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hey how's it going on and welcome to the AV leadership collective thank you for tuning in hey if you're not already subscribed be sure to go to youtube and subscribe there or you can DM us your email and we will put you on our email list for your once a month email promise not to blow up your inbox hey but if you're tuning in today we are talking about sermon writing and today I'm just gonna give you a few techniques and my sermon outline that I've used over the past several years that I've kind of formulated from speaking in different places taking hermeneutics homiletics classes in bible school and just honestly through experience now I wanted to say this is what works for me it might not work for you but it could be like chicken where you eat the meat it spit out the bones if there's some things that help you great in those things you can use awesome I do want to also say this isn't a hermeneutics class or a homiletics class we're gonna go under the assumption that you've already know your theology and you're invested in the Word of God so I'm gonna give you this framework for a sermon outline one of the things we're gonna do is I'm gonna put it right up here just to show you and if you want the outline we will send it to you just let us know your email address we'll send you that outline if you want it and you can work with that as well so if we're trying to write a sermon I don't know about you but that's always a hard thing for me if your was a hard thing for me when I first started what am I gonna preach about where am I gonna get content how am I gonna preach it how am I gonna write it and so all of these questions went through my mind and so I've kind of discovered this method it works and so now if you are writing our sermon or if you're preaching in a series you typically if you're in a series you plan your sermons out in advance one of the things that I did as a youth pastor and also as a lead pastor is plan our sermon series in advance about eight months in advance to a year yes we did give room for the Holy Spirit to speak and we wanted to change a message or a series we weren't super concrete on that we were fluid with that but it just helped you our creative team and myself as the primary communicator the ability to be able to plan in advance and know what we're gonna speak about so let's just say you're writing a message and you already have your text let's just go with a simple text John 3:16 I know that everybody or most of you are familiar with it right it says for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life boom when you're gonna write a sermon you need a main text that's it you got to start off with the main text and this is the main text as you begin to think through your message you also want to extract a big idea what's one big idea that you want to communicate throughout the entire message what's that one thing that you want to say and once you get that that's where you kind of start creating from now what I normally do is I'll take my main text and I'll extract three points from the main text yes I preach points some people are anti points some people think it's not of God some people think it's old-school man I don't care it works for me I don't even call it points when I'm preaching I say my first stock or my second thoughts or sometimes people don't even know but one of the things that I do is I extract at least three points and if we were to just just keep it simple there's a few points that we can extract from this and I just let the Scriptures speak for themselves right I don't want to add or take away anything from it one of the things that I noticed is for God so loved so we see that God loved the who the world that he was he gave what did he give his only son that whoever believes in Him will have eternal life so those are some things that I realize are extremely important and I can work from so we were to start from this and if I were to extract three points I'm gonna write the first point up here I would do this my first point would be God loves us second point God gave us his son third point God gives us eternal life those three points are those three thoughts sum up this entire verse so let's do this God what was my point here God loves us so boom you hit your first point we're gonna work on writing this down okay so you have a first point after I've got my three points another thing that I do is I get supporting scriptures for each point why scripture interprets Scripture it gives you a good base right and one of the things I will say hey don't be too heavy on the scriptures people say well that's God's Word yes it is God's Word but people don't want you up there reading the Bible like you're reading the concordance another tip when you're preaching instead of thumbing through the scriptures and going back and forth and creating that awkward pause in silence have your scriptures pre-printed or pre putting your iPad or in your computer so you're quick to the flow the minute you start thumbing through your Bible going back and forth through your camp family Bible people tune out so want to make sure that you go through that now if I was to get a supporting scripture for this point like something just to be foundational for it I would do probably Ephesians 3 17 through 19 why because it starts offices and I pray that you being rooted and established in love may have the power together with all the Lord's holy people to grasp how wide how long how high how deep is the love of Christ and to know this love that surpasses knowledge that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God okay great why did I choose that verse because listen my first point is that God loves us and then the Apostle Paul in Ephesians talks about that he wishes and hopes that people would grasp the height in the depth and the length and the fullness of God's love so I'm like man that's a perfect scripture to be able to support my main point and scripture interprets Scripture so you want to make sure that you do that right another thing that you do is you're working through your sermon is you want to develop what's called sub points this is how I do my sub points sub points just build upon your main point so whatever that sub point is that you would have and then I sometimes put smaller thoughts below that so it gives some some some some some application points not even application points but it just allows me to continue to build from that point you can put ABCD you can format this however you want but I outline my sermon because I don't want to be reading off of a paper it's it's up to you some people like to manuscript some people like to outline but one of the things that I do is create sub points now when you create your sub points and you're done with your first kind of point in the entire flow one of the things that you want to do is you don't want to move on to the next point without giving people an application for this point so we were - we want to give everybody I like to give people an application an application is how they can take this point and apply it to your lives because out of the three thoughts maybe something will speak to somebody a lot more than the other so you want an application point because you don't want to just give people information and then they don't know what to do with it so if I was to think about an application point for my application thought for my first point I would say we can walk confidently knowing that we are loved so because of God's love let us walk in confidence right when you know your love do you know that you can walk in confidence so that's just a thought just an idea but I love to give applications to each point right now here's something that I also do I'm gonna erase this really quick just so that for the up so that you guys can see now when you are finished preaching your entire point in all of your sub points you need to move on to what's called your second point right so my second point was God gave us his son I want you to also look and and understand that I've notice I put God gave us I didn't put that God gave you as a preacher I don't want people to think that I'm preaching at them but I want them to know that I'm with them in the crowd so I choose us we together not just you you and you it really changes the dynamic of the of them how the messages received and how people think through it and man when you as a communicator are identifying with the people in the congregation what is that that's doing is that you're saying hey we're in this together it's not just me against you and I have it all together and you don't so anyways so God gave us his son how do you transition from one point to a second point I do what's called a transitional phrase and I always put this in my sermon for the most part transitional phrase here it is transitional phrase just make birds they become birds okay that's transitional phrase you want to make sure you have a transitional phrase so it gives you a smooth flow there's nothing like preaching a sermon without a smooth flow you want to be able to just flow and let it be natural and a transitional phrase even in my sermons I'll even make this a particular color so that I know that I'm transitioning from one point to the next if I was to do a smooth transition into this point it would be this I would say God loves us so much that He gave His Son so essentially I've just reiterated in my first point and built a bridge to connect it to my second point and then you want to continue to build you do the same thing you would have a scripture that supports your point you would have sub scriptures and then you are a sub points and then you would have some thoughts underneath that now depending your audience your audience is everything if you're preaching on a Sunday morning or if you're preaching to students or to young adults that really changes the dynamic I've been able to use the same message to youth that I have to adults it's just been changing the illustration changing the language and changing the way I package the sermon but if you are an individual like me that loves to use illustrations one of the things that I even love to do is is after each point I love to create an illustration for each point now you don't want to be too illustration heavy right you don't want to be too illustration heavy and I always think your illustrations to come after you written a sermon because sometimes we rely more on the illustration than we actually do on the message or the scriptures so after each point I encourage you to develop an illustration to best give that point some more impact and uh and in and give people sort of a visual as to what you're trying to say so I don't put an illustration on my first point because why I always have an opening illustration and a closing illustration the way you start your sermon is absolutely key you want to start with a bang why is that if you're an individual that travels and speaks to different groups of people when you enter into speak a lot of times people have walls they have walls especially if they don't know you if they don't have a following in a sense so people are almost sitting there with like hey prove yourself to me type of environment so there's a wall and you as a communicator have to learn how to break that wall you've got to gauge the room I'm always paying attention to worship transitions what's going on who's worshiping who's not I'm always asking the Holy Spirit to give me something to connect with the people you want to have a strong start and a strong finish right so your illustration I typically put my illustration right here my illustration goes right after my main text and it goes right before my first point why because my illustration and my story is going to connect to my first point and so you want to have a strong opening and the way that you set this up and the way that you tell the story is really going to determine if you captivate the audience's attention and if they begin to track with you from the beginning there's nothing worse than starting a sermon and not feeling like you jumped into gear until about 15 minutes into it or tell it towards the end if all else fails take an offering just kidding and so you want to have the opening illustration to your first point first point supporting scripture supporting Scripture sub points after sub points transitional phrase after transitional phrase second point after second point illustration it's all it's just the same thing you're just repeating the same thing over and over again and I'll tell you something the atmosphere has a lot to do with the way the message is received people ask me hey where's your favorite place to preach and I go in reality my favorite place to preach is wherever there's an atmosphere of expectation why because wherever there's an atmosphere of expectation that is the breeding grounds for the miraculous when people are hungry to receive they literally draw from you it's like they come to drink from the well and you're just like this fire hydrant is just pouring out so that the atmosphere has a lot to do with it and you have the ability to break a hard atmosphere I believe the Spirit of God gives us the ability to do so but it's also going to take place on how much we do our diligence in our sermon prep so hey I know I know it was brief I wanted to pack a lot in a little time but I hope that was beneficial and it bless you a and we hope you subscribe to the AV leadership collective and also if you want the outline in a regular format PDF document please give us your email address and we will send that to you hey we look forward to seeing you next month god bless
Channel: AB Collective
Views: 2,894
Rating: 4.9578948 out of 5
Keywords: Sermon, Sermons, Sermon Writing, Leadership, Church Leadership, Leadership Talk, Leadership Collective, How to Preach, Preaching, Alberto Bello, Pastor Alberto Bello
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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