🥤 How to Get a Perfect Seam when Sublimating Tumblers

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welcome back to design bundles youtube channel if you guys are new here my name is crystal and today i'm going to show you guys how to get the perfect seam now mine may or may not come out absolutely perfect but i want to show you what you're wanting to to strive for in order to get the perfect seam so let me go ahead and talk to you a few things about tumblers before i go into the exact size on this but one thing i want you guys to know is depending this one right here was a solid white tumbler and this one right here is a glitter tumbler we're going to do today and then this one is a holographic now there's different solid white tumblers as well all sorts of different brands all over the place from amazon to places like condi and jp plus and all sorts of different places right the one thing i want you to to pay attention to is they're all different sizes they're these are all 20 ounce but they're different so for example whenever i go to measure my glitter something i'm going to want to avoid on this one here is this top i don't really want to unless you want to sublimate that it's going to look different from this glitter here so i'm going to be measuring from the glitter area so when it comes to finding that measurement i'm actually going to measure from the top of that glitter area and then i'm going to bring it all the way down that gives me seven and a half okay so i'm gonna have seven and a half and then i'm gonna wrap this guy around here and it is going to give me nine and a half so what i want to do is ultimately i can leave the seven and a half i could actually go like 7.6 if i wanted to i think i'm going to stick with the seven and a half i don't really need a bleed line per say we want the the height of this to be exact now whenever it comes to going all the way around wrapping the tumbler so this was nine and a half i would probably do 9.6 just to kind of make sure it's perfect because the thing about this is we don't want to overlap in any sort of way but we could also cut herself short so ultimately i would rather bring it in 9.6 9.7 9.8 and then trim it up with a paper trimmer which i'm going to show you guys in a second so like i said measure those also don't just measure the center don't just measure the top don't just measure the bottom check that whole thing so this one is pretty even it's it's even across the board nine and a half nine and a half nine and a half so that's the first thing i'm going to recommend stick with if i find my white tumblers i like to purchase those on amazon really try to stick with that now if you have to reach out and venture out and you're buying these too just always know when you purchase a different brand measure that thing so for example this one right here i really really wanted to work with this one to create this tumbler the other day but when i went to wrap it i noticed as i was wrapping this that it was wanting to go like this so hopefully you guys can see this here it was wanting to create more of a latte so it's kind of wrapping around like this so instead of staying completely round it was trying to go up kind of like a latte and so what i did was i can actually really eyeball it and i can tell it kind of goes up here and this is not it's not like one that actually is made to i cannot think of a word but you know like you would have it kind of taper off if you will this one right here is just a little bit wider up here at the top than here so that's why i say it's very important to measure these and check them out and it's always good to get a sample get yourself a sample make sure that um that everything is correct and then if you like it order some more so for example if i measure the top of this my measurements that i'm getting are nine and a half so maybe just a little bit less well let me see let me make sure i'm absolutely straight on this and i got a little bit crooked so this one here is a nine and a half and it's actually i want to say about 9.7 is actually where's that nine nine point seven all right if i scoot towards the middle it's nine went from nine point seven so nine almo a little over nine and a half to nine inches in the middle and then i bring it down and the bottom of this is going to be [Music] the bottom of this tumbler give me just a second is about nine and a quarter just go all the way across nine and a quarter a little less would we have a little less than nine let's measure that one more time see if we can get that number there yes just a little bit less than nine and then nine point six nine point seven so this thing is all over the place so keep that in mind measure measure measure before you get started do some tests i'm going to make sure that things stay and awake there so that is tip number one okay so once you have those measurements you can actually head on over if you guys are a gold plus member you can use our software which is designscape to you know to measure these out now a lot of hours are already sized up for you now i'm teaching you this method based upon using one a tumbler wrap if you will that's not perfectly measured for a 20 ounce tumbler now keep in mind once again my 20 ounce tumbler may be different from your 20 ounce tumbler so never rely on that but what's really cool most of our tumbler wraps you can actually just drag and drop and print and those are ready to go but say for example with this one right here i needed to make some adjustments with my measurements so this is actually i printed it a little bit bigger and i'm going to trim it down so instead of trying to do it in software actually made it bigger we're almost kind of stretched all the way up and across this eight and a half by eleven to keep it in proportion and then i'm going to personally trim it down with my paper trimmer now i am wasting a little bit of ink but if you didn't want to do that you could head on over like i said to designscape you could use canber and things like that to bring in custom measurements say for example even with sawgrass if you use your sawgrass software you guys can use the custom size and then you guys can definitely just type those numbers in say for example i did seven and a half or eight and a half so if i did a standard 20 ounce just because like i said i'm cutting this down that's where i got that seven and a half so if i was doing a standard 20 ounce here from top to bottom i'm getting eight inches and then from wrapping it around and this one is even this one is nine and a half so i would know those measurements i could plug that in and then i could space so whenever i print it's going to be perfect so step number one like i said measure your tumblers step number two is printing out the perfect size don't cut yourself short you can always trim you know with your paper trimmer but get that perfect the big thing i see a lot of people do is overlap if you overlap your design so when i go to do this if i overlap it by even this much very minimal you're going to get a ghosting effect basically what's going to happen is even though this paper is covering this paper this ink is still going to it's going to go through how it does it i don't even know but it ends up ghosting it and it double images it if you will so it adds two layers of that image so you're going to have that on that seam so that's something that happens so a lot of times you're either going to sell yourself a little bit too short whenever you do that or you're going to overlap now some people are getting ghosting maybe acro all the way across if you're using a tumbler press and it could be that you have too much force and when you're popping this back you guys are shifting that paper some because if that paper shifts at all you will immediately get a ghost because those temperatures are so high and it's still able to sublimate so always make sure you don't over press just get it out of nice pressure and you're not over pressing if you're having a really yank you're going to run that risk all right so there's that now what i what i'm going to show you today you really just want this design to perfectly bent up together so i'm going to go ahead and show you this one here where i almost got this seam absolutely perfect now you are going to have seams that are called seamless and if i was to trim away say for example this was a seamless design and i got to trim away this piece right here now it's no longer seamless that's why it's really important too to design that inside of a software where it's perfectly going to stay it with its width so when it wraps they're going to line up perfectly so with these flowers if i would cut this off my flowers would not line up so hopefully that makes some sense it's trial and error honestly with these things some patterns are going to look better they're going to look flawlessly where you cannot tell especially some solids they're going to look super flowy you know but when you get into patterns it can get a little tricky so i promise you a lot of it is trial and error and everybody is going through this all right so i'm going to drop the camera down really quick i'm going to show you about trimming this taping it and we're going to pop it in the tumbler press all right so here we go let's go over a few things that i am using today number one i'm going to be using this glitter tumbler what's really cool about tumblers is there's so many different ones to choose from and even with this this is the silver one i believe there's pinks there's golds there's all sorts of different ones and what's really cool is if you're somebody that wants to get into epoxy but you don't want to deal with all the epoxy or the glitter and all that but you want to add that glitter look you can do that with this so it's super cool um once again there's ones as you can see here that are holographic but definitely make sure you do your homework on them to make sure it's going to be straight all the way across the board and then once again you have white ones i've obviously done this one so let me go and show you guys this seam really really fast so as you guys can see this pattern okay so we've got a pattern going on this is a seamless pattern so whenever i got this i i just butted them up together we actually have a video i'll have it linked down below for this we went live i just put these together don't overlap you want to butt them up perfectly which i'm going to try to attempt to show you guys today i could have squeezed in just a little bit more so hopefully you guys can see that little piece of white there that's my only hiccup but you see these flowers they just flowed perfectly but if i was to cut this off on my paper that's not going to happen so make sure you pay attention to that okay all right so i'm going to go ahead like i said and finish going help me set that out of the way all right so going over those you may want a tape measure i love sewing measure sewing tape measures they're just a lot easier to wrap around love those um you're gonna need a lint-free cloth when it comes to the glitter ones i don't really fuss with it too much but you definitely want a lint-free cloth um i've got a pair of heat gloves here when you're working with anything like this these are almost 400 degrees now i have set my tumbler press at 365 degrees for 70 seconds and we are going to rotate that so once we've hit 70 seconds we're going to rotate it and keep going for another 70 seconds i've got a paper trimmer here i highly recommend when it comes to these tumblers is having a paper trimmer compared to scissors you're going to get a perfectly straight edge for that and then i've got my heat gloves like i said because this gets super hot i think it went over everything i am using a heat resistant pad as well this is a qriket one so when we take this off it's going to um protect our surface and then i've also got my tape dispenser i'll have this one linked down below and a lot of people think that you have to have that tape all the way down and you definitely do not you really just need one at the top the bottom and the center and you're good to go all right so let's go and measure this thing down so i know that i have seven and a half let me measure one more time to be sure so i believe we said seven and a half and then we were going to do the 9.6 so i'll probably start with 9.7 to be safe so i believe yeah we have nine and a half so i'll probably 90.7 is one i'm gonna do 9.8 to be safe and then we'll go from there if i need to trim off a little bit more all right so we've got seven so let me go ahead and start with trimming down my paper here all right so i'm going to go ahead and start with removing a half of an inch on the top of my paper just to keep it an even design so i'm going to go ahead and get a half here and i'm going to go ahead and get a half on the other right up here all right like i said so i can kind of keep these nice and even all right so that should ultimately leave us with seven and a half i'm going to double check myself here and yes that's going to give us cut this stuff out really quick while i test yeah it'll be good all right so that's going to give us seven and a half and then now what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go ahead and trim around so i'm gonna just start by trimming off all of my white here so i'm gonna go ahead and trim off these white pieces off the side and then i'll figure out about how much i want to take off here so we're going to do that because i only need to take it off one side all right now since i didn't do this in software remember i am running the risk of not making that seam look seamless i may get them close together but they may not look seamless because i'm going to cut into the design so if i was to wrap this like this the way that it's designed right now it's not really designed seamless you see what i'm saying so right now they're not designed to where this flowed right into here per se because see how that's already cut off so i'm not too concerned about it so let's see here i need this to be 9.6 like i said so it's at 10 right now so let's go ahead and take off about i'm going to start with about a quarter of an inch here all right and then i'll test this again that's about 9.7 let me go ahead and test it because ultimately it doesn't matter where this thing like i may have a little bit more on one side of this and so we're going to make sure that everything's going to line up all right so that's lining up the way that i need it to be but i need to still take off that other quarter of an inch i'm gonna go ahead and do that now so i'm gonna take it off the opposite side i always you know when you're gonna work with it like this you want to check and check again so you definitely want to be safe on that all right so once you have trimmed this down you're pretty happy with it uh at this point now this is doing it like i said by hand this would be printing it out a little bit bigger so you are running the risks of not getting it 100 perfect it's better to do this in a software which i've done tutorials on like i said i'll have that one linked down below and it just makes it so much easier especially a lot of our files are just very drop drag and drop but sometimes you are going to run into files that are not sized perfectly for the tumbler so you will have to make those adjustments but if you want to do it by hand this is what you're going to do all right so we're ready to go now normally you would be going from the top and the bottom but once again i'm doing a glitter one and i don't want it up there so now what we're going to do is i'm going to get myself ready so i've got my heat tape here and so i'm just going to make sure all that's ready to go now i'm going to perfectly try to line this up so i'm going to go ahead and do that really quickly all right so once you've done that you're really going to pull nice and tight we're going to get our first piece in the center that's where i like to start then we're going to push nice and tight once again i'm going to get that next side here all right and then we're gonna get our last one i'm actually gonna go ahead and get one more right here and i'm gonna go ahead and get the last one so your biggest thing is pushing these together and making sure that it is nice and tight all the way across the board so you should have something like this now if you're somebody that's kind of particular and you want to see this piece taped down you can definitely do that so there's our tape once again you don't have to run it all the way across here you really just need your pieces held down so once you have it like this looks good you want to make sure that there is no buckle up here in the top or the bottom everything is nice and smooth so now we're going to do is slide this i like to do it because this is the way i'm going in here to where i can grab my hands in here so i'm going to go ahead and slide it in we don't need our gloves just yet i'm going to get it all the way in all right so you're just going to slide it all the way in there and then we're just going to go ahead and close this so i'm going to press for 70 seconds so once that's done i'm going to pop it back open and we're going to rotate it and we're going to press it again for 70 seconds all right so now that we're getting down to the last few seconds i'm going to go ahead and pop on my gloves so i can rotate this so i'm going to go ahead and grab this here and we're going to pop it open very carefully and nice and slowly i'm going to rotate this so i want to flip this guy all the way around and then we're going to press it again now you don't have to go a whole 180 or would that be 90 degrees where it's completely flipped so where my seam is on top because you know when you're pressing somewhere tumblers if you will that top part's not ultimately getting pressed so what you want to do is at least rotate it enough to where now it's getting it on the side so you're going to press it again for the 70 seconds all right so we are down to our last seconds we are ready we're going to go ahead and pop it open very carefully and get it out of here so you can either set it aside and let it cool or you can go ahead and peel i definitely like to peel mine nice and hot so i'm going to do that you can use a pair of tweezers or something to help you pull this off i'm going to go ahead and just go down the little row here all right so i'm going to go ahead and pop on my second glove just so i can really handle this i've got a pair of tweezers here just to kind of help us along so i've went ahead and brought this down so that way you guys can see a little bit better when we go to peel this and we will see how this seam turned out all right here we go moment of truth we're going to unwrap that and this is where my seam is okay so i'm gonna bring that up can you guys see that so if it wasn't for the design knob can you guys hopefully see that so you have a design here we've got i think it's green and blue so the way those lined up because that's what i talk about with patterns this is not a seamless pattern but with the seamless patterns it would have been absolutely perfect so ultimately you want them touching together we need to squeeze them together not overlapping and that my friends is how you're going to get a perfect seam so there you have it but i love these designs this one comes with so many designs is super cool very big bundle i'll have it linked down below it's not just teacher designs there's tons of stuff halloween you name it it's included so it's a really cool bundle but i wanted to go ahead and show you guys this one because i loved the colors so as you can see the glitter just helps give it that extra zazz and pop if you will so you want to definitely make sure you let this cool all the way down before you put that lid back on top but my friends the best way to get that perfect seam is butting up that design now once again it would be a whole lot easier to size this out and put in a custom size no matter what software you're using and then that way you're just trimming out way the white border compared to trying to trim it down like i was doing but it definitely is possible i definitely wanted to show you that way because we have other videos where i show you using the software or designs that are drag and drop friendly so there you guys have it that is how you're going to get that perfect seam and there you guys have it once again it is so cute love the way this came out i'm going to show you guys that seam one more time in this direction so if you guys can see how perfect that is if this was a seamless design to where it was made like this one you would never even be able to notice it you still really can't notice so i'm hoping you guys will pick that up on camera you guys really still can't notice it unless you just sit there and eyeball it and know that those pieces of pattern did not go together but whenever it says seamless make sure like i said you're not cutting off any side of the ends you can trim off the top and the bottom but if you trim off those ends that's where you're going to start messing with that seamless pattern and it's no longer seamless so that's something i know that may some of you guys probably not have not even considered so that's something to keep in mind as well but it's really a lot of trial and error so whenever it comes to stuff like this it does take time and like i said the biggest tips that i can do is you're needing to butt those up do not overlap don't undercut yourself and make sure it's a seamless pattern or not and uh there you guys have it that's how super duper easy it is to create those perfectly seamed tumblers i hope you guys have found this helpful if you did please hit the like button down below and subscribe and i'll see you guys on the next one
Channel: Design Bundles
Views: 68,444
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Id: QtKSdimSZmI
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Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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