How to Study the Bible For Yourself! - You Can Understand the Bible

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Haggai so you are interested and studying the Bible for yourself that's awesome I am so glad that's a great decision now I don't know what your background is or isn't but this is literally you can know what God saying to you you don't have to rely on everybody else you can study the Bible for yourself whether you're a beginner or a pastor or a sunday-school teacher these tips are going to help you but I want to give a disclaimer right off the bat I'm going to take my time through these so you can really get them into your heart and into your mind okay and so this this is a little bit longer of a video I was tempted to do like a short five to ten minute video and just give you a little short things but oftentimes those things just be here oh my that's cool that's witty and we just let him go but I want I want to take those of you who are really serious about knowing the Bible for yourself and I really want to help you and so in the comments below you can ask questions you can literally ask for me to use these and study a passage in front of you and I will totally do that but for those of you who are tired of just you know always seeing the pastor get the awesome truths out of the Bible yet you sit there you find some things here and there but you don't know how to do it consistently and get things from God's Word for yourself this is I really just want to open up the the secrets right of how you can know what the Bible saying for yourself and if that's something you're interested in watch this to the end it's like a five super easy practical tips for for you that you can use today and you don't have to go up to Bible College like I did and spend thousands of dollars learning these you can learn them today in your living room in your pajamas with your coffee wherever you're at okay and you can begin becoming a better Christian somebody who can just ask that relationship with God or better Sunday school teacher or youth pastor or a preacher or whatever you are or husband or father would have our mother this will help you in whatever walk of life and so be patient literally get a notebook get a pen and follow through these tips as I have some different tips in these five steps that will revolutionize your your Bible study and will make the Bible so much easier to understand and if that's you stick around all right guys Addison Smith here with everything church pro this is just the channel on the website that really offer people who love everything church you know whether it's the studying of the Bible whether it's preparing lessons whether it's activities whether it's the technological side this channel is for the people who just love church and love God and so if that's you consider subscribing to the channel and ring that little notification bell so you don't miss any videos but today what we're gonna do is we're just gonna talk about how can you study the Bible for yourself maybe you are a sunday-school teacher and you are tasked with preparing lessons but you want to know how to study the Bible so you can give them exactly what it's saying or maybe you're a youth pastor or a pastor or or maybe you're a church member and you can't tell you you're Christian if you're a Christian you should want to be able to study your Bible for yourself and so I want to give you some practical tips that literally they're so simple and there's something you can start doing today but I want to challenge you with a verse from second Timothy okay I'm gonna I'm gonna pull my Bible out over here 2nd Timothy chapter number 2 verse 15 it says this ready study study okay nice so why did you pause up to that word because that word is huge and it's not long but it's huge that is a important word study to show thyself approved unto God a here's another word workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth I challenge you to find a place where God wants you just to read the Bible if you find one put it in the comments below I want to see it I haven't consciously seen it because most of the time you see in the Bible it's to study it's to meditate and so I'm gonna tell you this before we even get into it this is going to be a little bit of work not a lot but it's going to take work and if you're not somebody who wants to invest a little bit of work into understanding the Bible and it's not for you the Bible says that when you seek me you will find me when you seek for me with all of your heart this has to be something that you want you want to know God for yourself you want to be with him and so those of you who are really serious about knowing God for yourself stick around to the end and don't be afraid of a little bit of work I believe it was Thomas Edison who said that opportunity is often missed by people because it's dressed in overalls and looks like work don't be that person who misses this tremendous opportunity to become a better Christian to become a better sunday-school teacher to become a better mother or father or teenager to become a better preacher because you're just afraid of a little bit of hard work okay this is something that that you really really need to consider and think about is my relationship with God important enough that I'm willing to put in a little bit of work I hope it is if it is stick around to the end here we go let's talk about the first practical tip this tip is so practical that some of you are going to be tempted to shut off this thing but please don't because it's so practical but it's so important the first thing you've got to realize is this ready understand the Bible is a book right okay now some of you don't do all think I'm not trying to insult your intelligence I'm not I know you know the Bible is a book but here's the thing oftentimes when we come to the Bible we take the Bible like it's a compilation of verses and not a book did you know the verses were added till much later when Moses was writing he wasn't saying verse number one you know it you might not know that but that's not how the Bible was written the Bible wasn't even written with these chapters most of the chapters you find in the Bible they are put in afterwards you know like the Book of Psalms its individual songs so yeah those were written that way but like everywhere else these were just some of them were letters that were written they didn't have chapters in them you know and so when you read the Bible understand it's a book it's not a big verse compilation and it's not some kind of hocus pocus thing that you know you just kind of point inside and find a verse and you read it and it's somehow supposed to speak to you you need to stop and look at the Bible like a book like a book that you would see anywhere else second Peter 1:20 says this knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation that means you can't take one verse privately apart and try to interpret it okay it's all together it's all together you have to learn to see past just the in dual individual verses and you're going to have to take a step back to see the big picture of the Bible imagine this imagine you went into a bookstore Mayo library and you didn't look at any of those genres you didn't look at what shelf you were on you didn't look at the cover of the book you just cracked open a book and you started reading a sentence you start reading that sentence it might sound something like this ready he listened very attentively as a course did all the others present then he ordered some refreshments to be brought in which were very welcome and himself brick took of them with us and you can sit there and you can try to understand what that's saying for hours and hours and just sit there and wrack your brain but I promise you this you're not gonna get it and you're gonna come away thinking man I wish I could just understand what this book was saying but it's because you didn't treat it like a normal book you don't open up normal books and read a random sentence in the middle of the book and hope to understand what it's about when you're about to read a book hopefully you know a little bit about what the book is about if you're like me you turn over to the back of the book and you read kind of the overview whatever it's about is that when you're about to dive in you kind of have a big picture of you maybe you know a little bit about the author maybe it's a nonfiction book and it's about health you might want to know a little bit about the author and what their viewpoint is are they vegans are they keto diet proponents or what what are these people who are they and why are they writing this book and so you want to take a step back before you dive in and it's the same thing with the Bible I understand the Bible is a book yes God is the author but he used human authors who have specific reasons they're writing every single book and every single line in the Bible so first thing under stand the Bible is a book okay and put it into context put it into context it's kind of along with point number one if you take something out of context it's not gonna make sense I don't know about you but I've walked in on some conversations and you come in at the wrong time you know you walk in on the conversation and they're saying something and you say so what you did I hear that right but it's because you walked in on the middle of the conversation it was totally out of context and so what they said in your mind meant one thing but what they were really meaning meant something else because you didn't get the context right and the same things true with the Bible there are so many false doctrines that arise because somebody took the Bible out of its context so what does that mean what does it mean to read the Bible in context very simply read it like a book read it with the whole story in mind don't jump into the middle and hope to understand it if you're gonna read second Timothy understand who is Timothy who's Paul why is he writing this when was he writing this and maybe you're sitting there thinking these questions are kind of scary you know I how am I ever gonna find the answer to these questions without going to Bible College without becoming a Bible scholar I mean I'm just I'm just a Christian and can I tell you you're not just a Christian right every Christian this is something for all of us you say now before I tell you how you're gonna do this maybe you're wondering pastor Addison or you for you if you don't go to church you use it how doesn't man I honestly I don't think God expects this of us I think God just wants us to open the Bible and just to look at the verses and hopefully get something out of it cuz I don't see anybody else in the Bible doing this well yes and no okay I'm not gonna get into too much background but realize this Timothy didn't have to research Paul and he didn't have to research himself and he didn't have to research the culture because he was there he knew Paul he knew the culture that he was living in and so this made sense to him but as we get further in time we have to do a little bit more work and see who is this guy Paul who is this guy Timothy what was going on why did Paul write this so that when we read this it makes sense now if this is something you want to see me do like a live like study a passage live with the tools I'm giving you comment below it say okay this is kind of giving a little bit over whelming just could you show us how to do this and comment below and I will literally walk through passage with you on camera and you can see what I mean by using these tips okay so if that's something you want to see make sure you comment below but if you're a little bit intimidated you're thinking oh my goodness this is too intense I like the other videos where they just say you know pray and do this all those things are good trust me those things please pray I want to give you a resource that has been so good to me and it just helps you step back before you read it before you read a passage just kind of get an understanding of what the book is kind of like reading the back of the book right and this is the this is something that has helped me so much okay this book right here it's called exploring the scriptures and it's the oak and overview of the Bible from Genesis revelation and it's by a guy named John Phillips now I'll link this below okay you can check it out for yourself but this book is so good I literally if I'm about to study a book if I'm not to preach don't come from a book I'll go to this you can see I have underlines I have things I've started all over the place this book right here oh man literally you read this and it'll help you before you get in to understand the big picture of the book you're about to read and so you know let me look at one of these you have Matthew right here you know I look at Matthew tells me you know some of the maps here it tells me what the big thought is it's about Jesus as king and he tells it like a story have you ever read a Bible book and you're like this is way too complicated this is so good it's just like a story like you're sitting down and somebody's just explaining to you it that didn't make much sense explaining it to you and it is oh I'll show you this looks good I don't spend too much time on that I'm already spending a lot of time okay so make sure you do that ask questions of the text who wrote it who wasn't written to what prompted the author to write this what was he trying to address and what has he been talking about up to then okay practical tip number two is this realize and please forgive me I'm not trying to insult your intelligence but these are things just got to slow down and just make sure as you're studying your Bible you do this I didn't do this and I was in Bible College I literally didn't realize this until like I was a couple years into being in ministry and it's not that I didn't know it it's just I didn't realize that I didn't put it into practice for myself and this is it ready realize each verse connects to the verse before it I know I know please don't be offended this is huge though guys every single verse connects the one before it you're in a flow okay just imagine this you've read maybe you've taken up up this book and and you now know who the author is you're kind of in the emotions and you know what he's writing to it and kind of what it's hard is for this person and you're jumping into the text and you're beginning to read through the text and sometimes you can just kind of skate through it and you're waiting for something to pop out at you right and you're like if nothing pops out of me God wasn't speaking but that's not true slow down and realize every single purse connects to the verse before it's just this flow this river that's flowing through the text right and so if you get to a verse that you don't understand ask yourself why does this verse come after the verse before it okay why does this verse come after the verse before it I have this quote if you come to the Bible lazy you will always leave hey Z okay write that down maybe put that in the Flyleaf of your Bible if you come to the Bible lazy you will always 100 percent of the time leave hey Z you have to come seeking God with all of your heart and if you stayed this far in the video I know you're somebody who will do this because you have just listened I don't know how many minutes I've been blabbing on but you're someone who's writing these things down and you want to know God for yourself okay so this is huge make sure you come at the Bible like you're a journalist right you're trying to get the scoop on what's going on here you're not just trying to sit back and watch you know a hallmark movie you're sitting there and you're actively asking questions of Paul enough Timothy why are you saying this maybe you're like me and you pull up your seat next to Paul the author and you're saying okay you're sitting there you're looking over his shoulder as he's writing with the candlelight and you're wondering why is he writing this what's going through his mind as he's writing this and then maybe you jump over to the other side you're sitting with Timothy as he's kidding this letter and he's opening it up from his mentor and he's reading this as he knows Paul's about to die if you're reading second Timothy and he's thinking man well what's going through Timothy's mind as he's reading this what is his heart doing what does he what is he what's going through him well you know that's what you've got to do and to do that you look at every single verse and you wonder why did that connect to the verse before it now I'm stop him giving you a pause to digest because I'm about to give you a good tip a tip that I've never seen fail this is the tip if you ever come to a verse and it seems like it's random like it doesn't follow the flow of thought and all of a sudden he says something really random that is where the gold mines are but you need to rewind this and listen to that again please do because this this is huge this is huge if you come to a verse that doesn't seem to connect with the flow of thought you had a gold mine okay you're on holy ground and once you realize why you changed thoughts so quickly it the light bulb comes on you have one of those moments when you know God was speaking with you it is so good oh man I wish I have one I could just share with you off the top but then we'd have to get into a flow of thought maybe if I if you comment below and you say you want me to do this maybe we'll find some in the live one excuse me sorry about that okay and now maybe you're sitting here and you're thinking this sounds like a lot of work I just want it to be able to get up in the morning kind of have this spiritual experience and for a couple minutes and then go about my day and do my thing well if that's you if you just kind of want to get up and just kind of let things happen you're not going to understand the Bible now this doesn't take a whole lot of work but it does take some so you're starting a new book you read the overview of that book then you dive into the book and then in the days to come you just make sure you keep that flow of thought we did that with Philippians just couple days ago with our teens oh it was so good we went to Acts chapter 16 I believe it was and we learned the overview from acts 16 who was at the Church of Philippi then everyday we took a chapter and we studied it and we try to figure out what is the big idea of this passage okay so I don't want to get too stuck on this but it's gonna take a little bit of work point number three is this look for interpretation before application look for interpretation before application don't worry I'll to find those words for you but here's the truth ready you have to realize this and it's gonna sound terrible when I say it the first time but it's true here we go ready you must realize that the Bible was not written to you but it was written for you trust me that's true listen ready it wasn't written to you it was written for you so if we come to second Timothy thinking that Paul is writing this to us or that God is just writing this directly to us we're going to be really confused over different verses when it says you we're gonna think he's talking to us and like I didn't go for that I never said that I never did that because it wasn't written to you right it wasn't written to me but it was written for me this was written to Timothy from Paul but it was written for me you say I don't get this quite yet I don't know about you but I was when I was growing up I had three siblings I had two older sisters and a younger brother and I remember we driving in the car and my dad he would look back at us and he would make my brother was doing something dumb like putting gum in my sister's hair and my dad might look a turn back in the cars hey everybody listen up I'm not talking to you buying this is something that you all need to learn and he'll talk to Jonah and it's like Jonah don't put gum with your sister's hair right now I could sit there say well he didn't say that to me so I can do that well I would be a complete dummy it wasn't he wasn't speaking to me but he was speaking for me all of us now know because of what he said to Jonah how we should act and the same things true with the Bible once you realize what Paul was saying to Timothy you know and why he was saying it then we can apply it to ourselves I can look at Jonah and say my dad sir don't put Gellman my sister's hair but that means that I also shouldn't do things like that I shouldn't put stuff in people's hair that's gonna hurt them or it's going to be you know I mean you take the principle and you apply it to yourself and so first you have to look for the interpretation what's actually going on here and then you can look at what does that mean for me some people come to the Bible just always looking at what this means for me but before you can never figure out what it means for you you have to look what did it mean than n so let's go back to the car illustration when I'm taking this in I have to realize what is my dad saying to Jonah and when I understand what my dad saying to Jonah I can then understand what he's saying for me okay same things with the Bible when I understand why Paul told Timothy to study I can take that and I can use that now why do you think Paul told Timothy to study based on the context not based on your own thoughts base some read 2nd Timothy and tell me in the comments why did he tell him to study why was it so important to him okay let's look at the next thing so look at interpretation that's what the Bible means in context before you apply it to yourself that's what it means for you right now how you can use this okay number four is this we're almost done is this meditate and memorize meditate and memorize again the Bible never to my knowledge I could be wrong and I'd love for you to tell me in comments below so I never make this mistake again tells you just to read it it's always telling you to study it until delight in it and in to meditate on a day and night and so now maybe you come to a rough passage and it's not easy to understand it's not as easy a study to show yourself approved right it's something a little more interesting and you can see that shift of thought but it's not readily apparent to what's going on here why is he saying this meditate and memorize what does it mean to meditate means to turn it over in your mind right to look at it from every angle the nasty illustrations of a cow and how has four stomachs and it brings it up again and chews on and brings it up again and chews on it that's what it means to meditate so throughout the day you meditate on the way you read that morning you turn over in your mind you turn it over and over and you're thinking about the context they might Paul and Timothy oh you're thinking in your mind why why did Paul tell Timothy to do this or why did this.first follow that verse and you're turning it over in your mind and you're praying and you're thinking that god help me understand help me understand why this is here what you're trying to say this is key you're going to get this into your life and I should begin to live it you have to meditate and memorize and the last step is this ready obey I know it's okay don't do me out yet I have some things I want to tell you that can help you if this was a little confusing but obey do you think God's gonna give you any more illumination is he gonna show you any more amazing truths if you're not obeying what he's already showed you that's my challenge to you I'll keep it short and sweet but make sure when you understand something from God's Word you put it into your life and you live it you're not gonna be perfect none of us are make that genuine attempt at it this is what God has for you you're gonna obey you're gonna live it okay now if you're here and you're confused maybe this was long-winded maybe I'll reshoot this afterwards but I want to give you a couple resources that will help you okay this book right here this will take what I just said and make it 10 times simpler this is a book I'm up sponsored by these guys by the way and I don't really know Ryan wrench I know of him but this book right here whether you're a teenager whether you're a young person whether you're 50 60 so what wherever you are in your life with your pastor this book is very good and it makes studying your Bible incredibly simple the title is bibs and now that doesn't mean it's for babies but it's big idea Bible study this book is so helpful and for those of you who might not have time to go and have a huge college degree or whatever else this book will give you everything you need to know on how to study your Bible for yourself and so I'll leave a link to it below but this book is so good and then for those of you who kind of want to get deeper into passages and helped yourself understand this isn't my go-to commentary but it is a good where I have my go to which was John Phillips I love John Phillips don't agree with him on everything but I do enjoy him but one that most people like is Matthew Henry and you say that's a big that's a fat book this is the entire Bible right so you get overviews of every book every chapter verse and so this you can get for basically free if you download a sword if you go on your phone on your tablet or computer and you download a sword that's a free resource on there now I think II sort might be a dollar too but you pay the dollar - there's a bunch of free resources on there I enjoy the free resources you get the inside you get that fat book for free after you spend that two dollars and so I'll recommend that you do that but if you have questions or comments or if you really want to see me use these practically because usually when you see them used and makes it less intimidating but if you want to see this use comment below and I will I will choose a passage and we'll walk through it together and you can you can look at side by side and you can even could take me and say is that true is that what the Bible saying or is it not and I'd love to hear your comments on that but for now that is everything if this was a help to you consider subscribing and so you don't miss anything else but thank you guys for tuning in and listening to the end
Channel: Everything Church Pro with Addison Smith
Views: 17,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to study the bible, how to study the bible for beginners, how to study the bible for yourself, how to understand the bible, how to study the bible effectively, how to read the bible, everything church pro, addison smith, bible study for beginners, bible study methods, how to study your bible, helpful bible study tips, how to study the bible effectively for beginners, easy bible study tips, bible study, bible study tools, jkhoe, coffee and bible time, pastor addison smith
Id: cXS-Now4ehE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 04 2019
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