How to Zoom In and Out of Video Clips in Shotcut

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in this video i show you how to zoom in and out in  Shotcut hi everyone my name is Joe and welcome to   Ubitronics on this channel i show you how to  use open source software today we're looking   at zooming in and out in Shotcut and the first  thing to realize is that there are two main ways   to zoom in and out the first is a quick zoom  which is like jumping in and out of the video   and then there's a smooth zoom which is smoothly  zooming in and possibly panning around the video   and then zooming back out i'll demonstrate both  of those now for you and just so we're clear on   the end results here is a quick demo of what  we're going to be doing so zooming in and out   and then in and out and that feature is quite  commonly used in YouTube videos i'm doing it in   quick succession here but you would probably  do it every 10 to 15 seconds to try and hold   viewers attention the second method is  more of a smooth zoom which goes in and   then you can pan around if you wanted to and then  ultimately you you usually want to zoom back out   and they're the two kind of methods  that we'll be demonstrating right now   so method one basically consists of chopping your  video up into small sections and then zooming   in on the sections that you've chopped so let me  demonstrate let's imagine that we want to zoom in   and when the hand into the video i'm going to  click this button here which splits the video   and then i'm going to fast forward to the  point where i want it to play to zoom into okay   and now i'm going to cut again what that gives me  is one section of this video that i can now select   if i select that clip then head up to filters  and click on the plus under the video search   look for size size position and rotate tool and  from here i'm able to zoom in on this particular   video clip so here if i just zoom in let's say  158 there we go that'll do then it zoomed straight   in so now if i play that video clip it comes up  and it zooms in at the point i wanted to zoom in   out at the point where i don't want to zoom  out now that might be perfect for you for me   I've zoomed in and i'm not really focused on  the bit that's important what i want to do is make sure that i focus in where the piece is  landing i do that by clicking and dragging enter   there and just coming up to where i wanted to  die so now that zoom in looks something like that now one helpful little hint here is if you had  multiple zoom ins that you wanted to be exactly   the same what you can do is i'm just going to  cut this video up a little bit more just to   demonstrate it what you can do is you can select  your original clip once you've selected your   original clip on copy filters and then select  the new clip and click on paste filters what   that's going to do is set all of these settings up  exactly the same as your original what that means   is when you play it it's going to zoom in and out  and also if you've moved the video at all it will   move it to that proper location that you want it  to be at you might find that helpful you might   not but it's worth knowing that it's there because  if you're zooming in in exactly the same location   again and again and again throughout the video  then you might just want to copy and paste   your filters in okay so that's option one the  quick zoom the jump in and out now if we wanted   to make it smoother so you're actually panning  around the video let's demonstrate that now first of all i'm going to drag in a new video clip  demonstrate on and if i play that as you can see   it's quite a basic video it's not really doing  anything it's got a small pan where it's following   the bicycle but apart from that it's very kind  of static it's not really moving much now to   demonstrate this there's a couple of ways to do it  i'm only going to show one way today i'm going to   show you the most versatile way so if you learn  just this method you'll basically be able to do   all of the features of zooming in Shotcut it  doesn't matter how complex you need it to get   it should be able to handle it by using this  method there are other alternatives but i'm   going to skip over them today just to show you  the most involved method and the one that will   facilitate basically everything that you need to  do that is using keyframes so the very first thing   we want to do is we don't need to cut the video a  clip at all because we're going to be we're going   to be seamlessly moving from one zoom to another  and making it look like it's one key flow to   create that flow you first of all apply the same  filter come up to here make sure you've got your   video clip selected click the plus and then type  in size click on the size position and rotate tool   and you come up with exactly the same  options as before now what we want to do   is leave all of these settings as is and  click onto this keyframe here button here   says keyframe on it and what that's going to do  is it's going to take you to the keyframe tab   and it's going to be on the size position and  rotate tool and under here you've got an extra   channel which is just for size and position if  that doesn't make much sense right now don't worry   about it doesn't matter too much we're going to go  over each step the very first thing you probably   notice is this kind of triangle shape here  that's actually a diamond but because it's the   very beginning frame you can only see half of it a  diamond represents a linear fixed position so if i   right click on that first of all go to frame type  and it's selected as linear what we actually want   is this transition to be smooth so we don't want  it to be jolty and jagged we want it to transition   smoothly from one to another just select the  smooth option and that will turn into a circle   all of our keyframes we're going to want to appear  as a circle in this instance but you're welcome   to experiment with the view of both of them um  they kind of do the same thing but one's just um   the linear is less smooth than the smooth option  go figure okay so what this keyframe here is doing   is saying start in exactly the same position as  the video starts if you wanted to start zoomed in   and then pan out you would change these options  here to start off the video by being zoomed   in or in a different position or whatever you  want but to start off with on this demo we're   going to start off in the right position and then  zoom in as the cyclist starts moving so i'm going   to select two seconds in on my timeline here  and that's going to move my timeline position   to exactly two seconds i'm going to click this  little tool here which is add keyframe at playhead   and as you can see it's mimicked the last one  so it's a circle again if you haven't changed   that to a circle then this will show as a like a  diamond shape and with this one selected in red   we want to change the zoom b let's say  197.4 you can obviously you can type in   here and make it exact or you can use the  bar just to zoom in and out as you feel fit   okay so before we go too much further let's  just play that and see what it looks like now we've got a smooth zoom in on your video  that's great but it zooms in at this point to   somewhere that's probably not the desired effect  having your key frame selected here you do need to   make sure you've got it selected then you can move  wherever you may want that to zoom into and also   if you've realized that the zoom isn't quite right  after you've done that you can still change the   zoom as well there to zoom in to exactly the  right position so now if we try that once more   it zooms in on the wheel which is our desired  effect now as you can see as the video plays on   the wheel is no longer in the center  let's imagine that we wanted that wheel   in the center the whole time up until this point  let's create a new frame and then reposition if you need help understanding where the center is  you can click on this tool here and it will show   you exactly where i'm only doing this as a as an  example so it doesn't matter if it's not exact but   just clicking here on this grid will show or  hide the grid for you and it will give you the   the center spot okay so now let's zoom back out  and play that now the wheel stays pretty much   in the center the whole time so now  let's imagine we're wanting to zoom back   out towards the end of the video let's create  another keyframe and you can reset this to 100 when you do that you're going to  notice that this is all gone sku with   that's absolutely fine you can  click on these options here   and that will reset all of the settings so you  zoom back out and have exactly as you imagine   but now if we play the whole video through zoom  in on the wheel it's going to follow the wheel   and it's going to start zooming back out up to the  end of the video so when you start working with   keyframes it can get quite complicated and the  biggest tip that i want to give you just on this   video is that wherever your timeline marker is  is where you're going to be creating keyframes so   let's say my video I've got my marker here and  i change this to something like that i'm going   to create a new position marker now that is going  to change the look and feel of what happens okay   so if you've accidentally created extra markers  and you don't mean to then it's very easy to do   you just have to click on this delete button here  the way to edit a marker is to click on it first   and then if you change any of this all it's  going to do is edit this keyframe it's not   going to keep on changing things and making it  do distorted things that you're not expecting so   i hope that's been helpful please consider liking  and subscribing and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Joe Cullen - Shotcut Tutorials
Views: 16,728
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Keywords: joe cullen, ubitronics, shotcut zoom, shotcut zoom in, shotcut zoom out, shotcut dynamic zoom, shotcut zoom in video, shotcut zoom effect, shotcut how to zoom, shotcut how to zoom in video, shotcut zoom tutorial, animated zoom shotcut, shotcut keyframes zoom, shotcut zoom in effect, shotcut keyframe zoom, shotcut tutorial, shotcut tutorial for beginners, shotcut how to zoom in, shotcut zooming in, jump cut zoom shotcut, gradual zoom shotcut, how to zoom in and out in shotcut
Id: oRxta4DSao4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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