How We Find TikTok Influencers That Make Us $30K/DAY (LIVE EXAMPLES)

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in this video we're going to be covering exactly how you can find influencers on tick tock that can generate upwards of 30 000 in sales for you in a single day and this is one of the most important videos i've made on my channel because it's going to be showing you exactly how you can find these influencers on tick tock how to use the tick tock creator marketplace and be able to contact these actual individuals from the creator side so that way you can actually you know be able to have content to run in your actual tick tock ads that generate incredible results and in fact some of these posts that they'll actually be making is has the potential to go viral in fact that actually happened to one of our actual students curtis and this is actually a message from one of my students he did 2 million in sales his first year after joining my actual program and working with me and literally he ended up having a post go viral using this exact strategy and they literally did thirty thousand dollars in sales per day from this viral tick tock post that did over 350 000 likes and over 2 million views and you might be thinking that you need some big budget to contact these creators but believe it or not there's so many creators on the rise on tik tok and you can literally get away with spending you know no more than the cost of your product to actually ship it out to them so that way they can make a video for you or you know some of these creators are getting hundreds of thousands of views and are only charging twenty five dollars fifty dollars and even a hundred dollars for them to actually make a post because they're just so excited for the fact that they're actually being able to get paid as a creator hello everyone it's chase chapel here and we've literally spent over six hundred thousand dollars on tick tock ads and at our agency alone we're spending over 10 million dollars in ad spend every single year on facebook ads google ads tick tock ads and we're getting incredible results from our clients and i want to be able to share strategies with you so that way you can learn the exact steps that we have in this actual video to be successful as well so i really do hope you enjoy and so let's go ahead and get into the video so i'm going to be showing you exactly how you can use the actual tick tock creator marketplace and the creator marketplace is something tick-tock actually developed for creators to be able to get contacted by brands within the app and make it a seamless process between actual companies businesses and brands to be able to reach out to creators and actually work with them and creators absolutely love this because they can list their actual profile on this marketplace and get contacted by brands like yourselves to actually get paid and a lot of them are really excited to make content for brands and this is a good way to actually have a streamline of videos especially if you don't have any people in-house at your actual company that can create the content for you so what you're going to do is you're actually going to go to and you're going to go ahead and start finding creators and i'm going to show you exactly the process that we go through and show our clients what to do in order to actually get incredible results we did this when we were actually scaling up a campaign all the way to 350 000 in actual spend where we actually took this campaign and scaled it up and we needed a lot of content to actually make this campaign successfully scalable and to do that we had to have tons of creatives coming in on a weekly basis and one way to have a lot of content from a lot of creators for testing is using the creator marketplace and what you can do is you can actually start to filter and build your creator list and i'm going to show you exactly what you can start to do so let's say we're running ads in the united states so we can choose the us and we can even start to drill down the actual baller range that we might actually want to be going after so you know we might be comfortable with getting creators who have you know 10k to 100k 100k to a million we're gonna leave it pretty open right now because like i said a lot of creators are on the rise they're just now getting their followings and they're getting the hang of tick tock and it's a good way for you to get you know really good prices for the content that they're actually creating for you and so average view volume we're going to leave alone we're going to leave the engagement rate alone as well and what we're really going to focus on is actually choosing the actual topic or industry that you're in so let's say that you're selling cosmetics what we could specifically do here is you know focus on actually finding people in the cosmetic space so let's say you're selling cosmetics like makeup or you know actual you know videos where they're doing a makeup tutorial and all you got to do is just search like that actual keyword we're making sure that we're filtering by the us and it's going to pull up a lot of creators and you're going to start immediately seeing their prices right away and you can see some creators are charging as low as 15 50 dollars and some creators are charging as high as twenty three hundred dollars and you'll start to see pretty quickly what style of content they have and so let's go ahead and click on cosmetics queen and we can actually see what their profile looks like so it'll actually show us you know these analytics of their profiles so that way we can get a better idea of what kind of content that they're creating what works for them it looks like one of their highest viewed videos most recently is only about 33 000 views and if we look at most popular the best video did about 1.8 million 1.2 million 850 000 and so they're charging 50 which you know that's a fair rate considering that some of their videos have gone viral and that they're getting you know somewhat consistent views and i'll show you all what i like to look for because you'll have the actual demographics that you can see here but the main information that's really going to be impactful is actually looking at their follower account and seeing if they're growing this creator has been actually pretty stagnant for a while now and you know it might be because they're not producing as much content as they once used to or their content is just not resonating to the masses anymore so they're really stalled out in terms of followers we can see that their growth rate is actually you know negative in this case so let's go ahead and check out the video views it looks like their video views are you know pretty average they're getting about 3.2 k 3 000 views every day that's not that much views but for 50 dollars i mean it could be a creator that you actually add into the mix that you can actually build into the list so what you could do is add this person to the list if you wanted to actually you know potentially reach out to them our goal is to find at least 10 to 15 creators that we can reach out to that way if some of them say no at least we're going to end up with you know a good amount of creatives that we can essentially start running with tick tock ads and not only that but we're gonna be able to run these campaigns and actually see the results that they're getting so let's go ahead and go to another creator profile so this one's ten dollars that's super fair no matter what their engagements are just getting somebody to actually create a video for ten dollars like that's totally fine you could end up testing that in an ad and you know adding some adjustments to it definitely worth it considering if you pay 10 bucks and it gets 10 000 views like that's already a great cpm so this creator is growing on their followers let's see their video views they're pretty all over the place what i want to see is video views that are actually growing over time and you know or video views that are really consistent at a high view volume that's great and especially if you can find those at a very good price then you're gonna be able to get a creator to not only produce great content for you but it's likely going to resonate and actually have more uh effectiveness in the actual tik-tok ads so let's go ahead and continue looking so you know you might add two of these creators to your actual list that you might actually want to reach out to and have them create content for you let's continue to go down here and see what we can find lots of these craters ten dollars this one's 150 300 some of them you know you can negotiate with in terms of their actual price all right so i just found this crater here for 20 dollars and they're creating content that's consistently getting you know high view volume that's as of recent especially considering their page is only about 21 000 follows if we scroll down we can definitely see that this creator is on the rise because in the actual followers you can see they are growing pretty consistently which is a nice thing because we know people are finding our page and they're following the page and that's a good sign because that means that she's getting the hang of actually creating content that is not only attracting individuals who want to follow the page but it resonates with more individuals as a whole and not only that but when we look at the video views we're actually seeing that you know they're maintaining about a thousand views of video and it is starting to climb up so this creator is getting better and better at actually creating content which is a really good sign especially seeing that the follower growth rate is taking off again it's creators likely tapping into you know who they really are and are really figuring out you know how to favor the algorithm and reach you know good amount of people which is really nice because that means that you know you can have this creator you know for twenty dollars create a post for you and it's going to go up on their page it's going to get views it's going to get engagements it's going to get interactions it's going to have a call to action actually going to your site but not only that but you're going to get this content available to not only use as a potential spark ad which means you can run it in your ads manager but you can also post this content your page so there's so many benefits for such a you know affordable price for a brand that might just be starting out like yourself that can actually use this and as you grow you can decide whether or not you want to work with larger and larger creators lots of times you know we shoot for volume and being able to get a lot of content from a lot of different creators and then once we really find somebody that works really well we choose to work with them multiple times so let's go ahead and go through the process of what happens once you actually add a few creators to your list how you can actually go through the process of setting up a campaign running it and getting approval from them and having these people actually create the content for you so what you'll do is let's say you already have a list of creators you're going to hit create campaign and you're going to start going through this process of actually you know completing this information you're going to add your actual brand name you're going to have your website located here you're going to put what industry you're in so if you're in the cosmetic space and you're selling beauty products then you're going to upload all this information and essentially complete this then i go ahead and check this box it says share contact information with the creators only after they accept your campaign what this essentially means is is they can't reach out to you unless they actually accept it that way whenever they accept the actual offer they get your contact info so that way you can actually you know speak with them get the product to them and you know they get paid they create the content and that way you can get the content to use in your ads and actually start generating results so that way it can be roi positive the next thing you're going to do is you're going to choose your campaign objective similar to how you would be actually running tick-tock ads it's pretty cool it's kind of like running an ad in itself because you're going to be actually choosing objectives you're setting up a campaign essentially except the only difference is your ads are actually being curated by real individuals in real time and they're going to be making these posts for you and you're going to be getting results from it while also collecting this content to actually upload into your ads manager which is a pretty cool thing and so maybe you want to increase your followers your website traffic you know what we're really looking for is going to be product sales if you're actually trying to push sales then you're going to want to choose the actual sales objective and this is going to help them understand that they're going to be creating a piece of content where it's going to be a little bit more ad like and you know there's going to be a call to action in the video so that way they actually know to you know have a call to action we're going to also want to make sure we have you know somewhat of a baseline script for them to follow so that way we can get the right type of content that we really need that resonates with the brand and so that way we can leave some creative freedom to them but also have a little bit of barrier so that way we have the right you know types of you know clips and you know call to actions at the end so that way we can ensure that it is going to be driving sales the next thing you're going to do is name your campaign the start date and you know you could choose like uh you know next week for whenever you actually want this to actually start where people are actually receiving the products you're gonna type in your product name upload the actual product images then you're going to you know set the price for these creators that you selected let's say that you chose you know 20 creators or 10 creators that are all under 50 essentially what you want to do is like find the price that is you know on average between all of them let's say it's 25 and you make you know an actual offer of 25 to every single one of these creators and let's say that 50 of it of them actually accept it well now you have 10 creators who are creating content for you and then essentially you pay that price and they start creating the actual video so you'd essentially set your price if it's 50 25 whatever's within your budget and then you're going to add your product description which is going to explain what your product is if it's makeup you're gonna explain you know what kind of makeup it is how they can use it and if they're in the actual beauty space they should be pretty familiar with you know makeup so that way just make sure it's very clear here so that way they understand it you can add a link to your actual product page so that way they know where it is and then your campaign description is going to be like what your actual objective is so you can actually use tic tocs template we choose to do a custom template and add a little bit more information you essentially are going to introduce yourself you're going to actually you know call out something about their page you're going to talk about your product and then you're also going to highlight a little bit of information about what you're really looking for and if they're interested and essentially if they accept the offer then you can move forward with that so once you fill that in this is going to look like the actual customized flow tick-tock did a really good job of breaking down what this looks like and what you can see is one the creator is actually going to accept the invite this means that you sent out the actual campaign and now we're going to be waiting on a response from the actual creators once they accept payment if you actually set a price if they accept it then you can go ahead and you know ship out the product to them and what's going to happen is the creator is going to you know upload the video for your review you can then approve the video and essentially once the video is approved on your part and tick tock approves it as well then the brand's going to review the uploaded video the creator posts the video and then you can actually get access to the spark ad which means they're going to share essentially an authorization code that you can upload into your actual ads manager if you don't know what spark ads are we cover this in our actual tick tock ads mastery course where we're releasing modules every single sunday so make sure to check that out if you actually want to see how to run not only spark ads but actually create successful campaigns that generate results and now what we're going to do is you're going to choose to send payment through the creator marketplace which they make it pretty easy tic talks really you know bridging the gap here so that way they make it super simple it's an all-in-one tool here that you can really use and then you're going to send the guidelines confirm the video script requirements and then you're going to request the creator to actually authorize your tick tock spark ad so that way you can run in your ads manager this is a great thing you want to make sure you get these authorization codes because this is going to allow you to actually use that in ads and then what you're going to do is once you have selected your creators you've completed this actual information you add as much detail as possible you check these boxes you're going to hit publish and what's going to happen is it's going to send out this message and literally in the actual tick tock app it's going to pop up on their phone they're going to get a notification next time they check they're either going to accept or decline and they'll let you know if they accept or you know haven't opened the message or not and so i definitely recommend reaching out to as many creators as you can that way you can have a good flow of creative coming in because a good spec expectation is is it's going to take time to ship your product to them it's going to take time for them to create the video it's going to take time for you to actually receive the content and not only that but you're going to want to make sure that you're also reaching out to more critters after that because once that's running in an ad eventually that creative might fatigue out and you're going to need more content and once that's campaign's actually published it's going to go into your actual public campaign actual management spot where you can see the invitations that have been sent out you're going to know if they're pending if they're active if they're completed or they're canceled if the creator denies they might you know actually cancel it if they're you know accepting it or you're waiting on response it's impending if it's active it means that you know they're currently creating the content completed means that the whole process has gone fully through you've paid them they received the product and they actually posted the content and this is the exact strategy that's going to literally allow you to get incredible results and there's the chance of your video actually going viral on tick tock and you're getting tons of sales we see this all the time with our clients we actually have a video right here covering tick tock ad creatives where we literally go over the exact viral formula for being able to generate incredible amounts of cells on your actual site happens every day and you know tick tocks really become a place where you can not only get content from you know actual creators that can produce and go viral and get sales for you but you can also run this in ads and generate incredible results in fact these are the exact strategies that we cover in our one-on-one ads mastery mentorship program where we go over tik-tok ad strategies we actually show you exactly what campaigns to create how to structure them how to reach out to creators how to actually be super successful with your campaigns and we've literally scaled brands from 20 000 all the way up to 340 000 per month in sales we've had multiple clients sell out their entire store and go viral all from following these trainings and actually applying these learnings as a whole and you get to work one-on-one with not only myself and team but you also get access to our content in our online portal that has all this information and step-by-step guides for you and just last week we also had a student of ours that's in the b2b space that is actually booking you know appointments for himself and getting 80 calls you know per day and only paying a few cents per lead and this is happening all the time not only with e-commerce brands b2b brands but actual local businesses as well we're actually sending a ton of foot traffic using tick tock ads because you can do local targeting and actually reach people in the areas of your actual brick and mortar business as well so this isn't only limited to actual ecommerce stores but there's a wide variety of businesses that can be really successful and actually use you know these trainings to be able to scale up and get incredible results so if that sounds like you and you want to work with myself and team in our one-on-one ads mastery program then definitely reach out to me on instagram at real chase chapel and dm me the word mentor and i'm happy to send you additional information and chat with you there one-on-one well there you have it that's how you can reach out to influencers i really wanted to make this video because there's not a lot of information on this kind of content out there in fact lots of videos that are posted it's actually from the creator's standpoint in their view not a lot of videos if any at all are actually talking about the brand's perspective and how they can reach out to these creators so i hope this breaks down the barrier and makes it a little bit easier for you to actually go through the process of reaching out if you've always wondered how to create actual tick-tock content and struggle with the idea of having somebody in-house or where to start this could be an actual good way to front load and get a lot of this content done for you and streamline the process in a way that makes it super simple without you having to contact you know a bunch of companies to actually get this started it's simple as just going to tick-tock create a marketplace and getting it done so i hope you really enjoyed this video please do like and subscribe because we do put a lot of work into these videos and it does help the algorithm and we do really appreciate you watching until the end thank you so much and i will see you on the next one cheers and bye all hey if you made it to the end of this video then i know you're an ambitious learner and you're looking for more so go ahead and click this video here i hand selected it for you [Music]
Channel: Chase Chappell
Views: 10,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify, shopify dropshipping, dropshipping, tiktok influencers, tiktok influencer marketing, tiktok ads dropshipping, tiktok ads, instagram influencers, influencer marketing, dropshipping influencers, tiktok, tik tok, chase chappell, tiktok ads tutorial, tiktokads, dropshipping influencer marketing, tiktok ads 2022, how to find influencers, how to do influencer marketing, tiktok creator marketplace, creator marketplace, tiktok creator, dropshipping 2022, tiktok influencer
Id: kPVuhDnGFVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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