselves out in the next few years we don't need to go into uh details but the question is always do you create more suffering by your reaction to a situation than is contained in the situation itself that's lack of wisdom does that and lack of wisdom means lack of presence or awareness whatever word you want to use rule number nine is deal with adversity adversity can either it can strengthen the ego or it can gradually or in some cases suddenly dissolve the ego or at least diminish it it can go either way and I must agree with you I don't know whether you literally said it in perhaps still in the majority of cases it strengthens the ego because nobody knows people don't know it was the opportunity that every adversity represents so why does it happen how does it strengthen the ego you can see it sometimes with people who are sick or people who are disabled who has let's say I've met disabled people people with physical disabilities for example and in some cases they are very they're really angry with the world and bitter because look at what happened to me they say why do I can't move anymore I've been Afflicted with this what have I done to deserve this and these are questions that are still justifiable questions the uh the question what what have I done to deserve why has the world or whatever they say go to the world the universe or whoever they've done this to me while and then they become bitter and angry and the ego becomes more and more rigid and hardened and uh [Music] and so that is one way it could go and then I have met people with disabilities who through their disability at some point whether through a spiritual teaching and in some cases never come into contact with any spiritual teaching it just happened that at some moment they realized intuitively that all the suffering was generated this whole resistance and then the resistance to the is-ness of their life this moment they were able to let go because perhaps the suffering was getting too much something happened something clicked inside or even if it didn't happen completely they were able to have moments of uh inner peace an inner peace that is not caused by an external condition an inner peace that seems to be in control contradiction to an external condition so that they would surprise How could a person who is suffering this feels so peaceful and so um also that applies to people who are approaching the end of their lifespan because they have some illness and they have been to the doctor and the doctor says you have six months or one year and so and suddenly something Inland opens up and all that remains is that the person already dies there's no more future and All That Remains is the present moment and the the aware space so I've had the privilege of working with when I was still seeing individuals where the two or three people to whom that happened and they became luminous beings in the last few weeks or months of their lives and became just there was no there wasn't I couldn't see there was any person left there was only a space of conscious presence left just wonderful as if they had just come into this world so they came and then they came to me and then still asking questions very profound questions wanting to understand what happened and it's beautiful so this can happen it can happen collectively to people who have you go through Warfare and in countries or become refugees they lose everything and again it can go either way uh whenever there's any great loss in your life that again an opportunity opens up if if you resist and you regret you resist the resistance origin the origin of their existence is a narrative that forms in your mind uh that says something about the situation and about your life and about other people uh so the narrative forms in your mind and the narrative is an unhappy one and then there's continuous resistance and non-alignment with the isness of the present moment now one could ask well how could somebody who is lost who's lost their home perhaps even lost love loved ones and then they don't know where to go how could this person be in a state of alignment with the present moment isn't that how can how can somebody accept the unacceptable except that which in conventional terms would be regarded as unacceptable how is that how is that possible but that's precisely it if you can accept the unacceptable that is the sudden the opening and then you realize the unacceptable is actually not unacceptable it is acceptable and the I was homeless was a beard in my life with not knowing what what to live on the network next day or the next week and I had already gone into a state of acceptance so it was a very pleasant experience but potentially would have been extremely unpleasant so not having a home was for me already something that wasn't not experienced as something bad but I knew I had to take some action eventually to to get a home and so gradually something happens I don't want to talk too much about that I also mentioned in the the new ass I believe um when I was at University there was the Stephen Hawkins the physicist who was confined to a wheelchair who passed away a few couple of years ago and then it was um he would always he wasn't famous at that time only famous locally in the University we would always be in the same dining room having lunch but not the same table I never met him was introduced as well observed him many times did he better neighboring table and as and then I the one moment when I hold out opened the door for him he was coming through on his wheelchair and I looked into his eyes and I could see there was no unhappiness and Rule Number 10 the last time before some very special bonus Clips is enjoy what you're doing if you're unable to enjoy what you're doing then it's time to move to another job but you have to look to see whether your inability to enjoy the job you're doing now has something to do with a particular job you're doing or has more to do with your inability to enjoy the present moment in which case the next object you find you will also not enjoy so if you can't enjoy your job either one of these is true either there is something for you to change with something inherently not right anymore with this particular job does no longer corresponds to what to who you are or your state of consciousness or you cannot enjoy your job because you haven't learned yet to be present enough to enjoy what you are doing now and you always think or the next one is going to be much better and if you don't know which one it is of those two you may have to get another job and then see if you can enjoy that one many jobs that the mind tells you cannot be enjoyed actually can be enjoyed also the mind telling you if you enjoy this job that you do you really don't want this job to be permanent and if a mind tells you no if I enjoy this job I'll be stuck with it for the rest of my life and I don't want to be stuck with it let's say you you gotta you've got a job working [Music] okay I'm working in a diner as a waiter or waitress but you really want to get your job as an actress or you really want to be a writer you really want to be whatever you want to be a senator the success of Donald Trump whatever your mind says and so the mind says like I'm not going to enjoy this job because I really want to be somewhere else and if I enjoy it then I'll really be stuck but you may find that the opposite is the case if you if it is freeing to enjoy what you are doing even if it's not something that you would want to do for the rest of your life all you have to do is enjoy the present moment your energy fields and shifts and when this energy field energy energy field shifts you become open to life only if you no longer resist life you cannot be open to life the greater Consciousness coming through you if you resist live and you resist life if you resist or resent the present moment that's where life is so the shift happens you need to be in the state of alignment with the present moment no matter what activity you are doing in the present moment and if you absolutely cannot be in alignment with the present moment you need to walk out when things go wrong that's a moment of becoming more conscious it's every even the smallest things if you don't react out of the conditioning the mental emotional conditioning but be the awareness and then oh and You observe if emotions arise you are there and you can say oh there's the anxiety again and then you know that there's anxiety without calling it anything that is a huge difference to know that anxiety is in you anger is in you right now for example or anxiety whatever else it may be or some mood to turn League get some hold of you and then you're suddenly in a bad mood don't talk to me don't you I'm grumpy well if you say I'm Grumpy's already a little bit step forward because at least you know that you're grumpy [Music] if you totally can't conscious the grumpiness is you and you don't even know that you're grumpy did you say it don't talk to me and grumpy that's arguments there's a little bit of awareness there it's great laughs so there's a huge difference between saying I'm angry and slightly I feel angry or there's anger in me I feel that there's anger in me I feel angry there's a somewhat a difference between I am angry because then you equate identity with the emotion so it's not I am angry that's a beauty you've fallen into a huge trap if you equate emotion with your identity or if you equate a thought with the Identity or a story in your mind you create that with your identity or an opinion which is thought the world is full of people who don't know the difference between their opinion and their identity their opinion becomes their identity and then they have lots of fights with other people because they are they are totally confused about who they are they derive the identity from a set of opinions politics for example you derive it doesn't mean you cannot have opinions everybody has opinions but where does your sense of identity come from does it come from the opinions or do you realize that you have certain opinions which may be valid or not you're on a human level you have opinions or viewpoints or perspective mental positions you have them they are there but do you do this give you your sense of self or if they do then you're continuously arguing with other people making other people into enemies because when you contradict somebody who equates opinion with identity unconsciously they believe that you are attacking their very self because there's a confusion about who they are they don't know who they are so you you attack the opinion of somebody who's totally identified with their opinion and you become their mortal enemy they might even try to kill you up in an extreme form of unconsciousness so part of this is of course to be give more attention to the present moment because the more you think the more future you generate [Music] and the more attention you give to the present moment a little less thinking because to be really present you don't think about it you just are with it give it attention I recommend the little things of life to be more attentive to all the little things that make up every hour every day every minute every hour and give them more attention walking steps one step at a time objects that you're handling your all the time you're handling objects in your life they always touching something putting something here there is everything that you handle Justin means to an end or are you able to just appreciate the simple presence or even of a so-called inanimate object contemplation also of all the lovely things that make up your environment part of your environment for example if I were sitting here alone let's say I'm waiting for everybody to arrive I might be sitting in looking of course at the flower sense of Stillness and then there's a glass table here and then there's a glass of water here and there's a clock and a bell and tissues and they all reflect the light in different ways there's a little bit of a rainbow effect in the glass of water here and then the the lines are reflected on the the belts almost like a mirror and there's the clock ticking away it's a beautiful scenes sometimes you go to an art gallery well not so much with modern art but it very favorite favorite thing would be still live artists and it took a while in art before they discovered these the artists in the history of art before they discovered the seemingly insignificant things and started to give attention to those before that happened they were very much interested in the huge things the Saints or the Kings or the huge battle scenes or the the big they had they painted those things or the important people or some dramatic thing the volcanic eruption or whatever a fire and then at some point they started to discover the beauty and the incredible [Music] sense of the quality that is in the little things perhaps after these more of these artists depicted relatively in seemingly insignificant things perhaps it motivated some people to give more attention to that but even now it's still people very much Overlook that because you overlook then a large part of your life you don't give it attention when I say give attention there's an element of appreciation of everything of the little things and you begin to realize that your entire life consists mainly of little things happiness of fulfillment does not depend on any other humans except of who you are that would be a deluded thought if you think you can only be happy if these people accept and understand you some people have that with their parents so they say my dad don't understand me at all it's terrible terrible I'm trying to explain they cannot understand you it's beyond their comprehension if you have awakened spiritually and they haven't except that they cannot understand you instead of trying to explain yourself to them just be there in a loving way with them when you meet for Christmas or Thanksgiving and you hear all the judgments coming at you from them so you don't not need to justify you accepting people's limitations and suddenly realizing whether or not your father your mother your sister your brother or anybody else Close to You accepts you for who you are you become free of the need to be accepted but you can nevertheless have a deeper connection keep that deeper connection and connect with them doesn't mind create a physical problem to distract us from emotion pain it is often the case that emotional pain that is not recognized when there's not enough awareness the emotional pain exists but in beneath your level of awareness and it can come out as certain kinds of reactivity in daily life so you are taken over by reactions to certain things that trigger that type of emotional pain that is in you that you're completely unaware of and emotional pain that is in total unawareness can very easily become a physical symptom it transferred into the Physical Realm any kind of prolonged negative mental States which produce corresponding negative emotions affect the functioning of the physical organism and even research has been done and on this and been confirmed that negative States mental emotional states affect in the long term affect the physical organism in this world dealing with things creating things achieving things and being is about being aware of the present moment which after all is all you ever have whatever you achieve through becoming in the future eventually turns into the present moment so as I speak to you the meditation if we even want to call it that it's perhaps best to forget about the word as I speak be aware of the start the silence or the Stillness between the words being aware means just notice that it's there it's very simple so you notice that in addition to the words there's another dimension that is easily overlooked and that's the dimension of Stillness foreign place or spaciousness so when you notice that there are two so to speak two dimensions here the dimension of words which you hear and which then become thoughts in your head and the dimension of no thing spaciousness you just saw you just noticed that's all that's required that there is that Dimension also present so you notice it in between words and even behind the words so to speak now when you notice it what happens inside you what does it mean to notice the Stillness be aware of this terms it means you have become still inside it means your conscious but at that moment at this moment you're not thinking but you're allowed present completely here but not thinking so that's the realization of the dimension of depths within you I've had this strange feeling idea in the past few months um that a certain segment of humanity is uh losing the ability to think rationally there's a decrease in without I call it IQ or whatever it may be there is a diminishment of rational faculty as reflected in many ways on mainstream media social media and so on and another segment of humanity is actually becoming more aware more where more conscious is not drawn into the regressive phase that some of humanity may be going through It's Not Unusual for Humanity to occasionally collectively regress to a lower State of Consciousness it has happened whenever a country or Collective has been taken over by uh and almost one could say toxic ideology that has completely taken possession of millions of people's minds look at of course National national socialism in Germany the maoist cultural revolution was quite crazy what happened in Cambodia under polypod uh totally crazy ideas invaded millions of people's minds and the reduced their ability to to actually engage in rational thinking and it thinks it happened for example in Mao East China during the cultural revolution um children reporting on their parents when they were angry with their parents all they had to do was go to school and Report their parents if they had said something against the government the parents would be taken away and never seen again they they went around public parks in big cities in China tearing out flowers out of because Beauty with regardless Bourgeois you had to kill your back your pets your your dogs and cats totally and these are just a few examples of totally toxic and irrational thoughts taking over people's minds so that's to some extent I've been seeing this happening collectively not just in one country in quite a few Western many Western countries that I'm aware of and but it has not affected everybody some people have managed to remain aware they have not been one could say infected by what one could perhaps call a a mental virus or mental viruses that reduce people's ability to actually see reality reality then gets distorted through the veil of these mental viruses that have taken over people's minds this is um uh more serious more serious pandemic than anything that happens on the physical level as far as pandemics are concerned the actual viruses actually you might I don't know if you've read Carl Jung said that the greatest danger that Humanity faces is not from any external Force like natural disasters or diseases or pandemics he said the greatest danger that Humanity faces is Collective psychosis so to go about wanting to manifest material abundance in your life is perhaps not the the right way to go about it because you're concentrating on the outermost layer of abundance and even if you manage to manifest abundance on the outer level it's not going to make you happy it's not going to fulfill you except for a few days the new possession nice and shiny whatever it is and there you look at it got it now it's mine and after a few days it wears off it's no longer that fulfilling to be driving the Ferrari or whatever it is there's nothing wrong with the Ferrari but if you're looking to the Ferrari for happiness and fulfillment it's not going to work for that long if you're just driving it because you enjoy that experience it's a different matter many people who practice manifesting which of course manifesting is a something that you can use and it works if it's done rightly but the Dilemma or the fallacy is the belief that whatever you manifest is going to make you happy is to seek the fullness of life through what you manifest through things be aware of the conceptualizing your life and allowing an unhappy story in your head to make you unhappy people think they are unhappy because of the circumstances of their lives in most cases they're unhappy because of what they're telling themselves so what the mind is saying about what's going on around you and has happened will happen so that's a it's a suffering the origin of suffering to a large extent is there and even in extreme situations having lost your home for example not knowing where to live is even there it applies you do not in the face of a challenge if you are present you don't convert the challenge into suffering you just be with what is and you start experimenting with little things in your life that cause you irritation or a little bit of anger or some impatience lit situations that are very common every day and you look at the situation you become aware sadly that there's irritation arriving or anger Rising and you become aware that it doesn't actually feel very good and the body knows it doesn't feel good the body doesn't like it this irritation arising and you think it's because of what's going on but if you look more closely you think now is this situation causing this or is what I'm saying about it causing this what my mind the commentary of my mind and in most cases you will find it's the mental commentary that you had been identified with that causes the unhappiness and then you say let's experiment with removing the commentary how would I experience this situation if I did not ADD the mental baggage to it so in other words you're just now with the isness of this moment without any thing mental stuff added being added to it that says this should not be happening I don't want to be here and many other things suddenly you're fine a minute ago you were extremely irritated and angry and you you couldn't differentiate between the circumstances external sanctions of your life and the inner commentary about the circumstances and this is the essence of unconsciousness unable to differentiate between the circumstances and the commentary so the circumstances and the commentary becomes single Essex are experienced as a single phenomenon thank you and then when you suddenly you can separate this is the isness of this moment and it is as it is the enormous power is suddenly arising in you which is the power of the present moment which is The Power Of unconditioned Consciousness also the power of dealing with the situation if there's something that you need to do suddenly a right action as the Buddha calls it the right action happens or non-action if action is not possible then right surrender happens but you allow this moment to be as it is without but what does it mean means you don't add unnecessary mental baggage to it that argues with the easness of this moment for someone who's a little bit hyperactive what's the best way to get a balance between removing content which is really good but then not getting annoyed when content comes in and you think oh it's it's spoiling my piece is there somewhere to get a balance be more a listener than a speaker make that your practice for the time being because I'm not saying don't say a word but be more like 80 percent a listener than a speaker in that book for example you can do by asking questions when you're in a rather than stating your view or whatever it is ask questions that encourages the other person to speak more if the other person speaks more it forces you to listen and then make the listening into a practice while the other person is speaking are you able to let's at any time to feel your inner body can you feel that the hands then I seem to lose them quite quickly okay but but hence you can't feel the energy in your hands the rest of the body is more difficult yeah okay well it's a good start it's a start so I suggest that once you've asked a question while you listen you direct your awareness into the inner feeling of your hands and that keeps it there so that it doesn't your mind doesn't take off so you ask a question what where are you from how long have you been with Eckhart how did you first discover the the books have you been to other written many questions you can ask and people will be happy to help you by answering your questions and they will be happy to help you by not asking you too many questions yeah so and so Barney listen have your attention in the inner energy field of your hands if if you can amplify that and have your attention to also in other parts of your body for example your feet and hand at the same time that's even better but hence is fine too so you feel your inner the aliveness in your hands and from there you you listen and you know just giving this will help you prevent the stream of Mind from taking you over the Dao or consciousness in its pure form is pure no form before it becomes something before it becomes the thought or words so right now you're aware of sense perceptions because you can still see me you're aware of the words but more importantly you are aware that you are aware you know yourself as this aware presence space without that space that aware space you would there would be no sense perception it is the light of consciousness in which all the object of Consciousness are perceived most people are not aware of themselves as consciousness they are only aware of the object that arise in consciousness and their sense of identity also their sense of who they are ultimately is an object that arises in their consciousness that's me this is my story me and my story my identity I am this and that and that and all those things together that's me but they're all thought forms or emotional forms that arise in Consciousness they are an object in Consciousness and this object in Consciousness for most people is a Founder the foundation of their sense of identity but that unfortunately is a an enormous limitation and ultimately a misperception of who they actually are most people's sense of identity therefore is based on a misperception because who you truly are is not an object in consciousness that's ephemeral it it is here for a while then it evaporates who you truly are is the space of Consciousness itself and so you become aware of an underlying presence just to use a word and an awakefulness a certain alertness a Stillness but not as Stillness that is asleep and alert Stillness that's the realization of consciousness of yourself as consciousness non-attachment of things does not mean not appreciating things but it means not seeking yourself or to regarding things as an extension of yourself or think of things as needing them to add to yourself in order to be yourself more fully that's attachment to things it's an an ego dysfunction but in in the way in which the ego survives and it's it's not pleasant because you always need more and nothing really satisfies you when if ever you buy something and seek some kind of self-satisfaction through it very quickly you realize it doesn't work and then you look for something else however there is a way of appreciating things beautiful things or simple things appreciate is not being attached you can love even love a piece of furniture or whatever it is a little object or a piece of something you wear too not saying all this needs to disappear you can you can like things and appreciate them love them in a sense of having appreciate it without the it without the self-seeking in it and when it the thing leaves you it's you you lose it or it breaks or it gets stolen or whatever without the attachment you'll say oh it's a Pity but you don't there's no reaction and no pain you're able to let go and that's a sign that something you appreciated and yet when it's not there anymore well that's all right too I always appreciate it since I I started in my between the age of 30 and well up to the age of 30 I don't know 36 my my main transportation was bicycle and I always had a I always appreciated my bicycle uh and I developed a strange habit when I parked my bicycle and changed it to something a railing outside whatever I would take a few steps and look back on it and just appreciate its its being as a very strange habit you look back at it and look back one more time there it is and sometimes people ask why are you looking back at your bicycle are you proud of it well it wasn't a particularly special bicycle just a normal no I just I appreciate it being there and uh one day as when then I got in I Got a Car somebody gave me an old car and then I lent my bicycle to somebody and one and suddenly that person came and said I'm so sorry I lost your bike I didn't lock it for a few minutes and now it's gone and had already gone through a shift in Consciousness so I'd say okay it's gone nothing we can do about it hopefully somebody else appreciates it now and I developed the same habit with my old car I would look back when I parked it I'd look back and just appreciate it being there and I do the same now that I have a much better car and now with my good car people think I must be proud of this car or something but it's not that I did the same with the bicycle it's a strange habit I'm not recommending anybody that he should do that but it's just it's a way in which I appreciate it it's being how do I strike a healthy balance between simply accepting life as it unfolds and actively working towards and striving towards goals destinations aspirations well accepting life as it unfolds of course is the foundation for conscious and sane living accepting whatever unfolds in the present moment there is nothing else that's the foundation doesn't mean you cannot have goals you cannot have aspirations wanting to achieve this do this do that it's perfectly compatible with accepting what is arriving in this moment one difference between the unconscious state which denies this moment and wants to make it into a means to an end all the time the difference then is what is the motivation for your doing If you deny this moment can never embrace it honor it appreciate it then the motivation for your action is basically dissatisfaction with what is and the action is looked towards as a possible way of overcoming the discontent and the dissatisfaction that you feel with the present moment and that's a very normal pattern and that's in for many many people that what is what motivates them they don't feel good enough they don't feel with some they feel there's something fundamental missing in their lives they don't feel recognized they don't feel loved whatever and so they try to find something achieve something that will bring them that which they feel is missing they don't realize that that is not going to work you need to start with the foundation for your life which is this moment and go deeply into that and become okay with it friendly with it realize it's the only thing there ever is just this moment nothing ever exists that's not this moment so you might as well become friendly with it and appreciate it and look around and see how actually it's okay this moment is actually okay and if it's not okay you can still say well that's what it is right now something goes wrong that's what is and then things will come in that you want to do you suddenly an idea comes or you need to do something to make a living and then out of that state of becoming one with the isness of the present moment something arises and wants that wants to take form in the world that perhaps you want to create and then you created out of the joy of doing instead of out of a feeling of lack that you need something to make you complete or happy so the motivation change is from neediness and discontent to joyful doing it's not stressed anymore when stress is a sign that you've lost the present moment the next moment has become more important than life itself foreign video I want to celebrate you most people start and don't finish most people never actually follow through most people say they want something but they don't ever do the work to actually get it but you're different you are special believe Nation you made it here all the way to the end and I love you so it's a special celebration if you put a hashtag believe down in the comments Below on this video I will showcase you and celebrate you somewhere on the screen in a future video because you are awesome pretend more amazing rules from Joe dispenza check the video right there next to me I think you'll love it continue to believe and I'll see you there if you keep thinking the same thoughts if you keep making the same choices you keep doing the same things you keep creating the same experiences you keep feeling the same emotions I don't know let's be conservative he did that for 10 years you would have to agree with you then that it would become more automatic
Channel: Top 10 Rules For Success / Evan Carmichael
Views: 10,606
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Keywords: eckhart tolle youtube, eckhart tolle 2021, eckhart tolle, eckhart tolle presence, present moment, eckhart tolle teachings, eckhart tolle teachings youtube, living in the present moment, the power of now, eckhart tolle special teaching, how to live in the present, eckhart tolle meditation, eckhart tolle spiritual teachings, jordan peterson present moment, eckhart tolle the power of now, eckhart tolle youtube 2022, eckhart tolle youtube latest, eckhart tolle youtube presence
Id: UbL1ss1U280
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 32sec (5732 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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