Don't Memorize The Menu || Pastor Manny Arango

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I got a title for you today ax I'm feeling real fancy so I got two titles for you today it's College Sunday you know I'm saying we got two titles today it depends on what this is like a choose your own adventure book you can write down whatever title you like my first title is don't memorize the menu don't memorize the menu my second title for for all the A+ Christians in the room who want to write down both my second title I preached a message a couple of weeks ago called grapes Giants and grasshoppers and this is part two to that message and this message is memories miracles and mana that's title number two memories miracles mana whatever title you like you roll with that one let's pray Jesus I thank you thank you for everyone under the sound of my voice god I thank you that your word brings life and your word brings light you gotta ask that I wouldn't be the only person on the stage today but that God that your Holy Spirit would be in the room making specificities out of the general statements that I'm about to make gotta ask if you would speak to every individual person that they wouldn't leave thinking to themselves man passing man II preached a great word but they would leave thinking to themselves the Holy Spirit spoke to me in a real way today God let no flesh glory in your presence we worship You Jesus name we pray we all said together amen amen have a seat in grab a seat this is the best church in the world I love world overcomers love this church love this church and I don't know if you're gonna be able to relate to me my hunch is that you are a hundred percent gonna be able to relate to what I'm about to say but I don't know if anybody has ever been in a circumstance in life where your feet are one place but your feelings are somewhere else come on come on this can happen all types of ways your feet are one place what your feelings are whole nother place and I remember when I first moved to North Carolina I wanted a brand-new start Jamal I wanted a whole new start I moved to North Carolina and me and Tia at this point my wife Tia we had broken up were not together we were we were not dating but but but she was still filling a kid and and and you know I'm saying I mean I got the sauce so the juice or whatever they call it nowadays and so although we were not dating Steve although we were not dating she still came to the crib to help me pack cuz I was moving from Boston to North Carolina had a 13 hour drive she came to the crib to help me pack that's a strong woman you know I'm saying I said that's an amazing woman but little do y'all know she had a plan she was scheming we packed up all the stuff I got everything in my car and then I got to North Carolina and it was time for me to unpack in the process of unpacking I realized that at the bottom of one of my suitcases was a mason jar in the mason jar is not something that I had put in the suitcase the mason jar was filled with strips of paper and there was about a hundred strips of paper almost like fortune cookie style you know I'm saying just small strips of paper and on the strips of paper Tia who is now my wife but was not my wife at the time had written down all of our favorite memories Oh our first kiss first time we held hands movies that we had seen and baby do you know my feet were in North Carolina but my feelings were in Boston Massachusetts cuz she was slick she was slick I went out on one day well I was in North Carolina I thought maybe you know just maybe maybe God wanted me to be with some country girl you know I'm saying I was thinking to myself thinking you know I was open to whatever the Lord would say I went out on one date ooh no and my feet was that the date but my feelings it was in Roxbury Massachusetts do you know that after the date I didn't hardly listen to nothing that that girl was saying to me all I could think about was you ain't TIA you don't look like TIA we ain't about to take a selfie together I don't even want nobody to know I was here I miss TIA miss TIA that was September by the end of October I had it I had an engagement ring hello oh yeah by the end of November I had made plans to go to Boston by the beginning of December I was down on one knee and Tia was my fiancee hello can I get an amen in the place you asked what men want a mason jar full of memories that's what men want pretty good right I wasn't at the event but I still got something to say now here we go I don't know if you can relate with your feet be in one place and your feelings being another but it worked out good for me but do you know that 99.9 percent of the time when your feet are one place and your feelings are in a different place it does not work out well because the enemy uses your feelings like a leash to keep you trapped in whatever process or whatever system or whatever phase of life you just came out of do you know that sometimes your miracle can be right in front of you manna is on the ground but they had an appetite for something they experienced while they were in Egypt because your memory your memory your feet and your feelings aren't always in the same place your feet can be at a new job but your feelings still be mad at your old boss your feet can be in a new church but your feelings still be stuck with the church that hurts you the last time you came to church your feet can be at world overcomers Christian Church but your feelings be on Instagram while you scroll in while summize preaching hello your feelings and your feet are not always in the same place and the Bible says that a double minded man is unstable in all of their ways and if you are going to get to Cain and even though your feet are in the wilderness and you're facing Cain and if your feelings are still in Egypt you will be stuck in Egypt for very long time cuz here's the deal here's what Kanan represents I want to help you here's what Kanan represents Kanan represents new no new relationships new friends new networks new homes new businesses come on new I don't know about you but I believe in God for some new stuff when I think about Kanan I'm thinking I'm thinking about new god what dozen new ideas what are the new businesses what are the new people what do you want to bring into my life that's about to be new but here's the problem you think you need a new relationship you think you need a new church you think you need a new job but here's the issue some of us bring our old self and as long as you keep your old habits and your old unforgiveness and your old issues as long as you bring old into new you will corrupt and contaminate every new thing that God wants to bring it to your life I remember it was a miraculous moment manna was on the ground everybody say manna manna was on the ground this is the miraculous moment my dad had struggled with a drug addiction my whole life missing this time I was 6 months old I saw my testimony so many times here world overcomers from the time I was six months old my dad had battled with a drug addiction and by the time I was 22 years old my mom she just couldn't take it anymore she was like man I can't take this no more she finally put her foot down she's like I'm not living with an addict no more if you don't go do a rehab program you got to go and mana fell from heaven my pastor at the time we were living in Boston passed in Matthew Keith Thompson he sat down with me and my mother and my dad and he said hey look your feelings been going to the church for so long there's a two-year program a Christian rehabilitation program and the church will pay for the whole thing that's a miracle the church will pay for the whole thing and if there anything that your wife needs you're in rehab the church got it covered I mean man fell out the head of the sky and man is on the ground and do you know my father asks three questions I can remember it like it was yesterday my dad who had served in 18 year prison sentence when he was in Cuba asked three questions he said is there a curfew at this program like I got to wake up at a certain time and go to sleep at a certain time this there's lights out and the pastor said yeah man yes it's a pretty disciplined structured program this lights out he said he said is it a cafeteria like I don't choose my own meal somebody makes food for me and in the past yeah man of course like 150 200 dudes in the program yeah it's a cafeteria cell and then my dad said I get assigned a roommate I'm a passive yeah you got you get assigned a roommate and my dad said that's prison because his memories kept him from his miracle do you know that you can be in such a negative mindset that God wants to do a new thing but Isaiah says do you perceive it can you even see it can you see the manna on the ground or are you so stuck and what the enemy did to you 20 years ago that you can't see that this ain't prison this is freedom the drugs you scorn is risen and this rehab program is freedom see whenever you're stuck with slave mentality you can free the chains but your mind is still in bondage and Pharaoh has to let you go physically but he keeps a leash on your appetite and as long as you have memories that are stuck in the past your memories will keep you from appreciating the manna that's all around you I've always been flabbergasted at how miraculous God frees the Israelites I mean if you read the literally God snatches them out of Egypt they're on their way out of Egypt and they get to the Red Sea the Red Sea is in front of them and Pharaoh has changed his mind and is now in hot pursuit of the Israelites to read capture them in the Bible that I read and that you read says this that God pushed back the Red Sea and they went through on dry dry ground dry lay I don't know we got a whole bunch of college students in the room I don't know about you but I would assume that if God wrote back to sea they'd walk on mud make sense to me but the Bible is adamant did God push back the sea and they walked on dry ground and you may be asking the same question I'm asking God how was it possible that they walked on dry ground when there was a sea in this place and God said I let them walk through on dry ground for the same reason your mama made you take off your shoes before you came into her house so you wouldn't track your past into your future baby you don't look like what you've been through you've been through hell and back but the God that I serve as a God that is able to clean yo tracks he's a God that says I'll cover you when you were weak I'll make it so that people can't even smell the fire that you just walked through I don't want you tracking up your future with the dirt of your past this is the God that comes and says I don't know what you've been through but I want to declare over your life today that what you've been through is not gonna dis design is not gonna decide where you're going where you've been is not gonna dictate where you're going and this the God that says this is the guy that says here we go this is that's the good news now I got to give you the bad news Bobby said Oh God can cover your tracks but you are gonna have to cover your thoughts God is faithful and he will cover your tracks but you are gonna have to control and dominate what you think about because the memories of your who past will keep you from appreciating the manner in the miracle that you have right in front of you right now so you can clap for that you can clap for that here we go so I've got five I'm doing this new pastor Andy thing you know I mean like last couple the last time I preached I did seven points you know I'm serving I couldn't find seven this time so I only got five so hey man five is better didn't you know five points here we go five keys to breaking up with Egypt five keys to breaking up with Egypt and the reason I'm calling this a break up is because we're gonna break up like the way that I tell our teenagers to break up consuit is I hope you listening cuz a break up means you block them on social media a break up means you delete their number out your phone a break up means you don't keep old teddy bears and what they got me for Valentine's Day you don't keep sweaters and jackets no no no you can buy your own jacket you can buy your own sweater what is it profit a man to gain the world but lose their soul so you kept a jacket but now you stuck in 2003 what sense does that make when we say break up we mean two things either burn it or return it and I'm here for a good burning session you want to burn some denim jacket since the sweaters go ahead and burn it you know why cuz every time you slow down sweater it brings you right back to last semester oh I'm preaching I'm preaching better than y'all are responded see autumn concert they silent they quiet they like what thou he says the five keys to a breakup a breakup means God didn't just let them walk through the red sea but God drowned the chariot so that there was no way back to Egypt there are some bridges you need to burn hello and you know Facebook will mess with you this time last year well actually that's not helping me out because I was a whole different person last year I wasn't in Canaan last year I was still in Egypt last year I don't need you to remind me of where I was last year this is a brand new year we walk in a 2019 baby I got new friends this year hello I got drinks this year I can't be messing around with this time last year later for reminiscing homie we walking in a new year with new goals and new dreams here we go five keys to breaking up with Egypt number one number one new management means a new menu new management means a new me and my wife we love to go out to eat you know I'm saying we I love date night because part of it is because I love my wife but the part of it I'm a fat kid I'm saying date night just means my turn to like just eat whatever I want to eat you know saying and I'm also a creature of habit which means if I say I want to go to the Cheesecake Factory I don't really mean I want to go to the Cheesecake Factory what that really means is I want fried macaroni and cheese cuz I get the same thing come on any creature habits in the room come on I know I wasn't by myself everybody makes me feel all weird cuz this is what I do when I say I want to go to a restaurant it means I want the one thing that I always order from that restaurant so me and my wife went to a restaurant and the waiter comes over and asks us you know asks us you know what do we want to eat and and I just from memory told the waiter my thing that I order at that place and the waiter looked at me and said well we've changed the menu to which I responded with why now why you gonna do that wasn't none wrong with the old menu and the waiter then brought to my attention that because the restaurant was under new management new management meant a new menu and this is the God that says whatever Pharaoh could do for you I can do better there's a new management in place and so when you as a slave in Egypt you didn't have to worry about your food because Pharaoh took care of your food and now I'm the god that's better than Pharaoh outlet manifold out of the sky because whatever Pharaoh could do for you I could do better you didn't have it you didn't have to worry about where he was gonna live when you was in Egypt Pharaoh gave you a home and so I'm the God that says I'll put you exactly where I want you to be I'll provide for your needs but here's the catch new management is gonna mean a new menu here's what we do but the step on some toes we want God's management but we want the enemy's menu so you want God's peace but you want the enemy's worry see see he's the Prince of Peace but I don't get his peace unless he's the Prince and him being the Prince means he's gonna dictate who I date and who I don't date and I can't say that he's the boss but I've got a whole nother menu that I've stashed away for when it gets lonely oh oh I know I'm preaching I'm preaching in here new management means a new menu and what we want to do is we want his management on Sunday but we bust out our menu on Tuesday and we order some cuss you out from the menu you see them saying see we want God to be the manager but then we still want to eat at the table of unforgiveness and we still want to enjoy the meals of bitterness and we still want unresentful asghari but although his food is healthier and don't always taste as good oh Jesus can I help you can I help you that was three yeses can I help you okay I'm gonna give you an example that all of us can relate to I love orange juice love orange juice first thing in the morning whew man I will drink all my calories for the day with like three glasses of orange juice it's pretty ridiculous but I don't know if you've ever made the mistake of brushing your teeth before you drank orange juice because something that is delicious is abysmal based on what was in your mouth before you put the horn juice in there and for some of us we don't like God's mana it is not because the mana don't taste good it's because what you had in your mouth before you got I'll see see the taste of Egypt is fresh on your tongue so when you walk up in here you're like I don't know about these songs but it's because Drake was bumping in your playlist all week so see it's real hard to like this when you've had that see it's very difficult to enjoy mana when the taste of leeks onions and garlic and meat is fresh on your tongue and for some of us here we go here we go you're like what pastor Manny I don't know like this new dude I'm digging he's just boring no he ain't boring he normal that's called normal boo boo I just miss I just miss it like we used to fight and we used to fight you should turn me on we got makeup sex whoa wait a minute so you're comparing the safe dude who don't want to touch you inappropriately so the crazy dude that you had makeup sex with see see see you're trying to compare normal to dysfunctional and the reason normal don't taste all Jesus the reason normal does not taste good to you it's because you had so much dysfunctional that you think that's normal see your palate is the problem not the meal see y'all don't want to say nothin to me I don't want to say nothin to me but I'm all up in your business and I know I am and I'm declaring that this is the year that God takes some taste out of your mouth they're gonna stop advert I declare right now the enemy is not going to be able to tempt you with the stuff you used to taste you are gonna forget what we taste like you are gonna forget what unforgiveness tastes like this is the year that you will no longer memorize the menu babies there's a new menu and God has a new meal plan free you and you cannot just have fried chicken on your diet and think you go walk in the Canaan this is the year of broccoli in Jesus name I'm only on point one point two I got like four more Jesus is Lord am i helping somebody number two number two number two God is on the move which means I was like he better mood it like that God is on the move here's what I mean God does not appear to Moses in a burning bush twice he does it once God is not wrestled Jacob twice he does it once and what most of us do is we want to rap God in the last time we experienced him but if God would have appear to Moses in a burning bush a second time then Moses would start to equate burning bushes with God but God is not a burning bush God will use a burning bush and in church we can get this way because we can come to church up they didn't sing my song you worship the song or you worship who were singing about because it should not matter who's on stage it shouldn't matter what songs we singing the only thing that should matter you don't need to be moved by a song you got moved out of bed God woke you up this morning and started you on your way and so I started praising in my car I don't need a worship leader to move me I can move myself the Spirit of the Lord is on me and has anointed me I'm moved by what God has already done in my life what happens in church is we get attached so the last thing God did and we then tried to shrink God down into a recipe well if I do ten minutes of this and in 10 minutes it is you know I'm saying that's how I experience God God can be experienced with anything the limitation is how you perceive God it's not God God is on the move and so God is saying I'm a mighty rushing wind if you can follow the wind if you can follow the cloud then you'll always have my presence see I'm not a God who can be narrowed down into a formula because this is why the New Testament is going to say you had a form of godliness but denied its power see we can have forms all day long but we I'm used to experiencing I'm used to I'm just requires can only can only experience God with a quiet really what what you gonna do when there's no more quiet see if Moses can only hear God when there's a burning bush he's gonna have a problem because God is not trapped into the last way he moved in your life and if you are gonna have a relationship with God okay I'm gonna say this the way I feel it some of us you don't have a relationship with God you have a routine with God and real relationship has some spontaneity in it what happens when God asked you to give more than 10% is it just a form no no 10% check what happens when God moves you on a Tuesday to help a single mom what happens when God asked you to evangelize to somebody what happens when God moves you to do something are you stuck in routine or do you have a real relationship with him God is on the move and for so many churches their churches who are stuck in 1982 because of their memory don't you remember the good old days when the choir marched in what made those the good old days you want it you want me to tell you what the good old days are today today is the good old days this is the good old days but if if you're living in your past you'll never think today is the good old days if you ask most Christians tell me time where you walked with the Lord closest they'll tell you a time in their past and that is a trick of the enemy you know when you're walking closely with the Lord when you choose to not in the past not back in some mysterious time when you as a cup stop romanticizing the past and walk into the relationship that God wants you to have with him today and it may look different than what he did last time it may not appear like he appeared last time but as long as you keep him stuck in what he used to do your relationship will always feel like routine number three number three just helping anybody number three your memories cannot be trusted because what slaves do you know that eat me onions leeks garlic cucumber what kind of next level slaves is this slaves eat slops slaves eat leftovers and even if they ate that at some point they say to Moses remember the meat we ate in Egypt at no cost wait a second I'll tell you the cost it was your whole life actually but here's what we do we glorify the perks and forget about the price you romanticized all the perks you used to enjoy so when you start thinking about your past you romanticize all the highlights in your brain because your brain doesn't want to experience pain your brain suppresses all the memories that were painful so here's what you do on Valentine's Day when you feel lonely I remember shoot when I was dating Tyrone he was so romantic he brought me flowers to wear girl that's what he did yes he did brought me flowers to work but Tyrone was also living at your house he wasn't paying no bit wait tyro you're talking about the Tyrone that was emotionally manipulative that's how I roll your buck you thought about the Tyrone let you bailed out of jail that Tyrone what see but what we do we romanticize all the highlights you remember what you want to remember and you need somebody to be like wait wait wait wait wait let's run this back because the reason you ain't in a relationship with him was because of these reasons but you miss this and you are about to go back to Egypt for Perks when the price was your life yeah this exchange don't make no kind of sense we remember the meat we ate cucumbers leeks and this can happen with married people okay I'm about to step on some Mary toes can help with married people I remember I remember before I got married man shoe man I was free I was free before I got married me hang out with my dudes you know I'm saying hang out my boys we was tight like we was having a good time but do you remember that when you were single hanging out with dudes he was praying for a wife so the thing you're complaining about in this season is something you ask God for in a previous season how is it that you are upset in in your feelings about the burden of relationship in this season but you were praying for the blessing of relationship in a previous season if you're gonna remember the good old days remember the full picture remember that when you as free-hanging with your boys you was also broke and your wife handles your finances hello okay maybe that's just my testimony maybe that's just me I was in an airport recently and I've gone through a bunch of delays that day I was just stuck in an airport for hours just in the airport and I almost got frustrated and then the Holy Spirit checked me and the Holy Spirit was like why are you even in this Airport and I was like whoa the Holy Ghost I was just preaching remember I was just preaching and the Holy Spirit said remember when you asked for more speaking engagements remember when you asked me that churches would start inviting you remember when you asked me for elevation that if you asked me for more speaking engagements you can't be mad because you're in an airport stuff right now you better start thanking me for this delay you better thank me that you're even on an airplane and I'll see you get an attitude over the headache that you ask for can't believe these kids didn't listen to me remember when you were scared you weren't even going you pregnant are you really complaining about kids the thing you're complaining about and this season is something that you begged for in a previous season and if you are going to remember then you better remember the full picture I don't know what number I'm on the number four is coming up here we go great if I'm gonna walk in a canaan then I've got to do more dreaming than I do dwelling yes I've got to be dreaming about the future not dwelling on the past see your memories are a playground and you let yourself play in the playground long enough you don't realize that the monkey bars is rusted that it ain't safe that she's scraping yourself see as long as you're dwelling in your past you will always compare and comparison is good for like I don't know buying a new car you should compare cars comparisons great like should I wear this outfit or this one but comparison is not good when you're comparing your current spouse to an ex-boyfriend or comparing your spouse to somebody else's spouse see as long as you play in the playground of your memories you are getting hurt and you don't even know it and you will never appreciate the miracle of the manner that God has put into your life right now because you are stuck in some fantasy that you lived in ten years ago I'm helping I'm getting somebody free today I'm helping you because you have control over what you think about and if you are gonna stop dwelling on the past it means you're gonna have to dream about the future your mind only has so much space so you know what you need to do you need to get your mind so tired from dreaming that it has no more energy to dwell you should be so busy dreaming you should be dreaming about the grapes you're gonna get when you're in Canaan not about the meat you ate when you was in Egypt maybe I can deal with the manna in the wilderness because I'm dreaming about the milk and the honey that I'm gonna get from the Promised Land I'm dreaming what is God gonna do in my life in five years what is God gonna do in my life when I turn this corner baby I'm dreaming I've named my kids already know where I'm about to live I'm dreaming I'm dreaming about the future I know what God is gonna do for me and if my brain is gonna be anywhere it's gonna be ahead of me not behind me I'm dreaming about what God is gonna do next I am infatuated with my future your thoughts should be forward not backwards as long as you are dreaming about your future you don't have the mental capacity to dwell about your past to dwell on your past and your mouth will tell on you you need to ask your friends the people who are closest to you people who you trust you need to ask them hey when I talk are my words dwelling thoughts about my past or my words dreams about my future because your friends will tell you because if you're dwelling on the past that means talking about it and if you're dreaming about the future that means you're talking about it let me help all the young women who ain't married this is for free not even in my notes if a dude is not talking to you about his dreams then he is not planning to have you in them [Applause] [Music] men are dreamers and if men are not talking to you about their future plans that's because they only see you for the present moment a man who really wants you to be in his future will start talking to you about the business he's gonna start he'll start talk you really want to know does this do to have plans for me does this dude have plans for me in his future question whether or not he starts talking about his future around you not what you overheard well I heard he said to his friend one time no no What did he say to you to you cuz if he's not telling you about his dreams then you need to drop him because listen to me it is only dreams that will keep a man discipline so many men think they have a discipline problem you don't have a discipline problem you have a dream problem because your dream will keep you discipline the Bible says for a lack of vision people cast off restraint you have no restraint because you have no vision and an undisciplined man is not a man that you want to be around if a man's got a dream that means he'll be disciplined which means he can bring you in a destiny and if a dude ain't talking to you about his future and if a dude ain't discipline you didn't get away from him because he has a ticking time bomb and he will hurt you that's for every young woman in the room that's not married clap for that [Applause] last point last point Kayla we made it this five point thing man oof everybody's like it's good I'm like this hard well thank you number five praise will determine your palate release will determine your palate I'll say this way praise will predict your palate see the manner don't taste good cuz you ain't got no praise on your lips I know mana is plain I know mana don't taste like a lot but you know what this is better than nothing and if you grew up in a home like I grew up in if I didn't want to eat what my mama made my mama was saying you must not be that hungry you gonna go to sleep hungry tonight see when you really have a relationship with God you can say to the Lord God I'll thank you for this god I thank you for the circumstance that I don't like I know I don't really have a taste for mana but I thank you for it I will dare not come into your house and not praise you for what I got because when I praise God for what I got that means I can get more see I only get more when I give my compliments to the chef see when I say God I like this manner see it's easy cooking for hungry people and whenever you got some people who are like this man it tastes good I can't believe this man it come out the sky every day God goes boom if you're praising me for manna you must be ready for grapes you must be ready for what I'm gonna do next but I can't say I'm ready for next if I'm not willing to praise God over what I've got right now god I thank you for the hooptie I'm driving today god I thank you for the car that I can Lisa started today god I thank you for my spouse god I thank you lord I thank you for every giant cuz the giant pulled the king out of me when a shepherd showed up to a fight oh yeah yeah yeah God I thank you for the walls that I gotta walk around right now because the walls made me a warrior yeah yeah god I'll thank you for the gut for the father that I had that was crazy because the dad I had that was crazy gave me stories to tell while I'm preaching see I can thank God for every season for everything that he's ever done in my life come on give God a shot of praise for whatever you've got right now can I thank you from our current season God I thank you for the challenges I thank you for the disappointments god I praise you because you're bigger than this you're bigger than the challenge that I'm looking at I love you God yours here's the secret here's a secret this is what the woman with the issue of blood understood see the Bible says that she had been suffering for 12 years and she finally comes to Jesus and you would imagine that this woman will come to Jesus with a complaint I've been believing you for 12 years and you ain't came through but here's what the one with the issue of blood understands that a disease that could have and should've killed her on your one didn't claim her life on your one and she crawled into year two and most other people who died from this condition died in the second year but she made it into the third year and she made have got not gotten healed in the third year but baby she limped her way into year four and she crawled her way it's a year five and the woman with the issue of blood I stink I think here's the issue we've been calling her the suffering woman but God calls for the surviving woman because everything that didn't take you out is the thing that you overcame see everything did God I can thank you God thank you you may not have healed me but you sustain me God I thank you God I don't have everything that I want but I got everything I need God you've been better than good to me you've been better to me than I've been to myself how dare I keep this praise silent or stay quiet in your presence oh no no God I will give your name praise thank you for delivering me out of the Egyptians thank you for bringing me through the Red Sea thank you for this manna in the wilderness and I think you in advance for the Canaan that I'm about to walk in God don't nobody have to force me to praise I've got enough discernment to know if it had not been for you if it had not been for the Lord on my side where would I have been oh god you've never seen the righteous forsaken or your seed begging for bread you've been better to me than I could have ever been to myself you can either complain about the meat you miss or you can praise God that he delivered you from Egypt anyway God you delivered me you delivered me you see the enemy wants you to focus on all the problems and all the problems but see when you have a pallet that's been trained you go haha no just praise on my lips and when there's praise on my lips it influences how everything else tastes when there's praise on my lips makes everything taste better oh yeah yeah yeah when there's praise on my lips oh man I'll eat this man I pass me this man up yes honey on my lips no so whenever there's praise on my lips it makes everything that I'm eating tastes all the better the question today is can you praise in such a way that it forces your palate to change because you can't walk into Canaan with the memories of your past you can't you can't do it and I don't know what you're believing for and your Canaan I don't know what you're believing God for but I add my faith to your faith I believe we're going to Canaan this year I believe we're going to Canaan this year we are going to came in this year you are anointed for Canaan and God has anointed your feet to walk into Canaan and the enemy cannot steal the anointing that's on your life but what he will do is he'll give you an appetite for every anointing there is an appetite and he'll give you an appetite to make you sabotage your own anointing but not this year oh come on who the Sun sets free is free indeed and the truth has set you free today I don't know if you've been dealing with your past but we breaking up with our past in Jesus name in Jesus name come on let's pray all over this room if you heard a word today if you heard a word today lift your hands towards heaven if you heard a word today and you're like yo pastor Manny this word is for me there are some memories that I've been dealing with there's some memories that I've been struggling with man I have memorized the enemy's menu but I want my tastebuds to change my tastebuds to change God I declare over your people that we will walk in Canaan this year I don't even know if there's somebody in the room with a hurtful memory the harmful memory maybe they were abused or molested and they keep remembering it and it's causing them pain God I ask right now that you would help them to see that memory in a different way then they would see that you caught every Chinna they cried that you were right there with them all along you've never left them you've never forsaken them you're a god who's acquainted with suffering God you know our pain you're a great High Priest gotta ask you would heal every painful memory got every addiction every addiction that we break every addiction right now in Jesus name people are saying that you got to go to a rehab program I'm declaring over your life that God can supernaturally take the taste out of your mouth I'm declaring over your life that you are gonna leave this room and the taste of weed is not going to keep you trapped in your past any longer I don't know who that's for but that is not random I'm saying the taste of weed is not going to keep you trapped in Egypt but you will walk into Canaan this year weed is not your source of peace God is your source of peace I don't know who that is for who you feel like drugs is the only thing that can calm you down and calm your anxiety I'm declaring over your life right now that that emptiness that you feel God is filling that emptiness right now in Jesus name he's filling that emptiness right now anyone you've been trying to break up with somebody and you can't it's almost like you've been stuck you know it's a negative relationship you know this person has you emotionally trapped and you've tried to break up with them you've tried it it's like for years you try to break up with them and it's almost like they've got you on a leash because you're in love with them make your way to this altar right now we're gonna pray that sotai away I don't know who I'm preaching to I don't know who I'm preaching to I don't know who this is for but we're gonna break that soul time right now in Jesus name no man has your destiny locked up the only man that will dictate your destiny is Jesus Christ we break every soul time right now in Jesus name I break every soul time right now in Jesus name we break every stronghold we break every taste in your mouth I declare right now that every memory that the enemy has ever tried to use to manipulate you or they're trying to get you to make decisions that you know are not like God and you know is not according to the destiny that God has for you we break that attachment right now in Jesus name and I don't know who this is for but the Lord wants to let you know what you think is love is not love it is attachment it is attachment and you have been struggling to let it go because you think it's love I came to declare truth over you love would protect you love would put you first if somebody is emotionally manipulating you if they don't love you they're just attached to you and you're attached to them but we declare over your life right now that we're breaking every demonic attachment we're breaking every soul tie we break every emotional thing that would keep you bound into something according to your pass god I declare every over every young woman over every young man at this altar that the bondage is broken that the bondage is broken that there are soul ties that are broken soul ties that are broken right now in Jesus name come on lift up your hands all over this place lift up your hands all over this place God I declare I declare right now healing and freedom in Jesus name the freedom that it would take years to get in a counseling office you can do it right now and it altar god I thank you right now for freedom from the crown of her head to the soles of her feet gotta thank you Oh God we thank you for freedom we thank you for freedom we thank you for freedom we thank you for freedom right now in Jesus name [Music] [Music] every generational curse broken over you and your family and over your life every generational curse broken right now in Jesus name every generational curse is broken every painful memory that I ask that you would heal every memory that brings pain right now in Jesus name God you can do what no man can do you can do what no person can do God you work wonders god you are a miracle working God you can do anything some of us some of us in the room will praise God over a physical miracle but if God can rearrange somebody's body he can rearrange somebody's thinking that is a miracle and God we believe you for mental miracles right now at this altar for mental miracles right now at this altar God we pray a prayer of protection over every person that's at this altar god when that person texts them when that person dm's them again when that person tries to get back in contact with them god we declare they're gonna be stronger than ever before they're gonna be stronger than ever before god I thank you Lord because their life has been trapped in a cycle but God your word says if we lean not on our own understanding God we will walk straight paths with you god I thank you right now for our cycle breaking anointing over this service and over everybody at this altar you've been walking in cycles you've been walking in circles and maybe it's been a new person but it's just the same relationship over and over and over we curse every cycle right now in Jesus name we curse every cycle everything that would keep you from entering it's a canid we curse it right now a Jesus God has moved today in this place you're not just playing Church we're not just playing Church God move today at this place let me pray let me pray can I thank you for every single person at this altar right now God the the people that are at this altar they represent our sons and our daughters their family they're not just church members they're family God we declare that they will walk into their Canaan this year leash free leash free the enemy will not keep them stuck in their past but we cut every leash right now in Jesus name the invisible puppet strings that the enemy has attached to their life we cut that right now in Jesus name thank God I declare over every man at this altar they will walk in freedom and in boldness there will be the men of God that you've called them to be men of valor men of worship and of praise men of integrity men who know your word men who will be leaders in this church you're a leader you're a leader you're a leader you're a leader there's a there's a mantle of leadership over your life there's a mantle of leadership over your life and you've been running from it that sounds like a Jonah spirit you've been running away from the call of God on your life but this is a year for you to start serving a church this is a year for you to take your rightful place and I feel like there's almost like you haven't wanted to serve because you don't think you're there yet you don't think you're good enough there's something from your past that's been keeping you guilty it locked up in shame but we declare the grace of God over your life right now in Jesus name the Bible says that God throws your sin into the sea of forgetfulness and so you've remembered your own sin and God is saying I don't even remember your sin this is the year that you walk in the grace in the shame free the shame and guilt free calling of God on your life in Jesus name I pray and Jesus name I pray God we ask as we leave this place no you wouldn't be leaving your presence as we leave this place that we want to believe in your presence God send your angels to a camper on our vehicles send your angels to a camper on our vehicles buy safe till we meet again on Wednesday God keep us safe in Jesus name we pray amen before anybody moves before anybody moves I think we've got connect do we have connect cards it's great yeah I want your information I want your number I love you you belong here college students are headed to the volunteer lounge for college Sunday fit for hope is happening tomorrow is it tomorrow tomorrow 7 o'clock and it is not just for women fit for hope is for our entire church as a basketball tournament I think that's going on to fit for hope there's an economic development marketing thing that's happening this week come on out to everything we got going on this week let me pray one last prayer blessing overhears you leave God as we even walk out of these doors now we declare that everything we experience in this room we're gonna take with us we're taking two gold boxes today from church we're taking to go boxes God let us feast on your word for this whole week coming up in Jesus name I pray we all said together amen you're dismissed Church
Channel: Pastor Andy Thompson and World Overcomers
Views: 3,410
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor, Andy, Thompson, World, Overcomers, Christian, church, Raleigh, Durham, North, Carolina, Senior, Elevation, Church, Steven Furtick, Worship, WO, WOCC, The, General, Manny, Arango
Id: QvOmhtPzGj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 12sec (3432 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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