How To Wrap A Sublimation Tumbler

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hey everyone i am back with another quick tutorial on how to sublimate your tumblers i've been getting a lot of questions about how i wrap my tumblers to get them to appear very seamless down the sides and also to have very little to no ghosting around the top and the bottoms um so i figured i would go ahead and make you a quick video to show my wrapping techniques for you so i start printing my image at a 9.36 by an eight inches um and then i will cut my border on the left and the top border on the top here completely off so there's only the right side border and the bottom border and the reasoning i do this is because i will take my image i'll turn it upside down and backwards um and have my tumbler also upside down so it'll look like this when you're wrapping you'll go there so you'll start with wrapping your tumbler and you always want the ink printed side down otherwise if you have the white side down you're going to have a huge line of white because the ink is not on this it's over here so ink side down first and you will overlap onto that side and then you'll take your tumbler you'll turn it upside down just kind of tap it a little bit make sure that it's all the way down and make sure it's very tight i like to kind of push my inked side in first and just wrap very very very tightly almost as if the paper is going to tear and kind of shade how it how it should feel wrap it along like that and then i like to turn it around because i can see right there where the end of the image is which is why i'd like to keep it a smidge long for that purpose because then also right here you can see if your image is lined up at the bottom also and if that is not lined up your seam is not going to line up and the imaging is going to look off so you can kind of go through and adjust that to make sure that that's lined up as well and then go back and re-tighten the image so i kind of pushed it down a little bit so you'd see a little bit better where it's more lined up but you want to try to get it up as lined up as possible um to make sure that the image is going to line up around the seam so you want to push that back in make sure it's flat and then i like to do after that just another quick pull to make sure that it's still tight and double check my seam i double check everything about five times because i like to make sure that it's down properly um quick tip i like to have my little tapes already pre-cut um that way you don't have to try to hold your tape and cut and hold your tumbler all at the same time um so with this one it's just a first heat resistant tape i pull on that side and you're going to have it on the side that you're overlapping and pulling towards you and you're gonna pull you're gonna hold that down and pull that tight to make sure that it's keeping the paper tight so you'll have an image like that for now and it's just one little strip right in the middle make sure everything is still lined up around the upper and lower it's still very lined up around the seam there you can see hopefully and then with this next part you're going to tape your bottom and your upper and with that i like to just kind of make sure we pull that really good and tight and same technique with the tape overlapping side gets taped and pull towards you that's going to make sure that it's down and you're gonna do the same with the upper so let's make sure it's down really well and that's so i'm going to turn it just because it's easier to hold it that way and again on this at the overlap side pulling away from whichever way it's going from you and you pull those pretty tight i like to hold my tape here and pull really tight on the other side that way you're not just pulling your tape off so that's what you should have right now looks like that you'll see there's some little open spots there but we will take care of that here right now and with that you're going to use a longer piece of tape and that's going to go right down your seam and yes i do have mine a little bit longer just so i can actually hold it and with this what you're gonna do is your overlapped side here you're gonna put half of the tape all the way down on the overlapped side just like so and don't make make sure it doesn't go quite over to the other side yet because you're going to be pulling and manipulating it to make sure that it's down all the way so it should look like this you're holding it up but it's taped on the overlapped side and also try to make sure you're not bending all this over here and i'll go over that reason why shortly so now that you have that on the overlapped side like so what you're going to do it doesn't matter which end you start at but again make sure it's down really well on that side and that you're pulling just kind of incrementally the all the way up or down whichever way you're starting and just really kind of slowly flattening it kind of doing like a rub over and that way you're making sure it's all down and that there's no creases in the tape because the creases are what is going to cause air pockets and the air pockets is what causes the ghosting effect um which is just another term for part of the image did it get transferred um so you have like little white speckles where your seams should be or around the the rim or the bottom so just taking your time really going through here i'm getting that all the way up just like that then just kind of rub it down gently for now we'll work on it more later so now you should look like this and like i said i leave mine over overlapped a little bit um for end purposes when you're done it's easier to pull off instead of trying to find that little uh lift area and burning your fingers um if you're like me and don't cool them off right away i take mine off as they're coming out of the oven so that's how you should be at the moment three little tapes through there and then one long tape all the way down your seam at this point you should see and i hope you guys can see here what i'm talking about you'll have some overlaps it'll be more of an opaque white right here and then kind of more see through here which is going to create a seam so i hope you can see that um you'll be able to feel it it's kind of like a lip where the paper is overlapping the paper on the inside um and here if you haven't heard people saying use your nail to flatten the seam down it's a huge tip and it really does help and this is what they're referring to so that that's a seam right there and there is an air pocket there right now as it sits so if you don't do anything to it you're likely gonna get that ghosting effect so what you're gonna do you can take your nail a credit card um i use my little cricket scraper sometimes depending on my nails um so you're gonna go through find that seam and you're gonna run your nail all up and along that seam really well and that's gonna scrap um scrape out or push out that air that's right there and it's going to flatten the image against the tumbler very well that way the image is sitting right against the tumbler in all spots if you think about it it's kind of like if you take a colored marker and a paper you're not going to be getting any ink on the paper unless the the pen is actually touching that paper then the ink will transfer if it's hovering over it it's not going to do anything for you so that's why you want to make sure it's really nice and down flat against the tumbler and if you're using your qriket scraper same thing it'll just look much more defined when you're doing it and that's what you want as long as it's getting done that's the first one the second one so there is two make sure you do both of them one and the the seam right under your tape is the second one you're gonna wanna do that same thing take your nail really really really scrub it and scrape it so that it looks like a very defined line and that way you know it's down don't worry if you have fur baby sprinkles in there it'll happen as long as it's not on the actual tumbler itself so and then once you're done with that you should have just really defined kind of lines in those areas if you can see them i hope you can so that's what they're talking about when they're saying run your nail down the seam lines to get the air pockets out once i've done that i take the next step to make sure the pockets are really on just really scrape it along there like really really well and then once you have that done and that's typically the only heat tape i only use um you can wrap it if you would like sometimes i do it just kind of depends again on my image or what i'm trying to do so you can wrap it it doesn't hurt it just gives it a little extra force with pressure so now that you're at this point move my clipper out of the way the next step i do is actually not with the heat resistant tape i use two different kinds of tapes and then over the heat resistant tape i use painters tape um it just i feel like it sticks better it holds better and it's stronger so it's gonna stay better so i always pre fold mine it's just easier to get it you click that end off like so and for this part for the seam of it again you just need one that's width length through so like that and same thing it's kind of a double step but again it's going to really make sure your seams are down this one you're going to same thing just right over the heat resistant tape so right over directly over it and i also still same thing just that's a little bit wider than the actual tumbler and we're gonna just lay it right over and i like to do this kind of the same thing one side first and then slowly lay the other side down and that way you're not getting those air pockets so it should look like that for now and also in this method you're using a lot less tape instead of like taping the whole thing 20 times you don't need to do that unless you really want to that's totally up to you not telling you what to do or how to do it but in my opinion you don't you don't need to do it um same thing though again just double stepping it um i go back through again and just scrape those seams just one more time for the extra effect right through there especially up here towards the top so you're gonna really rub it in there i like that over here it's not overlapped so you don't need to worry about it unless it is overlapped and then same thing i go through and i re-scrape it again just to make sure air pockets are out because that will be the biggest thing is if you have air pockets so it should look smooth flat you don't want little wrinkles um you want your little line margins um to be defined right there on both of them so you should be at this point by now if you're following along and again i like to fold my little tape sides in it just helps when you're coming back and taking off your tape you're not fighting with the little picking at it all right so from this step here take my tape and actually don't take it off yet so i don't cut it i will hold it um just like this and i will explain here in just a moment why if i can get it to stay still and cooperate so you're going to line up this part of the tape here along the top rim and just over this as much as possible so it should be very lined up with that top rim and making sure you don't have any bubbles in that area and if you do again just scrape it out not a big deal at this part i do recommend some form of scraper be it a cricut a credit card a piece of cardboard just something to scrape um and this is why if you don't tape your fingers together um so from here all the way until you're done wrapping this part i will take it and just do this and that is making sure that it's flat and very tight against the rim pull it out and keep going this part you do want to take your time because this is the part where you're making sure you're not getting that ghosting or that faded look at the rim and also the bottom once we get there so if you're not doing heat resistant tape under this part i would do two layers of this if you have the resistant heat resistant tape under there one is just fine for the sake of just time saving at the moment um i'm just gonna do the one layer once you get there just back over to that seam i'll cut it and do a little fold and that just helps when you're coming back to unfold it instead of trying to fight with the the picking at it so you can do that same thing take your tape and it's going to be the same thing except for on the bottom where you have that overlap you're going to want to make sure you're just over not taping your image together uh you're just over the tumbler and not all the way extended to the end of it so mine's about right right there and then same thing just smoothing it out as you go and the more practice you do the better you're gonna get um also this is kind of the same thing as using those bands that people maybe mention um i just find it to be less expensive and more cost effective we all know how expensive this hobby is if it's a hobby or if you're just trying to get something started um it's just a little bit more financially it's a better choice but if you like the bands awesome if they work for you awesome too okay so same thing you're done with the tape for now and fold it on over so everything should be super smooth like super super smooth no bubbles uh making sure everything's just flat and tight so now that you have your um your upper and your lower taped you're going to want to do the same thing find those seams and make sure that it's um really rubbed down on both of them okay so once you do that again it's just a lot of scraping but this is what's going to keep you from getting those ghosting images once you do it in practice it's going to be a lot quicker like you'll just zoom right through it get the next one done um it just takes practice is all okay so once you've got really good scraped out everywhere just scrape scrape scrape until you think you're done scraping and then scrape a little bit more and then you and then you're done so that's how it should look that's how i do mine and that's how i get the very kind of seamless look um on the top bottom and then that would actually be the seam right there and that's the front of it so from here you would just throw it in your oven press whatever your preference is or whatever equipment you have um the thing i have found that works for me and you guys are probably wondering what about your ends i leave them um because if you flop it over lay it over scrunch it whatever it puts a void in the areas i don't know if you can really see that very well i'm sorry if you can't but can you kind of see where it looks like raggedy instead of just straight so that's actually going to lift up parts of the image and it's not going to be pressed as tight as it needs to be and that is what causes the ghost image or the lack of putting in the image onto the the tumbler so i leave mine straight because there's already so much pressure on here it's flat and it's gonna go all the way down and that is what i found that works best for me and again if something works better for you that's perfectly fine um but this has been a pretty fail-safe way for me to do my wrapping so if you have any questions any comments please feel free to leave them in the bottom down below if this helped if you enjoyed it please like it and subscribe to help support my channel if there's any other videos you would like to see again comment in the bottom and like and subscribe thank you have a wonderful day and happy crafting
Channel: The Sublimation Life
Views: 49,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sublimation tumblers, how to sublimate a tumbler, 20 oz skinny tumbler tutorial, tumbler wrap sublimation, seamless tumbler tutorial, how to fix ghosting on sublimation tumbler, sublimation tumbler ghosting, sublimation tumbler no ghosting, seamless tumbler sublimation, how to wrap a sublimation, how to wrap a tapered tumbler for sublimation, how to wrap a sublimation tumbler, sublimation for beginners, sublimation tumblers for beginners
Id: L-msx-Cm5wA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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