How to Zoom-In and Zoom-Out into a video in Shotcut | Shotcut tutorial
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Channel: Tutorials4view
Views: 17,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shotcut, shotcut zoom effect, shotcut how to zoom in video, shotcut tutorial, shotcut zoom in video, shotcut zoom tutorial, shotcut zoom in effect, shotcut zoom in, shotcut zoom, shotcut zoom in effect tutorial, shotcut how to zoom, shotcut how to zoom in, animated zoom shotcut, shotcut tutorial for beginners, shotcut zooming in, shotcut zoom out, shotcut keyframe zoom, shotcut zoom in and out, how to zoom in shotcut, zoom in, zoom out, tutorial, video, clip, 2023, shotcut how
Id: ntMIi5Lfva4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 43sec (163 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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