Preaching: 3 Things INEXPERIENCED preachers do

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hi I'm dr. Joseph L Williams and this particular video addresses the three homiletically and hermeneutical mistakes of the inexperienced preacher now this is very very important because all of us have to start in a certain place all of us start to where we're not experienced were not seasoned but when you look at and you compare and contrast the experienced preacher over against the inexperienced preacher there are three things that the experienced preacher does that the inexperienced preacher does not do my goal and task is to share them with you to show you that if we are aware of these types of things we can increase our curve or our attempt to improve upon our gift in our skill sets as preachers as ministers of the gospel number one the inexperienced preacher rushes his or her delivery this happens this happened to me and this happens to virtually every preacher at some point in your matriculation in this process of attempting to master your craft your skill of delivering the Word of God with power I remember when I would first preach being inexperienced I would I would try to get through the text I was trying to get through the sermon instead of taking my time to use this balance of art and science to improve upon my efficacy as a communicator for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I would rush I would go through my points precipitously you can take the same statement the same sermon the same words the same point and say it in a different manner more slowly preaching is about rhythm it's about the ebb and the flow of an experience from the communicator ie the preacher and the audience the experienced preacher realizes that sometimes in order to maximize efficacy and impact in that vantage point of preaching by slowing down your pace you see by allowing that pace to be slowed in certain areas what you're doing is you're building pressure it's like telling a joke telling a joke are being funny or getting to the punchline is about timing preaching is the same thing so as you're preaching work on your ability to take your time in your delivery don't rush it the second mistake that I'm going to cover in this presentation that the inexperience will oftentimes mate make is forcing the text a lot of times the inexperienced preacher is more concerned with the structure of your message having alliteration the power of prayer the purpose of prayer the point of prayer what happens is when you become consumed with the structure of the message or trying to force it to to make it fit within your literation you miss out on the most important part of the sermon the most important part of the message is not how you necessarily have structured it or the alliterated points but the most powerful part of the sermon is what the Holy Spirit reveals to you in your preparation that's where the power is you see you're able to take that text and allow your communion your meditation with the Holy Spirit to meet what God is showing you what's happening is God has given you a custom one-off presentation that no one else has been the recipient of but you so as you're preaching your messages as you are developing your message realize that the power is not in trying to force the text to fit within this pre this kind of prefabricated structure but realize the power of it is what the Holy Spirit has shown you so you don't have to have a sermon that has three points maybe it has two points maybe it has four points maybe maybe it has one point maybe the sermon has no alliteration see what I want you to understand is the POW and preaching is not in trying to allow it to follow the ebb and flow of the structure but let it be the ebb and flow of what the Holy Spirit has revealed to you okay that's number two the third mistake that the inexperienced preacher makes its lack of poise you see poise is my ability to stand in the pulpit and I'm preaching a message and I get to a point of the message where I think that I'm going to be the recipient of a certain response but what happens when you make a point that you feel is powerful and every preacher has been here but nobody is feeling it maybe they look at you funny maybe there's no response the inexperienced preacher panics in silence and see that's what the experienced preacher does the experienced preacher when he or she meets those places and it happens to all of us because every congregation every service every time you stand to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ is going to be different you will meet a point to where the people don't respond as you feel they should having poise is not allowing that moment to create panic and what happens is in these moments when you say something and you feel that it should elicit a response the inexperienced preacher does what the number one lesson that I gave you on today and that's rush you pick up your pace but see the poised experienced seasoned preacher continues to take his time and does not allow the congregants to set your rhythm but you stay in that moment you see you may you may miss them in the introduction but you can you can you cannot regain that connection on down the line in the message if you retain your poise its number one the inexperienced preacher rushes forces the text and lacks poise silence is fine sometimes the most important moments of a sermon is when they're silenced because when people are not speaking or call and responding or saying Amen if they're silent they are listening and the experienced preacher will use that silence to set up a point or something that you're trying to drive home so I hope this message meets you where you are hope it helps you if you like this message you can do me a favor share it like it and tune in next week or as days continue to progress because there's more exciting information to help us as preachers improve upon our craft of this art form called preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ peace
Channel: Joseph Williams
Views: 16,514
Rating: 4.9679146 out of 5
Id: HlErgIsaH3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Fri May 04 2018
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