How To Write A Good Sermon!

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what's going on family welcome to the Manny Arango ministries YouTube channel I'm so happy that you clicked on this video we are gonna get into an amazing topic today I've written down five keys on how to write a good sermon how to write a good sermon and so before we even jump into today's content make sure that you are subscribed to this channel so that you can be up to date up to speed on all the new content that drops we drop theology content and leadership content we drop preaching tips sometimes we drop full sermons on this channel I'm so excited about this channel and so excited about each new subscriber and I want you to not only subscribe not only to share this content with maybe a friend who may need this but I also want you to leave us some some comments we need your feedback we respond to every single comment and comments actually help us to create community on this channel part of the reason why I started doing videos on YouTube part of the reason I started a YouTube channel was to cultivate community so if you're a communicator if you're a preacher if you're a teacher not even just in a church context if you're someone who just communicates in this video helps you let us know in the comments or maybe there's some advice that you have if you're a preacher or a teacher or you work in a church or you present in front of a live audience for a living or you're some kind of communicator leave us some comments of maybe some things I did not touch on without further ado let's jump in to today's content number one I'm gonna give you five tips on how to write a good sermon number one you've got to diagnose your patient this may be the kind of video where you want to take some notes so write this down number one you want to diagnose your page imagine if you went to the hospital imagine if you went to go see your doctor and before you said anything before you told them what your ailment was or what your issue is imagine they just hand your prescription and told you hey this is a great meaning here's your prescription I wrote you you know a hundred milligrams of this medicine just go to the pharmacy fulfill a prescription you're good to go you would not feel like like this person treated you with care you would not feel like in any kind of way like loved or cared for it wouldn't feel like a professional interaction because every single time you go to the doctor they're gonna ask you questions because they're trying to diagnose what's wrong with you the first thing that you've got to do before you go to the Bible is try to figure out what's going on with the people that I'm communicating to you've got to diagnose your patient now this is easier and easier the more you're communicating till one singular group this gets more difficult when you do kind of what I do for a living which is travel to communicate and so one of the ways that I diagnose a room is I'm always in the room for worship I don't hang out in the green room I want to get as much of a feel for the spiritual maturity the spiritual climate of a group before I get up to talk and I'm asking the pastor questions hey as anxiety an issue for your young people hey if this is a young adult group what's going on with this group of students or this group of young adults or this church you know hey I'm always asking questions to try to figure out what season of life is the church in what are these people going through because the best thing you can do as a communicator is to not just give cookie cutter advice but to diagnose the group of people that you are communicating with when I was a youth pastor part of the way that I did this was by keeping counseling hours and by having conversations I'll give it to you this way it's almost like an equation counseling and conversations should always equal content conversations and counseling or other way around conversations and counseling or counseling and conversations should always equal content you should never be short of sermon content if you are talking to real people living real lives that are struggling with real issues you want to diagnose your patient you want to know what you're dealing with are we dealing with anxiety are we dealing with a lack of faith are we dealing with a group that doesn't know how to properly worship are we talking about students who are suffering from depression are we was there a recent suicide in the group I mean legit you've got to kind of know what's going on you've got to know what people are going through if you're gonna give them relevant answers from the Word of God so number one before you do anything else put your Bible down and go get around people and diagnose your patients because this is what great preaching does great preaching after a diagnosis the patient then it goes to find the answer for that particular problem in God's Word and you don't know whether or not you need to prescribe Isaiah chapter 15 or whether not you need to prescribe Hebrews chapter 11 or whether Nene you need to prescribe galatians chapter 5 you don't know what you need to prescribe to that person from God's Word unless you know the group that you're talking to the number one number one before we even get into actual sermon writing the first thing you got to do is you've got to know what problem you're actually trying to tackle this actually focuses your sermon writing time because now you're trying to provide specific answers for specific problems specific answers specific solutions for specific problems number two you want to pray all right one of my favorite passages of Scripture is in Peter says you're the Messiah the son of the Living God and Jesus says this was not revealed to you by man but my father in heaven revealed this to you you want to approach the text with eyes of Revelation you I believe that God's word that the Bible is an inexhaustible resource which means there's an unlimited amount of sermons that can be preached from God's Word and so if people are hearing the same thing over and over again that's not the Bible's fault that's the preachers fault you want to pray God I pray this this is from psalm 119 I pray this all the time God opened my eyes that I may behold wonderful things in your law God I want to see I want to see people the way that you see them I want to see your word the way that you see your word God give me revelation then I don't just want to repeat myself or say things I've already said or say things that other preachers have said oh I I believe that you have fresh manna that you have a new anointing for a new day and God I cannot preach without you I can't understand your word without you and so prayers of big huge part I lay hands on my eyes say God open up my eyes I'm not going to stop studying until I see something that I've never seen before and I need your Holy Spirit's power to speak to me while I'm sermon prepping and so prayer is a big huge part and I don't mean praying for hours no no I just I mean there are a couple times of the year well I will we pray just for new revelation for new content but every time I sit down I pray God you know you know that there's gonna be a person on the third row on Sunday who's going through a divorce you know that somebody's gonna slip through the slip through and they're gonna be sitting in the back end in their house just got foreclosed on you know I don't know god I'm not omniscient but you are and if I remove prayer it's actually a form of pride when I remove prayer from the equation and so number one is knowing people number two is praying like God I need your help to actually search the Scriptures and find answers for people's problems I hope that at some point like people have stumped you I love this when I was a youth pastor students would always ask me questions and whenever I didn't know an answer I would be honest with them I would say I don't know and I love that because I don't know means that they have streched by capacity and I would always say this I don't know right now but I promise you I'm going to find out this week and their questions would lead me to praying and then searching the Scriptures and so number one is diagnose your patient number two is pray number three here's a here's where we start like really getting into the the nitty and the gritty I can almost say that number one and number two all most preliminary steps number three is identify a passage of Scripture we're gonna call this your prescription all right identify a passage of Scripture okay oh the students that I'm talking to are dealing with anxiety I've prayed for a godly solution about anxiety and you know what anxiety feels like a storm and so I'm gonna go to the passenger scripture where Jesus is asleep in the bottom of the boat while there's a storm because that is a perfect picture of peace I've got a passage of Scripture so number one is you're gonna diagnose your patient number two you're gonna pray number three you're gonna get a passage of Scripture or prescription I like to use alliteration just to make things easy to remember so patients like not patients but a patient all right patient and then number two is prayer the number three is a passage of Scripture or a prescription this is the part where now you're gonna open up your Bible and you're gonna find a passage of Scripture that is directly dealing with the issue that your audience is dealing with and this is helpful because now you're gonna help to help people to see you're not the only person who has faced this issue you're gonna preach now so that people can relate to Moses so that people can relate to Joshua so that people can relate to David so that people can relate to Elijah people may not know that this incredible person in the Bible also struggled with normal natural human struggles so the weight of the Bible becomes relatable is when I look at the Bible through the lens of what my congregation or my group of people that I'm pastoring is going through once I identify a passage of Scripture and I know I typically you know that's why prayer is so important because I typically feel like yeah the Lord has led me to this passage and I have peace about that passage of Scripture once I have peace about the pastor scripture everything else is smooth sailing from there once I've diagnosed my patient once I've spent time praying and then once I found a passage of Scripture typically for me everything else after that that's kind of the hard work I spent a lot of time on the back end making sure that I have diagnosed my patient properly making sure that I prayed and making sure that I found the right passage of Scripture once we've done that we're gonna move to number four which is observe like crazy I am gonna rip that passage of scripture to shreds my bishop that I grew up under the church that I worked at for a long time used to say this if you haven't read a passage of Scripture at least 100 times you're not ready to preach it something that I have practiced for years and years and years is I will observe a text before I interpret so the three keys for Biblical sermon writing is observation interpretation and then application okay observation interpretation application before I make interpretations or applications I've got to have 50 observations that's right 5-0 50 observations so once I find a passage I write down about 50 observations 50 things that I can see from the text now you're gonna say pastor Manny there's no way I could get 50 observations from this passage well I would say you haven't trained your eye to be as observant as it needs to be because I promise you you can get 50 observations then and you may not be able to get 50 the first time you may get 25 or 30 or 35 but the more and more you make 50 the goal the more you actually train your eyes to see what the natural person cannot see when they look at the Bible you always want to realize I'm trying to find a nugget of truth that no one else has preached before no one else has said before I'm trying to find a fresh perspective on this passage you've got to realize that your audience knows that kalaiy a--the is going to die at the end of the story between David and Goliath your audience knows that the walls of Jericho are gonna fall down so you have to say something about these stories that everybody knows that they haven't heard before which means you're gonna have to observe like crazy here's my formula I typically have 50 observations and then after 50 observations I take my top 3 observations and those top 3 those best 3 the 3 observations that I'm kind of like oh wow that preaches to me that that's moving that's provocative I never thought about it that way before the top 3 typically become the 3 points in my sermon and that means you've got 47 observations that you can sprinkle throughout the rest of your message that that can be used for future sermons it's always good when you're recording an album to have songs that don't make the album if that's how you know you kind of did a good job you were thorough in your observation stage so I take 50 observations and then I narrow it down to the top 3 top 3 and then those simply become the the core of my message after that all that's left is an introduction and an altar call so once I've got three passages of scripture I mean sorry three observations that are the best observations those are my three points and now I've got to make sure that those three points are sandwiched between an introduction and an altar call last thing I've got to do is this is what I do all the time I write a thesis statement a thesis statement is going to keep everything organized once I got three points then I write my thesis now I ask this question do my points actually line up to prove the thesis statement that is at the top of my sermon notes and my thesis statement is always going to be a statement that's gonna link my patient to my prescription okay my thesis statement there's always going to be a statement that links the patient's problem to scriptures solution and I write that thesis statement up at the top and then I have to ask this question do my points help to prove my thesis statement if my points don't have anything to do with my thesis statement and that means it's for another sermon because a good sermon is not saying five things a good sermon is saying one thing five different ways and a thesis helps us to filter out the material that is not relevant for this sermon and what are we doing in this sermon all we're doing is we're providing specific answers to some specific problems I want to recap this with you because I really do believe that if you were to apply these five principles that it could take your sermon writing process to a whole nother level I think number one it could take some stress out of sermon writing and then number two I actually think that you'd get more hey men's I think that it would lead to more transformed lives so number one you're gonna diagnose your patient number two they're gonna spend I mean an adequate amount of time in prayer asking the Lord to open your eyes for fresh revelation number three you're gonna identify a passage and once you've identified a passage and you get peace like you know what I donno I know that the Lord wants me to preach on Leah well I know the Lord really wants me to preach on Daniel chapter three I know know I know that that God wants me to preach on Mary and Joseph and and their dynamics bringing the Savior into the world I have a passage that I know I want that I know God wants me to talk about then you're gonna rip that passenger part my favorite analogy for sermon writing sermon writing is like a wet rag and and what you do with the passage is you wring it dry and you want to make sure that you've got everything out of that passage that there is to get one of my favorite things that I do with the young preachers that I mentor is once they're done preaching I go mmm you didn't say everything that could have been said you didn't ring it out dry so the challenge is always how do I take this passage of Scripture and I mean do so much work with this one passage that I wring it dry I'm gonna use those top three observations and then I'm gonna write a thesis statement and if those three observations don't fit with my thesis statement then that means I need new observations and what am I gonna do after I know for a fact that those observations fit with my thesis then I'm gonna turn those observations into interpretations then I'm gonna turn those interpretations into applications and ladies and gentlemen you've got a sermon on your hands at that point once you have three killer observations that are now also interpretations that are also applications that have a clear call-to-action to help people to do something with what you're saying oh boy you've got three killer points and now all you need is an introduction I always use I love using funny stories I love getting into my topic by building a bridge where people are using an example about life that is relevant I'm a storyteller I love putting stories at the beginning of my of my sermons and so once I've got three points that are filled with observation interpretation and application now all I need is an introduction and an altar call and that altar call is gonna try to push people to doing something with what they just heard diagnose the patient pray identify passage observe like crazy and write a thesis statement and stay disciplined if if your content does not fall in line with the thesis that you've written then that means you've got a little bit more work to do to stay disciplined with your thesis because the last thing we want is a sermon that's all over the place hey I really really hope that this content has been helpful for you if you write sermons if you preach I need you to know that we need your voice we need you to be excellent at your craft because people's lives are actually at stake Jesus asked Peter right before he ascended into heaven he said do you love me and Peter's like yeah man of course I love you and Peter says then feed my lambs if you preach if you teach if you lead if especially in a church setting the Bible says this that the way that we prove our love for God is by feeding his flock and feeding them well and so I'm glad you took time out of your day to watch this video I believe that it's gonna be so so beneficial hey I want you to actually stay on my channel and I want you to watch this video right here it's actually books you should read if you are a preacher you should watch this video right after and grab some of the resources that are in the description of this video I think that it will bless you immensely I want you to become the best communicator that you can be and if you're looking for more content on preaching specifically I've got an eCourse designed just for you I'd love for you to go to Manny Arango com for more information about that eCourse the description notes will also have info on that eCourse it's hours and hours of teaching all about how to preach better sermons and I think your congregation or the people who listen to you on our regular basis would be thrilled to know that you're investing and your communication skills hey I love you make sure you subscribe make sure you comment on this video and make sure you share this with someone else who needs it till next time peace
Channel: Manny Arango
Views: 8,285
Rating: 4.967742 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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