Live Match Fishing: Evesham (RiverFest Qualifier)

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foreign [Music] [Music] 65. David Smith [Music] 58. thank you is on Peg 36 is okay thank you has to take weight isn't it thank you guys enjoyed it is for you well we can't get here the part behind your peg but the gates have got padlocks on there's a there's a padlock here as well try that one I'm on the gate should be open the gate should be open how many matches have you been on and someone said that and you turn up the gate's bloody locked and there's some some blog still having a bacon sandwich somewhere so I know it should have been opened oh wait it was me wasn't it but we're trying to get in oh and you can park the onion Peg which is the only reason I'm here today I'll come push a barrow at the moment they say it's the first day of the river season it's a Riverfest qualifier it's a Friday oh the case yeah we've got that barrier there they're working that area there and they're working total gridlock yeah a nice day uh bladdering it in with magazine casters catching pork chopping the odd big ones shallow hopefully we shall soon [Music] what's the ears for that's 35. so I'm one further down so Paul pasmos on the peg on one below it [Music] could do that has there what are you Trev or 37. really never goes in oh great no idea a bit well I'm not getting in anyway that's good stuff stuttering already good morning everyone I am just about to stay high eviction struggling today um I'm in the shade so it's nice don't get covered I'm just gonna put a couple of bait droppers in four four sections out there's loads of small fish but some little chocolates at the start I'm gonna put two of those in and um I plumbed up a pole swim 14 and a half and I want to swim anything from that to three quarters it's all cabbages after that they're quite fancy let's move that a little bit yeah so yeah I'm on 36 which is 35 as he is born Paul Passmore was on that absolute brilliant River anger plastered my my uh my garage conversion so uh I know him really well and he was in the Riverfest final framed in the Riverfest final last year just brilliant brilliant anger I rate him so highly and then I've got Trevor short below me absolute River Raven Evesham Legend as well so we're up against it a bit but we'll give it a try now normally 36 has two empty pegs below at least sometimes three today they put 37 in which is very very rare to put in um to Slow Me Down but they've still left 34 out above past so I'm sandwiched between 35 and 37. so I'm making the excuses now I'm between two River Legends and um I haven't got this room below me that I'd normally have but I should catch some fish so perch and chop there we are shout it all in golf a couple of these in do you want more of them let's feed now because he's feeding him already starting casters well I'm guessing I'm going to feed casters and maggots together I'm just gonna fish Mid River to begin with I think that's there's a load of bleak load of leak but we'll put two of these in see if we can get some triplets we've got loads of bait because I was at on a three-day Festival [Music] I can see the bottom here so I'm not gonna catch that thing not today and it's only about like it's not even three foot down there so you see I've got my platform in just just to get out another meter or helping me fish longer but also stop the fish snagging me on the inside sorry about my stuttering it's getting worse but I'm getting my tests Monday so fingers crossed this isn't my last River match if they're here it's bloody feels like it might be sorry no that's too big it's probably a medium pill I don't want to miss 10 bites at the start I just hope hoping to catch a few pound of perch short to begin with just a couple inches over this is my heavy rig 12 to 14. snake and uh I'm hoping it'll just whiz underwater perch I just hope to draw a nice Purge Peg today so I've got a heavy grandma [Music] and uh well a half ground ring from running through if it's a bit chubbier or when it just tears off a bit but I'm hoping I can just catch a few short to begin with whilst I prime primer pole stroke regular swim I'm just gonna feed the pole at the start rightly or wrongly the waggler is going to be a bit awkward now this lovely when when we got here but it's um it's like a downstream wind now we'll see trying to make all my excuses now creep spraying some Casters in if I can catch them on the pole great but um I think I'll be like the fishing let's see I'm going to feed monkeys and casters together for a bit but hopefully I'll just wean them on the casters but you cook one eight pounds to qualify if you'll want 20 pound to qualify or something but I've got two ago rods and uh oh well that's never happened before oh it's just unscrewed itself inside get two likely about to feed a rod so I've got two hard garage feeder rod and uh a couple of strung out long pole rigs I can't just be careful this first trip of the year didn't know you were on I think a lot of people would have started on this float on the um they've not been fished for first day of the season I'm hoping they're a bit stupid I mean you could do five pound in the first half an hour if they're if there's any number of perch there news feed casters there as well but this is my heavy rig so they also leave the two pegs below normally at least two pegs below because that's where boats turn but uh they've done it just deliberately Garner pegs this he likes to he likes to slow love good pegs down aggressive so uh if I haven't got out it's me and but if that's the right thing see these were about at the start oh yeah so let's talk about coming through so far so good two little chocolates I'm hoping there's a loader shovel its further out Gordon his name is foreign because they've not been fished for the good yeah I've been you know they'll get a bit of shower shock after today but it's been read off well over a week now she's the only problem and uh these fish it is a really clear reverse you'd expect as Evesham always is I didn't know that was on foreign can see milk yeah it caught me hooked back wow that's a good sign let's shallow up a little bit I didn't know that we're on there's only little perch to trouble the needle this is what I wanted to do on a lot of next this is my plan it's sure in this Peg has thrown us a bit of a spanner because of a the literal not gonna fish past this pole line I'm Gonna Keep it nice to begin with or something like that another truck fresh bit I think but I always happy not to do put the chopped spit back in with a whims try and find it I don't like putting it back in with the whips kill it but brilliant there's keep throwing a few Casters in as well trying to catch some sugar I'm fishing strong elastic because well you can see all the cabbages and everything around me just gotta boss those fish as soon as you help them switch in as well all right I'm gonna stop talking for a little bit now okay on a fishing decent start thank you I'll come off the bottom now just had a probably another five fish perch and triplets I've had a couple on double caster if he'd lose feeding some casters there and just the banglades to put some more worms in there's a few miles there I want to scare them all I also want to feed them nothing down his throat oh we're gonna be careful putting them in it they flip as soon as you let go we got a proper mango let's even catch one more impossible it's nice you just look right because it's nice shade red off what Anglers are I think make the most of trying to catch them here because I think after a couple of matches you won't catch them behind this we're catching them off guard saw him I need a little still going under so let's just stay where they are for now okay we'll catch them shallow on the long pole as well we should start feeling a little bit further down the stream probably fishing too far in front for if they come up in the world I want to be down that way a little bit really I settle this off now I said we're catching amazing that's where the battery was wasn't it so maybe there's something I think as it gets hotter and hotter this is this shade will change and you'll probably be able to see where I'm catching them I think we need to put some worms in pour some fish back just one a great start anyway [Music] it's surprised to seeing here also soon as well just spill it before we get out hopefully this won't scare them too much open it up again the food good free free stuff three pints or more casters I think I should have brought plenty sort of edging it through we've got a couple of pound already I think because I've got a hole in my neck they're nice unsettling for a little bit but I think we need to feed so it's a gamble we've got to make kind of fed it in soil but prefer to bait dropper if I can an egg like this I think I need to go back heavy spooked him for a little bit and we'll try that singing especially there's some sugar brown and click on this bit harder now [Music] they'll be back and in greater numbers as Obi-Wan Kenobi would say I'll catch one more then the cameras are going off because it's a train now so as you can tell that bait drop of the wedding let's put them off a little bit we'll try that light rig in a sec it's a gamble we've got a tank because you need to catch a decent weight I'm gonna have to catch double figures I think looking at it today which is a good weight for evium it's half hour gone anyway a smaller bit of worm on next chalk and we're still priming that swim anyway we're going very soon I can just say right again right at the end of the day foreign just first look on my lighter just off bottom single cap I'm eating to go along but still some fish yeah so whilst I'm doing that I'm still flying oh dice nice so again different spaces foreign it's just a half gram rig 16-12 so still beefy but uh got one eye on fish how's this definitely had some decent job I've seen one roll in this pack as well so he's on the mouth of the river so I kind of expected him to win from there you have to choose my Pegasus he definitely choose his [Music] got two maggots on there I might have to add another section because I've got a clean run through there two two there's still a few pups there but they just gone a bit on edge now we'll try a little bit of worm on this rig as well there's definitely some small fish about let's see that was a better fish rolled in my feed then I'm sure it was so I'm going to start off just three or four foot deep I think the hardest thing Peg like this is what elastics here I'm going to start off on a six but I might have to put an eight on eight to ten so let's see what they'll have it's not like this rig all right pop a little bit of worm on and then we'll we'll Suck It Off come on we've probably overstayed our welcome short we'll pop a dollar for learning when just before we come off it actually there and so if not we'll just go a little bit further and fish cracker instead my Peg's a lot narrower then 35. he's got the whole mouth of the river in front of him [Music] that is not right that rig get back to me aty one foreign [Music] actually fed the right distance or not as well where's the float perfect we'll see if there's any trouble that's Mid River I'm just fancing some freaking mid flag see The Bleak and everything there as well obviously yeah already I think it's gonna be on stronger gear [Music] sorry I'm in it I already feel uh Justified trying to catch him on the pole six lastic words okay in there let's stick to the six for now I'm not going to change straight away got a job first chalk three days it's got this with a fishing in it but they're different themselves as well let's have a nice long line I've got a full depth rig strung out as well which is on a top floor and I've got a good two to well two or three meters align above there okay I shipped one too much sometimes that's a while to remember how to Fisher River I've been looking forward to this match [Music] [Music] starting on this that wagler will be skimming through now and I ain't the best at it so this dear strengths conditions coming off this is a 0.3 gram um blade one mil nylon tip it takes [Music] we can try and like a bit of worm let's cry out the maggots a bit for now [Music] how good is this a bad one Cam's going to go off again I'm afraid bye for now just hooked it back I wanted well away from itself maybe I can for sure all right really quiet I've had a little pop on a bit of wearmed and I just put this on a way I met that's a better one six that's ideal actually they're not causing any problems yeah just a tiny bit of oil [Music] y a bit um maybe just stick where we are for now hardest thing senior float the very light keeps changing I mean dark light dark light dark light and only a thin bristle keep your eye on it I'm enjoying this but I'm being knackered save me the biggest thing for me now is keeping my concentration if I could just do this all day I'm fine the pole down and pick the wagon up for a little bit I've made a few markers again I think mixing up keeps him confused try to catching some little pups there on the waggler deeper than me as well so I am getting some staff shower oh I picked one there oh but that was a job wouldn't it [Music] yeah this is good it's easier to catch them on the pole presentation I need some fish there anyway get on somebody might want to be the other way might want to be shy nice still a job welcome to English room all right foreign at the moment but it's obviously early days of course smaller fish I think just drop back on this and there and cover everything up as well because it's getting really hot now I'm in full sun 550 on today see if there's anything on there I'll keep feeding just let them build up again they're definitely catching certainly yeah but even if we don't catch we're given that long swim time to settle down again another Bleak as well you missed that so I've had a Bleaker dice perch and an eel anything I haven't had is a roach which doesn't surprise me too much dripping a few casters here not close let's go over there oh crikey make my worm just looked away and it was shot under um I'll never know I've got a small bit away man sure that hooks cut this all covered up if I can 20 minutes foreign I can catch more on the pole don't I it'll depend on shadows and sun and everything as well a little bit but that's the main part of the river be down the middle shot under around there so I don't know what we just have a quiet spell now but I just feel I need to let them regroup on that pole you can always search past it I could it go another whole section always on I've got another pole section or we could um fish there change this hook it's a bit less crude Las Vegas 16 to oh 10 now and a nicer 16. nice in time really one more look at that classic without a bite on it combusters [Music] certainly trying to tell the guy going to move on I don't think he's getting the message yeah they keep sitting on that chair to the guy sat in the chair I keep sitting on that Bloody chair all right what the one I'm telling yeah so he's all about you mate I think that's enough time to chat and Prime and establish that they they've gone a bit on this inside there's an idea what your dog in the morning or in the evening rather in the middle of the day and they won't get too hot foreign Trev oh I've got the wrong wiggle there you go wrong but you wish you said no now Trev the lady kindly asked if a dog could drink and uh he says oh yeah see so your ass nicer yeah and now there's about four old ladies dressed just on the trick I definitely needed that mess we first Pike [Music] I hope you learned your lesson there Trev next time tell him to off I know 806 gossiping friends that you didn't see I'd have roped It Off put some barbed wire there it's not like you know there's quite a bit of river they could go for a drink I've had my first Pike strike anyway there we go as well a bit quiet and I caught that one explaining it maybe some bigger ones about foreign again it's a bit of a waste of time or one Pike strike okay short Line's gone a bit it's funny foreign match so nice that's what I supposed to have see what the arm doctor says [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] keep sniffing me chub [Music] oh that one come off first first one that's come off [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign blokes these days right definitely yeah because it seems to be up and down a bit now not many boats actually drop down a bit we did drop right down the peg but then I had a runner bites at the top of the pack so we've got two two and a quarter hours ago still got double figures I must have thank you I saw the pike again so I got the net out you don't work on it another look on caster and we'll go deep again a quick look here as well I did drop in and have a little chocolate last time I had a little bit I'm just getting a little Dink and that's it now I've got half hour to go I've licked on I've had um two ounce perch and a pound tub and topped up a few times um it's just gone everyone's not catching now but I don't think pass I think he struggled above me after catching quite well on the wagleta begin with and chalky stopped catching on the web below me as well I've been picking an artificial off you've got to rest it and I've had a pipe take a trip but it's let go and I got the job in probably three ounce four ounce job so I've all got a great big job but no stretchless but yeah just can't keep popping something in the net now but I'll keep him to rest that line they were right at the bottom of the peg um then they came shallow again I'm proper looking on now anyway a good three quarters of a worm I'd say I had a nice job and a and a perch that's probably probably it now I've had a roach as well so I've caught every species now other than brain will keep a I'm just gonna have another couple of ones here on those Pole now I'm gonna literally might spend the last 20 minutes on the wild right at the bottom of the peg it's definitely some have been sitting right at the bottom it's a shame my battery's running out you would have seen natural at that point they're a lot more important oh yeah just trying to fish are the cameras today what now [Music] I've tried going 16 meters but it's not made any different they're even chasing right down at it it just seems better so hang on at this little range it was weird it felt like they weren't a fish shallow at all they had a little run a little in the shallow then I've had to go sort of three inches off the deck and catch them at the bottom of the peg it's almost like there's a diagonal line I'm catching them along that diagonal line depending where they want to sit so there's some little fishing suddenly in the pack I think you can actually see a few topping now I don't take anything now just to boost me away but I'm sure there's some chalk there you've definitely got to keep resting it so that's half of the match that's been uh on the scale down as well but smaller look I started off on a 16 I won an 18 now oh no I chopped him back soldiers that's the first one we've thrown back they're flippers ain't they slippery suckers [Music] apparently someone's had five green on page 66. and he's not in my hand I'm not doing well in the zone anyway possibly winning it I just don't know someone could have had a barbell or two or some tent or anything you just don't know a lot of people have packed up Dave owl I think Paul Glenfield will walk in the bank so I've had a brilliant day that's the worst part of my day talking that little fish pack could have done that one couldn't I yeah they're definitely up and down the pack a bit more now mostly on a cast I've had a few and a bit of worm I've had one decent one on a dead maggot but then nothing after that I've rung the changes a little bit I've tried live maggots wasted time today but I have been feeding casters so not fed any hemp maybe I should have I don't know it seems I've done me any I'm not feeding it but maybe that would settled on the bottom and give me somewhere else to fish for the bottom I think we'll get another one shall we yeah all that was a that was a donk I think there's a few there but they're just super hard to catch now I tried up in the field didn't seem to work maybe I should try it again now though I smashed my caster yeah I think there's one or two up in the water again I'll tell you what I'm going to do I'm gonna go 16 meters in as I get just off the back of that feed and then we'll pick the Wagga up just about eating bites out on this now I think [Music] that's an absolutely brilliant day no complaints about my day's fishing [Music] so I'm not going to win the match if someone's at five brain but I definitely think I've got a chance of framing I picked up the wrong 16 meter section three but it it'll work a bit further now probably can see the photo a bit better there as well can we yeah possibly should have gone there sooner but the wind did get up really start to blow Downstream quite a bit when I first time [Music] watch out because it's definitely a part about hello all right it won't fall off this time well there we are stays fishing absolutely shattered oh I can see the pike down here I'll show you that in a sec but uh I think I've eaten them either side I must have 15. so so yeah happy people for that a bit tired and knackered now but I've just finished part picked the bag up a little bit at the end um wish I hadn't because when I put it back down it tangled up with all my wings but uh yeah the last five ten minutes gone a bit to pop so uh that the fingers crossed we're in the final we'll see we'll see I've got a really good chance anyway I've got a real good feeling enough 80 pounds so much and four picking up 100 pounds is Paul Passmore with 16 13 of 35. David Schultz with a weight of 17-4 thank you 120 pounds of the 45 baby charts he's got it sorry the second place speaking of 140 pounds with a weight of 18 pounds 14 ounces of Peg 66 is John Rafferty Elder and John Andrew today picking up 160 pounds is John Arthur 36 36. oh that's for an invalid if you can't speak properly heck I'll go and take it and I've won the match as well so they've had five brim further down but they went 18 pound there was a 17. and past to my left side 16 pound so I can't believe it fantastic final here we go I was second in a qualifier second overall on the Thames last year but didn't qualify because the guy who won my zone won the match with a big way to brew but I had a lovely day catching chub and chublets today and uh doing my own thing I think 90 of people would have just fish the Wagner today but I set them both up and I just fancied it for catching on a pole especially because of the downstream wind and uh it's been dead right really sandwiched between Two River Legends Trevor chalk and Paul pasmore who I've got maximum respect for both and they would have beat me if it was an out and out waggler day so I've fished my strengths and uh got the result the opening day of the river season Happy Days and also it was a a witch-haven qualifier as well so I qualified for the witch Haven August bank holiday which I've won twice before so you never know maybe it'll be my year if if I'm well enough and I can beat this long covered so uh sorry you guys have to see me like this takes a lot out of me I've been a bit emotional today but I'm all right now okay and uh just chill out now thanks guys for watching Happy Days I know I look like crap but I could still fish a bit so uh let's get up and get arrested thanks for watching [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Jon Arthur Angling
Views: 40,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qXYTCurw-9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 45sec (4665 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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