How To Write SEO Optimized Affiliate Review Posts FAST!

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so let's jump in we're gonna get into the framework and there is a couple of prerequisites so the first prerequisite is that you have to complete effective keyword research okay there's no skipping that step if you're not creating posts on the topics and phrases that your audience is actively searching for you shouldn't expect any traffic on the flip side of that when you do create posts that answer the exact questions that they're searching for you should be able to expect traffic over time when you build up your site's authority so i already have videos on these so if you just search on the top bar here in youtube miles beckler keyword research it'll show you all of my keyword research videos and you can see i've got quite a few of them and really anytime you're searching for how-to digital marketing stuff just add my name in that search bar and you'll find my helpful videos whether it's funnels or seo or traffic or outsourcing whatever it is you need to learn i've got videos for you that i've already made cool with that said let's go back to the framework here now the other prerequisite is for you to do keyword intent research that is a must and i'm gonna show you how that ties in and then you need to find your target word count so you need to know how many words that post is supposed to be i've got a video on both one two and three so just search those phrases we're gonna run through the process extremely quickly here so you kind of see it in action um because they all work together but to get deeper dives again just search on youtube for my stuff and then the framework how does the framework work well number one we start with an intro the intro is always working to meet that viewer that searcher that reader where they are and to help them understand they're in the right place okay we're meeting them where they are with a level of awareness they have this will make more sense here in the future when we get into our real world example then the second part of our actual post is the best overall we like to get into the best overall and the actual products relatively quickly a lot of people put a bunch of content before they ever put their first affiliate link in and the odds are a lot of your traffic is clicking back before they get down to your affiliate stuff so we like to get this up towards the top so we then lead and we start with the best overall the best budget option the best runner-up and then the best under and you'll see how this plays out like best under 50 bucks best under 100 bucks whatever it is google's going to tell you what that is sometimes these don't make sense and sometimes they do make sense okay so this isn't uh set 100 every time it must be done this way use flexibility and common sense moving forward with this basic framework then after that we get into the alternates now alternates uh sometimes they're looking for product a and product b is a little bit different but it does about the same thing again this will make sense in the real world example so alternate one alternate two we have some posts that have like nine or ten alternates in them and then finally to fill out however much content we have left we use like a frequently asked questions approach now all of these items are going to be generated from google we're going to let google tell us it's through the research phase in before writing the post google is going to tell us most if not all of these so then what we get to do is we get to go build out more of the content that google wants to see that google knows their people are searching for and guess what happens when google finds your website that answers all of those things that google knows those searchers commonly search google likes your post more than your competitors and that's exactly what we're going to do here so i'm going to get a little case study kind of outline here and what we're going to do for the case study is best chefs knives best chef's knife excuse me again i'm just assuming that i've already done the keyword research on this i have data that says it's a high search volume a medium to low keyword difficulty score so i'm going after it just saving some time here now best chef knife means we're probably going to be reviewing a bunch of different options this is different than the specific review for that one specific knife i prefer to do reviews when people are trying to overcome decision fatigue they know they need a chef's knife there's a million and one options in the world they don't know which one is best for them that's my job as an affiliate marketer is to help them realize which is the absolute best for them quickly and when they believe it when they trust it we're like oh my gosh finally i know which one is the best for me they click through and they buy and that's when i earn income is when i help them achieve their goals this is the key to everything here so let's jump in the first thing i'm going to do so we've done keyword research so now i'm on number two up here i need to research the keyword intent and i'm also going to pay attention to what's already working what is showing up so if you notice i'm just using autocomplete up top at first and you can see best chef knife set best chef knife under 100 bucks under 50 bucks and then brands and then some other stuff i'm writing these things down not technically because you don't need to wait for me to write them down these are the phrases that you either at least need to have in the text in the faq section or they might actually be a sub head and you see the the best chef knife under 100 and under 50 they match up with our framework perfectly so we've got a couple of them there i'm going to go ahead and get those tied in here so we have best under 100 and best under 50. okay and i'm just really really roughly hashing out a uh outline here is what what i'm ultimately doing and you might want to do this in word google docs google drive whatever i just love notepad because it doesn't mess with me i'm going to put set down here as well i don't know if set fits for this because i think best chef's knife set would actually be a separate uh post on my website again user intent but i need to at least mention it and then i could internal link it if i do write a post on it so i'm going to ignore everyone else's recommendations i don't copy anyone's recommendations that's not what i'm about i actually personally if i had a chef's knife website i would have on my payroll or someone who i was working with who is an absolute expert chef and i would have them do all of the reviews for me so i make sure that i am actually getting my users what they actually need because i'm not personally the expert in chef knives maybe you are great if you're the expert in your niche you should just know this stuff so i'm looking at people also ask best chef knife set gordon ramsay jamie oliver i'm writing these things down in case they're relevant to the options that i say now 11 best you notice that so we have a number in the beginning so it's a number of best if i want to outrank them relatively quickly what i would try to do is the 13 bests or the 15 best knives okay a bigger number was generally gonna grab the attention so top rated cutlery okay i'm just observing what shows up here best chef's knife for 2020 so i could put the actual year in i'm seeing both of those patterns emerge here um according to the best chefs 13 best so i want to go better than them you notice they got both of them so i'd want to do 15 best or 17 best if i could top 10 there's some local stuff 10 best and the best for 2020. and then down here i'm looking at what shows up in the searches related under 50 under 100 japanese kitchen knives interesting doesn't say chef's knives here so kitchen knives are the other things that i'm seeing show up so that concludes my keyword search intent and what i've concluded at this point is that what i think the user is looking for which is a list of options to help them choose the right one for themselves is true i've confirmed through google not logged in okay i wasn't signed in on this and i've confirmed through google that indeed people who search this phrase are looking for posts that that show lists of the knife sets so let's just jump in and i'm gonna get my framework here so the intro on this one is going to be i love using the towards and away type framework because there's two things that motivate humans you've heard that probably heard the carrot or the stick you can get the donkey to move by dangling a carrot in front of them that's the towards or you can whip them with a stick that's the away people are either moving away from pain or they're moving towards happiness so what is the the pain the pain is having dull knives that are flimsy that don't work right and you smash your tomatoes and the the positive thing they'd be moving towards is that buttery feeling of having a great knife that's well balanced and well weighted in your hand that's pretty much my intro we skipped a step and i'm going to go back and this is all recorded in one take live like i do all my videos so let's go do that real quick how do you come up with the actual word count because i have a video on that so i thought that i already talked but i want to mention it here because i mentioned it before so what i'm going to do is i would open up all of the content heavy posts okay all of them the top 10 content heavy posts i would go in i would copy the number of words in the body i would go up before the actual uh whatever the actual comments start out as i'm going to copy perfect we're down to here how many words is that so i'm going to copy this and then i'll go over to a word counter and i'm going to paste it in and i'm going to do this for the top 10 and i'm going to run the average of the top 10. so what i'm looking for is what is the actual average top 10 word count on it 3 200 words on this one there might be some about 1800 words we're going to find a number in the middle let's say that number turned out to be 2400 okay just a super quick way for you to understand uh essentially what is ranking the the word count that google wants to see the theory here is that google is showing us exactly what google wants on page one so if you make your post have all of the things in the right word count and the number of h2s and h3s that google's showing us that google puts on page one it increases your odds of going to page one that's the philosophy here that's why we're letting google tell us all of these bits and pieces so we know we need a 2400 or we can even say 3 200 words okay again you need to search the top 10 content heavy you don't want to look at the the best buys and the amazons and the e-commerce you want to look at the blogs that are ranking so the intro we covered that okay from the intro we're going to do a best overall um now the best overall is literally going to be on the higher end since i have a best under 100 my best overall may actually be 200 or 500. what i'm gonna search is what ramsay gordon ramsay and what john oliver use and i would do keyword research to figure out who gets searched more do people search for more of what knife does john ramsay use or do people search more of what knife does jamie oliver use or whoever that other guy's name was um i want to find out what gets searched more and that would probably be my best overall or at least one of those if it fits in with my expert's opinion so we've got that one set up and then the best budget now for the best budget i need to go under way under 50. so for best budget i'm looking for a knife in about the 25 range okay and i'm looking for a knife that's got a full tang it's got this it's got that it's well weighted it's well balanced all of those things an expert in the world of knives would know um so if you're in whatever space you're in this is the kind of domain knowledge that's required to truly help your people if you don't have that domain knowledge you can hire someone on upwork who is an expert to give you and help you choose the right ones that have the domain knowledge so what i would do is i would tell my researcher in this situation my best overall what knives does jordan uh gordon ramsay and jamie oliver use best budget i need the absolute best knife under 25 it's okay to go to 29 but i prefer to be under 25. then we've got the best knife under 100 and the best knife under 50. and then we go into the alternates because i don't need a runner up i've got enough bests right here already so what are the alternates so alternates would be like a um sentoku knife which is a different shape it's it's not a chef's knife a chef's knife comes to a point a santoku knife has a rounded edge on it it's a gent uh it's a japanese blade so we could talk about santoku i probably just spelled that wrong and that's okay we would check that and then another one is like a utility knife and then i would look for any other all-around knife because that's when somebody's searching for a chef's knife that's what they want is is kind of an all-around knife a knife that can do a lot of different things very well so i'm going to find the different alternates got it so we're not showing them more chef knife at this point we're saying hey these are all the chef's knife by the way if you want one of these or one of these that are really common with people who stop using chef knife and use these instead here are our best picks here and i would search for these now i might have a best sentoku knife post on my website so i don't want to cannibalize that i could reference it if i already have it but i could put one or two i could see if best santoku under 50 shows up regularly i could do best overall sentoku best budget santoku and same with you utility knife and then we've got our faq so what would show up in the faq now on this i didn't really see all that much other than what nice does this celebrity use what nights does that celebrity use if that doesn't fit anywhere up here that's where i'm putting it it's in my faq i want those names on my page somehow somewhere some way so if they aren't actually the best overall knives if that's what my expert comes to conclude or what i conclude then i'm going to get that down in the faq the other things you might get in the faq on this is you know our chef's knives dishwasher safe is one of the items how to sharpen your chef's knives that could be a great link magnet post that could be a totally separate post you put a paragraph or two and do some internal linking there and then is it better to buy a knife set okay we saw the idea of a knife set pop up multiple times in multiple places and i don't think a knife set fits for one of the main options here but we want to talk about it why because google has showed us on page one that that's what people want to see about so we could recommend one knife set and then we could link to our other blog posts that are the best chef knife sets or the best knife sets for home chefs whatever that main keyword phrase is at this point so i'm going to go dishwasher okay so at this point i have my framework okay this is the framework worked out now we got our 3200 word count this is where it all kind of ties together we not only got our exact word count from google we got all the bits and pieces that google expects there to be on a top ranking post and now i just merge those it's simple math so how many items do i have i've got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11. i've got 11. so what does that mean i need to do approximately 300 words for each of these sections and then i will have hit 3 300 words which is close enough for me if you want to get perfect and get exact great go for it i get that but there's always going to be some tradeoff and some balance so now we need a 300 word intro we need 300 words about the best overall we need 300 words about the best option 300 words about the best under 100 300 words about the best under 50. then 300 words about santoku utility knife and on and on and on and what you have done here is you have allowed google to show you exactly what google wants okay that is the biggest key and that is why my affiliate site has done so well so quickly is because we're constantly delivering google what it expects to see from a page one post that's why i have a lot of posts sitting on page one that's why the site is now generating thousands of visits per day and i'm getting hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of clicks per day over to amazon it's because i've followed this framework and now you have the framework the missing ingredient from this is an insane amount of work i i estimate that my team is putting in about 50 to 60 hour weeks we've been doing this for 10 months which means we've put over 2 000 hours into this website now 2 000 hours is what the average nine to five worker works in in an entire year okay so we have done a year's worth of full-time work in 10 months and we're still aggressively on the throttle and this is why we're successful that's the magic ingredient is your effort tons and tons and tons and tons of effort how fast can you get to 100 brilliantly optimized posts like this one if you don't know how to optimize your posts brilliantly when you're actually publishing them be sure to watch my free seo training it'll pop up here on the end screen it's the best training here on youtube it ranks wonderfully on youtube if you search for seo training or free seo course or free seo class um and that's because this stuff works and that's why we're successful i thank you for your time if you have questions get them in the comments i appreciate you and see you on the next video until we meet again be well
Channel: Miles Beckler
Views: 51,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affiliate marketing, search engine optimization, SEO, affiliate review, amazon review site, affiliate marketing for beginners, how to make money with affiliate marketing, make money
Id: khLXlseXffs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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