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foreign [Music] [Music] as it's been a week now since June the 16th and I've had a couple of days to process and reflect exactly what's happened with myself in a very special capture I thought tonight is another deal time to tell the story as you know I'm having a wander down the river in search of a new stretch that you know I might have a dabble on in the future but uh something's weak happened which was extremely special and um yeah I don't even know where to begin with this but let's have a little walk and we'll see how I can tell this story thank you you all know just how important that June the 16th is for me um it's it's just tradition for me I've done it for so many years and it's just it's just a part of my angling when it uh when it comes to that special day it's uh it's all about getting out there and enjoying the Wilderness and and and spending that time trying to catch these special creatures that live in the uh live in our our Waters in our river systems and the reason that that is so important to me is because I still love a bit of mystery in my fishing um don't get me wrong on one for targeting a Pacific fish but I still love that that that feeling of not knowing when that buzzer goes and that is exactly what June the 16th is about isn't it is uh just hoping that something remarkable turns up sometimes it really is just beautiful to have an explore because I didn't realize just how beautiful this stretcher river is sometimes just going on a just going on a little stroll you can find the most magnificent places yeah it's lovely around there a bit of peace and quiet so I've been banging on about just how special that night is for my England and some something came up this year I just I couldn't get or find a stretch which I was happy with um couldn't find a spot that I really wanted to start introducing bait to and with the weather being so goddamn hot I I didn't want to just sort of by anywhere and just hope the fish were gonna turn up um I mean don't get me wrong I did trickle in a little bait when I was um cruising down there in the new boat but there was this one fish in particular which is a in a totally different area a totally different vibe to what I'm in now I'm in the Great British Countryside here is absolutely beautiful and where this one fish was was in an absolute built up area in the middle of London and um that is just the only place I wanted to be this year I had my eyes set on one particular fish and honestly I didn't realize that it was going to be my first fish from the venue and on my first trip either you just couldn't write it [Music] so let's do it let's Jump Right In to into the urban city now um I was accompanied on this trip by a friend of mine Jack and he's been on quite a few of these with me recently and I've been telling them about this fish for quite a while and uh and it really is my new Target but uh we're we're filming another piece in London right um and both of us have been doing quite well but because it was June the 17th and I hadn't yet quite scratched at itch of being on the river I told him that we've got to go and at least have a look at my new stretch which I was going to start putting some time into and um as we arrived we paid our parking um ticket and uh and we were walking through this very built up area and we've come across a bridge um and this was my very first glimpse at the river honestly it was a bit like right now me walking over this and peering down and seeing pretty much every fish in the stretch well quite honestly it can't have been every fish in the stretch but there were a lot of them there just sitting there just just soaking up the Sun and um I I honestly couldn't believe my luck talk about being in the right place at the right time um I must have trodden in something because I had all my gear that I normally carry for stalking my unhooking mat my rucksack that I've got here um and my son offs with a little sawn off net as well tucked away in it and that is all I needed to have a go at these carp [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] as we'd come down to the uh the water's edge we could see that there was a guy that was bivvied up on the far bank and he'd had three rods out and he must have been there all night um and there was another guy that was fishing right underneath the bridge fishing right in the margins and um me and Jack just stood around watching for a while and um just just thinking to ourselves that every fish and the fish that I so dearly wanted to catch was sitting right there on the surface and these boys were um were fishing on the deck and I quite honestly I just I couldn't believe it myself that they weren't having to go for him um on the surface but as my luck would have it these guys reeled in or this one guy actually reeled in packed away and rode off on his bike so that left to swim open and left an opportunity for me to uh to get my stalking gear all sorted and and try and have a go for this car and I couldn't believe that what the fish was what I was looking at it was so wide it was absolutely thick as anything across its shoulders I knew exactly what fish it was that I was looking at because it was it has a really bright orange distinctive belly on it black as you like as well across the back and it has a humongous paddle on it and as I flicked my little bit of bread in front of its nose it went for it straight away but it pulled it pulled away at at the last minute and when a fish does that you know that he wants it but it was just a little bit shy of actually sucking in that hook mate um so I quickly ruled in the old Hearts going like a good and and uh I had another flick for it and this time it sort of fell behind a big patch of floating weed and I'm not sure if you felt a little bit safer there but he sucked it in straight away oh my God oh my God right in the way sake absolutely locked up brother someone one of us going swimming mate Jack I'm gonna go in aren't I don't have to do to make this this is like sorry my knees are shaking my heart's coming out my chest man I've got the I've got the fish of a lifetime mate this is oh yeah yeah we've got a bit of movement yeah a bit of kicking yes yes yes yes yes oh got a game to foot Jack I'm gonna do Rob should I swim out what would you do come on yeah yeah he's coming what is that no way hey all right just keep the weed over him just keep weed over him is that him yes yeah yeah we're on good man good man so heavy mate it's got so much weed on it isn't it hi Jack Jack don't don't get out your boy don't get out just yet mate because it's just gone straight into another weed bed there and it's so heavy with all that weed on it cheers bro we're not over yet though are we good yeah yeah I think so yeah yeah yeah really really good one is it he's moving he's moving or is that you no I know he's moving he's moving he's coming whoa oh no he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming excuse me mate we're mental oh it is it's the big girl as well man it is a big girl he's coming he's coming come on come on boy come on come on yes yes mate what a fish oh cheers I've been literally dreaming of this fish for quite some time and I've always thought about uh coming down to this River to have a guy and this is my first time visiting this venue and across the bridge and I see it straight away and uh the third Caster here and it's taking it and it's probably one of the best ones in the stretch and the one that I want is so bad so you can't write it when it happens like that that's for sure people people chase this fish for years and I've been here 15 seconds I can't believe it look at this best fish I've ever caught and such a remarkable fish to catch from yeah honestly like it's fish from a river in central London just means the world coming the best fish of my life honestly incredible incredible fish [Music] foreign yes mate what a fish just in case you guys want to know about what I take when I go on these stalking missions um I take this rucksack here which is a stash pack which unzips into a rucksack and then I strap my uh my unhooking mat to the bottom of it so there is um the bulk of the gear I would say you've got this rucksack to put any essential items that you need in there for stalking um normally it's got my camera in it and a few little items of end tackle just in case I need to put a rig on the deck um so I could I've got my essentials to make something and then I carry my my little six foot soreness with me I normally carry two and I have my sworn off net as well that could literally compacts folds right up and goes into this tiny little rod holder and and that is all I take with me because when I go to London and I'm roaming around all these park lakes trying to catch these fish the last thing you want to be doing is carrying around serious amounts of gear because you are doing leg miles on these days um and uh this it's taken me years to compact my gear to exactly how I like it but I feel like this really does work for me and um yeah you know where to get it guys but if you've enjoyed this video then please make sure you drop a comment below hit that subscribe button and I will see you again in the next one take care of yourself
Channel: Forbidden Routes
Views: 12,584
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: London river carp, urban carp, city fishing, fishing, London, carp fishing, Nash tackle, river monsters, swimming in a river, rivers, big carp, carp, korda, French fishing, Belgium fishing
Id: X85WNUMjvP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 47sec (1067 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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