New Game-Changing Automatic Motion Tracking Filter for Shotcut

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in this tutorial I want to demo one of the most amazing game-changing additions to shotcut in recent years shotcut finally has true motion tracking and I want to show you how it works so stay tuned I'm just a normal person with no video editing background I wanted to start making YouTube videos and maybe cool Transitions and effects I don't really plan on being a professional video editor so I was looking for a free easy to learn video editing software luckily I stumbled on shotcut a free open source video editing program that can do many of the tricks you can do on more Enterprise video editors like Adobe Premiere or DaVinci Resolve but with a much simpler and leaner interface thus dramatically shortening the learning curve it just takes using your imagination so let's learn together tutorial will be done on shotcut version 23.05.14 make sure you have at least this version or you won't see the motion tracking functionality one thing to note at the very beginning the motion tracker is not a standalone filter on its own it does nothing the motion tracking filter needs to be paired with another applicable filter so far as of shotcut version 23.05.14 these are the following filters that work with motion tracking but let's assume more and more will be added in future versions the filters are corner pin crop rectangle GPS text mask simple shape size position and rotate size and position the GPU version spot remover text Rich text simple and timer I'm not going to demo every single filter that works with motion tracking because it's going to take too long and basically functions behave the same way when paired with the motion tracking filter for this demo I will show you motion tracking using the text simple filter but if you want a demo for one of the others let me know which filter in the comments and I will see if there's enough of a demand for that demo to happen I'm going to start with this running video I downloaded first let's drag this video on the timeline then I'm going to find a good frame that I'm going to capture so this should be a good spot then I'm going to go to the filters Tab and look for motion tracker make sure you have the Show preview checkbox check so you can gauge how well the tracking is doing you'll know the show preview is on because you're going to see a box with a green outline around it eventually when you're ready to export you're going to have to uncheck this for now while the preview is on I'm going to modify the Box using the handles to Encompass the subject I'm trying to track this should be good right here next I'm going to click the analyze button and wait until the analysis process finishes in the jobs window once the job finishes you can press play and see how well the green box follows your subject in this instance it did a great job but I'm not going to lie to you sometimes it has trouble tracking the subject if that happens go back to the filter and try one of the other algorithms in the drop down window but because this one did a great job in tracking I can move on to the next step at this point all we did was capture the tracking for this subject what shotcut did is record a keyframes of the movement of this subject because the keyframes have been recorded we can then share those keyframes and allow another filter to leverage it note the name of the tracker it just created is called tracker one in this example I'm going to add the simple text filter so while the video is selected I'm going back to the filter Tab and look for text simple okay I'm then going to add a text label something like person so let me do that I'm just going to change the formatting a bit so that it makes sense okay I think I have the text where I want it to be but right now if I press play nothing happens the text stays static first we need to click the load keyframes from motion tracker button then a new window will pop up first I'm going to reference which tracker it should use which is the previously saved tracker one then in the adjust window I'm going to choose how I want the text filter to use the save tracking for this example I'm going to choose relative position but later on we can check out what the other adjustments do as well afterwards now I'm going to choose if I want it tracked from the very beginning or just from this current position in the video I'm going to choose from the start then click the apply button it's going to take a few moments to export the keyframes from the motion tracker into the text simple keyframes once it's done you can see the keyframe button highlighted and when you go to the keyframe tab you should see a bunch of new keyframes added once you're happy with how the text is tracking the subject go back to the motion tracker filter and uncheck the Show preview box otherwise you are going to see that green box on your video after you export so let's give it a quick play I think it did a pretty good job finally let's export and see what the final results look like pretty cool right earlier I also promised to show what the other adjustment settings look like so let's first clear the keyframes by clicking the stopwatch icon then let's click the load keyframes from motion tracker again but this time instead of relative position we're going to choose offset position then click apply let it process for a bit so this is what that setting does it looks like it does the opposite direction of what that previous settings did now let's try another choice so once again we're going to clear the keyframes by choosing that button and then we're going to load keyframes for motion tracker and then we've already chosen the first two so now we're going to choose absolute position click apply give it a second okay now it's ready to go now let's see what it does it looks like it just matches the center of the green box okay so that's what that does so once again let's go ahead and go from the very beginning let's go ahead and clear the keyframes and then let's load the motion tracker again and then this time let's choose the very last one which is size and position I'm going to click apply let it process for a minute okay now it's done let's see what it does okay it's kind of similar to the previous one except the text box matches the green the green box the tracker box and so that's pretty much it that is using motion tracker paired with the text simple filter if you have any additional questions please just leave a comment below otherwise until next time thank you for watching I just wanted to remind you that if you haven't yet go visit my channel I'm sure you'll find tons of shortcut related videos and don't forget to subscribe so that you know when I drop a new shortcut related tutorial every video on my channel was done on shotcut so aside from examples of what shotcut can do you can also visit my playlist of tips and tutorials all geared toward the beginner visit my shot cut tips and tricks playlist and learn all the tips and tricks I've learned during my journey toward video editing so once again please subscribe and I'll see you next time
Channel: Ben Espanto
Views: 10,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bentacular, shotcut, ben espanto, motion tracker, Shotcut motion tracking filter, Shotcut motion tracker, Shotcut motion tracker tutoria, Shotcut 23.05.14, Shotcut tutorial, Motion tracking video editor, motion tracking shotcut, motion tracking capcut
Id: TFqlk4yWi9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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