How to Write a Sermon! - Sermon Prep & Outline Guide

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so you wanted to be able to make a sermon that's captivating powerful holds people's attention well we're gonna talk about how you can do that coming up right after this hey there Addison Smith with everything Church Pro and if you're somebody who wants be able to study your Bible even better live a more wise life or maybe even serve in your church like never before then begin now by looking right down there and touching that subscribe button and it's free you can touch it for free won't cost you a single penny and you'll get a daily dose of wisdom to your inbox every single morning all right now tonight we're looking at how do we develop a sermon that's engaging whether you're in a youth pastor and you're doing this to teenagers and/or you're a pastor and you just wanted to brush up on some of your skills because personally I always want to be growing I always want to be studying how can I improve on getting across God's Word and God's truth and so I want to share with you kind of the lay out the way that I structure my sermons and before I show you that let me just tell you a couple things we're doing a few giveaways and I'll talk about the giveaways in a second but I want to tell you about a live stream that's coming up the very first live stream that we're gonna be talking about what's coming up in 2020 we'll be talking about that on December 27th at 7 p.m. Pacific time and I'm gonna go live and we'll chat together you can bring your ideas and your questions and we'll be talking on December 27th at 7 p.m. Pacific time and so make sure you save the date and the time okay now the giveaways we're giving away this Bible right here and all you have to do to be answered into it is be a subscriber on this channel like and comment and i will choose somebody once we hit 500 subscribers to give this Bible away - and if you want to know a Bible it is I'll leave a link in the cards above okay we're also giving away a mug let me this is the mug we're giving away right here I don't know if you can see it well there we go yeah that's the mug right there the everything Church pro mug we're giving that away and I'll need to do to be entered into that giveaway is fill up the connection card below because I want to get to know you just like you get to know me and if you fill out you can fill out as much as you want or as little as you want if you fill up the address I just got these in the mail I'll be mailing you about your own personal Chanel mailed postcard okay and so if you would like that make sure you join that I filled in that connection card below okay well all of that out of the way how do you make a sermon okay uh I I wouldn't claim to be the expert preacher right and I think if anybody did they would be the most arrogant person in the world I'm not perfect I still want to grow I just want to give you what I've learned if you want to see what I preach like you can check the card up there and you can see kind of my style how I go about it and you can even see do I even want to listen to anything this guy has to say right that's right up there so let's get into how I format a sermon and this works 14 sermons this works for adult sermons this works for Bible studies men and women Bible studies this is just a good way of getting across a truth okay and so how do we do it this is actually I can't take credit for this I have picked this up from different people over different times the main two people that I picked this up from would be Brian Sam's and John gets if you don't know who they are the great preachers but they they're the ones who really helped me with this and actually the first time I use this was my very first sermon I ever preached I was put on this spot I was interning I just graduated high school I was interning in Arizona and the pastor said hey how about you preach the Sunday and that was like a day or two away I was scared but I had this because I had a tallit I had it College I had attended one college class when I was going to a youth conference and that that day the teacher laid this out and this was a lifesaver and praise the Lord because God equipped me with this in His Word and God's Spirit worked my people got saved that day not because I'm awesome and not because I'm smart but literally because God's Word is powerful and when you can lay God's Word out in the way you know people can understand God's work and just get to work all right so what's this layout how does this thing work let's get into it now I'm going to suck it look fancy but I will leave I'm gonna you can't probably really see it right there I'm going to export this it's gonna this is literally gonna be my handwriting and I'll put a PDF that you can download in the description you can follow along okay but this is this is how I lay mine out first thing that you'll see when you get this download is the text the text is the anchor okay you don't just come up with your own ideas and this is probably one of the most freeing things I used to come to try to summer prep trying to figure out something new something cool right okay when they try to figure self figure out something they've never heard before that is not how you make a sermon okay the first thing you do is you study out the text to find the central idea of the text or the CIT right and so if you don't know how to study you won't be able to put together a sermon don't worry I have a playlist on how to study your Bible you can go check that out if you want to learn how to study better okay but you need to be able to find the big idea what's the big idea of this text I recently preached on the temptation of Jesus and when you look at this there's these big movements alright you have the first temptation the second temptation of the third temptation but what's the big idea temptation right temptation is the big idea and so every single pillar every single point is going to have to do with overcoming temptation so what's the cit of the passage you're looking at that's very important the next thing you see here is the intro now I'll talk about the intro right now but I usually make my intro last because I now know what I'm introducing so how do you make an intro the first thing you have is an opening illustration okay so let's just say I'm getting ready I'm making my sermon or I'm about to deliver the sermon the way that I would do it is I would get up there I'd read the text I might say the title or the big idea pray and then I'm jumping into my introduction okay so this time I lay out my introduction opening illustration opening illustration what this does is it really puts you at ease and gets the people in they begin to see it people are captivated by stories or quotes and if you can pull them in with this story a story that really encapsulates the whole message this is the probably the most effective but you don't have to do it every time this is just a formula to help you get started so you have your opening illustration after you have your opening illustration what you're gonna do is you're gonna give a truth statement or a declaration so maybe you give a story about somebody being tempted and then overcoming that temptation and so after you illustration you might have this truth statement I believe that God wants to give every Christian victory over temptation truth statement it's just a sentence right it's a declaration after that though you don't have to keep going you just say that statement then you turn that statement this is the next step of the introduction into a question so it might be like this I believe God wants every Christian to live a victorious life and have victory over temptation the question is are you experiencing that victory are you somebody who and the temptations of life come you're able to have victory and overcome them or are you always giving in do you see how I took the statement turn it into a question now what am I gonna do I'm gonna turn that question into what we're going to learn that day okay and so what are we gonna learn well today I'd like to show you three amazing truths on how you can have victory today okay that's how it is or three transforming steps or three powerful whatever okay techniques to doing this and I always have a superlative and then this the thing and I never say points and these are things that picked up I think from brother Jim Chandler so I'm gonna say three super steps right not just three steps but three super steps and I'm never gonna say points I'm just gonna say now the first super step or the first step is we got it so your illustrator introduction goes illustration truth statement question what they're going to learn and after you say out today look with me today at three transforming truths for overcoming temptation all you're gonna say is now the first transforming truth is and you're gonna say your first transforming truth here's a pro tip make it an action item make every single step in action item don't just say Jesus overcame this no give them something like that they can use something that with just that step that thing alone is something that they can use in their life okay and so you say well what's what's an example let me look at mine the first one I was talking about the three fiery darts of Satan and I want this the thing the thing that you remember the step that I say or the fiery dart that I say to be something they can use the first thing is this and something you don't want to do but it's what he wants you to do submit to your cravings submit your craving us the first fiery dart submit to your cravings okay and so we have our first truth now what we do we've we have our killer introduction we've just said now our first fiery dart is this submit to your cravings alright sapphic second fire no no how do we lay this out this is super easy okay ready explain illustrates apply transition say whoa whoa whoa slow down okay explain illustrate apply transition first thing you're going to do is you're going to explain the text not your ideas and just what the Bible says you're just gonna jump right in and explain that portion of the text all right and that's all you do with the explanation you're explaining what it meant in context which segues into your illustration your illustration could be a personal story it can be a story you find on the internet it can be a quote it can be something you make up to help bring light to what you've just explained okay so you explain it you illustrate it and then you're going to apply it to their lives this is where you take the truth that you have just uncovered in the Bible and bring it into 2019 or 2020 or whatever year it is when you're watching this and so how do you do that questions remember this statement questions convict statements accuse you never want to come in and say I know you follow this way or you must do no no ask them questions cuz statements they're gonna put up the fences but questions are just gonna stir the conscience so maybe the first thing is well I wonder if you see this in your life I wonder if you see yourself submitting to your cravings you know Satan's whole goal was to get Jesus to submit to his cravings but I wonder if many times you know we want a certain this or we want to do a certain down and it our flesh is craving it of us and maybe sign even bad but you see how I'm now I'm applying it to your life I'm bringing it to where you live so what do you do if with your first truth you explain it from the Scriptures you illustrate it then you apply it to their life with questions and challenges and then you're gonna transition how do you transition you say well not only this but also this and you're gonna do that every single point one thing you might add to this you know explain illustrate apply transition it's in that application add some exaltation this is for those advanced users okay what is expectation this is a challenge to apply it not just applying it to them but now a challenge for them to go take that application and use it to go out and live it okay so you have your first truth you explain illustrate apply transition so not only 0.1 or truth one but also truth to explain illustrate apply not only truth 1 and truth too but also truth 3 explain illustrate apply and you can bring it into a conclusion the conclusion you can do a couple ways some people like to do a concluding story a much like the opening illustration and the concluding illustration just kind of rewrap sup everything you've talked about the big picture and brings it to a challenging close I always if I can I always like to end my messages with the question a challenge something that leads us right into them making a decision so if it's temptation is it I wonder would you like to live or are you living a victorious life are you giving a temptation are you wanting victory Rooms temptation if you are make that decision today let's pray right as you bring into a wrap up whether you have a story before the question or you just at end with the question do you want this you can have it today pray okay so let's run through this very quickly you're going have your study time you're gonna find the CIT your intro your intro is illustration truth statement question what they're gonna learn then you're going to have your first truth explained illustrate apply transition your second truth explain illustrate apply transition your third truth your fourth throughout all are going to kind of be the same you might have two troops you might have one truth and it's all going to kind of flow just you just plug it in play as long as you believe God wants you to do it from that text but that's the key make it from the text well I hope this was a blessing to you if it was if it was valuable make sure you hit that thumbs up button and consider joining this awesome community hope to see you next time [Music]
Channel: Everything Church Pro with Addison Smith
Views: 32,009
Rating: 4.9562702 out of 5
Keywords: how to write a sermon, sermon prep, how to preach, sermon, preaching, preacher boy, how to write my first sermon, how to make a sermon, how to layout a sermon, how to make a sermon outline, preaching 101, learn how to preach, youth ministry lessons, everything church pro, pastor addison smith, addison smith, bible, bible study, homiletics
Id: XiqRgGUrmtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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