How to Write a Strong Conclusion for IELTS / TOEFL

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hi welcome to right to top I'm Adam in today's video we're going to look at how to write a conclusion paragraph for your tests essay or task 2 essay IELTS TOEFL whatever English test you're taking the s the conclusion is actually very simple very standard way to end your essay but at the same time it's very important this is the last impression that you're giving the grader that you're giving the reader and you want to make sure that you don't confuse the reader that you don't give a make any errors in grammar or vocabulary last chance not to lose points okay I'm going to talk about that a little bit more as we go on now very simple in that there are set structures there's a certain way to start your conclusion there are certain elements that have to be in it in certain elements that should not be in it okay so we're going to look at all these starting with how to begin how to begin your conclusion now I have here a few expressions that you can use now I want you to remember that you only need one you only need to know one of these and you can use the same one every single time so you don't need to know all of these but I know that some of you like to have a little bit of variety that you like to have a little bit of a few options basically when it comes to starting your conclusion so you can begin with in conclusion go to it to conclude go to it to sum up to summarize in summary now these are a little bit boring everybody uses them so some people want to be a little bit different but don't experiment too much in the conclusion right just get to it you're probably running out of time anyway better to use whatever time you have left to finish the conclusion quickly and have a little bit of time to look at your essay maybe make a few edits make sure you put all the right elements in there and not missing anything so but if you want a different expression you can say thus with the above and mine means basically what came in the body in the introduction and then go on to give your conclusion or thus it is fair to conclude that and then go on with your restatement of your thesis which we'll talk about again in the final analysis now some people wrongly and there or sorry begin their conclusion with finally lastly finally and lastly are not ways to begin a conclusion finally and lastly are the ways to begin the last paragraph of a list first second finally first second lastly it's not a conclusion it's just the last entry in a list so don't use these to start your conclusion all in all is basically okay to start a conclusion but it's a little bit casual don't use it for the IELTS or TOEFL this is a formal academic essay although this is a good introductory phrase for a conclusion avoided now some people write as I have discussed above well I know you've discussed this so you don't actually need to mention again that you've discussed this I've just read your essay I know you discussed it this is a little bit of a weak introduction to the conclusion not wrong if you want to use it use it a little bit weak okay it's redundant you don't need to use it it's already understood so don't use any of these but again choose one and just practice every time with the same one in conclusion though in conclusion go in conclusion go nothing wrong with that okay now we're going to look at a few do's and don'ts of the conclusion paragraph okay Douce what should you do with your conclusion okay keep it short one or two sentences are enough once you get into your third sentence you're probably starting to go off-topic or you're introducing a new idea avoid that two sentences are plenty even one sentence is enough as long as it's a complex sentence if you have a very simple sentence one sentence it's probably not enough I usually recommend two sentences one if you can make it a nice complex sentence three can be okay but avoid it okay I'm going to show you an example of that later keep it simple don't try to be creative don't try to get all new ideas and new things in there don't try to be very sophisticated with it boring a boring conclusion is a good conclusion why you've put all your energy you put all your creativity all your language skills into the body you put your argument you put your thoughts you've put your complicated structures etc in the body don't do it in the conclusion your conclusion is the last chance you have to make a good impression don't make mistakes in the conclusion because that's the last thing that will stick in there graders mind okay you should restate the thesis don't forget to say why you wrote the essay say it again use different words that's why restate is underlined okay make sure that you're not using the same words that you used in your introduction all new words but you're basically saying the same thing as you did in your introduction you are reinforcing that thesis okay if you gave an opinion in the introduction make sure you reinforce that opinion if you give an outline of what the essay will cover make sure you restate that this is what the essay covered basically for advantages and disadvantages that advant there are advantages and disadvantages pros and cons you're using different words restate the highlights so don't give me details don't tell me all the details that you put in the body because I've already read the body but give me the general idea put it into a summary into one or two words summary of the points or the arguments that you made okay now this sounds a little bit silly but write a conclusion don't forget to write a conclusion now if you don't begin your conclusion with in conclusion or to conclude I don't know that this is the conclusion I will understand it once I've read all of it but by then it's too late you've already lost me you've broken the flow make sure that you have a conclusion make sure it's very clear conclusion okay very simple let's move on to the don'ts what should you not do in your conclusion paragraph the most important thing is don't introduce any new idea why you can't elaborate means you can't develop this idea you can't explain what this idea has to do with your thesis how it's towards your arguments you can't elaborate so don't put it in there if that will only confuse the reader or new point well what do I do with this what does this connect to I don't know lose points okay and it also weekends the main arguments if you put a especially if you put a very good point in the conclusion then the points you put in your body become weaker because of that new point no new points and the conclusion now you can and I put a little star you don't have to it's an option you can add a point for future studies or actions related to the topic so you can say based on what I've discussed in the body the government should do this for example or people should do that you could add that but be careful not to make a new point out of it future you can say future consequences future effects future impacts future actions that can be taken but don't get too detailed and make sure that it's relevant and based on what you said in the body okay you can say government's ought to people should this although we can say that this is the right way it requires further studies etc very general don't get too detailed about it now some some teachers will tell you that in your conclusion if you have an opinion for example just say their opinion in conclusion I believe that but I personally see this it's not wrong you can do it but it's a weak conclusion why if you had a very good and very strong argument in the body paragraphs then it's very clear that in your conclusion you're just reinforcing that idea you're taking your thesis and you're making it a statement if you're just simply saying in conclusion I believe that well I already know what you believe you told me that in the introduction if you're just telling me that again it's a little bit weak make it a firm positive a clear statement that because of your arguments this is now the case it's not an opinion anymore it's almost a fact now okay don't overwrite again keep it to one or two sentences keep it short and simple and don't start being creative with your language don't try to add too much don't give me too many details don't give me any new arguments don't give me any sophisticated language or like a lot of people try to put all their whatever transitions or linking words they didn't use in the body they try to squeeze it in the conclusion you're forcing things your whole conclusion is going to become weaker and fall apart you're going to lose points and that goes with language don't experiment with the language in the conclusion okay when the grader gets to the end of your body paragraphs when he or she understands your argument and understands how you that you have or have not supported your thesis your introduction you've basically already gotten your score for the essay in the conclusion you don't want to make any mistakes you don't want to make any grammar mistakes you don't wanna make any mistakes with vocab you don't want to make any mistakes with punctuation keep it simple keep it short keep it to the point don't lose points okay don't experiment here do all your experimenting in the body paragraphs okay so we're going to look at a few examples now and you'll get a better idea of what I'm talking about here okay so what I have here I have the question task I have my thesis statement where I actually give my opinion because this question is asking for an opinion I'm telling you what I did in the first body in the second body then I'm going to show you the conclusion so the question is asking you to what extent you agree or disagree with a belief that voting during elections is a waste of time and energy so my introduction while I agree for the most part that's my extent that no individual can make a great impact through one vote I also believe that mobilizing an entire segment of the population can make all the difference in the world okay so I'm telling you my belief that you can make a difference with your vote body one why it's in everyone's interest to vote body to the dangers of not voting and then to conclude in my conclusion to conclude no no one vote on its own can change the status quo however every single vote can add to a collection of in Gardner a powerful tool to keep fringe elements at bay and to make politicians listen up and act so no one vote on its own can change the status quo that means that in my thesis I said no individual vote can make a no individual can make a great impact sorry through one vote however and I still have I also believe so I have the however every single vote can add to the collection and make a difference and and it's a powerful tool so it's in everyone's interest and keep fringe element away which I discuss as part of the dangers the fringe element which is another topic altogether but I have my introduction I have my thesis I have my main arguments from my body and I have technically one sentence but really like a nice Plitt it into two with a semicolon so technically one sentence but there you go very short very sweet to the point let's look at another example here again to what extent do you agree or disagree to another opinion I fully believe that politicians need to set aside their own interest and remember that these events are meant to showcase a nation for the world body one demonstrate power through the people body to negative consequences corruption etc in conclusion so before I had to conclude now having conclusion same thing it is true the sports are a powerful tool to convey a nation's strength and unity notice I don't say I believe that I make it a firm statement it is true that sports are powerful tool unfortunately sports themselves and the athletes who participate in them have become tools for the world's leaders who ought to focus on their people rather than themselves and there's my both my thesis that they should do something else and that people have become tools and the athletes the sports and the athletes have become tools and that politicians need to do something else over the world leaders need to think about them instead of themselves about the athletes instead of themselves about the nation instead of themselves okay let's go to the last one here I had a two-part question what can they do it's an open question and what what can we without excuse me what communistic a letís do and what can they do to fund these so it's a two-part open-ended question there's no opinion here and as soon as you don't have an opinion make sure that in the conclusion you don't say I think that they didn't ask you for an opinion don't give them one not in the introduction not in the conclusion as this essay will demonstrate so I'm outlining what this essay will do city officials have several options when it comes to encouraging locals to commute by bus train or other means including taxing drivers which would also finance infrastructure as well as changing public attitudes body 1 collecting fees taxing drivers body to educating the public ok so here I wrote two conclusions in the first one I have three sentences simple sentences in the second one I have the same conclusion but two sentences in summary a government has the power to change the city's traffic situation by altering the public's views okay so they can do something if the cost of driving increases sharply people will likely choose to save time and money by taking the bus 1 if they also believe that a train is more enjoyable they might want to take advantage of this opportunity so taxing them and educating them or make showing them a different attitude ok I put it all together in the second one in summary a government has the power to change a city's traffic situation by altering the public's views and by making driving less attractive put both into one sentence thus if driving becomes overly expensive and a train seems more enjoyable people are more likely to take advantage of these public systems there's the conclusion of what will happen ok here I used in summary because I'm not necessarily reaching a conclusion you asked me what and what I gave you what and what and now I'm summarizing the whole thing ok then putting it all together because it's an outline it's not an opinion I'm not making an argument I'm just offering ideas and the conclusion paragraph is a summary of those ideas ok so there you have it I hope this was a little bit helpful to you remember keep your conclusion short keep it simple just finish the essay and spend more whatever time you have left looking at it over making some edits cleaning it up if you have lots of scratches erase them make it pretty make it easy to read don't give the graders reasons to deduct coins okay if you have any questions about this you can ask below here ad on youtube you can also go to my facebook page my instagram page my twitter page you can go to my website right to top calm there's a lot of more information there you can find out about conclusions introductions bodies everything if you enjoyed this video great I'm glad you did and please subscribe to my channel I'll have more videos coming for you soon and I'll see you again have a lovely day bye bye
Channel: Write to the Top
Views: 248,958
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Keywords: ielts, English writing, English, writing, language test, English test, task 2, IELTS academic essay, scoring, assessment, structure,, TOEFL, independent task, independent essay, essay writing, how to write, usage, skills, test preparation, test tips, study tips, pass the IELTS, paraphrase, conclusion paragraph, conclusion, how to conclude, ielts high score, toefl high score, pass toefl
Id: o_NOI-ZOHcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2016
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