How To Wrap A Tumbler with NO GHOSTING

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hey everybody welcome back for another sublimation tutorial today we're going to look at another wrapping method um if you guys haven't seen my normal wrapping method tutorial it's one of the First videos I did way back when I started um it just shows how I wrap my tumbler um you'll see me I pull really tight I tape I do all the steps that I do but it usually works out really well I get very minimal as people like to call it the ghosting um you get the white blotches uh the seams are faded out you don't get a full good looking image on your tumbler so I have my own method but I recently just um discovered a tool that you can use and it's called The Pinch perfect now if you guys haven't heard of this um it's fairly new uh to me I haven't heard much about it either um but I decided to go ahead and try it out see what it was like you guys when I saw this when I when I got the package I I wasn't sure honestly 100 I was not sure I was like it's a piece of plastic it wraps around your tumbler and it's supposed to hold your tumbler um image around it tight enough to tape it and I mean you can see I can manipulate it with my hand that's not a lot to it it actually works I was really really surprised um so I'm going to show you um how to use it how it works um they even send you a full step-by-step detailed instructions and as long as you follow the steps it actually works really well um so instead of having to like pull the paper really tight especially if you're having hand cramps arthritis if you're doing 100 tumblers a day this is going to help you um I wish I had learned about this sooner so let's go ahead and get started um I'll I'll go through the steps and just show you kind of how it works um I'll wrap it I'll bake it and get you a completed tumbler um just to show you how it works so let's get started all right so like I said I'm just gonna go through the steps um that way you can see me doing it from start to finish um I will do my normal wrapping technique um outside of the pinch perfect so we'll go ahead and do everything the instructions say and then I'll wrap like I normally do again if you haven't seen that tutorial I'll link it up here for you so you can check out how I do my wrapping to get those perfect rims and seams so the first step is to go ahead and trim your image it says to cut off both sides and the the bottom to line it up I'm going to do both sides but I'm going to do my top because that's how I do mine I turn mine upside down and I'll tell you why here shortly why I do that but it's still following the instructions just a little bit differently so I'll go ahead and get my image cut up and then we'll move on to the next step all right so we went ahead and got that image cut out um and so now I'm going to show you how we wrap the tumbler with the image with this little guy and before I always just wipe it down just make sure all the oil is off fingerprints all that stuff that you don't want underneath it that might mess with the ink um so just make sure it's nice and clean all right so the next step from there is to go ahead and take your tumbler and to wrap your paper around it um again like I said mine I like to line mine up on the top so I'm just going to turn it upside down and do it that way it does recommend you do it on the bottom but like I said it's just how I do mine and that's just how I'm comfortable with doing it so I'm gonna do it that way everything else is going to be the same as the instructions though so you'll wrap it like normal and then just kind of make sure everything's lining up um if you haven't seen my easy way to measure your tumbler and make sure everything is lined up trick I'll link that video up above and below and it just helps you kind of make sure that your lines are good and that your image is going to line up when you're done all right so now that you have your paper on uh you're gonna take your pinch perfect I actually really like how you can hold it with one hand open and close it and hold your tumbler at the same time and it's really easy I I'm not even having to you know mess with it or pry it or anything so what you're going to do there's a little stopper rubber stopper things on here and it tells you to line up that stopper about half an inch away from the edge of your paper and then you just close the other side to it and then just make sure that the seam is pretty much in the middle and then you grab those two little uh levers just like that and I just want to show you this is me barely holding on to it I'm not pulling it I'm not pinching it right now and it actually is holding my paper really close together now if I pinch it even more it's actually pulling the paper even tighter and I I do have a little bit of an overlap now which is fine um that's perfect it's pulling it super tight if you can see here I'm pulling that paper and I can't budget away from the tumbler which is super awesome same thing up here it's very besides there because it's not taped it's very flat against the tumbler and I'm using one hand so now we'll go ahead and tape it The Next Step It does say to tape on one side of the handles and then tape on the other side of the handles you can remove it and then go along with placing the rest of your tape and it will tell you at the end it does still recommend wrapping the bottom of the top to make sure that it's still all in place all right so I got my two little pieces of tape on there that's literally all I have on there I just want to show you what happens when I Let Go nothing it's on there that is awesome actually I really like it so like I said um if you have a hard time with your hands if you have arthritis you can't just pull the paper tight enough or if you're doing like 100 tumblers in a day I don't do that many a day but your hands get tired this thing is awesome it works perfectly so I'm gonna go ahead and finish taping it up I'll show you what it looks like once it's all taped up and then I'll go ahead and bake it and show you a final result all right so we're back it's uh been cooked it's cooled off enough for me to be able to handle it I haven't Untamed it all the way quite yet because I wanted to show you the results of it um as a first look for you and me um and this is using the pinch perfect um so let's go ahead and see what the results were I'm gonna go ahead and untape it all right so here comes the results oh my gosh I don't even know where the seam is you guys that worked amazing amazing I think that's where the seam is supposed to be the rim the bottom the bottom you guys go get one like go get one yesterday these are awesome um so it's called The Pinch perfect there is a link below in my descriptions I'll link it to you um so that you can go look check them out they have different colors mine just happens to fit my Channel with the pink and everything you guys I I'm actually really blown away by this um I'm really impressed I really like it super easy to use and guys the results speak for themselves um if you enjoyed this tutorial if it was helpful for you go ahead and Boop that like button share for others and subscribe to the channel have a wonderful day and happy crafting
Channel: The Sublimation Life
Views: 8,459
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Id: YGLcuOewsnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 51sec (531 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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