How to get a repo deleted off your credit report

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hey guys so I did go live earlier and I briefly discussed this but when I did the playback I realized it was super grainy and like super blurry and super hard to see so I wanted to just do just this quick video and I'm hoping that you guys will be able to see it I assumed in so it is you know easily viewable especially like on mobile devices but I wanted to discuss exactly how I approach an account this is a client this is a new client they signed up yesterday I haven't prepared the letters yet but I'm literally going through and telling you exactly what I point out and how I will dispute this account as you can see this is a auto loan which resulted in a repossession so this is a repo through the company Carolina Finance so I'm gonna tell you exactly how I would approach this account how I am going to approach this account and getting this deleted for my client okay so let's start the very first thing that stuck out to me was the high balance now the high balance experienced reporting is fourteen thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars but the high balance from Equifax it's 7470 we both know it can't be both the information has to be consistent but let me tell you another reason why this does not make sense when it comes to any account listed the high balance is supposed to be the highest the balance has ever been aka this balance should be the imbalance that's on your contract so this should be the amount that you agree to pay for the vehicle etc so 14750 my client did confirm that this is the actual number that's on the contract so this number is correct however Equifax is only reporting 7470 now again this is the high balance therefore the balance owed which is eight thousand six hundred and thirty five should never be higher than the high balance so I would dispute this two ways I will dispute this I would say these numbers are inconsistent and mind you when I'm telling you about this I'm meaning that you're actually going to screenshot this entire section and include it in your letter but as far as the explanation that I would do simple letters I don't do long letters when it comes to factual disputes I literally will say and so just an example I would say I would milah letter to echo effects I would say I would say you know to when we make concern or Equifax or whatever you are reporting a high high balance of 7470 Experian is reporting 14750 these these are inconsistent numbers these numbers are supposed to be the same if you are getting the same information from the same creditor why are these numbers so vastly different that's one way I would challenge it another way that you can do because I'm looking again and I would say um you know dear Experian Equifax whatever I would say that echo facts is reporting a monthly payment guys now if an account is charged off there should be no monthly payment listed and the reason why the reason being is because after an account is charged off that is no longer a part of your monthly responsibility so if a lender is looking at your your credit they're going to calculate this five hundred and seven dollars in your monthly responsibilities to determine if you can afford their their payment of their loan or whatever you're trying to get a car house whatever so being that this account this account is charged out there should be no monthly payment listen so that's another challenge that you can do hey Equifax your your listing that this account is charged off however you're still listing the monthly payment that's a violation please delete this account immediately like so simple include attorney shot etc right another thing that's wrong is determined we know this is alone because under the account type it says I don't want regardless if I knew the back information that this is a repo etc I know this is alone so with the loan there has to be a term lent listed Equifax is not listening to term lit so how exactly will elendor know how long I'm supposed to be responsible for this debt you have to list the term they have to cut if I wanted to buy a house they're going to calculate whatever payment it should it really should be zero but they're on a calculator whatever payment for sixty six months right it shouldn't it will affect you if they don't have a month cuz then they have to calculate it forever right so that's another inconsistency again this is a charge I for nothing that I just noticed um Experian is listing this as a repo merchandise was taken by credit guarantor grantor I'm sorry um but Equifax is only listening this as a char job now this is a repossession they have they are supposed to list that it was a repossession so that's another inconsistency I mean just this one repossession has four different inconsistencies that they can use that are that are used for grounds for deletion so this shouldn't even go on step four this is a factual dispute you have way more way more way bigger chance of getting an account deleting when you do an effectual dispute when you include the screenshot and you point out exactly what's wrong these are violations the I pointed out for violations in one repossession account so if I'm scrolling down and continuing to go okay so perfect these are collection account as you can see cook and again this is why I love smart credit because they really lay everything out for you just have to know what to look for most people just don't know what to look for and that's why the webinar is so important because I'm definitely gonna tell you everything that you need to look for so okay this is a collection account I could see that it was with progressive and I'm just going through how I literally would I go through it like this in my head with every single client report before I before I make my letters I'll go through jot down exactly what's wrong and then I I will make my letters okay so just looking at this account I can see that this was a Progressive Insurance account it's now with the collection agency called cane whiner right so the very first thing that I will look at to dispute is okay TransUnion is reporting this account is open but Equifax is reporting it as closed that's inconsistency is eyes it's either open or closed which one is it you can't report open and close so okay boom I take the screenshot and when I highlight everything like this this in your mind just think that I'm taking a screenshot you know this I was just gonna do it so I would take the screenshot put it on a note and I would literally say dear TransUnion dear Equifax you um if I was Mellon Treasury and I say you're translating Equifax is reporting that this account is closed but you're reporting that it's open this is the inconsistency please delete this account from my report immediately and then the do opposite for Equifax another thing that I just pointed that I just noticed when I'm looking at it is the day open transition is reporting 2:25 of 19 Equifax is reporting to one of 19 now um that's an inconsistency but I don't want to get into why exactly this works and what I say exactly to make this particular situation work because it's trust me it's probably on your report like this - and I've mastered a wording and way to give very favorable results with this but I would definitely I have to say that for the for the for the webinar but this is an inconsistency as well like I said at that date and then the closed and open like I stated now this is important it says meet FCRA requirements but I just I just pointed out I'm an instant that you did not meet the FCRA requirements fcra requires that you are consistent across the board and every bureau is reporting the same thing but I just literally just pointed out that you're not so this is golden like they have it right here that there's they've already falsely verified this item and stated that they verified this but I just showed you exactly how you did it so you can't fight with facts they can't fight with X if you pointed out and show them they they can't fight with it they don't really have a ground to stand on it's like if I say the sky is blue in the morning and grass is green can't no one say no grass is purple you know what I'm saying a fact is a fact as a fact so I definitely use that and here's another collection account okay so my last question I count on my clients report as you can see only one this is a single listing so only one account only one credit bureau is listing this report which is completely fine because our accounts does not have to go on all three bureaus so it's kind of harder to challenge these four inconsistency because you don't have anything to compare it to so just off just how I would attack this I you know what my client paid this so that kind of negates basically everything that I was about to say I'm gonna be honest with you it looks like they disputed it but then they eventually paid it I'm a little disheartened because it was an $81 medical collection and medical collections this was probably like a copay or our percentage or something like that when they could've literally just called the original cred did there oh there's no original creditor listed so even if my client has paid this because usually when a client has paid a collection account you really have no ground to stand on you really have nothing really to fight but how but because of their irresponsible posting I would challenge this based on the fact that they don't have an original creditor listed now the FCRA states that if an account even has the potential of being negative they have to have identifying information to the original creditor so as the consumer I have to know exactly who to contact and how do I contact someone to verify this account because they did not list this I would definitely challenge it based on the fact that they did not list this so that's another violation that I can use and I'm happy because before I didn't have anything to stand on because this was a paid collection whenever you pay a collection off you're saying that you agree with everything you're saying that you agree with a balance to date the terms and all of that you agree to that so when you pay it it kind of negates your disputing it's super hard to get a paid collection off which is why I of course recommend not paying them but my client has pain luckily I realized at the last minute that they didn't have the original creditor lit creditor listed so I definitely would challenge it based on that alone now so yeah so that's just a few of the okay this is a student loan account guys and there's I mean I'm pointing I'm looking at to inconsistency that we can use this grounds to get rid of and I would get rid of this because it does have a hundred and twenty day late on it I mean yeah so I'll discuss student loans especially when in the webinar because I'm it's one thing that's with Stu loans that's almost on every single report that I see I mean oh my god I just spotted a third thing that's wrong with this account so if you do enjoy this type of things than are a visual learner and learn like this and have a stubborn account that you can't get rid of and you can't figure out how I definitely would encourage you to join my webinar it's literally only $9.99 it's a freaking fast food meal you know but it's a wealth of information it's information that's in valuable so you can purchase the webinar worth 750 dotnet but this is definitely what you can expect you'll be a to ask questions it's in a webinar for me you'll also be able to play it back um Hank I just pointed out another thing yeah so I'll just point out the first thing just cuz you guys are here I mean one of the easiest thing is the balance is different Equifax is reporting five dollars off the balance so 1997 1997 1992 that's an inconsistency that you can use alone but there's also other things that's wrong with this post in this listing that I would challenge um to get this deleted so I just wanted to drop in and kind of clarify what I was trying to do earlier on live and it just didn't work out like that I hope you guys can see this but I definitely will be back I'll be posting more videos but I'm super excited about that webinar because it's a lot of information y'all and I mean it I mean what I how I challenge stuff now I mean my deletion says went up but no you guys have a great day have a blessed day let me know if you have any questions comment below um yeah I will definitely try to answer everything I do have to go cuz I do have to actually prepare these clients letters I've done all this talking but I actually have to prepare it and have it out by tomorrow so you guys have a blessed day and goodbye you
Channel: Shonda Martin
Views: 82,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Credit Repair, repo, reposession, Road to 750, rt750, Disputing
Id: oKQ74FMBoJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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