How to Get Perfect Tumbler Seams - UPDATED!

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I think I have finally cracked the case of how to get a perfect tumbler seam so if you have seen my past video before I did one with the pinch perfect pinch perfect and I use the pinch perfect to make tumblers and definitely definitely helps your seam lines however since I have made the video I have also found a new thing that I think helps me make better tumblers and that is [Music] oh [Music] the paperweight and I know some people are like what are you talking about let me tell you okay so I was on all the crafting stuff and I was reading some comments of people that were swearing by the paperweight saying no no if you get the regular sublimation paper it just won't work you'll always end up with the same line at some point and I was like okay I hear you I hear you but what's the answer somebody was on there going the lighter paperweight try the lighter paperweight so I did and let me show you and let me tell you it's amazing okay so this is the paper that I have always used I ordered I would always order this from heat presentation this was my go-to keyword was um but then like I said I saw somebody going hey check out the lighter paperweight and I was like what's the worst that could happen right is I I ruined a tumbler too I'll give it a whirl if if it could really make that big a difference between a a tumbler and a wonderful Tumblr so this is a lighter paper weight that I now use this is 105. in terms of the paperweight 105 grams it makes a huge huge difference I want to say the other one is 125 I'll I will insert the other one's paperweight down there below so you can see point being the lighter paperweight is a huge huge game changer especially you know when I combine it with like the pinch perfect and I'm using them together huh it's amazing so I'm gonna quit talking and I'm actually going to show you now the difference it makes because you can say it all you want but it's another thing to show you I'm going to show you we're going to make some tumblers together and I'm going to show you the seam lines and then you guys tell me let me know in the comments if you think I'm absolutely crazy or if you think it actually helps too um but yeah here we go one of my tumblers out so this is going to be my design here so I'm going to show you with me using the Pitch Perfect and without two so you can use it either way you don't have to get the pinch perfect I do think it helps still um but yeah I think the paperweight is also a contributing factor [Music] it is done we're going to go ahead and slide it into our tumbler press here in case you are new watching this one I personally press mine at 365 for 65 seconds rotate do it again for 65 seconds on the other side to get this part that isn't being pressed at the moment hot out of the tumbler press and ready to go so let's go ahead and take a look at it foreign [Music] guys so take a look at this scene this is where the seam is can you tell I mean look at that and if you need a comparison let me show you thicker paper this was the 120 grams paper from Heat Press Nation this is the lighter let's get my camera to focus lighter paper they are two different technically two different colors this one as you can tell is a blue this one is more of a teal I don't know if the video is picking that up but in person you can definitely tell that they're different colors but my point is to show you guys the difference in the seams that this makes like I can't even express to you guys try to get to where it doesn't get a good glare so there's no glare can you tell I mean look at that versus this I mean there's just it's there's no comparison in my opinion the quality is just so much better okay but let's make some more I'm gonna do um a couple different colors just to show you guys the one I just did was teal then I showed you a blue one that was a not so good theme but we are going to keep going with the light paper weight again the one I was using before was 120 grams the one that I'm using now um asub from Amazon is a hundred and five grams I'll link it down below I love it gonna be the same design but in pink thank you [Music] foreign as you can tell if you can even tell this is the seam line which is really good if you ask me I'm very happy with this seam line um or lack thereof I guess you could say side of the tumbler and where it meets other side so on and so on and yes if you're wondering this is part of my design that is not an oops but look you can tell at the top too this this is where the seam line would be guys like I said this is part of the actual design that's meant to be there and then same with that part of the design but is this not like amazing so when you line these tumblers up and you take a look at them all of their seams are facing you at the moment every single one of them and guys I just I love it I think it turned out great again the difference here is that I'm changing the paper weight of the sublimation paper I'm using but more importantly I would love to know your thoughts what do you think about the Tumblers I just made and showed you do you see the difference between the one that was 125 gram paperweight and the ones that I just showed you um personally I do but let me know if you think if you think no let me know also either way in the comments down below if you found it helpful please consider subscribing and liking this video it helps me a lot but anyway thank you guys so much for watching and see you next time
Channel: Amy Creates
Views: 12,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sublimation tumbler, sublimation tumbler seam lines, how to get rid of sublimation tumbler seam lines, how to get perfect sublimation tumbler
Id: iUzbh6Riivo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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