How To Walk in the Spirit Part 2

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pastor Benny Hinn's new school of ministry online is an exciting and powerful tool designed to help you to grow as a Christian be enriched in your spiritual life and strengthened for service these online classes will enable you to study God's Word with pastor Benny as your teacher regardless of your location time constraints or educational level courses include operating in the anointing how to pray for the sick the names and nature of God Jesus revealed in the tabernacle deliverance from demons the foundations of the doctrine of Scripture God's agenda for the ages a study on prophecy in the book of Revelation and many more with new courses being added on a regular basis using the latest technology which will integrate seamlessly into your busy schedule you'll have immediate access to amazing learning tools such as dozens of free ebooks pastor Vinny's personal sermon notes thousands of hours of digital content including over 600 videos an extensive resource library virtual study groups and forums for sharing ideas with other students around the world and so many other resources for efficient and effective learning with pastor Benny as your teacher you'll be thrilled at the way your knowledge of the Scriptures and growth as a Christian will increase exponentially enroll in the Benny Hinn school of ministry online today [Music] [Applause] look dark precious Jesus today who say heals delivers and blesses this is your day for a miracle [Music] [Applause] there is no Egyptian army behind you there's only God there is no Red Sea in front of you is only God my god are you listening to this there are no Giants only God there's no limits there's only God there are no limitations in your life if you seek God no limits say no limit say all is mine life is my death is mine the pass is mine the present is mine the future is mine Jesus is mine everything can you come to that life how many will come to that life put your hands up high to say I will be free from the past and the present and the future and the flesh and the mind and the emotions I'm a man of the Spirit and I see God everywhere I look I see God Abell what I turn I see god no limitations in God that's where your life is right now you're in it now I said you're in it now say I am righteous I am righteous that's it I am holy that's it I'm accepted in the beloved I am predestined I am predestined I am predestined I have a destiny in Christ Jesus I'm predestined now you have to believe that not everyone is predestined not everyone has a destiny some of your friends our blind as bats some of your family members are blind because they have no destiny only those with their destiny see what they're going if you have a destiny you don't see their flesh and the older you grow the more you walk in the spirit the older because see the the path of the just is like a light that gets brighter and brighter and brighter not darker but brighter we go from life to life life to life life life life life to life life life life because we're always going forward the world goes backwards we go forward you see the world the world goes from life to death we go from death to life that's forward not backward are you listening the world goes from being strong to being weak we go from being weak to being strong the Christian life is from darkness to light not the other way around the Christian life is from death to life fat not life to death like the world the world goes from life to death when the younger alive when they're dead they're dead when they're all they die we don't die we don't die we do not die we are alive and though we will get get shall we live because he said so he is our life he is our wisdom are you people listening hallelujah haha I want to hear a big hallelujah God Almighty oh my lord they saw the glory they saw the miracles they never saw God it's time you see God see David saw God in Psalm 23:4 yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me thou art with me he saw God he didn't see the valley he saw God you see you gotta you gotta understand the valley of the shadow of death is a terrifying reality but he saw God in it yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death that's terrifying that's a very serious place that's terrifying to be there but thou art with me dear God he saw God and he said ah thou art with me that's the key how many understand put your hands up high if he didn't see the valley he's so God with him that's all I'm talking about he did not see the valley of the shadow of death yes it is terrifying he saw the greater reality now what with me that faith became alive what did he do the Bible tells us what to do in Romans 13:14 turn to it this is what I am bringing you to you have to come to that place as a Christian you have to experience Romans 13:14 or your life will always be a disaster area you'll never accomplish what God has planned for your life you'll never get to the place of absolute fulfillment so what must we do we must obey Romans 13 and that is the key verse 14 is the key read it for me there my brother or I'll read it for you myself 14 but put ye on the Lord Jesus ah that's the key and may the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh ha that's it laughter then this is it yeah you put on the Lord and the flesh there's no place yeah there's no place you force it out with the presence of the Lord put on the Lord Jesus day and night put him on and then don't let the flesh get in that's how you do it you put on the Lord Jesus you don't have to fight the flesh you don't have to force her out of you because it can't stay with Jesus shows up no room and that's what Katherine Kuhlman used to teach she said you cannot be free from sin unless the presence of Jesus is in your life then there'll be no space for sin when the presence of the Lord is in there's no place for sin and and it's so easy for us to find the Lord you know that Christian life is the simplest life that is really simple life just the presence of the Lord can you play the beautiful worship for me Oh hallelujah no provision avoid the places trigger the flesh because that's not who you are anymore you don't need that you don't want it strengthened who you are not who you are not strengthened who you are not who you are not the presence of the Lord put on the Lord Jesus Christ so Ephesians 4:22 through 24 talks about a radical change has to take place because see I have to choose how to act I act in accord with the truth of God's Word so the Bible tells me in Ephesians it says listen listen and this is something you can only do you can only do if you put on the Lord because if you put on the Lord it's easy if you if you don't put put on the Lord it's gonna be really rough because he said in Ephesians 4:22 says put off the former life put off the old man and the corruption of the old man put off the deceitful lusts of the old man be renewed now in your mind put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness through holiness but how can I do that it tells me the way I do it is by imitating God Ephesians 5:1 followers of God as their children imitate God see God everywhere around you talk to God all the time while you wash the dishes while you wash your laundry talk to him practice his presence in your kitchen that's the key don't see that they should see God talk to God while you're washing the dishes talk to God while you're cleaning the house whisper Jesus when you have the vacuum on while you're cleaning talk to the Lord I promise you will change your life practice the presence of God daily because we're running out of time you don't have much time to regain what you lost already redeem the time the Bible says redeem the time well you don't redeem it by testing ignoring God you have to practice his presence to regain what you lost and you can easily regain it you can very quickly regain it in fact are you people listening you can quickly regain what you lost when Jesus is there so now it's not enough to spend an hour a day you practice his presence all day long and so and so the Bible says this this is marvelous this is marvelous the flesh cannot imitate God only the spirit can imitate God how do I do that by causing the flesh to get weaker and weaker and weaker when I starve the flesh the life of God flows I have to starve the flesh so I don't allow anything to enter into my head and my life that is worldly I starve the flesh I starve the flesh by not watching CNN by not watching Fox by not watching movies and shows on TV that corrupt a mind stop playing I want to say this don't watch anything that corrupts you you be the boss of what you're gonna watch you were the boss of what you're gonna hear you be the boss of the people you talk to you be the boss of what you allow on the Internet let nothing corrupt you because what corrupts you will destroy you but when you starve the flesh and you weaken the flesh by not allowing those things in God comes alive and when God comes alive his life flows through you are you listening so the Bible says the Bible says that when Paul was weak then he's strong but how did he get weak by starving the flesh by starving the flesh you weaken the flesh and when you are weak then you're strong did you hear what I said huh now let's let's quickly let's quickly look at 2nd Corinthians 12:10 please 2nd Corinthians 12:10 because this is very important that you understand what I'm about what I'm about to say Ok Go Ahead therefore I take pleasure in infirmities in reproaches ha ha in necessity not lishus you what he's saying is God allows trials in your life to pull out the flesh to pull it out of you because when you're tested it pulls out of you the world you see so that's why I said one more time therefore I take pleasure I think pleasure in what infirmity infirmities why because they pull out the world out of me keep going in reproaches well when I will approach it pulls the world out of me keep going in necessity necessities in persecutions accuse in distress is distress for Christ's sake ah ha I am weak then am i strong so I allow all the flesh to weaken I rejoice when I'm tested trials are my friends trials are my allies hallelujah are you listening people and so God Almighty allows trials in your life to weaken the flesh that's why we read that's why we read in James chapter one verse two three and four read that pleased with me because this is another message that James gives about the same thing that when trials come rejoice why do I rejoice because it's weakening the old man and when the old man is weak the new man is strong hallelujah I pray persecution begins in your life in the morning I'm serious a preposition will come to every Christian as later than listening to me I pray that by morning you'll have new enemies because they'll get you on your knees you'll get you on your knees so fast and the flesh will weaken and the Lord will come alive are you people listening to what I'm saying so James James chapter 1 verse 2 3 for my brethren count it all joy joy when you fall into divers temptations right knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience but let patience have her perfect work that ye may be perfect and entire wanting nothing so these trials come our way oh that's glorious they cause us to die to the strength of the flesh they cause us to enter into that resurrection life of the Spirit trials are god-given opportunities their god-given opportunities to bring death to the flesh to let Jesus live through you now when you look at Colossians 3 one more time won't you look at Colossians 3 when you when you look at Colossians 3 verse 1 2 3 it says if you are risen with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ sits on the right hand of God the Father set your affection on things above not on the things of the of the of the of the earth or the world because you're dead your life is hid with Christ and God now watch this now that you're there now you can it's not possible till verse verse 2 when you set your affections on things above then you can do verse 5 mortify the flesh then you can verse 8 put off all these and your wrath malice blasphemy filthy communication then you can live the life that says don't light one to each other now you can put on the new man of verse 10 because now suddenly you're in you're in verse 2 is the key to all the chapter that follows verse 2 is the key to the entire chapter because verse 2 says set your affection on things above and then it says now mortify the flesh now pour off anger and blasphemy in malice thisn and wrath and filthy talking another well how can you stop these crazy things without set your affection for some things well I can tell how much time you've spent with Jesus by the things you say to me by the way you talk because the more of Jesus the less the flesh the Bible is so simple so precious I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my way says the Lord in jeremiah 31:33 in Jeremiah 24/7 just write these scriptures down quickly jeremiah 31:33 jeremiah 24 verse 7 ezekiel 37 26 27 I want to repeat them jeremiah 31:33 jeremiah 24-7 ezekiel 37 26 27 i will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk you are his mouth nowis means temple you're his dwelling place the Bible says and in 1st Corinthians 6:17 no you're not you're the temple this is this is the Covenant language you're the temple of the Holy Spirit in 1st Corinthians the Bible tells us we are the temple we are being transformed by spirit second Corinthians three says transformed by the holy spirit this temple is transformed all people I pray I pray you're getting what I'm talking about about a prayer I'm able to communicate this to you because it's it's it's spirit it's it's it's it's heavenly language it's not something you can you can understand on the low levels of the flesh it's time it's high time to wake up now you look at me all of you open your eyes and look at me do you want the Lord when you see him to be pleased with you do you want him to be pleased with you up there you want him to be pleased with you back here you want it to be pleased with you I just showed you how I showed you how stop living for that flesh for yourself it's all about em Saints it's all about him oh how I love him Oh lift her hands and tell him how much you love him let the word of Christ dwell richly within you says the word of God it's his word that gives us life it's his word that gives us strength and through his word prayer is born for the Bible says in John 15:7 if my word abides in you you will ask without the word we have no power against the enemy without the word there's no eeling power there's no presence of God only the Word of God is life-giving man will not live by bread alone but by every word God speaks to us it keeps us alive in spirit and also fully alive abundant life is ours through his word so today you heard his word ministered to you and I pray it will produce great hunger for you to know more that you might be transformed into his image looking into the glass the Word of God because the Holy Spirit uses his word like glass to reveal Jesus to us and transform us into his blessed image and I'm gonna pray that God will just fill you with hunger and meet every need in your life that his word will bring health and healing also because there is healing in his blessed world so father just let's believe good right at together let's believe that his promise is yen email right now in your life we come in high expectation we come in faith believing and in agreement that every need be met Oh precious Jesus I thank you for your presence now I love your Lord and I thank you and we all adore you and now we agree in faith in one heart that you're blessed presence will fill everyone watching that hunger will be born in them for your wonderful word revelation truth will come like a mighty river of life meet every need I pray in Jesus name yes Lord heal that sickness to I command that to go in Jesus name let every disease be gone let every sickness be gone let your healing virtue flow now Lord and bring health and healing restoration and strength in the name of Jesus your son in your precious name the Lord has shown me someone with a brain tumor and the and as we began praying you began feeling warm that's the part of God flowing through you you've been really believing God for a miracle you've been quite frightened by this don't be afraid God is with you that peace rule in your heart now in Jesus name and don't believe the report of men believe his word his promise it was see fit now in Jesus name Amen and amen the Lord spoke to me recently to launch a brand new this is your day for a miracle program focused on healing and the Word of God and that's what you're watching there'll be no interviews and other things that we used to do in the past this is focused on the part of God and the Word of God because we need God's power in his world oh how we need that today will you help me go on more networks you're watching us now and they start org on TV or uplift but other doors are opening and I need your help and for those who will send any gift I will send you them as zoos that you're looking at just to say thank you for any gift do it today and then for those that will send $50 or more I want to send you this beautiful cross that Jerusalem cross that I picked for you just to say thank you and then for those that will send 150 I want to send you something I designed the Passion of Christ the Lord whom we love and on the back the scripture from Isaiah 53 he was wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our iniquities and chastised for our peace and with His stripes we are healed and I signed it on the back and you can get this today by calling the number on the screen for a gift of 150 a hundred and fifty dollars and then for the same amount if you like I would also send you you may want to choose the second coming and the scripture behold I come quickly and then on the back I love thee with an everlasting love so you'll remember his love with my signature on it also for the same amount a hundred and fifty dollars to help me go on more stations we need a part of God more than ever today and father I agree and I believe for financial blessings and prosperity to the son and everyone in Jesus name Amen as you sow your seed believe God thank you again and be watching and conference [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 47,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn Ministries, This Is Your Day, Benny Hinn, Pastor Benny Hinn
Id: -CUj0ibtWBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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