How To Win Fishing Festivals! | Andy Bennett and Andy May

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okay then you lovely lights podcast time again and what a better discussion to have with the main man himself the bugger then we're going to go down Festival mentality I don't think there's an angler well I know there's not an anger in the country who's won as many festivals as you want like literally that's a true story though could be I don't know not even could be definitely definitely not but we want to go down sort of the mentality so you prep how organized you are and you know maintained in your own sort of like regimented scheme and not going out drinking before you know what I mean because you don't go out drinking anything do you mean you love what are you lying for we're lying for him no talking suits are like you say we've got uh you've got a let's say white acres for example you've got a white Acres Festival coming up where are we now we are on Friday to say it's like next week when we've been getting prepared for like your Festival I hate prep so I'm like you I'd be tied up yeah boy no not pretty tired dogs I I don't I like to do my own stuff yeah but I'd start preparing a lot earlier so when you do sort of like your prep around winter time it's a bit quieter for yeah like later on in the year for me I have like I do my winter prep yeah in say November and then I try and do my Summer Prep in sort of like February ready for the summer I'm like is it like me like I don't know what you're like no yeah Peter I find it hard to do summer rigs in the winter knowing that like that line looks too thick them looks like too big it's proper are doesn't it it is but I just feel like I know what it's like in the summer I don't get time to yeah go and do my thing give me gear again so I like to do it all in one big hit yeah and then just do it over like a few weeks or something yeah it'll take me like two or three weeks and you just get it all done then I'll chop everything down yeah cry for half an hour wishing I haven't done it and then I'm not I'm not massive on prep but I just can't use rigs from the year before so like I just I just look at the line I think it's gonna break that so I'll chop them all down yeah and I'll just have like cart rigs F1 rigs keep it simple yeah and then maybe spring and Autumn F1 rig so bristle thickness is a big thing I don't use loads of different patterns of float I try and simplify as much as I can yeah you know if you're fishing hard pellets in Open Water you're generally using like 1.7 two mil tips yeah carbon and wire flows normally it's a similar sort of pattern and then a couple of venues where it's deep you know like just trying to simplify it I'll have a few cap slapper rigs F1 shallow rigs do all mute lengths and it puts a little bit simpler for you now like pork not breathing in it obviously yeah it's getting all new array of gear ready for Port didn't you if I'm going places like I've just come back from Westwood and that's you know talk about Westwood as well for example Festival uh prep there so it's that simple are you doing this that same like over winter when it's quieter you get in the air yeah all your Festival preps done that time of year I just have like certain rigs well I mean little dib of shallow Rigs and then I might have like an F1 shallow style float with a bristle yeah and that pretty much is Michelle Riggs done yeah so I might have like six or eight of each right okay so like one side of me trail just been me shallow Rigs and then how I right so say like sorry man I'm putting in but right you've fished the first day on on the Monday you've caught load shower are you using that same rig the day after yeah yeah you just change your lens you know main line so I think that's not gonna break if it if it's damaged I won't use it I've been known to in the past but yeah I tried and then it breaks off like that big car you're like it depends how important it is if it's just you know obviously I still want to do well but like Westwood last week I didn't have to do any prep prior to it yeah because you're basically using three inch up clamps on nearly all your rigs yeah you're fishing like bagger style floats in the edge and a cross little dibbers for shallow yeah and then you might have some 4x12 4x4 inch fishing on the bottom whatever you only need like an amp full of rigs the Fatal obviously you've been doing it for for so long the venues that you've been going to it's not going to change much is it obviously lines aren't going to change your hooks aren't going to change your floats certainly aren't going to change bait's obviously a little bit different isn't it how how would you go about prepping your bait and all that because obviously I know there's tackle shops at these places but to get it in bulk before and store it in the fridge of summer or yeah so normally I'll try and get the best bit of cancer normally like parlor pickle from lanes for us on his way off oh yeah um and we just got the best maggots and casters then because the nice big fresh maggots that makes a big difference like having good big maggot when it's maggot fishing having good big maggots simple nobody likes small maggots do they not me it makes such a difference I can't stress enough light you've got some places and the maggots are really small almost like fishing a big pinky yeah yeah you know what I mean you can't feed them right you feel like half a pouch full and it's like this one you've got a mixture in it you've got firemen there's loads of things so quality bait that's the first thing make sure you've got quality how would you deal with actually storing it is it all fridged or yeah frigid like last week for example leaves stayed was Lee Turner bring a brick fridge casters straight in there I was going to say cast is that biggest ones maggots can go underneath um if it were this one now like 20 20 odd degrees it's hard to store maggots yeah so if you can you know if I go down to Tunnel you might buy me maggots daily or try and find a big enough fridge so you can store it that's really important because otherwise your maggots are you one for bugging them and taking the air out and open them up in the morning or no because again like if it's this warm and you bag at them they can die on it yeah so it's a tricky one at the moment if the temperature is pretty cool you can get away with them but what you don't want is your maggots racing yeah one little shrink start to sweat up and then that's the end of them yeah casters is a lot easier because you can just black bag them in a fridge or even somewhere cool enough just where they're not you know not in the back of your van that gets the hottest place I'll either put them underneath my van yeah underneath the Caravan um but maggots is the hardest thing to keep definitely yeah definitely you need a fridge you can buy a fridge from Whole Foods I don't know how much they are bought yeah you know they're really always got one in his bedroom you know what I mean one of these like in the shape of a big coat can and you get like eight cans in it but like the the cold within like half an hour that's the thing isn't it you're like you you say it as if it's a normal thing how many people are actually going and thinking I'll take a fridge to a festival no one does it and then you get there and you're yeah it's cool box but then the cool boxes lasted that day in it you know what I mean it's not maintaining obviously that freshness in we're not advising you to use the fridge in the accommodation folks absolutely not because that's a bit naughty no you can take the old Alford to do like this fridge I know Paul has them Halfords is it yeah the one with the bikes in there yeah yeah bike things yeah and uh a few of the lads I know of them for festivals Chuck them it back at the van get it and plug it in and you could probably get like two gallon in there that's it everyone's gonna be gone today make sure it's nice you've got ten percent of what yeah if you use the cold um go on so right so we're coming back to light prep a little bit then rod and lion fishing how often do you change any real lands and what have you earned probably like twice a year I'll change it in the winter ready for the summer yeah because I'm not doing it loads and loads white Acres it's involved a bit they're winning like waggler and methods odd days so I'd probably change me personally on my fishing I probably spool me probably February time I'll spool them up ready for summer and then around about June July so anytime now I'll do them again because obviously a lot of the finals and stuff are coming the next three months a lot of festivals a lot of finals coming up that's another one we can get I mean we've got subject's a little bit Airy shot obviously Festival mentality big final prep is it similar to your Festival mental exactly the same yeah I mean nothing's a guarantee in fishing but it's pretty much a guarantee you're going to qualify for the beginning of the year you're still getting the ring storm or the gear done the start of the year yeah yeah so you're ready for that obviously this year I've been fortunate enough to qualify for maver when that comes up I'll make sure that I've got all new fresh line on yeah man but quite a bit in advance so I can bed it in it's no good just having it fresh and because it goes wee yeah I like to use it a few times before I won't ever do it like two days before the final yeah yeah I want to make sure my Line's sink in what are you doing to better in just actually fishing with it fishing with it and then you know I'm a waggler if it's windy I want to be able to sink the line sometimes so I'll make sure that I've put plenty of washing up liquid on fished it you know it's absorbed it and it's sinking nice and it's ready to go rather than turn up on the first day a bit of washing up floating everywhere so yeah yeah you know just bed it in um have a few casts with it just not not do it two days before do you know what I mean it's proper proper mad like the the thought process behind it and obviously the work rate and how much lots of like yeah you're putting into it and um for the festivals I mean as you know these fish white Acres won quite a bit and I just like just rock up and just do a Victor soup but you simply can't do that for you've got it you've got to get on it especially the likes of young Anglers coming through now this is like literally they'll get back tell a lot of books do a lot of Rigs and that's it in it same day in day out wax is quite a lot of it's experience as well like because I've been white because it's probably the hardest place every time I do them like right where's go and see him he's like literally down to the tee you know every single Peg yeah because we've got like 20 odd years experience going there you know the lakes and it's like the most important thing I think when you go to new venues is knowing what you're fishing for so like last year we went to montcal I've never been there before but it was dead easy because it will like Edge and shallow fishing because the fishing's so good yeah that's the only way you're going to catch 200 300 pounds you know like one day at like 370 pounds but obviously you've done your homework before and you mean you've like talked people who fish the venue and like got a bit of an Insight yeah but also like if you're track someone said like you're gonna need 300 pounds to win this section well I ain't gonna catch that shallow yeah because the fish are only sort of like did I had an F1 so yeah you'd have a mega day but this is where the women mentality like the likes of you coming to your own I'm like rather feeder out yeah 15 minutes I've caught two four pound cap that's a good start in it but I thought this is too slow I'd be getting them quicker in Edge so I dropped in the edge after 20 minutes and then caught there for like three or three hours really few and our pellets on a top kit which nobody really ever does but it's very light cap cap Six Mile pellets I didn't even there's millions of eyes millions of f1s but I didn't bother fishing Caster shallow because it was never a winning method it's a different completely different mentality to get into one the likes of you that winning mentality all right we all want to win but it's one thing saying it's another thing doing it winning mentality for me well I'll just be shall I catch fish all day yeah great day but sun to say you're not going to win it's got in getting and getting into them bigger fish kind of thing didn't it you find yourself find yourself kind of approaching pegs a bit differently when it is like a five-day Festival versus a qualifier and you've almost got to get into that I need to make the most out of the bag even though I can't win the match from it or do you just go in all out and that's why I loved white Acres because I mean I still love workers but that's you know five years ago if you drew in the arm section yeah you'd be like right I'll start for a cat first hour whether it be across or you know down the edge or wherever you may draw then I'll fish for Silvers for like the middle part of the match and you might catch 15 20 pounds of silvers but because you're only fishing for 30 to 40 pounds to win your section yeah most people think well that's not very good but I think it's the technical then yeah and that's what fishing's that's why it's great yeah now there's more f1s in there so I'm talking about poloing for example um there used to be loads of roach and skimmers and all sorts I remember catching part Paul catching 110 pounds of skimmers on Twin Oaks Plumbing I've never seen that since yeah no one would like them whether they took them out or whatever but you know Jenny's was the same you could catch 50 60 70 pounds of skimmers and Tents and cruisings and all that stuff that's all changed now so the fishing changes you don't find yourself fishing for Silvers but I used to love nobody wanted to drive because she couldn't win the match yeah yeah I used to think right okay I've got a game plan do you know what I mean and that'll be a mentality you go into confident whereas most people like myself I don't like oh not there because you'd want to be on the eye Bank wouldn't you fishing waggling catches and grab Biggins you draw that oh that's a long old days you know what I mean you might catch five cats the difference with you you go into it thinking Comfort right I've got I'm going to win the section yeah it's almost 20 pounds of silvers if I get one car perlier and maybe two in the edge late you know three cap 20 pound yeah because they were big fish 20 pounds of silvers there's your 40 pounds you've got a section winning weight yeah you could fish with cat for five hours and catch four and have 30 pounds and be like I should have just filled the gaps you know what I mean yes having the confidence to do it as well I think how many times you see it people like oh fish for Silvers for a bit they're catching oddons and they're probably doing all right but then someone will catch a cart nearby they'll see that we have this conversation with Des the other day you know we in in will they always used to do well done on there just like obviously catch a car the quiet spells catch everything swimming then go up for the calf again you're saying there's not the same thing you've got it in your game plan what you're going to do that's why Des was so good because these fish casters a lot and you know he was he could catch anything any method you know that's why he's won so many festivals down there but you know he he know the pegs he's got loads of experience there if he was going whites for the first time next year yeah you know there's 15 Lakes there or whatever you might be fishing on six or seven of them you know the front Twin Oaks is different to the back Twin Oaks um then you could have Acorn and it still catches us out yeah yeah because like Akon now is full of f1s right it was all just got the carbon roach so you fish and you could catch first in the canal you could catch 35 pound of them yeah man that's not a thing now so those changes all the time yeah and I suppose like the the benefits you've got on because you're down there quite regular and you know people they're going on there you get to pull that information as well don't you yeah you can't do everything on your own you've got to ask for people for information that how did you catch here what depth did you catch you I better did you already back in the day Andy I don't miss this one I'm in Georgia last time yeah mate it's just one of them it's confusing sometimes are you good at remembering it without having notes and stuff like that or yeah proper diary and it misses us where we went last year on holiday I wouldn't have a clue but if you ask me our court on Brookside in 19 well not very good with years but I just remember yeah you know I sit on a peg like here even I'll sit on a Peg and think yeah I remember Captain yeah yeah I'm doing a live match last year and I fed the edge for three hours and 40 minutes never had a sign and then I caught like 40 pound of cap there and that just sticks in my head just a random match I think there's a lot of Anglers like that James is the same I can rely on you yeah well you know I can yeah I've done it for memories things I can remember for like things and when I was 12 year olds I've been to venues fished half a match then realize I've been there before about halfway well it's probably like had a bit of an air cutting like trees chop down there certain things but with photos any photo I've taken I could be a dead generic like a maggot on a hook I'll see it on Facebook and be like I know I took that yeah I don't know why going back to the festivals I know we always go off topic folks you know what we're like but we're not gonna what is your most memorable Festival when obviously the dozens and dozens You've Won what's probably the most memorable one mate where your mat and that started off as well and then you come back at the end probably probably when I had one white Acres back to back because yeah I'd been within seven pound about six or seven times of not winning it I've been within 10 hours and it was like oh seven ounce here one pot you know one fish and I could have won the festival six seven times like God I'm never gonna win one of these festivals you know what I mean I've been like I've been going for four or five years with Paul yeah because I had a little break from it and then I went back for four or five years and I framed every single Festival but I just couldn't win when I was like second fourth fifth you know and all of a sudden I won the maver and it were like five out of five wins and then the week after I won the Preston I had four out of five wins in a second I think Callum Dix beat me on pause by two pound or something right so I nearly had a perfect two week but on the second week I remember not not drawing gray well it used to be the best Peg the best section peg in Cornwall 13 on the high on the high bank but he was in there yeah yeah now because they can reach the islands there's a lot more f1s it's not as dominant right still can be great but at the time it was like oh two years ago that would have been Mega but now that's not as good as seven can be really good now and anyway I was fishing I was catching odd fish not really going anywhere and I've been putting meat short and I caught three cap for like 25 pounds but literally two minutes to go it's gone under a foult carp eight pound I've played it after time I remember John Wink up either filming me or stud dad or something like take your time like take your time I know I've netted this big car up and I've won the section by like three pound oh mate which got me a win and then I ended up beating Paul on weight because of it so me and Paul were first and second bowl festivals right obviously we're like sharing Partners yeah so it couldn't have gone any better in terms of like won me first Festival then had one back-to-back festivals and then I nearly went on and won the parking final well not really but I were third in the park doing final Dez won it that year right with a load of crassio yeah but I had a great I didn't draw a brilliant pack but I had a great start like three or four big cap and I just thought bloody hell is this just going to happen is it yeah yeah and then it just went a bit rubbish after that but yeah that nearly like the most perfect week but that was probably the most memorable because I'd always wanted to win a Max Festival yeah um and then yeah I went back and I think I was second and then won the next one so I'd had like three out of four wins in a second and it was like from going all them years and then being close and then all of a sudden it just clicks in quite often in norwalk's life isn't it you need a lot of look as well yeah luck is a big thing like you create your own look sometimes you know feeding the line and thinking it's never going to go under and then I caught them free car yeah I could have give up and sat long and just carried on Nick and an odd small F1 but I knew I needed to catch cap so you know and then I remember Pippin does on the Masters by two ounce I was gonna say that must is gonna remember that yeah pinged off a fish and I went like that and I managed to scoop it put it in the net I beat Powers by two pound for the section and Des by two outs for the overall yeah yeah come down to weight so again it was like I can't remember that was the first the second time I wanted but that was like wow that's a you know that probably cost me five that fish was probably worth like five grand in here because you'd get a pole you got a diary air Z Pole plus the extra cash so probably worth more than five grand yeah out with the fish Tom scholarly was filming that time for catch more meter and he was actually on there it went Tink and I just lift it up with a fish and it was like so amazing you need that swing and look and you know what I mean like absolutely so yeah definitely and it's not just obviously summer festivals is it obviously winter festivals there's one this year the one they've added Meadowlands I don't think you've been I mean right he's saying not really seen Madeleine before never been before I've been the once um it's a two day or a festival yeah and if another one there's a festival Richard come on I know three day feels like a festival two day feels yeah no two-day Festival definitely yeah I'm having two days yeah it's going on yeah she's not rich yep go on yeah I think it's anything yeah it's two day in it yeah first of all I'm short ones are nice yeah two days are faster and like you smashed up to bit something like people like not expecting you to do any good from the doors that you have and you're just like rocks up this is how you catch them and then you're really unlucky and obviously the the final wouldn't you yeah the final yeah perfect week then dinner oh man it's ridiculous Jay just picked me by eight ounce but yeah it was that was a good venue but like again it's had you done something different on that one is that is that why you'd call I think a lot of the regulars have been fishing like maggots and casters and worms and it was that time of the year Bradshaw's exactly the same they just the skimmers when they start to feed proper in like February end of February they just want to eat pellets right so it's just like it's a case of your fishing the right bait yeah yeah you know you fish the wrong bait you catch the wrong fish you fish the right Bay you don't need as many fish and it's like you know you don't need to catch us quick yeah yeah so like our two Mega days where I caught these fish the first day I was actually sprinkling some micros and a lot of the locals were like what you sprinkled micros in 12 foot water but I wasn't getting any liners or anything so they're just nothing's coming through up on the bottom anyway and I won't feed in every single truck so it's not like markers are falling through all the time and you foul looking anything um and then ping a few pellets over the top as well yeah but if you just fed like four mils you didn't have no attraction and ground bait went right so it was like I need to feed micros if you feed it in a bottle but this is where like it goes going a bit off subject but it goes back to like Mike was falling through like this is attractive to the fish yeah you put a bowl of mags in it goes like a star they don't spot it you know what I mean so it's not really dragging fish into your peg yeah so sprinkling to me made perfect sense I just like sprinkle it over a big area like two foot and then I'm fishing on an area like this so if it's towing a bit I can let it run through that's good for Jordan morning because you're not like you know creating that competition kind of speaking about like that if you feed it in a bowl in 12 foot it's down it's like your pile's this big yeah you sprinkle it you know you might I say you might miss it but I didn't miss hardly any bites it was just perfect yeah yeah but they was a bit like I think they fish it a bit more aggressive have you fed much initially on with like your micros and stuff I put like 200 million at the start just to because melons is a big lake and everyone um well waycard said to me not everyone to be fair I only really spoke to Adam and he just said like sometimes you won't get a bike for like half an hour 40 minutes yeah so I made sure that I put enough bait in so that they when they arrived there was some bait there yeah and then it was a case of just ticking it over still not all compared to what most people are doing at Meadowlands where the six or eight Big Balls didn't tell you about my bowling the year before last it makes sense on a big venue lap yeah we didn't work though yeah it's like right draw them in but then I don't think it's the bait that's dragging them it they're not in there yeah because if they were there you'd go in you get one first shot yeah it's like the second day I didn't draw particularly well I think my peg only had about 9 or 12 pound and 20 pound was a good weight on that bank yeah but because some bait had gone in and we'd had three days of fishing he's shallow on one side of Netherlands and then it's deep on the other side and I was on the shallow side I just think the fish were closer to the bank because a bit of bait had gone in yeah they weren't out in the lake so it took me about 45 minutes to get a bite and then once I got a bite I caught for about two and a half hours yeah it were better than the day before and then they just went right okay well I caught an odd and but no it was uh it was good I enjoyed that so I'm I was trying to like when when we're off the topic a bit then I'm trying to think of like the festivals that you won so obviously like Woodlands at first you know like the silver specials that you've had there yeah you know what I mean it's uh Western festivals um Lindon Festival yeah Lindo that's a massive Festival as well on it yeah I want a few at Linda I'm in the summer festivals and I won a May one there I think I probably won about four or five up there I remember winning one on me catched on me got every day I fished me at five meters when meat was left is that why you got a band yeah it's always bugger's fault yeah they're catching a lot of fish you had to be chucking like eight Tins in ten tins which sounds a lot it's only actually four pounds of meat when it's chopped up yeah but you know you're throwing like the fishing was so good it was catching like 200 pound of meat short and stuff it was Mega oh it's ridiculous um and then you know I won last year just fishing cast a shallow four to five days like this year it'll be different again because you're not allowed me you're not allowed casters so yeah it's a sign you're already not be allowed anybody soon I know that's it just rock her up it's a sign of the angry Army that like all the festivals that you've been in it's very I don't think they've ever been out of the top ten usually it's top three but you always see his name don't you sitting in the top 10 and all that you're always there to their belts aren't you I've had a Mega Run the last few years I mean it got to the point where I counted them back from like I thought well they are like a framed in every Festival I think this year and it was like 15 and then it got up to about 42 festivals mate and then I mean run come to an end um Woodlands thirst right the rotation the top five come off that rotation and I was six in the festival they paid top five so it's like I only count it if you get paid out yeah yeah and um that was one I think there's been like maybe one more or two more so if you said like the last 50 festivals I think I'd framed in like 47 which was something I was proud of because it was like I ain't gonna do as well you know it's like when I'm once Westwood I want the the festival I fished last week I won it five years on the Trot yeah and every year people say like well you're going to win it but every year I feel a bit of pressure like this will be the year where it don't go my way and I went up and I needed to draw swallow one match and catch a big weight and a Drew swallow and caught 250 pounds won the match and won the festival yeah yeah and then yesterday I was lying in second position yeah and this is where that little bit of luck just doesn't quite go you know it's not meant to be and I ended up drawing on heart on the not so very good side yeah Miss swallow if I'd have drawn on swallow and won me section with like even probably 1 30 you know Paz had 250 yesterday won the match so it fished really well yeah you know I've had to draw on that swallow Lake all of a sudden I might have won it again yesterday but yeah you know I can't moan because you've had your look and you rub it's just an absolute phenomenal record you've got me it's not definitely not torched at all I don't think it will be for like well ever you know what I mean um but festivals are popular aren't they I do like fishing festivals but it's tiring it does take a lot with you as well done you gotta have that right mentality and sort of like frame your mind don't you the tiring but like obviously if it's a festival then like just like a normal open Match or qualify around yeah I think like it's not about money but it's nice to be able to fish towards something like oh I could win a couple of grand there yeah it gives you like you know something to aim towards and I like festivals for the fact that you're away with your mates you can be sociable you know go out for some food a way for your misses out that's another that's one of those I'm always away sorry I'm going again next week but yeah it is I mean that's another thing it's like when you are aware festivals it's hard because I've been away for three weeks is too much two weeks is a long time when I go wax for two weeks two weeks yeah it is a long time and you start to lose your mole Joel every year is the same when I go and fish to the park Dean I fish maver and Preston yeah and it comes to the part Dean and you might have qualified and you think I just want to go on but I've got a 25 Grand final tomorrow 15 grand now you've sort of lost your mold job but you know you're not on it the first week you're keen and you're mustard yeah and then the second week you're just going through the motions and I think everything catches up where you've been going out on a few beers with Lads it's two weeks first two or three days is all right but then like towards the end of the week you start going baubles don't you sort of like eight or nine o'clock so you need a bit of stamina when you're doing the piano you know gotta go go I'm getting a guy man looking good mate in you you know what I mean when we went to Ireland that was probably the worst um I won my last ever match I pissed over there so I'm not going back that yeah um but that was the hardest because everyone likes to have a good beer and a social you're up early you're fishing a natural venue with waves and wind and rain and it's quite physical fishing yeah yeah um you just knackered two weeks like it's a long time you know what I mean so it's it's quite draining festivals but I would much rather fish a festival than just like a qualifier or normal I love me qualifiers again because you get that buzz sport the opens they're just like practice you know opens are good because you can just chill out there's no pressure yeah yeah so I still try and do a few when I get the time yeah but yeah nothing beats like yeah yeah I want to add things on my CV and try and Achieve stuff you know what I mean it's not me he's got more than the CV than you I'm is there anything left that you like I've got nothing left there's literally there's nothing left yeah I would like to win the guru festival at White Acres but I've not fished it for last year or two so it makes it tricky to win It's tricky to win if you don't go on it yeah um because then I would have won I've done all of this dynamite it's Matt melo's not one anymore what's the male or one though that's basically the guru now all right so I won them over in the Preston and one of the spring ones what was the bait tech one what did that one or is that still going there's a second one on it was it no sorry frenzy and dynamite I've won the dynamite the maver and the Preston I would like to win the girl who won what's new did you have you done the silvers one that used to have been like November December I've only ever done it once the adrenaline one it's anyone it was Fifth and Johnny with third when we went down went down once right okay um but I would like to definitely get back on that yeah yeah it's because it's more F1 in now do you know what I mean um I don't even think the car looks silverfish anymore I think it's just the winter yeah winter festival I think it is and then they do adrenaline one obviously I'd love to fish there's lots of like little Bubby festivals we can mention that Baggers won you know I mean loads of local ones a little bit further to feel but I don't think there's any bigger festivals left for you to they're more spread out now like even white Acres isn't as big as it no it was numbers wise there's no way because it used to be like 180 pegs and then it dropped to we need to get Barbie one here don't we that'd be perfect for you oh we've got one aren't we in the second question yeah got one in September you just need to get it up and running and make a fixture on the list you know what I mean so it's there every year and then it will slowly grow yeah but yeah in terms of festivals I'm quite yeah boy I know it's not a festival thing but that would probably be the next thing I'd love to win yeah mum and obviously these official qualifier left-hand golden meals as well in there yeah you'll be in all lands you know you will you know you will be focused I've done a golden reel yet I need to uh yeah I've got a couple the dates that I'll probably do a few Yeah well yeah I mean main focus for fish one match this I've got fish Midlands tomorrow that'll be good and then maybe squeeze a few fish North in whatever I can do I mean if I've got a weekend now I'll just that's it yeah I don't mind traveling a couple of hours I'll go to Tunnel tomorrow on my own it don't bother me I'll just I'd rather do that than just stay local yeah definitely I just think you've got to aim with festivals and big money things just nice to aim at something and I've Summit to you know I'd love to win that have that on my CV yeah yeah which is you know I'm not dogging the people who come and do the opens but I hope you're not Andrew for me I just don't see the point in fishing I just spread your wings a bit you know what are you laughing at nothing mate yeah hello yeah I always think it's something different it's good to spread your wings on I would just uh like someone to focus on right we'll cut there cool no brilliant mate yeah there's literally nothing left here Festival way so yeah nothing left you've got years and years left yeah and yeah when you look at look at Nudy's like what is he mid 70s still going strong you're not you know what are you 37 38 you know what I mean there's like years and years left yeah and you're just going to like continue to like dominate you're going to be dominated for years to come in yeah any rate well just need a few of them so many good ones this year there's a lot of yeah there's a lot of good yeah good angles coming through it's getting harder and harder all the time it is but you're still at the top you know the likes of you and Jayla do you still like right up there at the top you know these young whipper snappers are like yeah I mean snapping it heals and it says a lot about your character and you know who your eyes a person makes so fantastic do you want in the bag here right sorry to interrupt again you lots while you're watching some wonderful videos but I want to tell you quickly about what we are doing at the minute within the winning waste Camp because as we mentioned at the start of the year it is about taking things to the next level and this month has definitely been the most overwhelming month that we have ever managed to stick so much content on it is simply it's unwatchable as that much I barely have time to fit it all in so if you haven't had a look at what's going on we've got live matches going on left right and center from both myself and some very very special guests we've got Mr beneficial Live Match we've got mati doors chucking the Live Match in and we've got daiwa's latest recruit Mr Adam Richards fishing a live match so together with that we've got the instructional stuff that we are always always trying to bring to you in that with Christian Jones fishing for shallow fishing which there's probably no better and this month we've also got Mr Des ship and soon to come Mr Andy Bennett who are fishing uh worms and casters at Woodland View and Mr Bennett is fishing his mudline tactics that he's took again just as we are with our content to a whole new level so if you have another look have a look at the winning ways Channel what is available I'm sure there is something for us all to learn
Channel: Winning Ways Extra
Views: 11,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andy Bennett, Fishing, Match Fishing
Id: pJYt3yCIJ1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 35sec (2075 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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