How to Write a Blog using AI in 10 minutes (Undetectable & Plagiarism Free)

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are you ready to create mind-blowing blogs in just a matter of seconds yes we are talking about AI content but it's not just any usual blog content that we get from chat GPD this one is undirectable what does that mean well Google will have no clue that it's AI generated normally readers but how does it help you in any way this AI content scored an incredible 98 originality score which means your content is more human-like and it has a better chance to rank on Google and get more traction on your site so guys in this video I'm going to show you how you can quickly create blog posts that really makes a difference well we usually generate content from chat GPT which would look something like this but with this AI tool called gravity right we'll be able to create a blog like this you can see it is much more detailed and well crafted we're gonna see everything step by step right from getting ideas for your content adding images and everything using AI the best part is it's completely free and all this takes less than 10 minutes so get ready guys let's Dive Right In to create our blogs we are going to do six steps the first step is to log into gravity right I've given a link in the description so just click it and it will take you to this page now click start writing for free enter your name email and give a password click sign up now to start creating blogs if you go to blog workflow you can see different tools here we are going to use these tools to create a blog so let's go to the Second Step which is to get a topic idea for your blog now if you already have a topic for your blog you can Skip To The Next Step but if you're open to explore different ideas just click block topic idea now here if you enter a keyword related to the type of blog you want gravity right will generate different topics which you can use so let's try that out I am going to enter my keyword which is five innovative business ideas now click create and as you can see we've got some interesting topics you can go ahead and select the topic you want I am going to choose this topic for my blog okay once we have the topic we can now go to the next step which is to create an outline for our blog as I told you earlier this is a step-by-step process so first we're going to create an outline for our blog and then create the full content this way you will get a more detailed content and you can also decide what to include in your blog and what not to include all right so to create the outline first let's copy the topic we chose click on blog outline paste the topic here and click create as you can see we've got the outline for our blog if you go through it you will file headings and the description of the content now if you want to change anything or add something just click anywhere and start editing here we have food delivery instead of that I am going to change it to food and beverage industry you can go on and make more customization and voila we've got the perfect outline for our blog so let's copy this and paste it in a document once we have an outline let's go to the fourth step which is to create the content for our blog we are going to create the content based on the outline so let's copy the outline go back to gravity right and click block content now paste the outline here and here we need to enter the title of our blog so let's copy paste that now if you click create content you can see that the full content for our blog is ready like we saw before you can edit the content if you want once you're done there we go our blog content is ready so let's copy this and paste it on a dog so once we've got the content what next you can see our blog looks a bit plain so what we need now is a bunch of images to make it look better and not just that adding images will help in SEO and also to engage your readers now the best part is we're going to create images also using AI so let's go to the next step which is to add images to your blog now to add images first we're going to find what kind of images we need for our blog if we look at our blog we have different headings and we need to come up with image ideas for each topic to make it easier for us gravityrite has a tool which will analyze your content and it will tell you what kind of image you need to add for each heading on your blog so let's find out just copy the content go back to this tab and click image brief now if you paste the content here and click create content you can see it tells us what image to add under each heading not just that it has given us prompts for each image which we can use on image generation tools like mid Journey blue Willows Etc and create the same images mentioned here amazing right this has made our work a lot easier okay now we know what images to add so next we're going to create those images using the prompts here first let's copy this and paste it on a DOT Now to create the images we are going to use a free AI tool called Blue Willows I have given the link in the description to all these tools so just click it and it'll take you to this page now I have already created an account on Blue Willows so if you don't have one you can create it and you'll reach this page Now to create images we need to enter the prompts so let's go here copy this prompt go to Blue Willows now to enter the prompt here type slash imagine then paste the prompt and press enter you can see we've got some images if you like any image just select the version here and you will get the image now to download the image just select it now right click on it select save image as click save and the image will be downloaded and now we've got the image for our blog so let's go back to this tab and add the image all right in the same way you can create the images you want using these prompts and add them to your blog it's that easy so once you're done you can now see our blog looks great Okay so we've successfully added images to our blog and it's now ready now before we go ahead and publish the blog let's say you want to create a featured image like this which makes our blog more attractive so next let's see how you can create a featured image for your blog to do that we're gonna use an online tool called canva now I've added the link in the description so just click it and you will list this page Now to create a featured image just like the blog thumbnail now instead of creating an image from scratch we're going to select a template and edit it so here you can see different templates you can select the one you want I'm gonna select this one now here we have a default image and text so let's edit it I'm going to change this text and add my block Title Here now to change the image just select it and click delete now just drag and drop any image you want from the computer and drag it to adjust the position okay so now our featured image is ready so let's download it Click Share and click download and again click download and now the image will be downloaded okay once we got the feature image let's go to the final step which is to publish the blog on our website now if you don't have blog website you can learn how to create one by watching this video okay so to publish the blog let's go to our WordPress dashboard go to posts and click add new now here we need to enter the title for our blog so let's go here copy the title and paste it here next let's go ahead and copy paste the content of our blog now to add a featured image click here and go to our feature image now drag and drop the image we created next let's add a category for our blog just click here and I'm going to create a new category now let's enter a name and click add okay now to publish the blog just click publish and again click publish now to view our blog post click View Post and you can see that we've got a Blog and it has all the content that we created okay so that's it guys we've successfully created an entire blog post just by using AI so let's compare this output with what chat GPD can create for the same blog title I'm gonna ask Dad gbt to write a blog on our same title and this is the output now if we compare you can see that our blog is much more detailed and well structured well chatgpt has created a normal and generic content all right now how do we check the quality of the content I am going to add both of these content to an AI detector and see how human-like they are first let's copy the charges result and then go to this website this is an AI detected tool so I'm going to paste the content here and now if we click check for AI content you can see the score here it says the content is more robotic and it is AI generated okay now let's test the content we created from Gravity right let's copy and paste it here and if we click check you can see we've got a great scope it says our content is more likely to be human written which means our content is unique this can help your blog to rank better on Google and also your readers will never feel it's AI generated okay so guys this is how you can create unique blog posts using AI now there's another feature in gravity right that allows you to create quick content just by writing your blog title so if you're in a hurry or need to create content quickly you can check it out so let's see how it works just go to gravity right and select one click blog post now here enter the title for your blog so let me just enter a title and if you click create content you can see that we've got the content now this is more like an overview content if you want a more elaborate blog you can follow the steps we saw in the video all right so that's about it guys I've given you the link to all the tools we use in the description do check it out and take your blogs to the next level now not only blogs there's more that we can do with AI tools if you're a social media marketer or a content creator we made a video specifically for you to create top-notch social media posts using AI to learn more about it you can watch this video also don't forget to like share and subscribe if you like to see more videos from us so I'll see you guys in the next video Until then take care bye bye
Channel: Website Learners
Views: 180,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai blog post writing, how to write blog using ai, best ai blog writing tool, ai content writing tool, ai content writing tutorial, human-like ai blog post writing, how to create a blog post using ai, unique article generator with 100% seo, best ai content writing tool for blog posts, how to create high quality blog posts with ai, writing blog posts with artificial intelligence, aitools, How to write blogs using ai, Undetectable, Plagiarism Free, ai detection, blogs, ai, gravity write
Id: HCaURbwBA8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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