How To Launch an Influencer Marketing Campaign in 7 steps (Strategy, Outreach, and Examples)

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influencer marketing can seem pretty intimidating to pull off a successful campaign you're going to need to work with the right social media influencers so you might be asking yourself how do i reach out to influencers how much is it going to cost me and is it actually going to bring me sales well today i'm going to walk you through how to set up an influencer marketing campaign from start to finish and you don't have to be a massive business to set this up this is pretty straightforward so let's get started what's going on everybody my name is michelle bally i'm a creative strategist and i'm also your host for today's video so if you're new to learn with shopify we're a channel dedicated to helping small business owners with big plans so if you want to learn how to start and grow your online business don't forget to hit that subscribe button every week we drop a video with step-by-step coaching that's going to help take your business to the next level so in a recent video that we did i noticed that a lot of you guys left comments wondering how to reach out to influencers and those were actually the inspiration for this video so thank you so much for that and if you want to see your idea featured in our next one make sure that you're dropping us a comment because i do pay attention to the comments how to build a powerful influencer marketing strategy so these are the steps that we're going to look at in creating a successful campaign in today's video so first you're going to want to set your goal and your budget then you'll do some research on your influencers after that you'll reach out then you'll negotiate the terms then you'll put your plan into action and then you'll review to see if your campaign actually worked so let's look at these steps in detail step one is to set up your campaign goal the first step is to ask yourself what your goal is why do you want to work with an influencer now obviously making more sales is a big one but there are other options that you might not have thought about examples of more common goals are to build brand awareness and strengthen brand image you may also want to increase your social media engagement or you could focus on improving conversions like newsletter subscribers free trial signups and email list building for the duration of this video i'm just gonna use kinda hot sauce as the brand that we'll be promoting so the first step here is to write down my campaign goal i like to use a google doc nothing too fancy and for my fake hot sauce brand i'm gonna say that my goal is gonna be more sales i would recommend that you be specific so i'm going to set my goal to be two times my return on marketing investment step number two is defining your budget so next you'll want to set aside a budget if you're an independent business owner it might be really tempting to just skip this step but keeping track of your expenses is going to help you understand whether your campaign left you in the red or in the green if you want to pay your influencers in product i find it really easy to just calculate your campaign by figuring out your cost per influencer so let's say my average rate to ship a package is thirteen dollars and my hot sauce cost me twelve dollars to produce then i can put aside twenty five dollars per influencer maybe i wanna work with ten influencers to start i would recommend starting small so that you can see if influencer marketing is the right fit for your business you may not be paying the influencer in product and we'll talk about all the different ways that you can compensate and influencer later but just make sure that you do have a rough idea of how much you want to spend at this point and be honest with yourself how big your budget really isn't that important but the important part is staying on top of your numbers to ensure that you're getting a return on your investment your third step will be finding the right influencers you're going to want to decide whether you want to use nano or micro influencers mid-size influencers or large influencers so there's pros and cons to each nano influencers are kind of like your black widow because their audiences don't expect to be sold to brands like to work with them because their audience is super dedicated and they trust them through and through now the downside is that nano influencers don't usually do this for a living so they may lack the time or the experience to work with you mid-tier influencers may show great results since at this size they're still going to have that genuine two-way connection with their audience now the only thing is that these people will likely want to be receiving monetary compensation and we do have to respect that because that could be the way that these people are earning their living this could be their full-time job working with top tier influencers is super exciting because of their reach and their content could immediately impact your business positively if their audience is engaged and relevant to your business of course but keep in mind as influencers grow they do tend to lose connection to their audience and their niche might start to dilute and also just because they have a large audience doesn't necessarily mean that their audience will convert for you if their audience is primarily in australia and you don't even ship there then their 1 million followers aren't much use to you anyway so don't just look at the numbers to make sure that it's the right fit you can ask for screenshots of their analytics so that you can look at the demographics of their audience and you want to make sure that you're doing this no matter what size influencer you're working with influencers get asked for these stats all the time so you don't need to be shy about asking so that's what you can expect from certain size influencers but how do you actually find them so you'll want to use these tools to find the right influencers obviously you can just go on instagram type in some hashtags and search through the top section but i don't always love that method because i find that the results are pretty limited so what i've personally done is i use a tool called dovetail it's a pretty robust platform to help you find instagramers and youtubers and you can search based on specific keywords locations niches and audiences and you can even send influencers a message straight from dovetail which has saved me a lot of time in the past they normally have a 14 day free trial now unfortunately i don't think you can search for tick-tock influencers on dovetail yet so for that you can also check out hypetrace so let's say that i've used these tools and i decide on hot sauce expert bill moore i'll now want to make sure that his audience is authentic outside of the numbers you're also going to want to validate that this content creator can create the type of content that you're looking for so to do this make sure that you're just checking their past work so for me i want bill to be able to review my hot sauces and he has tons of youtube videos doing that so this could be a perfect fit the next step is to reach out so i'm going to draft up a message to see if bill moore would be down for a collab okay super quick break here shopify is offering a free 14-day trial simply click the link in the description box to take action to level up your ecommerce business step five is where you actually start reaching out to influencers so here's the part where a lot of people get tripped up because they get nervous they don't know what to say they feel intimidated by the fact that these people have a lot of followers but here's a little piece of advice the hype is always less than what you think it is if someone has 50 000 followers and you're imagining that they're getting 100 dams a day they're probably getting only five dms a day i want you guys to be fearless business owners don't let something like a follower account discourage you so that when you reach out you're friendly you're clear of what you're asking and you're firm when i'm reaching out via email here's what i might say hi bill my name is michelle i'm the brand manager for kind of hot sauce i came across your youtube account after watching your black eyed susan review i really love how in depth you describe the ingredients after watching i wanted to reach out to see if you'd be interested in trying our new collection if you're accepting collaborations at this time i would love to send you the full line for you to review in a dedicated video feel free to check us out at if you're interested let me know and i'll be happy to share more details michelle so let's dissect this a little first we introduce ourselves then we establish a connection let them know that you know who they are and this also helps them in making it feel less like a mass email then we give them a genuine compliment this helps open up the relationship and it also sets the expectation of what kind of content you'd like them to create for you now we want to cut straight to the chase tell them exactly why you're reaching out next you'll want to softly explain your expectations so the purpose of this email is to gauge interest and gently propose a relationship we don't give too much detail on the logistics just yet that comes later let them know where they can find you you also want to make sure that you're including your social media handles in your signature as well and that's going to help increase your credibility since maybe this influencer hasn't heard of your brand before if you want to copy and paste the format into your own email i'll make sure to leave a link in the description box for you guys a common pitfall of an intro email is making the email too long and making it all about you we only really injected a little bit about us at the very end of the email but the meat and the potatoes of this email should be about them we want to be putting the focus on their work and that's going to help warm up the conversation and don't worry if an influencer is interested in doing work with you they will find you online and learn more about you on their own time when i'm reaching out via dm the tone is going to be a little bit more casual when i'm reaching out on instagram i usually use a voice note because it just feels more personal and it's a great way to stand out i'll make sure that i'm inserting a clip here but it's basically the same idea just more personal once you find out that they're interested the next step is to get more detailed about the expectations and the type of content that they'll create step six is deciding how you'll create content with an influencer so next you're going to want to negotiate the terms of the relationship this could happen in an exchange of friendly emails back and forth it doesn't have to be anything serious like a contract but as long as you're having a paper trail that's enough if you're just starting out so imagine me and bill we're just going back and forth and this is our final agreement so let me explain what's on screen here talk about the type of content they'll create maybe i want bill to make meme and post it to his instagram or maybe i want him to record a video talking about our brand ethos how about a cooking class using our products basically at this point you can also use this time to ask for specific things so you may want them to highlight certain product features or tell your brand story if the relationship is fair in the sense that the trade-off is equal you can have a list of requests for the influencer to fulfill but if the relationship is skewed in the sense that the influencer is more so doing you a favorite to help promote your brand then you will have to forgo some of that creative control at that point you might have to tone down some of your requests either way i recommend that you give them creative freedom you chose them because you liked their work in the first place so try to trust them to do a really good job for you because a script usually comes across as ingenuine and stiff so just keep that in mind as you're working with your influencer you'll also want to discuss where these things are going to live do you want a feed post do you want a story post maybe you want some blog content it's really up to you and what makes sense for your business and the influencer you're working with next you'll want to discuss a timeline if you want to see a first draft just set the date for when that would be due but generally speaking it's usually enough just to have a date of when that thing would be going live come to an agreement as to how they will mention you do you want your name to show up on screen maybe you want to be tagged in the photo or maybe you want them to include a link to your website in the description box in the best case scenario the influencer will have a very clear call to action like make sure you're checking out to see their new collection and then i might ask bill to leave a link to shop with us to see a higher return on investment you'll also want to agree on compensation if you have a budget to pay for their time then you can just simply ask what are your rates or can you send me your rate card but if you don't have a budget there are ways around this you can give them something of value that's not just a simple money exchange but just keep in mind if the rolls were reversed and if you were the influencer would you be happy with the deal that you're about to offer them you could exchange products for content this is a very popular way to carry out influencer relationships you could exchange professional opportunity for content so what do i mean by this i might want to invite bill to design a custom hot sauce line in exchange for him talking about it on his social media so this could be a win-win because for him it adds to his experience as an influencer and for us we get to add a new collection with a face behind the line here's another idea you can exchange ad spend for content so what you would do is you would send the influencer your product get them to take a photo or a video with it and post it to their social media as usual but in this case you would get them to send you that content and then you would run it as an ad on your end the reason that this works is because you're getting exposure from the content that they've shared and they're getting exposure from your ad if you're not 100 sure on how social media advertising works we actually have an entire video dedicated just to facebook ads if you're a beginner so make sure that you're checking it out right up here sometimes people fail to remember that influencer relationships at the end of the day are still relationships so if there's respect you're both happy with the end product then you're going to want to continue on this relationship and if you're able to establish a genuine connection and you both have an emotional tie then both of you are going to want to be more accommodating towards one another and you're going to want to help uplift each other okay so if this were real life bill would accept i'd ship him his package and then he would create the content so the next step is managing your relationships and tracking the results to see if your campaign worked step seven is to stay organized with your campaigns and track your results like i said you want to start small at the beginning to see if influencer marketing is even going to work for your business but managing 10 relationships at a time is still a lot to keep track of if you're maintaining relationships with many influencers at a time you can use a free tool called hubspot here you can make notes of people's social media handles shipping addresses and when shipments were sent you can write down the results that the influencers brought to you here as well and i recommend that you also input contacts that you've reached out to so that you're not accidentally reaching out to someone more than once so now how do you know if your influencers actually brought you return on investment well remember in the beginning how we said we wanted to make double our money back i set aside 25 for a bill now i want to make sure that i'm getting 75 back so to track results i'm gonna ask bill to use this special link that i made here in his youtube description box that way i can see how many people click the link to go buy our hot sauces this link is called a utm code a utm code tracks the performance of campaigns and they're easy to make at if you want to learn more about utm tracking i will link an article in the description box for you guys but alternatively i could make a special discount code for bill and bill could ask his audience to use it at checkout when i see how many people used his code i can track how many customers bill brought in once your campaign is over measure results against your initial goal at this point you can see if you want to work with these influencers again and keep those relationships going you might also notice that your campaigns didn't bring you in as much results as maybe thought in which case try working with different influencers and try different types of content some industries will be better suited for influencer marketing and some will be better suited for facebook ads for example no two industries and no two businesses are the same so if you find that influencer marketing isn't really working for you then just make sure that you're keeping up to date with your digital marketing education to find those winning strategies you can do that by subscribing to our channel we have tons of information from email marketing to starting your own ecommerce store all right congratulations on getting started with influencer marketing i hope that it's going to bring your business that boost that it needs and maybe you'll make some friends in your industry along the way if you're interested in learning more about marketing register using the link below to gain access to a free 30-minute webinar that's going to help you level up your marketing by changing the way that you think about your store's marketing funnel learn how to go from first day to first sale in this free training course also do not forget to like and subscribe to this channel so that you're not missing out on any more tips on how to grow your online business and remember we're a channel for small business owners with big plans thank you so much for watching i'm michelle bally i've been your host and i will see you in the next one you
Channel: Learn With Shopify
Views: 149,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn with shopify, ecommerce tutorials, shopify store, online business, influencer marketing instagram, micro influencers, influencer marketing tips, influencer marketing strategy, how to find instagram influencers, how to reach out to influencers, influencer marketing dropshipping, influencer marketing 2021, how to find instagram influencers for shopify, social media manager, social media marketing strategy, instagram influencer, influencer outreach, digital marketing 2021
Id: PvJibnR7TN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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