How To Choose A PROFITABLE Niche - Part 2 of 2

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hey miles here miles Beckler calm in this video you are getting full access to part 2 of my how to choose a lucrative niche that you'll love training this training series originated inside of my private membership program it was a paid course but I'm breaking it out for free for you just to make sure that you have access to all of the how-to information you need so you can build a successful business online now as you get into part two it is imperative that you've actually completed the processes and the exercises from the part one video so if you haven't gone through that video yet the link is down in the description it'll say part one and please please please do the work you have to actually go through the processes and do the work if you really want to create a successful business online and then once you're done with this video the next video you'll want to watch its my step by step training that link is also down below in the description and I'll have it pop up on the end screen at the very end I thank you for your willingness to do the work to put in the time I know you can build a successful business online and this video reveals the next steps for you so enjoy the show the ultimate goal here is to help you find a niche idea or a site concept that has high search volume low competition and it's proven to have the potential of profitability so we need a specific tool in order to accomplish this goal and there's one tool on the market that does this job it's a really unique tool that was invented many years ago by a guy named Ken envoy now Ken envoy if you're not sure who he is he is a legend in internet marketing i've spent upwards of four hours on the phone with him before i know this guy personally and he has been training internet marketers since the 1990s I've had access to this tool for about ten years at this point in time and his ol his whole learning kind of philosophy he's taught something to the tune of 40,000 people how to grow niche businesses now there's one little challenge in getting you in this world is that the content and the tool does not have the greatest user experience this is not a flashy ninja tool by any means but form follows function it's the only tool that will let you cross-reference three niche ideas it's the only tool that will essentially go find the supply the demand and the value potential for all of the different sub phrases found for three different niches at one time this tool does have a cost it costs $17 per month and if you're quick about it you can easily get in do your research within a couple of days and then export everything and move along but know that if you choose to stick around as a monthly kind of member there there is access to additional resources to Ken's trainings they have an entire support forum and it is an ongoing keyword research tool that is exact actually quite powerful now if I was to teach you how to do this with the other tools that I've often used it would cost $49 per month for the keyword tool and then it would cost $99 per month for 8 refs so that's 150 bucks a month right there and you would still need more time to really stitch it all together because neither of those tools are able to cross-reference and cross analyze different niches at one time so this is an incredible time-saver for you I highly recommend like his trainings that he's really some of the best of the best and again it's not ninja it's not flash its fundamentals it's the core of what makes internet marketing and internet businesses work last thing you're gonna learn is how to go look at the different niche websites that many of his members have created one of the most interesting to me he's got a guy who loves Disney World he lives in Florida and he just loves Disney World so he went through this training in this process that you're gonna learn about right here today and he realized you know I love Disney World so much maybe I could build a website where I help others visiting Disney World maximize their Disneyworld experience and today he lives very happily he runs a full time internet-based business doing just that it's something that many would think is insignificant or impossible to create a lifestyle business around but he ultimately has taken the action he's gone through these research steps he's done the work and he's created that kind of a lifestyle business that he absolutely loves and that's what we're helping you get to today so the first thing you need to do is go to content and conversion comm forward slash brainstorm this is gonna bring you to the solo build it for WordPress and you got to make sure it's for WordPress here but that's exactly where you go at content and conversion com forward slash brainstorm now if you want to take a read through I highly recommend it because what the big idea is of his sales page here is that you need to build more than a website you need to build a business and there's actually a proven method to building a business and that's exactly what he teaches when you get through and you're ready to join click the yes I'm ready to start up and you'll go to the checkout page that looks like this here you have the option of joining yearly and you can save fifty five bucks a year or like I said you could just join for a month you can get in and get all the data export it and and see how it goes if you want to stick around and stick around if you want to get out that is obviously an option there's there's no contracts or there's you know you're just in full control you always have the ability to cancel at any time so that brings us inside to the dashboard you get access to once you purchase solo build it for WP and Before we jump into the actual tool I want to show you around because there's a lot of additional value available to you here and honestly at $17 it's it's pretty astounding so first and foremost I want to show you his action plan this is proven stuff right this is his kind of core idea that he's taught I mean tens of thousands of people his own daughter at the age of fourteen built a hyper successful business she's still running to this day it's a travel business focused on a specific island inside of the Caribbean and she lives an amazing life living on this island essentially promoting the beaches of her island doing her marketing and that's it she is living the life of her dreams at a very young age so it works for young folks and old folks alike and the first place we want to go is under online learning and then under business learning the action guide this is the information and I'm gonna show you my take on how to use this tool but the tool is much more diverse than what I'm only going to show you I'm going to show you the most relevant you of this tool for our goals of finding your website concept or your core niche but there's additional keyword research kind of help you can get from this tool and this is where you learn how to do it so the first thing is you notice this 10-day essentially that's the action guide right what we're working on the first video was essentially day two and this video with you're watching and learning about brainstorming is essentially day three and you can see it goes on beyond this to investigating and planning your monetization of your website obviously a core next step just before you really dive in to build out you do want to triple check that there's monetization potential available then how to refine your site concept register your domain get WordPress going how to build a website that gets a click how to build free traffic right content marketing and then developing and nurturing the relationship we're getting in the email marketing at that point in time ultimately ken and I have such overlap in how we teach the process of building a lifestyle business that he's really one of the only people who truly gets it and I think honestly I learned so much from him back in the late 90s and a guy named Alan garden who has since retired and and I was I was studying these guys back in like 97 98 99 they're really truly our leaders now scroll down a little bit right below this action guide you can see we've got these tips and techniques so literally they have a ton of additional resources Ken's been doing this for 15 plus years so he's built up a lot of helpful resources talking about time management talking about business success right because you are growing a business not just a website here and this idea that he has this is his core idea is see TPM and stands for content traffic pre-cell and monetization right and the idea is it's very similar to what I teach you you create the content that connects you with the search engines and gets you ranked when you do it correctly that will bring the traffic and your content needs to pre-sell the item and then when they're pre-sold they click through and they buy that's the monetization that's how you earn money as an affiliate this works over and over and over and he's just really clear about how he teaches that you see we've got this choosing a niche content so if you're having a difficult time choosing your niche you can see he has help on how to really narrow yourself down if you're stuck for good ideas he has this idea booster there's just so many different ideas he calls a he's got this phrase the Goldilocks niche which is that that that perfect sweet spot between low competition and high search volume and really kind of helping you understand how to find your Goldilocks niche and then down below brainstorming tips that's what we're gonna really go into here but then even the content and blueprint site structure choosing your name etc site design layout everything right so there's a ton of helpful information here I'm not gonna get into all of it I highly recommend it I read his stuff to this day when Ken puts out updates on search engine changes to the algorithm like the medic change that's going on ken is one of the few people I trust and listen to when I'm understanding where the game of internet marketing is going he's seen so many ups and downs even more than I have he's just one of the few people I trust next up I'm gonna hold ctrl and click on the forums and it's gonna take me inside of their forums here and you do get access into their forums and they have I mean an incredibly active forum and there's two really key things that you can do here number one you come down to this days 1 through 5 of the action guides system and you'll see there's the using brainstorming section working with your master keyword list which is after you choose your site concept you want to build your master keyword list that's what the brainstorming tool that we're gonna use today helps you do and then the finding your niche and setting up your site blueprint so if you're still having troubles or if you want to ask clarifying questions to a larger group of people who are really at the exact same spot that you are these forums have more helpful individuals in this space and he actually has a team he's hired a big team of individuals who have grown very successful businesses through his tools to spend their time here answering your questions so if you want more new different ideas and takes on what you're doing this is a great place to go and a great resource for you the other area where you can gain a lot of value here is by looking at what the different websites are the individuals on these forums are working within so you can see right here it says by Matt from which not calm so Matt has built his website focus on knots literally tying knots and you can see some people have no domain and it makes sense that people who are in the planning phases don't have a domain yet but down here you can see tombstone travel tips its travel tips for literally the tiny town of Tombstone Arizona right Brenda from 50th birthday party ideas like her website her entire web business is built on 50th birthday party ideas I think this gives you a real idea of how focused you can be within a niche because that's how you're able to stand out the more focused your niche is the easier it is to stand out and ken is great at helping people do just that so you got drought smart plants calm affordable Cape Cod vacations right rich mentorship so plenty of options so as you're going through that's kind of what we're going at here but as you're going through the different content like if you want to learn how to make your content pre sell you can see over here on the right you've got a crafting site no vowels com there's just my grain savvy comm right which is a website helping people with migraines and it's just really interesting for you to be able to see the different kinds of domains and URLs that these individuals are running and then you can see the red ones these are the site sell team so these are the people who actually heat pays to be helpful right they're there every day to be jumping in answering your questions helping you find your niche I'm obviously here to help you do that too but just know that you have a ton of resources available to help you choose your ultimate site concept and with that said let's jump into the main tool so we are back here at the dashboard and we want to click on the brainstorming link because that's the tool that we're altima using to do this next level of research where we're gonna get the data to help you make your ultimate niche decision and your ultimate site concept decision based on the data no I'm gonna run three separate I'm going to run this tool three separate for three separate niche ideas so I'm approaching this as if I have nine ideas from training video number one right I came up with nine different ideas and I'm gonna cross-reference them all to try to find the one that is really truly going to give me the best numbers the best potential for success the reason I'm doing it three times over is so you can get comfortable seeing how this tool works because there's ways to run different filters there's ways to analyze the data and I want you to see that done a few ways with a few random phrases and niche ideas to really get an understanding of what you're looking for and that's what we're gonna do today now there's a lot that this tool does beyond what you're gonna learn here and I'm gonna keep you focused on this one targeted area of coming up with your core site concept your core niche idea to get in there we start with the vertical brainstorming and we click on site concept finder now if you don't see this option showing up that means that you have keyword phrases already loaded inside a brainstorming so if you've got access and you started playing with the tool you will not have this tool if you have more than something like 250 keywords sitting inside of your keyword list so uncheck them all and delete them all and that's how you get access to the site concept finer if you just started you have nothing in there it's gonna look exactly like mine looks so the first one we're gonna run is fishing photography and kido so I'm gonna type each one of those keyword ideas and these are the three ideas that came from training part one that I did a little bit of research on I'm like okay I'm in these these would work I like them there's there's the potential they match all the criteria from yesterday so let's see what comes up here now I'm gonna give the tool a quick second to run all the data it's compiling data from a few different sources and then it actually does a little bit of math behind the scenes to give us our actual value number so one second we'll be right back to it great so it has loaded our results from this first search and you can see it's got this yellow kind of um note to get us started and one of the big notes is don't become profit number bound there's an article on that if you click the gist of the article is that computers are their their math machines right they're able to calculate numbers but they're not analyzing the actual idea behind the keyword phrase for a site concept you need to do that and we're gonna talk about how this works that's part of what you're gonna learn here so don't just focus on ones with profitability numbers those numbers can get skewed in a major way and they could be for irrelevant or essentially phrases or niche ideas that wouldn't be able to give you a viable business people looking for free stuff is a great example of how that works they have brainstorming tips and then they link you to the the videos in the action guide I showed you how to find that action guide already I'm gonna choose to not show that again and I'm gonna close it so you can see right now I have 1,800 different keyword phrases that showed up from that search and we're gonna look how to filter these and browse through them to try to identify out of fishing photography and kido what are these sub ideas that could stand on their own as entire niche site concepts right that's the goal here so the first thing we want to do is really understand how these different columns work so we've got the value demand column we've got the real supply column and we've got the profitability column the first thing you're probably noticing is when I hover over these you get this more link you're able to click on that and get descriptive informative understanding of what each and every one of these do the value demand is essentially the search volume the real supply is essentially the competition the profitability is this kind of solo program that he wrote that is designed to essentially extrapolate what the possibility of earning income is based on whether people are paying for traffic for that phrase or not kind of what we talked about yesterday and/or in the last video where they watched it today or yesterday that if no one's buying abs in that space the odds are that no one's making in that space so that's his kind of number that's based on it now what I want you to do is go on the left column and click filter and what filter does is it brings up a series of boxes underneath that we can filter it but again notice when you hover you have a little description and you've got the more buttons so if you have questions on any of these different pieces you're able to just hover click more and you get information on how to work with it so we've brought back 600 phrases for each and we now want to find a we want to remove the ones from our list that have low search volume or extremely high competition numbers and to do that we're gonna enter a few numbers inside a value demand and let's just get our core numbers in first and we're gonna talk about what these mean and how they work so for the value demand we want it to be greater than 3000 so I'm just gonna type in 3000 and you can see it's already set to greater than now you can see above it it says filter number one and it's got my clear if I want to remove that filter I can just click that clear tab and it'll disappear number two we want to set our we want to set our supply to less than so real supply is less than and I want to put in 60000 okay so we're wanting to make sure that there's greater than 3000 value demand and lower than 60000 real supply now one of the core things you need to keep in mind that's different from you to the next person is how much time and energy do you have to focus on your business if your part-time if you're able to work one to three hours per day and that's it you're gonna want to maybe go with a lower real supply if you're able to go full time and you've got eight hours plus per day you can do 40 plus hours per week you could consider opening the real supply up to a hundred thousand and lower because ultimately if you've got more energy you could take on a bigger niche right and this is essentially controlling whether you're going after Mount Everest or not how big of a mountain do you want to scale right away the higher the number in the real supply the more did it is for you going to be to rank and gain traffic and ultimately earn an income now I just entered 3000 for value demand 60,000 for real supply and you can see three hundred and eighty one of our phrases fit and it's automatically sorting them alphabetically right what I want to do is I want to click on value demand just on the heading and it will sort it by the highest value demand and now what you can do is you can just scroll through these results here and get a real sense of what the highest value demand phrases are within that range that we pre set up right we've got our supply and our demand the range dialed now we're sorting it by the best of the best and you can see right off the top professional photography then fishing charters sports photography photography tips photography studio food photography bass fishing fishing boats fishing rods photography tutorials digital photography tips landscape photography I'm gonna stop there the first big aha moment I'm having is that I'm seeing a lot more unique interesting ideas around photography and around fishing than kedo now don't worry I'm gonna show you that Kito's probably actually still a really good phrase so if you're in that space don't worry this doesn't mean anything's wrong with it but what this does mean is that there's a lot more interesting sub topics on these other kind of niche ideas and probably the reason for this is photography has been around since the 1800s and the fishings been around for ten thousand plus years right like hundreds of thousands years I don't even know so it just kind of makes sense that a newer diet fad is not exactly or a newer scientific understanding of a specific how a diet works is probably not gonna have as many subsets ideas search for as some of these bigger ideas so we're looking around and I've got fishing rods checked because I think that's really interesting and this tool is telling us that each and every one of these ideas has the potential to be a standalone website on its own it has enough demand and supply and profitability potential that ultimately you really do have a potential built in haier website on fishing rods which is kind of amazing if you think about it the other way to think about this is that fishing rods could easily be one of the core categories or one of your core silos if you focus on let's say bass fishing as the top of your website right so if you decide that you want to go with bass fishing as the absolute core niche your site concept then having fishing rods as a category or as a separate standalone silo has a lot of potential there now I want to go ahead and give me one quick sign we're a little bit of T now what I'm doing at this point because again we're gonna run this three times together right now I'm gonna go through this process again a couple more times and what I'm going to be doing is taking down notes on the ones that I think are have the best opportunity right so I'm looking if I'm if this is really me if I'm like kedo fishing and and photography so I'm taking a note that photography is kind of like pretty high up there's a lot more photography going on then there is anything else so that's just a quick note for myself so photography is searched a lot there's a lot of phrases around photography now I'm gonna do content marketing it's good to know there's a lot of phrases around photography and I got my pen like a little notepad over here so I'm just kind of doing my work then I'll note that the fishing is the next best idea and I might take down a few specific ideas like I think sports photography is a very interesting one obviously I think bass fishing and fishing rods are both it's very interesting then to see that digital photography tips are another one that's here that kind of seems like it could be a full sight concept in and of itself and obviously digital photography tips could contain sports photography it could contain food photography and portrait photography so you're looking at this through multiple lenses remember the computer is just a it's just running the numbers and bringing back the items where the numbers match for you if you want to simply export all of these I'll show you how to do that in a second let's actually refine it down a little bit more so we've got 381 ideas which is a lot of ideas so what happens when we set this up to 5,000 on the value demand and we drop it down to 30,000 on the real supply I'm really trying to force the numbers to get me a very tight range and you can see we sub 230 different ideas and it didn't change the top ideas very much right I think we lost fishing rods at this point I believe we did fishing trips fishing tips not fishing rod right here fishing lures shows up fishing guide shows up fishing supplies all of those phrases are clearly clearly monetizable phrases right there in with a ton of different photography phrases so this is how you're going to play with the numbers and play with the different ideas to see if any of these numbers or data points reinforce what you are already feeling inside we're looking for that overlap then a couple of really cool things that you can do number one if you want to sort it by profitability you can just click on the top of profitability and it will sort and our first option is a great example of why you don't want to blindly trust what shows up on profitability it's free photography stock which is essentially free stock photography and no one's gonna pay you for anything if they're searching for free stock photography so these are the types of situations where the data is not enough to guide you you do need to use your analytical brain you need to use logic and realize that anything that says free is gonna be out Lifetouch is actually a brand of course that's gonna be out you're not gonna go essentially promote some third party brand that that makes no sense whatsoever so here's a really cool thing that you can do is number one you can click on your keyword area from what we're filtering and I can type in free now what it's done is it's brought up all of the different phrases that come up for free so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click check all and then I'm gonna go down on the drop-down and I'm gonna delete them so right away I've just delighted anybody searching for free stuff get it out of here because my niche needs to be monetizable since we're looking at the monetizable now if I was doing keyword research to write an article that supports something else on my site sure I could go after those phrases but I'm not in that phase right now which is why I want to really find this down as best I can now I click the clear link above free and we go right back inside so I've got it sorted to profitability you can look down to see which one's it thinks is the highest profitability um aircraft photography which is kind of a crazy one online photography course it thinks is very profitable so we're getting more and more signs that photography is a strong option people are even searching for online photography courses obviously you could promote those as an affiliate you could build your own course there's a lot of potential there so I'm taking kind of a real big mental note that photography is kind of leading the game right now and you want to search so we've searched by profitability we've searched by a value demand now what I want to show you is how to sort within one of these three ideas so you can export them because as you're using brainstorm it it is a credit based system you have 25 credits and it costs you a credit when you do a run for the different kind of keyword phrases so you don't want to research the same phrase over and over and over because you'll run out of credits and you can buy more credits they're really really inexpensive but you should be able to do all the research with the credits you have with that just that little bit of knowing that it is a credit based system so if I want to open up my parameters a little bit let's say I'm gonna go back to 3,000 and I'm gonna bring it back up to 60,000 which I think is a very solid part time you know it's the upper end of what you could do from part-time work now I've got all of my options there's three hundred and seventy-six phrases that match I can either export all of these or I'm gonna go ahead and just choose one so let's just click on fishing on the left here and what it does is you notice they were all highlighted and now I've got just fishing highlighted so now I'm searching for only the ones for fishing that match these criteria and you can see there's a hundred and ninety then I'm gonna switch over to photography there's a hundred and eighty-five so based on the phrase numbers it's really quite similar and then remember I said if you're doing the keto thing don't worry keto does have really good numbers but there's not a lot of sub phrases around Quito but I didn't search ketosis and it might not pull those kinds of things up there's a lot of other phrases that essentially we just searched for the different phrase results that have the exact word in it so I don't know I don't know anything about Quito to be honest so if it's like a low carb thing you would search for low carb and you would get a ton of different phrases around that but ultimately Quito is still viable but it doesn't have as many sub phrases as say Photography does so at this point if you want to export them what I like to do is make sure that we're set to a thousand on the screen even though I got a 185 I like to have all the data I can pull and what I do is I just check all so I click the check all button you can see they all got checked here and then I'll select action and I'll export all and it will essentially give me a spreadsheet with all of this data on it and what that does is it allows me to stockpile this and I can go compare them with each other later so not to use more credits re running it if you want to get all of the phrases that came up for photography you simply want to clear out your different filters up top and when I clear both of those you'll see we're gonna be sitting at almost 600 phrases 595 I would click check all and then I would go select action and I would export all and now I have all of them not just the ones that fit within the parameter I kind of recommend that you focus at this point in what fits within the parameter but if you want to just grab all of them I get it makes sense really easy to sort with this stuff inside of inside of the spreadsheet because you could sort by all these columns as well super easy to do now before we jump out of here I want to show you a couple of different interesting tools that I use I don't actually use any of these ones on the right I'm not sure what they are so you can you could kind of search those on your own but if you want to and I want to get one that let's use sports photography so I'm gonna uncheck this sports photography is down here I know that one showed up on my initial search as an option so I'm looking at sports photography so I go over to the right and I just can click the G and what its gonna do is it's gonna open that search result page inside of google and now it gives me an idea it's like okay so it's like a what is you know an introduction into sports photography from a digital photography school okay that that's kind of interesting to me somebody selling it then it shows me this is a local phrase there's local people trying to strum up business for sports photography and then I can see the different kinds of items I can see that there's some YouTube videos that are showing up for sports photography if I'm into YouTube that's a really good thing now it gives me the other questions people ask so these are content ideas being populated right here and I'm able to get a really kind of a broad view of the other phrases relevant to the sports photography so what I do is I'm gonna X out you can out of that right there I'm already certain to think like okay so sports photography like a local search only are they actually searching for four local sports photographers or is this something that that your average kind of new person with a digital camera is actually searching how to take great sports photographs that's the kind of analysis you need to do because if you're not actually a professional sports photographer and you just thought you were gonna teach you a bunch of iPhone users how to do sports photography it doesn't look like the search engine rankings are showing right what the results are showing that's the truth now the next one I want to show you is this little it's got the eye inside of the the targets the crosshairs so when I click that what it's doing is it's actually running an analysis for the top ten sites that show up on Google because ultimately the list that we've generated is not taking into account how strong the different results are on the first page this is how you look at how strong the competition is we're simply looking at competition volume from that big list and this is how we go look at competition strength and if you're looking at phrases in like the affiliate marketing world or the internet marketing world you'll see there's lots of phrases that will come up through this tool but when you look at it inside of this segment you'll see that there are some of the strongest websites on in the world really and they're just that much more difficult for you to rank for so the first thing we want to look at is now the top one is Wikipedia Alexa rank of five the way Alexa rank worked the lower the number the more difficult it is for you to rank number five is absolutely ridiculous but it's Wikipedia right like nobody outranks Wikipedia um you want to see a hundred thousand or more so you can see the second one down is eighty two hundred it is so difficult to get into the top ten thousand websites now at number four were at about sixty thousand I don't even think I'm in the top 100 thousand websites so now we're seeing you know five hundred and ten thousand the top 1 million sites when you're seeing 1 million show up on the first page 1.6 million what is this one this one does even have an Alexa rank that's actually a really good sign if it doesn't even have an Alexa rank you want to see sites in the millions in order to really kind of know that there's the possibility for you to build a new website and you to potentially outrank who is currently ranking relatively quickly you don't have to do that over and over for every single one but if you're you're on the fence about a phrase or you're just wanting to know more about a specific phrase run that tool because it's gonna give you an idea of how strong they are again you really want to see lots and lots of results on the first page above the 500 thousand mark means it's pretty darn easy if you see five or six results above a million that is that is theoretically quite easy for you to rank if all of the results are under two hundred thousand under a hundred thousand or you see only like one result above a hundred thousand that's a big big sign that it's gonna take a ton of energy for you to really kind of make it and then the B is for Bing you can you could search Bing and it'll essentially let you see what the results are on Bing looks like they got some monetization you could search images and I'm thinking you can add some notes well actually you can I'll show you how to add notes so you've got this little note field you click that here and it allows you to put down a notepad for photography tips and you could put in like silo and if you put enough notes using the exact same phrases so let's do digital photography tips I'm gonna put silo for this one also then you can actually sort it over time so if you're going through and you're categorizing them and what I would categorize them is either silo or right so digital photography school I would call this one money because that's a money keyword phrase so they're looking for a school that means they're looking to spend money on education so if you do this sort of analysis and you're just adding notes up here where it says notepad contains you would be able to type in silo and it'll show you all of the phrases that you tagged as silo over time super handy when your master keyword list gets in like the thousands it really really makes this easy you could even do silo names etc etc and then obviously if I search money it'll pull up my phrases that have money and there it is and then when I remove it I just click clear and you'll see that the ones that have yellow that show yellow are the ones that I've added notes to so you can see kind of right here that I've added notes here I've added notes there so it makes it really easy for you to analyze in this situation so ultimately I'm pretty excited about photography I'm kind of excited about fishing I'm personally at this point if this was actually me and I'm comparing kedo to those two I'm really most interested in photography and fishing generally speaking I think I'd be deeper into one of those two worlds personally just just the way I operate I would I would probably either have two bags full of lenses and 15 grand in in camera gear or I'd have seven or eight fishing rods of reels and lures and tackle boxes and all that so so maybe let your lifestyle determine which way you go from there ultimately now make sure you export what you have what you're interested in before going back and starting a new search again to do that you would just choose photography we would check all we would select the action of let me check all right here export all so it'll give you everything that you need but what I'm gonna do right now is I'm gonna delete the checked and it will delete these for me and you can see I still have more than I need to go through and those ones are deleted so I'm going to check all again and then I'm gonna delete all again I'm gonna tell it okay and again export before you delete very important so now I'm back to zero and it's gonna give me access to the tool again if you have over 200 keywords or 251 I think is actually the technical number if you have over 251 keywords in your list you won't have access to the site concept tool so I clicked vertical brainstorm I click on site concept finder and I'm gonna run the second one so we can again do more research here so the next one is darts I like darts I could see myself having fun building a brand around darts and selling darts and helping people dart stuff parenting don't know much about parenting personally but there's lots of people who do and new parents that's that's a big area again I'd be looking for a sub idea within parenting in this situation this would be the idea of you know three to five years I just have a newborn over the next three to five years I'm gonna learn how to be a parent this is why that would make sense and then I'm gonna do drone because I think drones are kind of cool I think first person view drones are nifty I had a few indoor drones now notice how we got the plural link here so I'm just gonna add drone and I'm gonna click on the plural so it's gonna search for drone and drones for me at the same time now you notice here over the left I have eleven search credits remaining that's because I've been running this over and over getting some data and essentially this is the third time I've tried to record this for you so that's just kind of a part of the game here for you but um you'll see how many credits you have and you just click to buy more credits they're really quite inexpensive but I do think you'll be able to get through the process without actually having to buy more so now I'm gonna click brainstorm it and we're gonna let the tool do its work and I'm gonna speed this up and I'll catch you here once we get the data to analyze all right we're back and we have data to analyze again we have 1,800 keywords and that's because it brings 600 keywords back per option per phrase right so three phrases three times 600 is 1,800 so now we're gonna do the same sort of thing I want to leave all of them selected here I want to click on filter to run my filters I want my value demand greater then I'm gonna go straight to 3000 straight to 4,000 right and again you can do 3,000 or 4,000 I just really want to target in on the best of the best since I'm comparing so many options I feel like the more options that you have if you're trying to run nine or you know 18 of these I really think it's important for you to focus in on tighter numbers versus broader numbers if you have like two ideas you might want to leave it a little bit broader here and then the real supply I need a switch and set it to less than and I'm gonna put less than 40000 and on this one we only have 25 phrases that match the 4,000 to 40,000 so I am actually gonna expand this out to 3,000 and then to 60,000 which is really the kind of general broad parameters and again there's only 34 of them so what I'm initially noticing is that there were a lot more numbers there were a lot more phrases and ideas that came back for photography and fishing then there were here through parenting darts and drones very very interesting so now I'm gonna sort it by value demand and I'm just gonna browse through what I want to look at what is going on and being talked about here so family parenting parenting tips drone drones parenting advice single parenting parenting parenting okay I am noticing right by darts that's a buying phrase which is good but it's only the first time I've seen darts parenting parenting parenting parenting parenting rent a drone parenting parenting parenting parenting oh my goodness so I'm instantly noticing that parenting is huge so what I want to do is I want to compare each one of these with each other so I'm gonna click on the left on darts we have two phrases on darts that pretty much instantly allows me to be like oh I think I'm gonna let that one go because I have others that have more if you have only one phrase and it shows up here and it's the one that's okay that is enough but again I'm in research mode and I'm trying to take out of my list of nine which have the best viability but if yours comes up and there's one option and it shows up and it fits the numbers great that is plenty you can see on drones there's three option here and then we click to parenting boom we've got 29 options parenting it makes really really good sense now it's important to realize that your website concept would actually be focused on one of these sub ideas is the goal of it right so you can see free parenting tips shows up here was it parenting help parenting guide parenting articles single parenting parenting advice parenting tips I would do a lot more research I would probably go in through the the seed generator I'm not gonna do that with you that one takes more time to run I'll show you where it is and how it works but I would search for more phrases around parenting and I'll show you how that works even though it takes a little too long to run it I mean it might come back with just different types of phrases so in this situation I'm like okay cool parenting is the one that has possibility so on the left here I'm first of all going to clear all of my columns so now I'm gonna go back to all of my phrases I'm gonna hold ctrl and click on the left so that will allow me to select both darts and drone and I'm gonna delete them all so I kind of made the executive decision just looking at it and I hadn't searched these ones before so I'm gonna check all I'm gonna delete checked I'm okay and it's um 200 more so I'm going to check all and I'm gonna delete all these they're gone now I'm gonna select parenting now under parenting I've got 600 keyword phrases and what I would do is I would check all because this one to me is in the running and I would export them and I would save them so I don't have to redo this action so I don't have to spend another credit on this I would export it and then after its exported not saved it I would delete it now I'm gonna click OK now we're right back where we were and I'm gonna do the last one um actually I'm gonna show you where to do so the seed generator if you're not if you're if you're still feeling lost and you're like man I just don't even know like I don't even have three ideas that is what the seed generator is for they talk a lot more about how to use this inside of the action plan but the seed generator you would want to set the seed generator with equal trim now the trim is if it pulls over five thousand keyword phrases I've never had the tool pull five thousand keyword phrases for a single seed it will remove an equal number of high comput low competition no high competition low search volume the ones you want to get rid of right like if it's got way too high of competition or way too low of search volume it will remove an equal number to deliver you a list of 5000 so this is something you can do if you're if you're in that space where you're like ok parenting was interesting I don't think the word parenting is it I think it's something about raising a family right you could type parenting in here and see what it comes back with this takes a search credit also and essentially it it takes a while and what it does is it goes out and looks at the different pages ranking for the phrase parenting and then what other phrases are on those pages so to wait for it to brainstorm ideas that don't just contain the word parenting that's also what the lateral brainstorming tool does here a lateral brainstorm so if you came here and you typed in parenting here it would go out and it would search for the top I think 200 websites and it would go look at and scan and essentially scrape the top 200 websites and it would find all of the other keyword phrases that don't include parenting and then it would bring you back a list of all of those this is really good if you're at a point where you've written a bunch of content on your topic you're like man I'm low on ideas I went through my bass fishing and every single bass fishing phrase that shows up in the search engines I've created a piece of content on it great then you run this lateral brainstorm to find out the other topics your competitors are talking about and that's where you can come up with ideas of other great pieces of content the vertical brainstorm always includes your core seed phrase so if we search from vertical brainstorming for bass fishing every single phrase is going to include bass fishing so when I used fishing here everything was fishing rods fishing boats fishing poles everything included fishing which is what we want because we're trying to see how much depth there is in the key words of that site concept so here we are we're gonna do one more I want to do the site concept finder I've got eight search credits remaining and I'm gonna search for fitness and then I'm gonna search for weight loss and then I'm going to search for CrossFit now putting a two-word phrase in here I'm not sure exactly what's gonna work but but my goal on this one is to to take an idea of you know there's there's people who are like I'm a lifestyle individual I want to do a lifestyle brand because you are the type of person you love going to the gym you love being fit it consumes you you read fitness magazines you watch Fitness vlogs like that's just what you are that's a that's a part of your lifestyle so you know that it's some sub aspect of that lifestyle that you want to build your niche in that you want to build your lifestyle business within these are kind of like three of the core CrossFit's not one of the core ideas but like fitness and weight loss are definitely a couple of core ideas you could easily put body building in here if you wanted strength training in here there's a lot of other ways you can search it I'm just trying to be mildly random here and actually let's just put body building in let's just see what that does because I think CrossFit being a brand I don't know if I would want to make a niche site based on a brand that's kind of a trend just randomness there DAP ting on the fly so we're gonna let this pull the data and I'll meet back with you after we speed this all up and get through the data accumulation all right we're back and we have data at this point and this is our whole list it hasn't been filtered or anything so the first thing again what we want to do is filter our list within our core parameters you should be getting close to knowing these we want it to be greater than 3000 you can go as low as two thousand here um but I just think the the three thousand means there's even higher search volume which means there's just more potential for traffic for you I like to try to narrow things down more if and when possible but no two thousand two sixty thousand is fine I'm gonna do three thousand to forty thousand here and did I do four thousand or forty oh there it is alright so I've got three thousand to forty thousand Oh I haven't said to greater than how about that all right that's now that's looking really good what I did is I had it sorted to greater than so I was looking for competition higher than forty thousand now I have it set to less than sixty thousand which is what it should be so total goof up on my part but hey this is the process this is the game this is why we go through the motions multiple times over and everybody who creates anything cool just break stuff and messes stuff up and fixes it along the way so now we have six hundred and eleven keyword phrases now I get to tighten these up because that is that is a lot that was more than I'm interested in going through that's more than I think you should be interested in going through so we want to narrow our parameters down right we can even make it there's three thousand and forty thousand I sue about almost five hundred keyword phrases so this is bringing me back more phrases capable and potential than the photography fishing Quito combination which is really really interesting because up until this point I've been like matte photography one efficient one those are those are pretty hot now I'm seeing clear as day that ultimately this segment of the world of fitness and weight loss and and we didn't even search for nutrition in here my goodness that would probably a huge phrase so that I want to put this up to four thousand and I'm trying to narrow these down till we get down to about a hundred phrases or so we'll go down to thirty thousand this is crazy so I'm gonna stop at five thousand and thirty thousand because that's this is really really focused here so now we are sorted by value demand we're just gonna scroll through and look at these right so weight-loss plan quick weight loss weight loss programs weight loss plan quick weight loss weight loss weight loss health and fitness news that might be a brand obviously this is one of those ones where you you click Google don't think that you're gonna go start a new site that might actually be the name of someone site lost weight so lose weight misspelled fitness program weight loss pills weight loss supplements home fitness fitness tips loss plan weight that's just kind of a rearrange fat weight loss so I'm seeing clearly from this weight loss smoothies healthy weight loss diet boy there's there's some big overlap here then you get into the home fitness equipment Fitness exercisers fitness gyms fitness products fitness trainers so that's it I'm actually really quite impressed with all of this what comes to mind for me off of this one is that weight loss is just massive and it's important for you to remember again the goal is for you to be of service to a very specific audience right going after the weight loss niche in and of itself is too much for anyone to take on unless you have somehow the resources that give you full-time developer two or three writers you have an editor on staff and your I mean you would literally have to have like a magazine production level of energy ready to come out of gates to go after a phrase that that is that focused and that specific but when you get down to weight loss for new mothers over 30 and you're really able to speak to them and obviously we would want to do more research to identify that as a potential but I'm just pulling something out of thin air to try to give you an example of how focused you can get it that's where the real power in building your business online goes because that's how you can get market share more quickly so what you would want to do in this situation again is cross-reference these against each other so I'm going to click on each one individually to see how many there actually are so bodybuilding 17 Fitness 153 weight-loss 124 so just off the cuff right here I'm like okay bodybuilding maybe that was a little bit more 80s ish maybe that's just out maybe just not in fad fitness and weight loss are huge one thing I'm curious about Fitness is I'm gonna go look through Fitness you can even see yoga fitness how's that for a really interesting subject right so yoga is obviously there's a lot of benefits for yoga there's the mindfulness there's the stretching but just yoga Fitness being kind of a standalone niche site that to me is really quite interesting because you're overlapping a couple of things you could even add it another layer of complexity to like yoga fitness for men over 50 boom now you have a really targeted audience of people who have very specific challenges they have very specific needs they have very specific desires and you're giving them that overlap of two unique things you're kind of combining three pieces of a big puzzle they're together which is really quite interesting the one thing I be curious about on Fitness in what we're saying here is fitness centers club fitness fitness clubs Planet Fitness LA Fitness these are actually all brands right of actual gyms 24-hour fitness so you would want to go through and select all of these you need to prune this stuff out there's a lot of time that needs to be spent in here and here we go and you delete them because there's no sense really for you to even try to focus a site concept on them could you review each of those gyms and have that be a supporting content piece in a silo of course you can but we're not there yet we're trying to find your site your main site niche at this point in time so from here what you do is obviously same thing again I would open the parameters up to probably two thousand and sixty thousand for each of these two just make sure I've got a nice wide net that I'd be casting and I would go in and I would check all and then I would export and I would download this and save this to my computer for further crunching further data and you go through this process over and over so what I'm gonna do now is I want it to let me delete these real quick so again you should you should have you should have exported these before you delete them I'm just gonna go ahead and delete them real quick on my end just because I want to clean up down I'm gonna get down to one specifically oh no I want to get all of them out let me clear my filters and I'm going to delete all of the bodybuilding ones as well because what we're gonna look at now is how to use this tool as if it is your master keyword list so let me go ahead and check all of these let's delete the checked so now this tool offers kind of two lives there's two sides to the brainstorm at tool the first one is brainstorming right which is kind of what we've been doing and it's it's brainstorming with with the benefit of having a bit of data behind it so it's not just like yesterday where we were it was it was much more abstract yesterday but today you're actually looking at the search engine data the potential for the profitability for and all of those kinds of core key items that you need to keep in mind in order to really make sure you're moving forward in a direction with your business that's gonna help you be of service to an audience at scale and there ultimately is the opportunity and potential for earning income because that really doesn't need you do need to be compensated for your time when you do this and if there's not enough search volume or if there's too much competition you're never gonna stand out you're never gonna grow your list you're never gonna get traffic you're never gonna be able to monetize your website so that's why we want to use this piece second we ruled everything else we could out yesterday now we're using it second so just for for ease of use I'm just gonna kind of say that I've now committed to weight loss right so now I'm shifting so the first part of this tool is the brainstorming function which is what we did now it's just my master keyword list now I'm wanting to essentially create a big list of all of the keyword phrases that I want to altima write a piece of content on so if I'm going to do a 90 day challenge boom they're all right here I know what I'm doing you can organize them into silos really effectively actually so when you do your 90 day challenge it could be hyper focused where you're building out silos you could do 910 post silos pretty effectively in a 90 day challenge you need to know for a fact that you have at least 200 keyword phrases that have good numbers not great the site concept has to be your great number that we're really kind of working it down there where the value demand is greater than like three or four thousand and that real supply is lower than like thirty or forty thousand that is just a sweet spot range you can do two thousand to sixty thousand remember that between those two numbers is is a good very good range you don't want to go above sixty thousand on the real supply unless you have full time energy unless you're able to put in six to eight hours plus per day that's what it took for me to kind of make a name for myself in the internet marketing space is literally like all day every day 60 plus hour weeks for two years straight most people have one two or three hours a night maybe five or six hours each day on the weekend so most people can pull together maybe 20 hours a week and that's where you need to keep that real supply down below the 60,000 mark below the 40,000 mark just makes it easier and easier for you to rank so with that said one quick second we've now committed right and I'm I'm not analyzing things as deeply as I would but again I just pulled random ideas right fishing and darts and all these that's literally it was just randomness for me to be able to utilize this tool and we're imagining that I spent you know a full afternoon a full weekend digging through the actual numbers comparing side-by-side what was the fishing pole numbers versus what is the weight loss diet numbers right like really really getting geeky for an afternoon to find which one of these topics for a site concept has more high value phrases available for me to write on that's what I'm looking for ultimately I want to see lots and lots of valuable phrases and we're gonna imagine that I did that but that's what you're doing here you're just looking what you keep scooching these scooting you keep kind of tightening your value demand greater than number and lowering your real supply to find which one of your topics has the best bet then you're like okay I'm doing a website in the weight loss space now I I know I don't know exactly what my sub niche is but I know I'm in this space so on this page is where you are able to really find those kind of core ideas that you have the ability so like natural weight loss might very well be that thing that you're focusing on is natural weight loss because that's that's you you're you're an organic you're kind of crunchy you're a little hippie you're mostly vegan right you're maybe you eat maybe eggs or like you know you don't do dairy right you're just super into natural weight loss or maybe you're into rapid weight loss and that's the thing you you know how to help people lose weight quickly herbal weight-loss interesting so there's so many interesting phrases here so what we now have is our core master key word list I can click up top on brainstorm er and now I can go back into my tool now if you notice if I click on vertical brainstorming I no longer have the site concept idea this is what I was telling you it's because I have over 250 phrases here it assumes brainstorm it the tool assumes I already know what my site concept is going to be on so now it's about expanding my keyword list to get all of the other ideas because I don't want to write every post with the words weight loss in it like a I'm gonna potentially over optimize my website by putting the keyword phrase and way too many places but there's other aspects of weight loss right there's there's the fitness side ultimately there's the diet side so what you would want to do is start to do vertical and lateral brainstorming in order to grow your list and I'm gonna do just a couple of quick ones for us really quick so I'm gonna do singular and plural of diet so what this means is it's gonna go search for diet and diets both and it's gonna find me all of the phrases that have diet and diets in it now I'm gonna brainstorm it and let's give it a quick minute to pull me back the data and you're gonna see how this now we're able to use this tool for growing our mass or keyword lists instead of the brainstorm phase okay and now we're back so you can see I'm now up to 12 I've got 1,200 new keyword phrases that came for the phrase diet so on the Left I have diet and weight loss both and now I'm building towards the goal of one master keyword list if I hold control and click I've got both diet and weight loss selected so that's all my keyword phrases but I can just sort and look at diet here separately by clicking on diet okay so now I want to show you with diet selected what we're able to do is we're able to look in and do our filters one more time on diet to find the phrases that are greater than we'll do we'll do three thousand and what I'd be looking for is a list of all the diet options because if you're teaching weight loss you're gonna have reviews on every diet imaginable with enough time to talk about old diets you can talk about new diets you can talk about hipster diets diets that don't work diets that do work etc so I would enter in these same exact parameters you can see how many come up and I need to change this because I messed that up last time to less than on the real supply so now under diets we have with a value demand of greater than 3000 and real supply less than 60,000 there's over five hundred and forty three keywords this is crazy and you're gonna see it right here there's all I mean it's all alphabetical to start and it's like the three-day diet the three hour diet the two weeks three hour diet talk about hopeful I'm 1,500 calorie diet right the the low calorie diets etc then we can search by value demand now what it's showing us when I search by when I search by the value demand you'll notice some of these phrases are blue and some of them are black the blue ones are the new ones because I have since I have nothing selected here it's showing me out of all of my phrases so it helps me identify quickly like okay cool if you already analyzed all of your weight loss phrases you don't want to touch any ones that are black right now because you only added these new ones and then you're able to say okay well I'm not interested in doing diet supplements so I'm gonna remove that I'm not interested in something generic like nutrition I'm not interested in the quick diet or the diet pills right that's not what I'm doing that's not my niche that's not how I'm rolling so I'm gonna check those and I'm gonna come up here and I'm gonna delete the checked and that is literally the work you have to manually go through all of this and remove the ones that are not relevant to your site concept as you grow your master keyword list there are some kind of predefined filters so I'm gonna remove the value demand and I'm gonna remove the real supply and I'm gonna select all of my keywords up here which I've only got two and you're gonna grow this yours eventually we'll have diet it'll have weight loss and have all of the different things so this is gonna get really long but now I'm able to analyze them together so I'm gonna use this tasks drop-down and they have this lower profitability option and you can see out of seventeen hundred and thirty three there's two hundred and sixty one of these phrases that they're predetermined filters right the 3050 percent filters that they have in here they think that these are pretty low hanging or excuse me these aren't even fruit at all like these are the ones that you don't really want to go after because they're lower profitability you can do a quick scan through them to make sure there's none that are really really good for what you want but they're basing it on the numbers these are the ones that don't fit based on the numbers and if you want to quickly remove a bunch you click check all select action delete checked and you have essentially just removed the potential worst phrases out of there the other way you can go about this is to use the opposite of what we ran earlier so before we were doing greater than three thousand so you could do less than let's do less than one thousand and let's do higher then let's do two hundred thousand which is really we're using kind of Big O that's like two million I think no so there are none with that much competition that's a good sign got it so literally by using they're kind of lower profitability numbers we've already actually deleted those out so I wouldn't need that and if you want to get out of this screen you simply click on all keywords and that's just kind of another way to remove all your filters at one shot and now here we are right back at the core master keyword list that we're growing I'm gonna go back to brainstorm and we're gonna do one more thing here we're gonna do a lateral brainstorming now again the vertical brainstorming when I did that base on diet what it did is it went out and actually looked at all of the different phrases that have Diet in it so diet pills five-day diet 1300 calorie diet had to have the word diet in it but then when use the when we use the lateral brainstorm which we're gonna do just the lateral brainstorm ER and again there's a lot of these they teach how to use every single one of these in there kind of analogy I want to do what are we gonna do here let's say I'm gonna do a lateral brainstorm on weight loss and this takes a little bit longer generally because what its gonna do is it's gonna go look at the top 200 pages that come back and it's ultimately going to give me the other phrases that show up on those top 200 pages so there's gonna be some relevance there's gonna be some irrelevant ones it's just a computer running numbers and crunching things based on the number of times different phrases appear we're just looking for some new ideas to show up here okay and we're back so one of the interesting things that I just did here was I ran a lateral keyword phrase based on a keyword I already had so I don't get a new option here under seed words which I probably should have used Fitness for this example to show you that it would still separate out all those phrases but that's okay because what you can see is now we have a lot of different phrases that don't have our specific phrase weight loss in it or diet in it and that's how we'll be able to identify them again it also comes up as this blue color and you're starting to see that's where we get these phrases like Fitness camp fitness camps so there's people who are searching as a relevant phrase to the weight loss are Fitness camps and fitness camp but you'll notice there's also ones like guru and great and health that are just a little non relevant so this is the process where you need to go through and literally start removing all of these different phrases that don't actually match now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna delete those ones because I just put them in here and now what I want to do is I want to run our normal filter the first place you can actually goes under tasks and take the lower profitability ones because we did just bring in a bunch new ones and there are gonna be ones that have lower profitability turns out there's 84 of them so I'm gonna check them all and I'm going to delete the checked now the way this tool works is you are able to build up a maximum list of 5,000 keywords but ultimately it's really important for you to build up your list and get your list focused into a minimum of 2 to 300 super relevant just I mean like you know your niche right like if you're going in this space you should know weight loss you should know Fitness you should know about these different diets these different exercises these different ideas that are coming up through the keyword phrase you are going to become the thought leader for a specific group of individuals you're going to interpret the world of weight loss you're going to interpret the world of dieting like I've moved forward to interpret the world of direct response marketing and an SEO and and Facebook advertising to my audience right so when someone is like oh I've heard about Facebook guys I need to go learn about that I have interpreted all of the garb league OOP and the jargon down to very digestible understandable information through YouTube videos that's why I'm ranking so you would then if this is your niche take that same approach so you need to go through and make sure and understand what each one of these are removing the ones that are not relevant removing the ones that don't fit in with your site concept growing your master keyword list so right here gastric bands I don't know what that is but if you're moving in this direction you should know what that is because the numbers work it has the potential for showing up so this is really the game and really I think that what you can see here is now we have focused ourselves in a post pregnancy weight loss right there what is that so the value demand is just under a thousand so it's not a huge supply but this is a great post and this is one I've used as an example before it doesn't have the kinds of numbers needed to run an entire site on but it would be a great silo within your broader website for this range and how do I know the numbers it's lower than a thousand and it's not in the tens of thousands that's how we know that there's not enough supply there's not enough demand and there's there's already enough supply right there's just not enough going on diet trends is one that was added Fitness camps as we said you can scroll down all the new ones are blue this really covers it so I know I covered a lot and I kind of tried to show that the multiple different ways that you're able to use this phrase in this tool but the big goal here with the brainstorming tool and really with the SBI system is to give you a resource to get out of your head to get off of that notepad where you took all of these different notes and you've you've been really trying to think about and figure out what's my niche what's my niche well let's let the data guide us at some point right which certain sub segments of the ideas that you have like fishing or photography have the most sub ideas and that's where you ultimately can find your little piece of the pie that's where you can find your little underserved audience who is waiting there trying to consume more content on that topic but no one's creating that content for them this is a void that you can fill and you know that there's the opportunity there because the numbers back it up remember it's so important for you to focus on the you want to have the value demand higher than at least 2,000 if you can get it up over 4,000 that is a huge huge help for you that means there's a high potential for getting lots of traffic relatively quickly but you also need to make sure that your real supply is below sixty thousand that real supply numbers in the twenty to forty thousand range that means you have extremely low competition but again be willing to go all the way up to sixty thousand on that real supply number and that's a really good solid range if you're above three thousand on the value demand below sixty thousand you're in a really good range if you're able to find one that's above five or six thousand on the value demand below forty thousand on the real supply you may have just found a Goldilocks niche especially when it came out of yesterday's kind of exercise of looking at the niches that you love that is how you find a lucrative niche that's what we did today on something you love and that's what we did yesterday put it together you have yourself a recipe for success I hope this has been helpful if you have any questions for me get at me below this video I'm happy to ask and answer I'm happy to answer your questions as best I can but remember the SBI system has their own forums they have their own action guide read their content they have helped tens of thousands of people create successful businesses online and on that note I'll catch you on the next training until then be well
Channel: Miles Beckler
Views: 24,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to choose your niche, choosing a niche, miles beckler, miles beckler niche, miles beckler niche research, niche marketing
Id: Nx131UR6p_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 45sec (4425 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.