Fishing For Daiwa Dorking | Des Shipp

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right then folks I'm going to hand you over to Richard and he's going to explain what we're doing hey not you got well upset when I stole your thunder I did actually I always start these things off folks don't I can't be dealing with it but seeing as we're out filming with Dez today we thought what better time than to do a podcast and going back to sort of that team fishing here in his diary Dorking days that's how I remember your best days obviously thatch is first for me and then you're Dorking days and just sort of like the influence that you'll add over each other and the you know the information you shared it was phenomenal I love you know I mean team fishing for me let me waffle a bit first I love the idea of it but I was never around sort of like the great teams and you you look obviously you look at like the likes of Barnsley and I was like sharing all that information now and then obviously Dorking back in the day he was like yeah it's been nice out to be part of it but as you're gonna you know tell us in a bit there's a lot a lot hard work involved wouldn't they yeah it was busy it was expensive you know what I mean it's expensive because you know back in the day I had not you know just a new mortgage in you know I just moved into a house and all that and it was like you know it was hard it was hard in it but like we spoke before we started filming I think having the manager that you had like Steve Saunders right yeah so I mean he he sort of he made the team what it was what's he doing now Steve is he still he's just fishes all the time now yeah he had a shop obviously a fishing shop and he yeah he uh sort of sold that on and you know Steve yeah you know of him I know the name but I don't know him so I fished in the England youth team with his son Michael yeah no no he doesn't finish the time I think he might just mess around a bit but no he doesn't fish at all now what fishing related then because he came over to Portugal with his women in there with the youth team so he's lovely lovely Vlog and you'd want to succeed yeah you wanted it you wanted to be successful in you know Dorking I think dorkin you know obviously when I fish are thatchers where you started fishing we got into some of the Super League finals against Dorking yeah and doraking at the time well it you know that name of dorgan had been about for a long long time even when I fish for thatchers it was like damn Dorking them was it is it not sure if it was the same team that I was in no there's always been I think he's always been done completely different team oh go on mate um and then obviously when we went to the Super D finals uh back back in the day you know that was the team to beat and then it was that Essex Essex County you know he was like when I first joined dorakin Essex County were still top of the game in that you know to like to qualify to go through to the final yeah and then Steve sort of built the team up with Barnsley is Big at this point though no they know we're Barnsley didn't you try custody field Essex County Dorking yeah yeah Bonzi um I don't know what was happening it's always big you know yeah I'm not sure with Barnsley what really what it was like um there was a few teams I think the team at Barnsley in yeah I'm not quite sure what happened with where where Barnes he was in that era yeah but not as dominant as they are no no Dora doraking went through I think they went through like quite a dominant at the time yeah and then Essex County took over the sort of row the reign of all that and then obviously they used to fish the same Super League team League we're in the same region and not them was you all yeah no because obviously I still lived in where I live in Bristol so obviously from me and Steve Mayo to travel from like where we live to Steve as well he's living life in Thailand yeah yeah he'll be messing around with something oh yes absolutely yeah so uh so yeah obviously we used to travel like virtually every week fishing the Super League range and and at the time Dorking couldn't quite beat Essex in the league to get through to the because you used to have to win your league didn't you to get through to the Super League final yeah yeah and then Steve's drafted in well he just built the team up really it was me just in the name of Feud it was me Steve Mayo Ben Lee Simon Wheels more obviously I didn't know a lot of them until I got in the team's got to know him and then we started beating us six you know on their on the Grand Union Canal it was bloodborne fishing back then it was brilliant yeah because it was such a big like well different loads of different styles of fishing you know one minute you'd be at Barrow Beach fishing a feeder for Breen yeah then you'd be on the Grand Union Canal fishing with blood worms this is just before like commercials like waiting yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there are there obviously but they weren't part of the league it was lots of natural water fishing you know a bit of everything then we might go to Gold Valley for one of the League's bit of carp fishing yeah and yeah we started beating them and then it was funny that was like the collapse of Van Den iron as a team as well right okay because you know there's Derek young people Kim Nielsen of light yeah Chris vanderfield um I'm not sure yeah and that and when we started beating them that was the that was the end of Essex Unfortunately they sort of faded away yeah they just said we can't we can't compete anymore which was a bit strange because they were like the dogs do daddies were badly back in the day weren't they yeah definitely and they they felt they folded not long after either it was only a couple of years we beat them for a couple of years and they were gone right okay they just fell apart yeah yeah just destroyed them just just annotated them Rich that's all you can say really do you think there is a bit of that though Nat like obviously now with um bondly being so dominant it almost puts people off because of them that far ahead of everyone else yeah yeah they mean they've they're just taking it apart everywhere aren't they on everything but fishing's different as well now you know when we used to go the carrot fishing was carp fishing yeah there was no f1s and stuff do you know what I mean it wasn't it wasn't there and I think I think I would have just been speaking about F1 fishing haven't we I mean it's amazing fishing but for like a lot of people it's just a bit start to get in like to be that you know sort of involved with it and you know on the go with it all the time it's just too much for a lot it is yeah it is it's when you're doing it week in week out you almost specializes it is specialized in some respects yeah so but you you know is it yourself don't you if you do the same thing for a month or two yeah you're on it usually Silver's fishing in it you're proper on it maybe yeah now I'm all good for six months caught some run the other day you did all I can do smash the red out here talking Susan does so obviously you've got um a Super League fan or say coming up at uh let's go Whitetail for example yeah what would that involve with the likes of you know obviously taking time off of work yeah it was really it was really difficult because me England's sort of career started not you know around that yeah around that era as well um there was obviously a few Sickies you can see it now doesn't matter does it now I mean there was a few Sickies here and there yeah um yeah I used to take time off of work days full on intense for a week or you just do a few days depends like white Acres was more about going down for a week right because obviously we're we're situated um in other venues you could travel there you know likes of like Hayford for example was that a long way for you when it used to be at Hayfield yeah hey film was probably two hours right okay maybe a you know a bit of Taj more um yeah we just sort of used to go there on a weekend if there was a practice match you'd go there and then we'd sort of go there two or three days like in advance would you go to would you do that a month before like yeah or yeah three weeks four weeks you put your time and effort in yeah and obviously it used to change a lot what are you looking for because this is the thing you see a lot of people go practicing for matches and stuff and just end up pleasure fishing catching a load of fish because you're on your own it's solid when you're going as a team what are you looking for looking you always pick summer up rich it you know it's like the film that you know I'll be doing today there's little things that I'll probably show you today that that was about back in that day unless someone actually does something and that I'm not saying it will work but if it does work there's always someone in there there's always summer in a team theme even if you go pleasure fish you'll think you'll say I remember I I fished the stain forward what's the other one not the same forming new Junction New Junction Canal I went there one there's a classic example it wasn't a match admittedly and I was fishing away and I was next to Adrian Whittle I think yeah something like that in the practice match and hey you know I used to do a little bit of squat fishing that was all squat fishing on there I think I'm gonna rabbit on a bit about that but good honestly I remember I caught a few and I just couldn't catch nothing I thought let me just put some more line on the bottom with double squat which ain't the sort of thing you do with squats is it really and I fished like four or five inches over debt for double white squad on Saturday like that and I'm thinking come on then let's see if I can catch a brain there's like first calendar white four ounce roach I'm like oh yeah that was all right bear in mind this fishing is like ain't happening it's bright sunshine you know not a breath of win got it again caught seven pound of roach in one resection cool so I've gone back obviously this was with dorkin as a team said like have you caught theirs I've said I've fished like five or six things over there wear your shirt peeling this information are you all meeting up at a pub of summer or is it just over no just no because the phone's a mobile phone really back then was not even like it was like it was like the professionalsian doyle when the phone was like it's big like hello hello yeah yeah and you know you talk about it you know you go back after you talk about it and then like as it happens we went on to win the national and most of us caught like five inches over debt for double squat on brilliant but that's what happens in the team practice you'll somehow summer comes through yeah you know and obviously draw the draw was quite important if you knew the venue yeah and I think that's where barnsley's got a massive Advantage yeah a lot no not being funny a lot of the finals now are built in it is around their area isn't it efficient and that makes a massive difference we couldn't believe we stay we did a group day uh a few weeks ago at lindome and then obviously the bands have been there practice for the match and then they all stay behind didn't they and they all pulled the information together you know what I mean you start yeah that's what you need if someone you know if you don't tell people yeah about the info you're not going to win and that's where Dorking at the time did you used to have any any Anglers that keep the information to yourself would you say in individual glory and that or was it all like ah no I wouldn't say I wouldn't say no but back then it was about the team was the team we all wanted it badly because like a lot of it Steve as well you know you wouldn't succeed for him yeah we wanted it badly do you know what I mean and and when you've got teams like Essex County and you were beating them it gives you a buzz it gives you the buzz to go out and just take it and yeah yeah definitely you know we're on like a you know like Barnes yeah we're on like I think I've got a sort of Super League final um what is it discs I've got like a whole pile of them and then we just you know we it's different now it's changed I mean I don't do I'm still stood in the team as such but I don't fish it my my sort of fishing has gone away from that yeah yeah because it I don't know there's lots more things happening in fishing now in their back and that's the difference back in the day then team fishing was you needed team fishing yeah to to for your fishing if you wanted to fish big matches and stay like busy especially during the winter a team fishing was a must well nowadays you don't need team fishing you've got to look at the Nationals back then there was five well it was a six National yeah it was like 500 people oh yeah on the buses you don't need it anymore if you don't want to do team fish you don't need it there's lots of other things you know look at feeder Masters River fish yeah yeah festivals tons in there and I think that's sort of like you don't you don't need to do team fishing if you don't want to it's good you know because you get a buzz out of it but yeah it's not like it's not essential did you proper enjoy those back in the day yeah enjoyed it it was a lot of like you know like Financial it was a bit so like obviously if it come back to the Fords you reckon it'd be financially viable to like adult is no no I don't think it will ever come back no I think if you're looking to get into the England team as a as a yeah a senior or Junior I think it's always been the same in my eyes there's Barnsley um you've got star alerts yeah you've got Dorking I think they're the three teams really that the England team is made up from yeah and that's where I got it that's where I got my break for the England team was through the team through Dorking yeah yeah you know with the Anglers the Anglers you're fishing it with like will raise and Steve Steve uh Gardner yeah obviously Steve Saunders himself yeah and and I think that you know if I never fish a dorkin there's no way I'd have got into England team then what that part of my fishing would never have happened right okay not a chance yeah yeah unfortunately for me now I've got honestly I've got no interest in in that fishing I'm I'm happy in my own like you are you know like everybody is I think you don't need it yeah right I suppose go that you've been through the Heyday of it and as the team grew and everything what's going to be the like standout memorable win that like if you think back to it as a team yeah it's got to be winning the Super League when we come when Essex sort of when we beat Essie I never we we're because well I don't know if I'm getting me wires because so the Super League was that one on a natural venue then one of the commercials or was it just one or the other well it changed slightly didn't it it changed it changed it changed it was like that one because it used to be on the Trent it used to be natural stroke commercial and then we won it I never actually fished for dorkin I don't think when it was at Hayford I was still fishing for thatchers then because that's when that's when 16 I had I had a pole back then called a garbany new virage yeah boy it used to go out like that and then it would go like all right so it's like this right it's like it had a swing bridge in the middle and then obviously all the all the diamond Dorking guys at the top of the range diet was back in yeah and I you know yeah that that was a real tough venue on it because it was that and I there was a picture actually I've still got it it was a David all's match fishing magazine and I had a boss box and this is God's honest truth and I couldn't quite get across so I took the foot plate off and I got my box and there's a picture and I've got my feet like that on the on like the side of the platform which was a piece of wood so I could get that actually like like foot to get over this Hayford Bridge it was a snake Lake full of reeds and all the carp were in the regions and they were big carp as well but Dorking annihilated it they annihilated it spraying casters fishing up like casters shallow in heavy lines in and all that and but I was still fishing for thatchers back then that's where that's where Steve Saunders actually Steve Mayer we got in the van one day and Steve said to me he said I've been approached by Steve Saunders if if you if we would like to go and join doraking both of you yeah yeah yeah and I'm like blood bloody hell Steve I said that is like if we do and it's fair play de Mayo he said to me he said he said you need to do it yeah he said okay it don't bother me but he said you need to do it because I don't know Steve just had this feeling that I could have possibly got an England tea right okay and he said I think you should do it and then we've done it and yeah luckily he had a company car that he used to absolutely destroy it I mean honestly when you look back he was a great driver but he used to destroy cars his gearboxes and he said just treat him so badly yeah and if you know if one like people say to me how can I do what you done as in fish and I'm like mate if I sat down and wrote a book yeah you for most people with my job that I had my boss yeah everything that happened with like traveling to how many people can travel like we did for like like 15 years travel to London most weekends yeah yeah you can't do it can you do you know what I mean and um yeah if it weren't for all that the England thing it definitely wouldn't have happened right yeah yeah um but yeah I do feel sorry for team fishing I really do what why tickets what was the Super League why take was that just a one-off there yeah that was too that was brilliant remember them ones I like them ones yeah they were awesome yeah they were absolutely brilliant because there was no pellets back then yeah and it was year in year yeah we won like 10 years on the Trot I think when there's like Total Domination really and then we won a few Nationals and stuff but yeah the super League's don't worry because we're brilliant because it's all sticky mag um you know meat lots of meat fishing shout out on the deck and then Grant Albert was in the team yeah yeah you know what I mean like Steve Steve one stupid he was always looking for like yeah people like Grant come in when when as a team you're that dominant what was it was it tactics wise that you would doing something totally different or was it just a case of being a bit better yeah I think it was both at the time you're so on it you know at the time I was doing like lots of commercial fishing at moreland's here at Woodlands view where we are today I think it you know will was like still isn't he's at the top of his game on everything sticky mag yeah um yeah Steve Gardner he did moan a bit down there about a few bits and pieces like but yeah it was like I said it was carp it was carp and bream carp bream you know the Bremer Silvers you know when you're catching like big weights of carp and bring Shadow on meat big Oaks you know like it was they were everybody was in trouble yeah yeah you know and um I suppose having that fear element as well in it again like probably what bands they've got Now teams wouldn't want to face it because like instant like I've got every section you know what I mean yeah it's intimidation kind of thing yeah it's a shame that doraking like don't you know they've they've they've changed as well as a team you look at a lot of other Anglers now and they've gone to like a lot of like quite a lot of canal Anglers and stuff you know what I mean yeah because that's what like there that's where they're gone they've not the commercial side of the team is not like there as it used to be they're still great Anglers all of them but uh the Anglers that I've seen because I don't get involved with it anymore but the angles I've seen they're taking on it's more about it's still still there he's in charge obviously no no Steve Steve's been gone a long time yeah it's been unfortunately yeah I think when when it comes to a bit of an end when it like you could see it went over the Browder Hill I think Steve just said it's a lot of effort yeah yeah he's on the phone all the time absolutely you know I mean are you coming but now like if Mark Goddard phone me up because he was the captain for a while and Mark said do you fancy and I'd be like no that's right man I'm busy this week I've got to do some gardening or something where Steve Saunders would phone up and say what are you doing this weekend uh uh I'll come in with you when I yeah that's right and yeah see you next weekend yeah you add that respect and like you wouldn't say no yeah where now it'd be like yeah I'll tell you what I mean I'll give it a miss out because you've literally been there got the T-shirt done it all aren't you yeah with them yeah it is it was great times we had some fantastic times you know great laughs and yeah but you know I was a lot younger in that then in like I don't know you just you were hungry for it and that's the same with like going back to the the Barnsley team there's a lot of young guys yeah yeah and you had a good mix and it was like what we had we had a good mix of younger Anglers and like some of the older Anglers information yeah it's brilliant you know what I mean well you learn off each other because like the younger Anglers were like you know dotted down floats little dinks and that's like oh all right and then people like Steve Gardner would he wouldn't miss that he'd be like do you strike it out in well yeah I don't normally strike out away from us to come out it's not on that one yeah come on it was a great mixture because of all that yeah definitely and uh yeah it was yeah and it's completely gone for so you know full circle for me now I've not fished with Dorking the only time I've ever official dork in now is when they've had a winter league at Gold yeah and I get the odd phone call and say look can you fill in and even then I'm like yeah I'll go to Gold because I like that is there actually any rules now on how many people can be in a team because there seems to be somewhere where they just drag people and just grab anyone I think the national you've got to have so many in the team aren't you yeah like upper number because there's like is it you can have as many as you love them as you pick from them oh sorry yeah yeah you can have as many as well at the time I think doraking had something like 28 28 people on the books yeah if you like because you like whole range when it canals rivers lakes commercials but it's funny with Team door the the Dorking team I was involved with there was no like putting your resignation in or you just fade away you could fish everywhere though yeah but you just fade away you just fade away as an individual like I've done I've not sort of put my card in yeah sorry mate I'm not doing it it's just like you just go away it's weird it's always been the same like even when I first joined it'd be like where's that bloke gone then well you haven't seen it for like oh right is he actually still involved yeah if he wants to be do I mean there's no light on he's gone yeah yeah it's strange but that's how it's always been but yeah it was really good something like that the peaker like that temperature don't we you know yeah definitely still going but I think we've seen the peak of it definitely I think there's just so much individual stuff now that people can enjoy you know me I want to go out one I want to go out and enjoy what I'm doing and pick and choose a bit you know like which is like we've said the expense of like going practicing for a week with the fuel and staying over it there's nothing to be and there's nothing life is for when I fish for dorkin you literally yes we used to if we won Steve used to like give us a bit of a bonus if you like so we get a little bit of money back from all our expense but if you think now for team fishing you you literally what'd you get two or three grand in it a big check yeah and that goes back in the kitty for the next year's competitions you know what I mean yeah um I think for a lot of Team fish as well there was one one important thing we haven't really mentioned was like the sponsors oh okay yeah with like the kit yeah so you guys would you like yeah obviously you know I was I was sort of individually sponsored by Preston I've been obviously for bloody donkeys but for a lot I've got people coming into like like for say diadorokin they used to get some dialer stuff for like trade minus yeah that meant that meant a massive fiend to them that was like you know that was like appalling power to come and fish the team and he'd been saying with Barnsley with Drennan you know what I mean they will be you know getting a luggage getting their um clothing yeah getting all their bits and pieces and that nowadays is I think it's massive for some people well it is isn't it yeah I mean we were only all about it earlier weren't we yeah if you can get your elastics free and I think that's still the that draws people in if it weren't for that I think it'd be maybe in the top well I think every team even when it's official factors it was only a little shot but Rodney would sort of you know ground Bay in bits and pieces and you'd get a discount in the shop right it all adds up doesn't it yeah absolutely so I think that's a big this this day and age and everything yeah exactly the way things are going you know gone it's uh it makes a big difference oh come on Tess but um yeah I do miss it I do miss the the crack and like I don't miss the driving yeah I mean me and Steve used to come back from London a lot of weekends and you'd be like on the Mercury for five hours coming back over yeah on a Sunday then step back into work and back in or work on a Monday and I don't want to do that anymore I wouldn't do that anymore I wouldn't better do it now even if I like I don't know it's different when you're traveling you need someone to travel with as well I ain't got that anymore I travel a bit with Callum Dix now to some of the yeah because of Steve yeah Steve was my sort of traveling partner for many years and yeah yeah you wouldn't want to travel me anyway you know what I mean I'll be just moaning too much maybe like out there stop on the motor let me get out I should I go I'll get the bus soon but yeah you need you need that and I think Barnes you've got that they've got like a real good you know their team obviously a great team great bunch of Anglers and they got these people travel together yeah and you need and I ain't got that I never had that I couldn't do that with Dorking no because I got them to travel with yeah yeah you need that yeah and um yeah but yeah oh cool mate yeah no it's meant it's nice to have an insight into it plus it is for you as well Rich because you're not lying yeah I miss missed that era I've missed that area completely obviously you were out like where is these camouflage weren't you in that area like where is he okay he was sneaking around the hedges and stuff well yeah possibly well that's what I've been told that's what I've been told but now that's mean that's it is an insight into it it's like obviously I fully remember it you know where it was and where it is now when yeah no it's oh we honestly we said when we went to when the when the Super League finals it Pour off on the one day because I've won it poor if you want it like what is it right yeah because it's like you said natural stroke commercial I mean we were just buzzing yeah we would go down on an evening I'll tell you a story actually because it's quite funny this is I was down there with Will and Ben Ben AG we went and Will was like you know Will's like all the time he's like oh do you fancy a walk down to Perth I'm like start past six at night for Christ's sake I said all right so he walked down there and we're like trolling down through the woods oh you went from side from way yeah yeah just to have a just have a look range you know what I mean bloody car when I'm Shoveling but I've never really seen I've never really seen any carpet poor they're obviously in there yeah and then we walked down through the woods if anybody knows most of you know it from fishing white Acres all the years ago and then there were obviously a few because they were practicing day now I looked down and it was like Peggy 11 or something in the woods which is a massive step all the way down oh so you didn't used to pick the ones that are in there the whole match the peg in the woods opposite and the deeps five meters six meters down weren't they some of the pegs yeah and I looked down and I thought it was the light was going I thought oh water looks a bit colored down by that platform and bear my porous gin clear and I walked down and I've just seen his tail come up right it was like that big I'm like Jesus Christ and I'm like also there's common core-ups like come off the bottom he's obviously eating the bait over from like someone's chucked it in and this carp's eyes were like that being like a cowboy all right and they've seen me it sort of blocked that like that and thought Jesus who's that and he was like that big it was like massive his car up and it's gone off it's spooked and I'll knock in you the bow I've never seen a bow wave like it in my life it's like burning my poorest math is massive well the one caught 30 I pounded a match on there yeah that was a mirror but this thing the Border kind of spoke to aquarium this is like the big and it comes out it's a massive common yeah yeah I'd never forget it I can't remember it sort of come out like obviously sucking another grain baiting and he's like oh this is right and he's like this who's that and it's hurt man this bow wave is going across the reservoir like a speed boat going across it yeah I know I never forget it and will was like what's that I'm like that was the biggest car I've ever seen in my life isn't there like two f1s in there yeah I caught one I don't know it was you yeah I remember you caught a car and I caught a carton I was Jennifer John Arthur I remember oh his head come off I heard you because I was on the other side I was in the 80s and you were like on the on the other side in the teens yeah yeah I caught an F1 on the field I bought it I couldn't catch nothing so I bought it at like 18 meters with soft I've also done that earlier and then the tips like that I thought what's that there's an F1 it was a crash here actually yeah he's obviously snucked in from somewhere and then the the match next to John Arthur there's the same same sort of section but up a little bit and I was catching a skimmer well the fishing was good it was proper good fishing fishing well that year and then I'm sort of dropped me rigging it's like wow what's going on here end there's like nothing there and I was just like gone and I've gone whack it's a sixth slip and it's like gone out and I'm like why can't this just be a normal bream why have I got this Juggernaut where you thought it would have been a pike or something like anything so it's gone out I'm on o10 yeah and then I've like stood up it's gone out and then you know when it's like oh that's going to snap me it's gone it's like gone like that and come back and I thought I got one chance here is stand up so I jammed in the reception on because I never had pulled but I couldn't it was too deep and I'm not at and it's coming towards me and it's jean look look it was Gene clear and I've seen this first I thought is that mine that's a car so it got me there it's about three foot above below the surface of the wall and it swam straight at me Landing there and then John Arthur as John Arthur is like fishing a whip and all that and he said what's that I said it's a car for about 10 pounds no it's not I said yeah it is John he's like and he's like got his whip snap that Chuck that in the edge and then yeah so yeah I've had some uh yeah yeah went off on a bit of time yeah yeah upsetting everybody on the bank mate yeah but yeah it was great times it was great times to get up on the podium and I don't know there was just something about it there was just somewhere by be in Barnsley yeah and then obviously Essex as well Essex were gone because it was a shame really because we beat Essex in the the the obviously the team thing leading up to it because they were in our league yeah that was a disappointing part of that era I think if Essex could have been in the final as well that would have made it easy I feel would have been there when they take us a field or joining North West as well yeah adrenal Northwest were a bit later it's just a thought it was unfortunate that Essex died off because we we beat them in that in the Builder they were in the same league as I see so either dorkin went through or Essex right okay it'd been great for them to be in the final I think that would have just kept that would have kept everything going you know what I mean because they'd have been exceptional at it as well yeah um which was some of the probably the angling well that weren't the only trust then it was the what was it back then NFL they could probably put two teams through you know what I mean yeah because there was good teams in there it's like because you know there is now there's good teams that get really close in the final yeah or in their group thing to go through what's what they do in Europe they send like a few teams yeah that's what he needed back then but obviously the venues would have been up to have been bigger to compensate for it or to get in the numbers in but it's all hindsight in it when you look back you think all that would have made a difference in too late yeah it's too late now it's and I don't think team fishing will ever come back no like it was I don't think so no individual things are just growing and growing and growing aren't they definitely yeah definitely we need a winning ways winning ways you need your own what was it now don't you Hold on two you know you need your own fishing competition now winning what would you call it fishing ways official ways officials yeah that's what you need now there might there might be something next year actually oh hello knockout e ultimate angler of the year yeah yeah briefly mentioned it yeah watch this I'll just be doing the presenting days don't worry that's all I'm good for but no I hope you like that one folks bit of a different one obviously really great insight there from Dez thank you very much again mate no problem that's an amazing that's better you know has been almost been a great day out I love it mate but somewhere I said well absolutely just wait no worries so hello you lots and just in case you have missed what is going on within the winning ways world at the minute we thought we'd have a quick catch up with you just to show these days as I said we have taken things to utterly the next level when it comes to channel membership and the content that we are bringing to you on a flipping almost daily basis these days we've got that much going on but if you have not seen what's going on over the last month has been the first step in taking things as I say to that next level and the guests that we have had have quite simply been phenomenal so if you wanna have a little sneaky look what you've got to look at is simply lots of live matches so this month of our Live Match is from Mr Bennett himself he went up to Carney pools and did what he does up there winning the what is it it's a bank holding match Big Money Bank holiday match up there he did the job on that one we've got mati doors he fished an open match up at Forest Lane we've got that on this month we've got some technical ones off Matty as well I think he did a bit a bit of meat fishing this month got mati doors fishing meat and alongside that we've got two episodes of The Campaign which has been my yeah my focus this year sort of thing on um fish Midlands so you're following me through the first two qualifiers of that which were at the old hoof and as well at the Glebe fishery where yeah less said about that the better I got things a little bit wrong there so and alongside that as well we have still got the usual concept from me and Andrew bringing things on the usual Channel with the addition of the guest specials that we've been doing that this time the probably my favorite thing altogether is the learning from new Anglers such as Christian Jones who took Christian went out with Andy uh up to Partridge and went through just why he is so good at F1 shell official so that ladders took modern day F1 shallow fishing to a whole new level so of course we were going to tap into him find out what he could do on that side of things and we've also had Mr dead ship who took us there's probably no one better that fishing an all-rounding type way of fishing on a commercial I mean Dez is very much Fame for being able to catch a bit of everything when it comes to commercial fishing so that's what we did Andy talking down to Woodland view which would be an old stomping ground of his that he spent many a day back in his youth catching all sorts and he went down the worm castery catching a bit of everything very much nostalgic as well in the way there's used to do things and also referring to matches that used to be here so the International Air scene that he was involved in very heavily particularly on Arena when they used to have the fishermania Internationals so we've included that as well this month has been simply ridiculous we've had loads and loads and still more to come I mean the next thing we're going on to is a bit more guesty live matchy things we've got Adam Richards coming next where he went up to new venue he went up there and Adam did what Adam does as well I'm looking forward to what she is I've not watched them yet either that's going to be Adam's a very positive aggressive angler so a whole different way of approaching things and some of the venues he goes to are pretty special so yes we've got that coming imminently along with a bit more from bagger himself we're going to include them as much as possible and it is it's simply overwhelming the amount of content we can bring to you for such a small price and all of us can get a little bit better at fishing so if you haven't had a nose have a look at the catalogo what is available because say winning ways is continuing to take things to the next level
Channel: Winning Ways Extra
Views: 13,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xZ0iCO0YZpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 1sec (2161 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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