Benny Hinn - Practicing the presence of the Lord

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everyone on your feet please everyone everyone I do believe that the atmosphere has been sufficiently prepared that the presence of the Lord is here all of heaven rejoices 400 billion cherubim in immediate proximity of the throne of God when one of them whispers the pillars in the temple shake 400 billion of them shouting rejoicing that one soul has come home tonight over one thousand that means 3110 in the last four weeks at the salt I know that you are acquainted with pastor bin Ian I know that you understand and celebrate that he is now celebrating as I am this year forty years of preaching this gossip he is a gift to us all and I am most humbled to consider him as dear friend to rod parsley and to my family as any man has ever been true and faithful loving and caring pastor Benny I love you I love you I am so honored you know of his great mass Crusades millions of people spread out before him the wonderful healing anointing the beautiful teaching gift the books that have thrilled us all worldwide television a man uncommon among God's choices serpents last year on this night the great Reinard bunky who else could stand here and be a man of such stature and anointing to take us to even another level I love him you love him please welcome the incomparable pastor Benny Hinn I want to say thank you to the pastor I shall love him too and his wonderful family let's give the Lord a mighty hand a pray say we give you all the glory we give you all the majesty all the honor all the praise o people lift your hands and say Jesus Jesus wonderful Jesus to you all the glory all the honor all the praise belongs to you Lord and God's precious people said a man tonight believe God's for your miracle you're not leaving without us right I'm serious you're not gonna leave without it you better you better look at somebody and tell them you're not leaving without your miracle tonight I want to hear that nice Hammond tonight I want the instruments glorify your name and all the earth my goodness pastor rod I gotta tell you there's a tremendous and owning here and the Lord is going to really do some fabulous things tonight I really do hope you're ready right all right lift your hands come on glorify your name glorify your name glorified in all the earth everything in this room Escobar place for me glorify your name referre we love of you we play is here we do or you lift your hands and tell him glorify Pino Oh dear Jesus we love we play we do refine your name holy spirit we love you we praise you we adore you glorify your name the servers result lifts up on high we might need great Jesus matter to Steve we Steve leave two voices again with your hands the one thing my soul don't let one of us leave this place the same I pray those who need up a healing heal them those in need of deliverance deliver them those in need of a fresh touch touch them we will give you all the glory all God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob we will give you the glory lift your hands and tell him we will give you the glory at your right hand this night and forevermore sits your son Jesus and we've our with our life we will give him all the praise Holy Spirit this is your service do as you will in Jesus name and God's people said amen God's people said another amend now let's give the Lord the mighty hand of praise one more time saying you may be seated for the next few moments I want your total attention I'm gonna have the singer sit down and Chuck you stay along with me til I'm done with you I want to talk to you tonight about something it took me 40 years to learn frankly you know I've traveled the world I've just come back from Papua Indonesia where I think was amazing they ever saw in my life a Muslim government paid for my crusade that's a fact by the way take your seats 1.6 million people showed up just just happen just this July this year real soft on the real just the hush and you know I was thinking dear Lord you know I never thought if somebody told me 40 years ago I'd say this I'd say no you're crazy Muslim soldiers see they they they they had me use the air force base for the crusade I actually preached on the air force grounds all paid for by the government they paid four million dollars for the crusade I didn't pay a cent not a cent you know what shook me over what shook map is when I saw hundreds of Muslim soldiers wearing t-shirts with my face on it that shook me up real good they were they were promoting the crusade with these t-shirts and and then you saw billboards all over in the the city of Jericho Yara Pooja I can't even say it right and the billboards had the cross and Jesus on the cross bleeding and it said underneath declaring the power of Calvary I was amazed I thought their God we need this in America and it sucks it was to me one of the most amazing things ever saw my life pass the rod I'm making a promise and by the way let me let me tell you something the the the governor of the state or province of Papua is a holy ghost man Christian man they passed a law in Papua this is north of Australia by the way Indonesia is a lot of islands and this happens to be right north of Australia they passed a law what ten percent of all the income of the state will go to the preaching of the gospel that's a fact people and the governor the governor said to me the governor said said to me who should we invite next that I said bonky I said help Anka come here so I called bunkie got all excited but I I just made a decision right now we're gonna call them and have them invite you you need to go and preach there god I'm serious we'll do it I promise you I will take in fact passive bribe I'll have you talked to the governor yourself it's thank you you mean it that whole country is open amazing Muslim country is open now the reason I'm telling you all this you can stop playing and take a break and I thank you the reason I'm telling you all this is because I think it is time for us believers to understand what life in the spirit is all about and I met some amazing people in Papua really people of the spirit and it just triggered something in my soul now can I have all of your attention please I want you to listen very very carefully much of what we do really as Christians often is in the flesh and we we label it spiritual but it really isn't example I'm gonna say something just to shock you but I think it's good I no longer believe there's power in prayer I just shocked you good I do not believe there is power in prayer because Muslims pray Hindus spray religious people pray now there's no power in prayer that is only in the presence of Jesus when we commune with the Lord there is power but when people pray there's no power Muslims pray five times a day religious people pray all the time you seem going to all kinds of places and churches most of these people don't even know the Lord there's no power in their life so tonight I want to talk to you about practicing the presence of the Lord because that's where the power really is now I wanna I want to begin by sharing a story that III want to talk to you about I was many years ago I was preaching for my friend Marilyn Hickey now we all love Marilyn Hickey she she she's one of my sweetest friends in the whole world I went to Denver Colorado this was 8485 I walked down the aisle I look at a lady I said lady the Lord tells me you have cancer and she says no I don't I said yes you do she said no I don't I said yes you do she said we got into an and an argument now Melanie is sitting on the platform getting all upset with me I said lady the Lord told me you have cancer she said no I don't I said yes we do she said no I don't I said yes you do and I said listen I said if I am wrong on God talking to me about you I'll quit the ministry I was dead bald I said don't you tell me you don't when the Lord tells me you do I said I am not leaving till you admit you have it first turn because when the Lord speaks to us we know he spoke and I said to the lady I said now lady I said all God has not spoken to me or you're lying well you can imagine the tension in the auditorium by that time dear Melanie she was sitting on the platform getting very upset by the second and later as she and I talked about this but it was the lady had just heard a preacher who preached on faith and who said to the congregation don't confess it and now the lady starts to weep out loud and the whole church heard her say to me I am not supposed to say it I am not supposed to say it and then I got really angry I said lady faith does not deny fact I said nobody ever came to Jesus and said I'm not supposed to say it and so the blind said I'm blind when the Lord said what Willie that I do said I'm blind the man didn't say I'm not supposed to say it well what what am I trying to tell you is very simple so many people have been damaged by the flesh they confess with His stripes I'm healed with the stripes I'm healed it's all flesh you see my brother my sister there are two rounds there's the realm of the flesh and the realm of the spirit only in the realm of the Spirit will you see results there are no results in the flesh people pray in the flesh no results people fast in the flesh no results people even pray in the flesh no results people do all kinds of things in the flesh no results I used to go to a church in Canada an actual white was the pastor very powerful British gentleman and every Sunday night he would cast our demons now I was only 19 when I got saved and out you know just I was fascinated by by his ministry so I could watch him cast out devils and he'd walk around say a Jesus name come out and those Devils came out real quickly when Maxwell cast them out but when some of his followers and people tried to cast those Devils out the Devils would say no I used to watch them some lady would say come out in Jesus name no and I thought to myself how dare the devil say no when the lady said in Jesus name listen even the name of Jesus has no power without the realm of the Spirit listen to what I'm telling you I've learned this you can say in Jesus name till you're blue in the face nothing will happen till the Holy Ghost shows up are you people listening so when I went to see Kathryn Kuhlman when I really see Kathryn Kuhlman a lady came up on the platform I mean really demon-possessed that poor woman was tormented by a lot of devils she came up on the platform and you can see that demons in her eyes and Kathryn Kuhlman I saw this with my own eyes I was sitting on the third row just watching all this and miss Hoover said in Jesus name come out and those Devils came out in seconds and it was so powerful Kathryn said with such a dramatic way she said that's the way Jesus did it those Devils came out like that now that's a woman who lived in the spirit people often do not really detect the right realm we think it's the Holy Ghost and it isn't it's all emotional people say well I want to pray to them see God all right go for it if the Holy Spirit doesn't put that desire in you you will lose because the Lord cannot be sought by a man till God has sought the man you cannot seek the Lord till he has sought you how many heard what I said put your hands up high well well well I'm gonna call on Jesus you cannot call on Jesus till he has called you that's what I learned it took me 40 years to learn this David said quicken me and then I will call upon my name that's in Psalm 80 verse 18 the Song of Solomon chapter 1 verse 4 says draw me and then I'll run after you many of us are trying to turn on our engines by ourselves it's the flesh people a lady that I know very well knew she's dead now that was that one of the saddest things I think ever saw my life a very elegant pastor's wife in Orlando Florida in her early forties died with cancer because she confessed every day by stripes I'm healed and she died it bothered me very much and it bothered many people in Orlando that how could this woman who seemed to be a very strong faith believing Christian died with cancer well she refused chemotherapy she refused all medication because she believed that with His stripes she's healed and she died I I went to see her I said please you cannot confess a promise God never gave you she got very angry I said how dare you say that said God gave it to me in the scriptures I said listen to me just because it says it in the Bible it doesn't mean God gave it to you and that bothers a lot of people when I say that but it's the truth if the Holy Spirit did not make that word life - you'll not work if that promise did not become life to you it will not work and it cannot become life unless you're in the right realm now the Bible says in Galatians chapter 5 we are to live in the spirit we are to walk in the spirit in other words we are to get there now the problem is people don't don't know how to find it the secret place is that world God wants us in he did dwell ahthe in the secret place not he that visits that's the problem people often just visit and leave he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide that means it's your address and when you live in the spirit no sickness can touch your body where Jesus is sickness cannot dwell I want to pray for a man in Denver Colorado big church if I if I'll say his name you'll probably know him the man said Benny I have cancer he said I just found out I have prostate cancer he said come to my church and pray that this was about 1996 he said come play for me but don't tell my people you're coming for me let my people think you're coming for them he said nobody in my church knows that I am dying with cancer he said my wife doesn't know I have cancer I'm telling you in confidence I said yes sir he said come to my church on a Sunday night have a healing service and pray for me don't tell the people don't tell my wife it's our secret I said you got a pastor so I went to Denver I preached he was standing on the side the whole time checking me out he had his hands folded just staring at me and I don't like people staring at me he stood there staring at me the whole time I wanted to go over and pray for him because that's why I came and every time I tried you know what the Lord said to me every time I tried to go pray the Lord said I am NOT real to him yet don't touch him I'm not real to him yet do not touch him so I kept waiting waiting and he kept staring and staring finally the altar call came and the service came I looked and here he was hands uplifted tears flowing and the Lord said now I'm real go I didn't even have to touch the man he was on the floor before I got there the Lord healed him before I could get to him after service I said pastor why did you stare at me he said I was offended by your flamboyance then he said something powerful he said Benny as long as I looked at you I couldn't receive a thing but when I looked at Jesus I got it I said that's it that's the key and I heard I heard Kathryn Kuhlman I heard Catherine come and say many times and I said this was going to really bless you miss gurmann always would say when Jesus becomes more real than your disease that's what God will heal you when Jesus becomes real to you that's when He will heal you when he becomes more real than your sickness you will be healed guaranteed a problem is were not in the spirit we don't know how to get there we're all tied up in our own troubles and don't know how to find the spirits realm you know in my in my own Crusades over the years I have never seen anyone healed who gets all wrapped up in their disease please listen if people get all tied up they can all stressed out they can all tied up in their own trouble God cannot get through to them because they're all wrapped up in the trouble they don't know how to relax just relax God cannot heal you till you are relaxed let go people get healed when they forget themselves I've had them any time standing on the platform pastor Benny I came on a wheelchair and I looked across the way and I saw someone else on a wheelchair and I prayed for them and while I was praying for them God healed me that's because they forgot all about themselves so now people pray in the flesh and don't know it you know other do all they are doing is wearing themselves out they pray and they beg and they repeat themselves and they pray again and they say I'm not gonna give up I'm gonna bombard heaven because of what Jesus said you know ask seek knock but they don't know that the ask seek knock is all in the spirit realm so they start knocking and they start begging and they start fasting and now that you know really it kind of forced God into it and all they do is wear themselves out finally they say hey this is hard work I don't want to do it again well you're right who wants to pray if it's hard work let the Lord do it the Bible says in Ephesians 6 all prayer must be in the spirit now you see well how'd you get there that's what I'm talking to you about I'm gonna tell you I've learned that the hard way myself People of God I began learning that when I began Crusades the Lord clearly showed me one day I was I'll never forget this the Lord said to me he said he said you do think I'm gonna do it just because you asked me you think I'm gonna heal my people just because you he said all I'm looking for is for you to surrender just surrender so here we are we pray it doesn't work we fast it doesn't work we praise it's all empty we do it all nothing happens till one day the Holy Spirit opens our hearts and says now it's not by might nor by power and the key is this and you all know it you just don't know sometimes how to do it they that wait upon the Lord they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength waiting upon the Lord is the secret waiting upon the Lord is the bridge between the flesh and the spirit when you begin to add upon the Lord just like the Bible says and Isaiah and many other portions in in fact in in Psalms 40 verse 1 it says I waited patiently for the Lord and he inclined he heard me he answered my prayer now how do we wait well the Bible tells us very clearly that we are to be still now God never said be quiet he said be still there's a big difference between both the minute you are just quiet long enough God will bring a stillness into your spirit man you must understand something about your spirit man please would you all point your your finger at yourself like this and say there are no two spirits in here there's only one spirit the Holy Spirit the Bible says in first could Corinthians 6:17 he that is joined to the Lord is one spirit your spirit literally disappeared in his spirit jesus said I in them and they in me that they may be made perfect in one so when the Holy Spirit came into your heart your spirit man literally was taken over if I can say like this the Holy Spirit manifests himself when we are still stillness activates his power stillness releases his power in us I used to watch Muslims on television when I was a child see the devil knows that the power of what I'm talking about Muslims would sit still and go into a trance on television I used to watch this when I was a kid and they would stick knives in their bodies and not feel the pain you we would watch them do this on TV okay live and they would pull the knives out not even a scar left or seen the supernatural is released through stillness even in the demonic are you listening God says to us be still and then you'll know who I am you'll know my power we just don't want to do it because being still is hard work we think because we we just have to sit there and do nothing well God said exactly that he says they that wait and it didn't say they they that wait upon nothing they that wait upon the Lord you see this here's what happens and God God really allows it he allows you to make your requests known for he says thought himself he says let your requests be made known but then there comes the time when you're done with your prayer list most people will repeat every beat and repeat the same thing and then say Amen and walk out that's when they lose when you're done with your prayer list just be quiet long enough for God to quicken you and when he quickens you then he will pull you in you cannot come in you have to be drawn in it's only God only the Holy Ghost can bring you into the realm of the Spirit how does it happen they that wait upon the Lord they will renew their spiritual strength the moment your spirit is strengthened the Holy Ghost will quicken you and when he quickens you he will bring you in on wings of eagles that's what it says mount up with wings he'll bring you in on wings of eagles and the first thing that will happen to you people are you listening the first thing that will happen to when you're in the realm of the Spirit please hear me is Psalm 40 verse 2 it says he brought me out of my pit waiting upon the Lord disarms the flesh waiting upon the Lord dismantles the powers of sin waiting upon the Lord gives you strength holy go strength in your inner man and the flesh begins to lose its grip on your life that's what Paul meant when he said I keep under my body and bring it to subjection that's 1st Corinthians 9:27 now the minute you enter into the realm of the Spirit something will happen to you and I think most of you have experienced it Psalm 40 verse 3 you have put a song in my heart even preys on to our God you start to sing melodies on your own and you don't know why you're doing it the realm of the Spirit begins with a melody comprende and then sometimes when you get deeper in the spirit you start your amazement to sway even your body gets into it how many have had that happens here you just like this way don't know why that's why the Jews do this it's an Old Glory they're just they're keeping their there the flesh of it it's not there anymore because under that anointing our bodies become light like a feather and suddenly our tongue our spiritual language becomes precise its noble its precise and suddenly something happens to us and this is when the practice of the presence of the Lord begins Jesus becomes more real to us than life now I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you something really powerful I just needed to play real gentle behind me there Chuck like heavenly sounds you know now now sometimes and I want to say this thing sometimes God doesn't mind if you play worship music to change the atmosphere around you before you can get in the spirit you don't need music to get in the spirit but our atmosphere needs it we get distracted too easily by all kinds of things so in my case I like to play some worship music or I'll read my Bible to just kind of get connected you know now the more often please Aeolus the more often you do it the less you need the music sometimes the music could could actually be a a blockage because once you're in the flow you don't need nothing from this earth including a CD or carry mic element with it or any worship because the only reason we need worship is so we can connect so we can forget our troubles but the moment the Holy Spirit quickens you that's all you really need at that moment Jesus becomes real and God gave Moses the the roadmap into the practice of the presence so remember this he that dwelleth not visits he that dwelleth means you have to be pulled in by the Spirit he brings you in you can't go in by yourself and the minute you're in the Lord becomes more real than you're still more real than your disease more real than your family or troubles or life itself and at that moment it's all about Jesus it's all about Jesus when when when God gave Moses dear God I feel the anointing just talking here when God gave Moses the plans for the tabernacle he said this he said place a gate beyond the gate and altar of sacrifice beyond the altar of sacrifice saliva he said them build a structure with four to eight pillars covered with gold on the left put a lamb stand on the right put a table of showbread straight ahead towards the west put a table of incense and beyond that the ark these are the seven manifestations of the practice of God's prices are shown to you when you are communing with when you begin to fellowship with Jesus when you begin to practice his praises and now you're entering into the realm of the Spirit because it's impossible to practice the presence of God outside the realm in the realm of the Spirit suddenly Jesus is and when Jesus is real faith is born you don't need faith all you need is Jesus Jesus never said seek faith he said seek me I'll give you the faith and the problem is people have sought faith rather than than the Lord and and the reason I gotta just quickly correct something the reason people confess I'm healed I'm healed I'm healed and nothing happens is because the Holy Ghost hasn't moved on them yet Genesis 1 gives us the secret it says the spirit moved and God spoke God speaks into the wind of the Spirit the reason people people say with the stripes I'm healed and nothing happened is because the Holy Ghost hasn't moved in our hearts yet to steal results when the Holy Ghost moves the word comes alive now did you understand that part in the realm of the Spirit when I begin walking in the spirit and that happens as I wait as as I wait he'll quicken me at one point it may take us a whole half-hour it'd be taken out who cares but I'm quickened when I'm quickened Jesus becomes even when Jesus becomes real a song is born and after a song is born now something happens right after that I come to the altar of sacrifice what the blood of Jesus becomes more real than my bondage at that minute as I'm practicing the presence of the Lord I break a broken heart you'll not despise there's brokenness there is repentance there's cleansing and forgiveness all things are passed away and the very memory of sin disappears from my soul when people are doing it in the flesh you know a lot of people confess their sin in the flesh that's why they go back and sin again but when you repent in the spirit it's impossible to go back and do the thing again impossible because it is erased by the Holy Ghost the third place you come to in the practice of the presence of the Lord is the word that's the labor where the promises of God become powerful suddenly now you look up and you say father your word says and you take hold of that promise but you're in the spirit and because you're in the spirit there's a confidence there's our supernatural confidence that John talked about he said this is the confidence we have in him if we ask anything according to his will he'll do it and we we know he's heard us well how do you know he told you because you're in the spirit if you're in the flesh you'll question if God is hearing you but when you're in the spirit you know he's heard you and then you know you have the petitions you've asked and then you move into another plateau another level of the practice of God's presence and that's the lamp stand the lamp stand is the renewal of the mind the lamp stand is you'll know his will you see at the gate Jesus becomes real at the altar of sacrifice the cross becomes real at the labor the work becomes real at the lampstand his will becomes real he reveals his will you know exactly his plans for your life and you'll join in his will becomes your will you look across the other way you have the table of showbread and in that blessed practice of God's presence that's when you surrender your body as a living sacrifice because the bread is the body Jesus says this is my body the bread the bread speaks of the body being surrendered to him and that's when we yield our members as instruments of righteousness this is what we are for him that living sacrifice the greatest experience in the baptism of the Holy Spirit is when we give him our body a living sacrifice and our body becomes his body oh I have had those moments so many times when I in the Holy Ghost just yield my members with such ease and such beauty it's happened to all of us now I can't allow that child to jump so I'm so it's too Holy here children cannot be in the aisles jumping up and down and running so no no no that child has to sit around please that child has to sit down it's too sacred here thank you people lift your hands and just say dear Jesus I love you no breathe upon me per have of God and then you come to that blessed altar of incense the altar of incense is worship you can't worship in the flesh you only worship in the spirit and what is worship worship is intimacy with the Lord Union in communion with the master where you enter in and he literally takes hold of it every cell in your body adores you every part of your being magnifies his name it's not mental it's spiritual it's deep calling unto deep at the noise of thy water spouts thy billows have gone all over me the Bible says such depth in the spirit literally those water spouts are our tornadoes in the ocean think about the Holy Ghost lifting you and lifting waters with you and bringing a wave of such power and glory on your life that you will be completely immersed in the presence of the Lord and worship will just explode inside of your being and in that worship you'll hear his voice and that's the Ark of the Covenant because you enter into the most sacred of all places in the practice of God's presence he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty my hiding place I will say the Lord he is my refuge my fortress my god in him will I trust a Thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy rod had it not come near thee only with thine eyes shalt thou behold are the word of the wicked no evil shall befall thee no plague shall come nigh your dwelling why you're in there and now when you come out of that blessed place where the glory of God has now literally wrapped itself around you can I tell you something I used to go to Catherine's meetings and always wondered the woman would walk out on the platform and not say a word and people were healed when she walked on the platform and I was amazed by that because I thought how come she just stood there without saying a word or preaching a message and people were healed I'll tell you why because when you experience the depth he'll come out with you and you're here this now this is very important to understand this your presence becomes his presence literally you carry that glory as you come out it's happening my meetings I don't talk about it because I am afraid he may judge me but I tell you one experience Cincinnati Ohio not far from here I walked around the platform didn't say a word but then 43 people on wheelchairs came out of those wheelchairs in one minute why I didn't even preach a message I didn't even encourage them to believe you don't have to when Jesus is there because see your presence becomes his presence your vessel becomes his vessel the practice of the presence of God is the realm of the Spirit and in the realm of the Spirit the promises are activated in the realm of the Spirit victory comes to you you can't win over your sin outside the realm impossible because the bowel says for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus in Christ Jesus means in the spirit and made me free from the law of sin and death you cannot know the love of God without their realm for I am persuaded that neither death nor life nor Angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height or depth or any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus the minute you are in Christ in the spirit his love is revealed pray all prayer and supplication in the spirit so you wait and then you enter in as he quickens you and then you experience Jesus and his blood and his word and his will and now you surrender and he takes over your vessel and now you worship and now his glory wraps himself around you and now you walk out and he'll come with you your eyes become his eyes your touch his touch your voice his voice and with that the world will know he's alive that's what I came here to tell you it's time to find the Blessed secret place and don't don't ever leave it because in that secret place is your safety outside that secret place is danger What did he say to us about it in psalm 32 here's what David said about it under the anointing of the Holy Ghost and this is so precious and so wonderful dear God I love it thou art my hiding place verse 7 says of psalm 32 thou shalt preserve me from trouble thou shalt compass' me about with songs of deliverance this is what happens in that 66 replace it's it's it's safety Johnny are not a few weeks ago I was with him and John I have worked together for many years back in Canada and God really spoke through him powerfully his eyes became ablaze when he said to me burning outside that secret place is great danger but only in the secret places safety and today with all the fear out there new pestilences and new threats I stood on the Golan Heights not not long ago and half a mile from me I saw the Syrian army fighting Isis and I thought their God this world is is going mad I just had it just just happened my children my grandchildren their future what would that be like it will be just fine if they stay in the secret place in so much to you come on lift your head
Channel: World Harvest Church Online Campus
Views: 51,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rod Parsley, World Harvest Church, Benny Hinn, God, Jesus Christ, The Cross, Calvary, Presence of God, Holy Spirit, Spirit, Faith, Healing, Sin, Repentance
Id: XoZ77m8zSHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 27sec (3447 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2016
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