Vogue's 73 Questions is Stupid (Ft. Kim Kardashian & Kanye West)

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"What's your favourite part about being a dad?"

"....The kids"

God bless you, sir.

👍︎︎ 66 👤︎︎ u/Mr-Woman 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Id love for Ethan to make a parody of going around his house and hila asking him questions.

👍︎︎ 77 👤︎︎ u/EDM117 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Please, someone explain the sinks to me. I feel like Stallone with the seashells

edit: okay, so I thought that was a kitchen when apparently it's a bathroom. Still confused by these rich people shenanigans

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/gh0u1 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Kim hates people talking about her ass? That's like if Ethan started complaining about everyone talking about his fupa.

👍︎︎ 61 👤︎︎ u/Portr8 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Don't let Ian the intern see this lol

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Not 🌊🌊🌊

👍︎︎ 61 👤︎︎ u/Louie_Baby 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

The part where the camera rounded the corner into the bedroom and Kanye was sitting here with the kids was the most unrealistic part about this whole thing. Where were the servants?! And the kid even put him on blast by saying "daddys here!" LMAO

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/keeleon 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

i see it in every video like this but i still get the warm fuzzies: every fucking joke ethan tries out, he always looks at hila for her reaction. that man loves to make his wife laugh and fucking hell, i love watching him do it.

gosh bless you and your whole family, ethan and hila.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/Mal-Capone 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

The guys voice reminds me of that guys that cuts gummy bears on youtube.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/CosteloDeejay 📅︎︎ Apr 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
I am sick and tired of everyone talking about how Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are the ultimate power couple That's just blatant slanderous BS because everybody knows the most powerful couple in the game right now by far is Ethan and Hila Klein There's nobody that's got style like us, there's nobody got grace like us and name one celebrity that has eyebrow sunglasses Hila Klein's the only individual with eyebrow sunglasses, and you will never be anywhere close to that And by the way, what says power more than a Guy Fieri cosplay? Okay? What says power more than a Guy Fieri throne? This is the seat of POWER Hila, you wanna take a trip to flavour town right now? Hila: Umm... I'll skip. Ethan: Hila, let's go to flavour town, this is the seat of power Let's go to flavour town Are we not the ultimate power couple! Kim Kardashian Kanye West do not know anything about power OR flavour I rest my case This, my friend, is what a real power couple looks like so 73 questions is a stupid show by Vogue where they go to a celebrity's house and pretend like they just popped in and act like it's not scripted even though it's the most painfully scripted It makes me hurt. It's so scripted It makes...it gives me pains. I feel pain in my body when I watch it. Do you know what I mean? Hila: I do. I don't know what is this feeling but you watch it and you can't stop and you also wanna die. Ethan: Well said, Hila. Interviewer: Kanye! Kanye: Yep Interviewer: Umm I'm here to ask 73 questions Kanye: I'm ready Kim: Uh babe? This is for me The kids are in the room *Kim and interviewer giggle* Interviewer: Kim! Ethan: OOOOOO record scratch KIm: This is for me *record scratch* The kids are in the room. Hila: They wrote that joke Ethan: Of course They practically wrote in " *record scratch* " I : Kim, Kim: Hi! I : So I catch you guys home together. Is this still like a rare thing? Kim: It is really rare so lucky you I : Oh that's great And, uh, what did you do for the first 30 minutes of your day? Kim: I woke up at 5:45, brushed my teeth, got ready, headed to the gym, and worked out I : Nice -- Ethan: Yeah, right.You know what's the first 30 minutes of the day? I took a fat shit, I took a huge dump, bleached my anus. Do you bleach your anus? Hila: Me? Ethan: Yeah Hila: No. Do you? Ethan: Yeah Ethan: You know what my anus looks like? This. *points at Guy Fieri cap* Hila: Hmm Ethan: Her too. It's power. I : Lazy day, when everyone's together Kim: There's no such thing as a lazy day Look, I'll show you. All the kids are in the room. I : So your home is clearly stunning, Kim: Thank you I: How would you describe this home? Kim: I would say like a minimal monastery I : Wow, and where did the inspiration come from? Kim: From Axel Vervoordt and Kanye-- Ethan: Axel Vervoordt? Yeah you know what inspires our power? Guy Fieri. Yeah you every heard of him? Hila: Guy Fieri and McDonald's. Yeah, yeah, maybe you've heard of him. A little more famous than AxeL vAVoo By the way did you just move into your house that your house is empty. Is that what you meant by monastery? She's like "we like to pretend like we're poor even though we're billionaires. That's what I mean by monastery." "We like to live humbly in our castle." I : Okay. Random question. What was the last Kimoji that you used? Kim: Um, my daughter North used the "Kim blowing the bubble gum". I : Oh, that's cute *kids voice in background* Kim: Hi guys Hi! What are you doing? Kid: Daddy's in here Kim: Daddy's in here? I : Adorable Kim: Aw thank you! Ethan: She's wearing a diaper, dude Her ass is so big, it looks like she has a tumor Hila: Honestly I don't understand her body Ethan: It's fake, it's a fake, it's made in a laboratory. Dude, her ass is like the size of her whole body Like her ass, it looks like she's wearing a diaper I : Do you mind if I take a look around? Kim: Yeah, of course I : What's the most important thing that you want your kids to know? Kim: I want my kids to be kind *!!!* Ethan: Where does the water go? The water just runs on the counter? They just have servants come in with mops That's what being rich is. They're like "I just I don't even have a fxxking drain," "I just pour water on my counter and you fxxkers come and clean it up." Where's the water go? There's two faucet heads Where's the water go?! They're rich on a whole level I don't even understand They're so rich, they don't even have drains Hila: They have their own furniture catagories like they don't even-- Ethan: This is not a comfortable home, it looks like a waiting room like look at these lounge chairs Like imagine sitting in your own home in your own bathroom Vogue Interviewer: How'd you know that Kanye was the one? Kim Kardashian: I knew he was the one When I went to his Paris Fashion Show And Kanye How did you know that Kim was the one? Uh, I saw her in a paparazzi pic with Paris Hilton *Interviewer, Kim, and Kanye chuckle* What is she just a piece of meat? What is she just a giant ass? With a body attached to it? Kanye's like "yes" We all know that's all she is and that's exactly what I like about her. Fair enough Kanye. Interviewer: What's the best gift he's ever given? Kim: Um..Last year for Christmas-- okay Northy, take your brother to go get Sprite Kanye, quietly: you want sprite? Kim: Um..-- it's your one time U M For Christmas, last year he gave me a box and I opened it and it was Mickey Mouse and Adidas socks and apple headphones and I thought okay and then he told me that he bought me major stock in all of those companies Kanye, what was her reaction? She's like, uh, okay. Well when I thought it was just Adidas socks and headphones. I was like, thanks That's super relatable to all the plebs out there Although to be fair. That's kind of a shitty Christmas gift. That's like buying someone, like, government bonds. I was planning to buy you a loan You owe the government money. I got you really good interest rates, so Oh! Yeah, you really know how to make a Jew happy you're like "I got you a loan" what? you're like "don't worry it's 2.5 percent Interest" I love you I love you. This was so thoughtful Whose career do you respect and admire the most? Um, I would say my mom's because at 50 years old She really honestly didn't know how she was gonna make ends meet and take care of all of these kids. Ethan: Excuse me. Can you not walk backwards for so long? It's freaking me out Like what are you trying to prove something? Hila: Where are we? What is this? Kim, look-- turn around turn around. You must turn around What are you trying to prove-- Why are you walking backwards so much? Turn. Around PLEASE What is this? She's still going backwards! What is she-- what was-- what the hell was that? okay, the home tour is gonna continue with a hard right into the living room and Interviewer: What kind of piano is this? This is gorgeous Kim: Unbleached Steinway Ethan: Bro your house sucks. This house is so depressing. I don't know if it's a hospital. They probably go to a hotel When they actually wanna like chill. This is your living room? What is this an operating room? This is the saddest shit I have ever seen and I love how the interviewer is So casual about it like oh, it's stunning. This is your living room Why does it look like a mass-murderer scrub this murder site clean Dexter's house, dude I mean I get it as an art piece, but it's still they're home too. You gotta live there He's like Oh a bunch of Oompa Loompas come out and dust every footstep after I walk to keep it white This house is almost racist because it's so white You know what I'm saying? I feel like this house is offensive to me. What's the craziest thing a fan has ever done? Well, a fan has asked me to legitimately adopt them what that is so weird What's something about you that you wish more people focused on? I wish they would not focus on my ass all the time. Shut up please That angers me Um have you tried wearing something else. Try wearing jeans. Oh try Taking out the giant silicone slabs that are in your ass that makes it look like you have two ass tumors You wish people stop focusing on your ass That's a nightmare of an answer. You can't be serious that is literally the only thing interesting even your own husband said I mean she dresses like that is the most interesting thing about her. It's the focal point in this video I w i sh t h e y w o u l d n o t f o c u s o n m y a s s a l l t h e t i m e I : Okay, well then what three words do you hear most often when people describe you I would say sweet and smart Aaand is there a third? and kind. would you say that they're accurate Most definitely. She's so humble That's what I like about Kim. She's so down-to-earth and humble and Definitely not because she has a huge ass. I would never even dream of noticing that about her. Mm-hmm What I notice about her is that she's sweet intelligent and kind basically a perfect human being And her farts cuz the fabric is so thin and her ass is so big her farts are hella stinky too. Hmm little-known fact Can you show me a hidden talent? I have a hidden talent of being able to smell when somebody has a cavity That's impressive what we need more information about that Don't just say that's impressive that's impossible She's like all of her kids. They're like, I think we need to see a dentist. She's like no no, no, just come here. You're good. You're good. Their mouths are all messed up. They've like 20 cavities. You're good Kim. This kitchen is so amazing Thank you Wow What's your favorite thing about Armenia? The food. Mmm if I have 24 hours Armenia, what should I eat? You should eat everything. All right. [In Armenian] Do you speak Armenian? Um inch PSS is all I know. I don't know. What do you think you'll be remembered for Kim? Um, For my many talents. All right. What's a question you generally detest being asked I really hate when people ask me what I do This is what I hate about vogue 73 questions. I'm learning nothing. I know nothing about her as a genuine person This is so curated. I hate everything about it. I hate their house. I like her even less Kanye's cool. I like Kanye still Kanye. What's the best part about being a dad? The kids the only thing I've actually learned about them is that their bathroom doesn't have sink holes That's new money shit Our water just pours on the ground That's how rich they are, dude That's like the most valuable information I've learned from this video And that Kim Kardashian can apparently smell people's cavities. Freak I wish they would not focus on my ass all the time Not exactly Elton John, but I am trying to learn. On Skillshare! Skillshare is an online learning community for creators with more than 25,000 classes in design, business, and more. Premium memberships give you unlimited Access so you can join the classes and communities that are just right for you and your new year goals I've always wanted to learn how to play piano and that's why I started taking classes with Mark from PGN here mark has 91 Lessons here over eight and a half hours and he's available to answer your questions and engage with you during your course Whether you want to fuel your curiosity, creativity, or even career, Skillshare is the perfect place to keep you learning and thriving The first 500 of my subscribers to use the link in the description will get a two month free trial and an annual subscription Starts at just $10 a month after the trial and before long you'll be writing your own masterpiece like mine here Ethan Singing: You know I've got stinky farts I wear really thin thin fabric those farts really permeate through the room. Oh Oh woah OH woah You know, I've got stinky farts boy and they permeate through the roo oo oom
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Views: 4,185,283
Rating: 4.8773699 out of 5
Keywords: vogue, vogue 73 questions, kim kardashian, kanye west, h3h3, h3h3productions
Id: Mtl-Lc1y4YU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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