Walking In The Power Of The Spirit // Pastor Benny Hinn

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with a man of God yes it's as I considering the greatest man of God alive we are grateful he is here with us we love you Pastor Benny and we thank God you came to minister to us that you could accept our humble invitation and you were willing to come thank you so much so please everybody stand up and I want to welcome Pastor Benny Hill [Music] thank you thank you please thank you and to Jesus be the glory and God's people said amen and Lord we thank you for your mercy we thank you wonderful Lord where would we be without you [Music] we don't even want to think about that you are alive and are all and to you Precious Jesus Precious Jesus be all the glory and the honor and Lord bless these wonderful people who've come tonight to see you and hear your blessed voice [Music] blessed Bishop Robinson his wife the leaders here the pastors who've come let your will be done Lord that you will be done Blessed Be Your Name savior lift your hands and thank him for his love says [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] the greatest thing in all my life is loving you the greatest thing in all my life is loving you I want to love you so much more love you so much more the greatest thing in all of our life is to just love your lord Hallelujah Jesus Jesus Jesus There's Something About the Name of Jesus says so close your eyes and lift your hands and forget everyone else and forget your troubles forget the confusion of life and just let's just see the Lord now and there is something about your name you're our master [Music] save your Jesus like the fragrance after the rain dearest Jesus Jesus Jesus let all Heaven and the Earth glad things [Music] and they'll all pass away but there's something about your name Jesus Jesus Jesus response your name faster [Music] Jesus like the fragrance here is Jesus she [Music] is them all pass away but there's something about your name but there's something about [Music] there's something Baba Baba your name and tonight all you have to do tonight is one thing Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus look for in his wonderful face and the thing things of this Earth will grow strangely dim and then disappear in the light of his glory and Grace [Music] your eyes Upon Jesus look full in his wonderful face [Music] and the things of this Earth will grow strange living [Music] and Grace [Music] and where you lead me will follow lift your hands and tell it where you lead me will follow [Music] where you live [Music] I'll go with you Lord I'll go with you with you sing it again it's a commitment where you live will follow where you lead me Lord [Music] the world and we mean that with all our hearts and Lord I pray tonight establish us in your word establish your word in US pour within us of fire we've never known a fight of love intensify our love for you intensify it so much Lord that you'll just burn the world out of us burn this world out of us we don't want it we just don't want it we want you you your knowledge your word and your fullness the Lord you know we're not perfect Only You Are we can't even trust our own hearts We Trust only you so touch us afresh tonight Lord empowered us one more time fill us again in Jesus name fill us one more time Lift Your Hands to Heaven for just a moment Spirit of the living [Music] the whole of rich [Music] Melody [Music] feel me use me [Music] foreign [Music] that your people Lord they knew in afresh Jesus name God's people said amen seated I'm glad you all are here and I'm glad to be with my friends and especially the Bishop from Zambia I knew his uncle was now your uncle the president yeah so it's nice to be with all of you sweet people and thank you for inviting me and I want to say thank you to Linda Vega they are sweet Linda Vega because she's the one who actually told me about you and then Suzanne you know when when you're married to a girl like Suzanne it's tough to say no so she kind of came after me she said I've been you gotta go okay but where am I going and she didn't say a whole lot about that so I'm here we've been we've been married thank you thank you [Applause] one time I love this one time she was invited to go speak in Boston to about 3 000 women and she changed her mind about going and she said will you take my place I said no they invited you not me she said no I can't do it I said she said please you've got to take my place in Boston I said look they invited you they did not invite me I said so you have to keep the commitment well she wasn't feeling well physically and I said okay you know I'll help all I can so I show up to Boston I see these women three thousand of them dressed in white no makeup on their face buns on their head and I was in shock they were called the Lord's what was it the Lord's handmaidens I think Marie you are one of them won't you come sit down and behave yourself so here I am with three thousand women very few men and they were all singing and they didn't sound that good you know I've got an old now so I lost my filter you know the older you get the more you don't care what people think right so anyway so they were singing I'm thinking oh dear God I wish they'd stop singing and then my my staff said my staff said well how long will you be I said this will be the quickest thing you ever saw in your life instead I preached the entire book of Acts it was three hours and they all said we thought you said it would be only a very short sermon after well the Lord took over but then you know it turned out as such an amazing night with those sweet women and uh but anyways so that was the last time Suzanne said you gotta go and now again this time you gotta go but this is much nicer this easier [Applause] when look look when you go to a place with three thousand women all dressed in white and nobody has makeup it's scary but tonight you all look normal thank you very much for that thank the Lord anyways I just wanted to make you laugh so um before now by the way where is the dear man from uh what do you say Mozambique right or Cameroon Cameroon oh you're from Mozambique or you're from Cameroon Cameroon God bless you sir we'll talk afterwards I went to Nigeria thank you how many by the way how many please please how many here from Nigeria [Music] wow how about how about how about Cameroon wow now you know I've never been I I don't think I've been to Cameroon right okay so I've been to Zimbabwe I've been to Zambia I've been to Ghana and Uganda and but I haven't been some of those countries well I would love to come to Cameroon in the Lord's [Applause] thank you sir in the Lord's good moment good time right okay that's great listen um just something real quick I would love tonight to um Bishop what is it there you go Bishop Robinson had asked if I take the offering I said of course with with with pleasure so I would like to kind of just spend a few moments with you just to kind of lift your faith and then I'm going to minister the word I'd like to minister tonight on a very important subject mortifying the Deeds of the body Say Amen we need to know how because we live in a world today that's becoming more dangerous but first can we close those doors so we don't hear those kids screaming okay please thank you I know you probably warmer than you want to be but is it is it okay okay you're not too too warm I hope right all right great um Lord I Thank you just lift your hands with me Lord we thank you for your word and we thank you for your promises you are God almighty able to do way more than we can believe for to you be all the praise and God's people said amen when it comes to the subject of finances people get very uh nervous sometimes but there's no need to get nervous because it's really a very exciting uh word it's it's a very exciting thing you look at the promises of God when it comes to finances are quite powerful to be honest with you and please help me with those children that are not so comfortable so if they start crying just for all of us and for our sake and those who they can actually just take it you know take your your uh little baby outside till they get all common so forth because we really have come to hear the word of God not babies God's people said I'm not I'm not mean I'm just me I demand reverence for the scriptures and the presence of God and the people said another good okay so when I was young when I was young I of course grew up in Israel I was taught by Catholic sisters Franciscan sisters no no don't turn the lights down I want to see the people good they're very good looking people please so I was taught that poverty is God's will now think about from the time I was in preschool because I I actually went to preschool in Jaffa I was three years old when I went to preschool why I have no idea and and you hear all the time and and you're you're being brought up by these Franciscan monks who looked very poor they wore the brown robe and sandals that's it anybody here grew up Catholic okay a lot of you so me too okay even though our parents were not Catholic I went to Catholic school and my mentality was Catholic so they said that only poor people will make heaven and they and they would use the scripture continually how the gospel is preached to the poor the gospel is preached to the poor and then they would literally tell you clearly that rich people go to hell and poor people go to heaven well for goodness sake nobody wanted to go to hell so nobody wanted money because we thought if you get money you're going to hell now that's 15 years of it for 15 years that's all I heard and that's all I believed now we we immigrate to Canada and I went to another school in Canada not Catholic but very influenced by the Catholic world in in in Canada French Canadian school and the French Canadians a lot of them are Catholic so anyways same mentality you know poor people go to heaven and rich people go to hell well then I got saved thank God and I'm reading the Bible and I read where Abraham was rich I was shocked because in the school in Israel they never really taught the Old Testament it's a Catholic School and all they talked about is Jesus the apostles Mary and so forth and nobody mentioned the word the word Israel in school even though I lived in Israel I never was told never was told Jesus was Jewish yeah that's right lady she said oh my God I got into a fight with a kid in class who said to me that Jesus was a judgment no he's not a Jew we got into an argument in class in Israel so I went home I said to my father I said is Jesus really Jewish and he and he said yes but the biggest shock of my life was when he said that Mary was Jewish I I was so convinced Mary was Catholic I never thought that man was a Jew and when my father told me that Mary and Jesus were Jewish I was shocked Bishop is that you Bishop Don I did not know you're here I saw somebody sitting there but I did not it was you can I give you a hug this is Bishop Don Mears oh it's so nice to be with you I knew his father I used to go preach for your daddy way back then you look fabulous look at you you look marvelous I love it and this is your wife hi darling uh well no God bless you too I'm glad I'm going to be with you Sunday good maybe you can you can announce it tell them where where the place is in just a little bit okay anyways so let me go back I'm so glad to see you my goodness you made me I'm you you kind of made my evening thank you a wonderful friend yes give my big God bless you and his wife please Bishop Don Mills yeah so anyways so so now I'm finding out Jesus was Jewish Mary was Jewish the apostles were Jewish but then of course later we immigrated to Canada I'm reading my Bible and I'm now I'm I'm kind of making a new discovery that Abraham was rich there was a new one and Isaac was rich and Jacob was rich but what really got me is that Solomon was so rich it was it blew my mind how rich that man was and I'm thinking those sisters never read the Old Testament they never knew what it says about Abraham all they thought about was Jesus well we went to the same school Rose and I because she was in the girls section that's my sister Rose she was in the girls section I was in the both section because they did not mix us you know Mix us up back then anyway so now I get the shock of my life again not only from the Bible and now I began to see that the Bible doesn't teach that poverty is God's will I'm discovering over and over that God blessed his people with financial wealth Abraham Isaac Jacob King David Solomon so forth and that God's word really promises prosperity it's there in the Bible you can't erase it well here's another shark the pope Pope John Paul remember him wanted to meet me that was a real shock a man named Peter Bahu who went to school with me and was neighbors with us became and still is a very high official in the Vatican to this day so when we immigrated he went to New York and we went to Toronto he began working for the Vatican and I of course went to school in Canada so one day I got a call from him he said listen the pope wants to meet you I said come on don't joke he said that he said I'm serious he said he's and and because of Peter's of his position he's in charge to this deal of all the art and the music in the Vatican is is controlled by a man I've we grew up together when we're kids in in the in the Holy Land so he said I'm going to take you in and introduce you to the pope privately in his Chapel I said Peter please you know stop joking he said I'm not joking it's real said okay let's go so I go to the Vatican and he said meet me on the right side of the Basilica right there in the square and I'll take you there so now I come up and he met me at this this area where you go up the stairs a lot of stairs to climb if you're looking at simpler's Basilica on the on the side there's a little way where you actually get up you have to go through the security entrance all that and so we climb up and suddenly I'm inside the Vatican and I we turn right if you ever look at the picture of the of the big Basilica it's quite long so you have the balcony where the pope stands and then right behind this is this massive massive building well imagine that right behind there is one painting of Michelangelo that goes all the way down that Hall I'm not kidding if I tell you it is higher than this wall maybe twice and it's longer than this building by probably oh dear lord a lot and all the way down I'm looking at one painting of this amazing work of Michelangelo Peter because we grew up in the same class I said those nuns ought to see this I said they told us that only the poor man only the poor make Heaven I said this Pope doesn't believe what they taught us he said you're right I said this painting I said that would finance my Ministry throughout the millennium I said if if I could sell this one painting it would it would Supply the ministry I'm in for a thousand years as of the Pope does not believe in poverty I said We Believe those nuns and monks all are growing up years in the in the Catholic school but the pope doesn't believe what they say they ought to come here and see this he said you're right so it's sad you know you grew you grow up believing things that are not true even the pope doesn't believe that the poor only the poor go to heaven he said he one of the richest men I think I ever met in my life so much so so much so I met him actually twice in New York when he came to New York years years ago to the uh to the city and he was in Madison Square and all this they invited me to come and actually see him and and the Cardinal law the Cardinal at that time of New York invited him to come and see him and I went to see him and he and I became friends and I at one time he said because I used to wear ties back then you know so he said I like your time Benny I said your eminence you don't you you you do not wear one he said I want your tie I said why you don't wear a tie he said how do you know so I give him my tie and he was very grateful and then he said I want to introduce you to the Pope I said well I I already met him he said no this will be different he said I will introduce you this time I said wow now this is the the Cardinal of New York City you know so I I come and they invited me to go to the Seminary uh in New York I was one of I was the only Pentecostal with 2000 priests where the these were brand new priests that were graduating and the pope went there to you know preach I was amazed I got to tell you something he spoke on the Holy Spirit I was crying saying to him just just hearing him I could not believe what I was hearing that man knew God I don't care what anybody says that Pope knew the Lord because he really taught on the Holy Spirit no different than I would teach on the Holy Spirit he told the priest he said without the Holy Spirit you will fail and I was like stunned I thought wow thank God somebody's telling them that so at the end he comes to an area and I'm there with about like maybe five or six people and as he comes uh the colony named O'Connor and you may remember the name he says this has been in our friend and he almost gave me a big hug and it was quite a beautiful moment for me but anyways I helped them to fix the organ so he can have the service their organ was broken at the Seminary and I gave the Catholic Church a hundred thousand dollars to fix that that organ and you know they to bless those priests sometimes you have to sow seed like that you know what I mean you can't believe what what happened after that but I'll tell you in just a second about that but anyways I'm here to tell you that sometimes we hear things like I did for all those years that are not biblical and we believe them such as that poverty is the way to heaven it's not in the Bible so God Almighty has given us some amazing promises then later as as I got to understand the word and the scriptures and Ministry a little more just before I married Suzanne her father sat me down I probably told the story maybe you heard it if not you'll love hearing it again and I'm sitting on the floor with him and he began asking me questions this is we 1979 we got married it was it was the summer of 79 he sits me on the floor and he's you know we're talking back and forth about family and then he says I want to know are you a giver I said this is between God and I he said you're about to be my son-in-law it it'll be between God you and I and he became very specific you know like how much do you give and I got really uncomfortable with his questions I had just signed a contract in Canada to go on TV in 78 on a station called City TV I was in the ministry only a few years we had 3 000 people on Monday nights and a preacher gave me some wrong advice to go on TV that was before TBN before Christian television so now I am on TV in Canada prime time Sunday night all over Toronto and Wham I mean dead you can get in that real quickly going on TV secular prime time Sunday nights at 9 00 pm so now I'm in debt because I'm on TV and it was not God's time for me to be on TV so I was under a lot of pressure I had to take two offerings every service you know what that does to the crowd first offering they get very uncomfortable second in the second offering they become really hostile and anyways they want to knock you out for the second offering and this was the early days of the charismatic movement and those Canadians they were sorry to tell you there were the you know Frozen chosen they didn't want to give nothing my my early crowd was Romanians hungarians people from from you know Eastern Europe they're not exactly very uh what's the word they're very conservative you know so Roy had heard about that so now he's asking questions about my giving to the Lord and finally said how much and then I really got well you know do I tell them how much so I said well you know one Sunday I give 20 next Sunday I give 30 and next Sunday I give five and next time I give ten and then he just he came alive on the floor he said I've been sitting here word for word he said I've been sitting here wrecking my brain wondering why a a successful evangelist is in debt now I know why I said well please tell me why he said you are an emotional Giver oh brother I am from I'm from Israel you tell me I'm an emotional Giver we're very wild that's the wild wild East you know over there and I got really upset with them and I said why you say that he said because you just gave me the reason why you're in debt I said well please tell me he said well you just told me that's one Sunday you give this and then up down up down up down he said how would you like for God to give you the way you've been giving him I said he does sometimes the offerings are good and sometimes they're bad and then he gave me a line I'll never forget he said Benny the law of giving is a fixed law you cannot change it and then he gave me another headline he said emotional giving is cursed by God and then he went on to ask me a question that I had no clue why he would ask it so he said how long have you been saved okay what does this got to do with this and so well this is seven to eight so I got saved in 72 so he went 73 74 5 6 7 8 he says for six years you you have given God nothing so what he said you gave him zero for six years I said No No I gave he said no emotional giving is dismissed I said are you telling me that everything I gave to God for six years doesn't count and then he gave me a scripture that scared the lights out of me because he said it's the law of God it's a fixed law you cannot change it he said you never give God 10 percent you didn't do what the Bible says he said that's why you're in trouble and then I'm thinking okay what do I do now half of me says is right half a me says baby is wrong but I'm I'm thinking well this is one of the greatest Bible teachers in America he had the largest church you know Lander called Cavalry assembly at one time and he was a man of God who really knew the Bible better than anyone I'd ever heard preach and teach 10 000 people in this church and I'm thinking he should know what he's talking about and then he gives me a scripture from Leviticus where if I'm not giving properly God would penalize me 20 percent it's in the Bible I said show me that again and he read it for me he said here it says if you don't give God the tithe he'll penalize you 20 percent he said you will lose through not giving I said Lord dear God maybe this is what's happened to me he said now you need to go back home to Canada and pay God everything you owe him I said listen no Roy uh I am in debt already to the TV network and they're going to assume if I don't pay and then he said another line I'll never I'll never forget he said if you will pay God's bills he'll pay yours he said Benny if you'll pay God's bills he'll pay yours and I thought oh God don't even listen to this I'm under pressure from the network and I I was under pressure from just finances I was in debt to listen to this two hundred thousand dollars young evangelists we just started in Ministry and here I am 200 000 in debt in those days and then he said you start giving God what you owe him and go back in time and pay all that you vote for six years I thought this is crazy but I could not deny that the Bible says it in Leviticus and other portions to honor the Lord with your substance it says on the way back I'm flying home on Eastern Airlines remember the Old Eastern Airlines that doesn't exist anymore a battle in my soul is Royal right is he wrong I thought you know what I have nothing to lose I get to the office I had a secretary in those days an old lady called Marion Robinson I hired her because I was a young evangelist and did not want a young secretary so I hired the oldest woman I can find she could not even type that woman she would type with with one finger but she was faithful to God and that's all that married so anyways I went and I said listen Marianne get the checkbook out she wondered why and I said I want you to send ten thousand we had 20 000 in the account that's it 20 000 in the account of the ministry in Canada in that two hundred thousand so we're going to start somewhere I said I want to send a thousand dollars to 20 Ministries in Canada she thought I lost my mind she said Benny I wasn't Pastor then she said Benny you can't do this she called the board the whole board showed up the whole seven of them all showed up nine is awful you know what I was saying nine board members I had back then they all showed up seven of them resigned said we don't want to be a part of a Ministry of a man who's lost his mind and they walked out and I looked at the two that stayed Fred Brown and Fred spring the two friends old man from from wonderful people from Canada now Fred Brown was a wonderful businessman and he used to go hunting every November for moose up in Canada and when he'd get nervous his lower lip would tremble real fast so now his lip began trembling and he said are you sure God talk to you I'll never I can see his face right now with that lower lip shaking he said are you sure God talked to you I said yes through Roy he talked to me and I began sending a thousand dollar checks to 20 preachers most of whom hated me they didn't like me one of them named Bill prankard he and I today are wonderful friends Bill Franklin looked at me in the in the face when they said I I'm praying you'll fall because you're my competition When We Were Young it's okay it's okay one young you know young preachers it doesn't matter they and I are friends today and very close friends the Lord said send a thousand dollars to Bill prank it I said no no please Lord I mean not him that I mean this guy really doesn't like me the Lord said send him a thousand dollars so I I sent a thousand to 20 Ministries the majority of them didn't even like me in those days that was on a Wednesday on a Wednesday I go home bank is empty Bishop zero Money in the Bank Thursday Friday I'm home I'm scared to go to the office Saturday home Sunday I go to church 10 cents in my pocket before God of my I had 10 cents in my pocket offering time comes and the convicting part of God was so strong he said give the 10 cents I just gave you twenty thousand dollars on Wednesday you want my 10 cents the conviction was so strong I I was I was I was actually shaking I put my head in my pocket got the 10 cents that's all I had for my name that's the scariest thing to do in life no money in the bank no money in your pocket no money nowhere this is the last 10 cents the last 10 cents for your name and they had those brass round things they used to pass back then and when the 10 cents went in that thing my life went with it I said this is it I'm dead no there's no future it's over either my last 10 cents are gone in those days I wasn't married yet I was very handsome and the girls were after me especially one of them in in church she was a blonde but I did not like her so every Sunday after church the whole church would go to a place called Swiss Chalet Swiss Chalet is the best chicken in Canada so we all will go to Swiss Chalet to eat after church and generous Benny always paid the bill so they'd come 15 20 people to have lunch and I always wanted to bless them all and pay for the chicken so that Sunday they all came and said let's go to lunch I said I don't feel that good I don't feel good I'm gonna go home they began forcing me we got to go we gotta go I gotta go I'm thinking oh my Lord I have no money I'm they're gonna give me the bill like they do every Sunday what an embarrassing things gonna be so I'm sitting eating that that chicken hating every second wanting to get out of there and I see the waitress coming towards me and I pray this the Lord Jesus please please no no don't let that girl give me that that that bill and the blonde girl who wanted to win my heart said I'll take it I said Lord bless that girl she said I'll take the bill wanting to win me you know wanted to so I can marry her and pay attention to her as the Lord bless the girl but I still am not going to marry her let's bless her she paid the bill the bill and now I go back home nearly on empty in my car I used to have a red white Pontiac no gas almost in it Monday morning I go to the to the office with trembling I'm thinking this is the last day in the ministry and Marianne Robinson said there's a there's an envelope that came from Bill prank and I said oh no he's going to tell me often riding I said he told me off already one time in my face now he want to tell me often riding but it was the only letter that came that morning so I nervously opened the letter Bishop Don inside that envelope was a note that said God told me to give you a thousand dollars and I don't know why very nasty not even a nice note he didn't even say nothing God told me and I don't know why bill and I'm thinking this is a miracle this man just gave me a thousand dollars are you kidding that week envelope after envelope after envelope after envelope after envelope that said God told me to send this I was out of debt in six months wait hold the the bills to the network were paid completely I was shocked up I mean Big Time shocker and I'm thinking Roy is right those board members wanted to come back now those seven boys I said no if you did not believe God spoke to me then you will not believe later so bye-bye and until that was my first lesson about obeying the law of God that was 1979. so it's been a quite a quite a history and then Oral Roberts amazing Oral Roberts came to preach for me in 85 84-85. he's sitting behind me he said after service he said can I talk to you like my son I said sure he said you're a lousy offering ticker he said your lives are when it comes to take an offering why he said all you focused on today is the seed he said Jesus focused on the Harvest and then he took me to Luke 6 that was another life-changing moment for me he took me to Luke 6 38 he said read it so I read it we all we all know it by heart give it shall we give an unto you good measure all that he said Jesus said to receive that to expect the Harvest seven times in this verse I said where he took my hand he grabbed my hand and began pulling my fingers and he said it shall be given unto you God measure pressed down shake it together I said do that again seven times it shall be given unto you good measure price down shaking together running over shall man give to your bosom I said wow I didn't never saw it before he said the Lord focus on the Harvest not the seed all you focus on this one is the seed focus on the Harvest he said I said what do I do from here on it he said tell your people to focus on the Harvest and let them ask God to bless them financially and then he hit me with a big one he said what do you want financially from God I said well I really never never thought about it he said what do you want from God financially he said you pray for all kinds of things you pray for healing and this and this and that have you ever told God what you want financially I said no no why don't you I've already thought about it so finally said well what do you want from God financially as well Sue and I just bought a home and we'd like to pay it off he said well do you tell God that and I said okay he said no no now you tell God now so I prayed and I wasn't praying in faith and ah you know the Lord because just to please him you know just to make him go home or we can all go home I mean why I I honored oral tremendously but it was very long morning and I was physically tired we had to come back Sunday night for another service and I thought you know why not go take take a nap the next Sunday I got up in church nervous that I said to the crowd how many of you have debt and you want God to take care of it Whatever It Is Well the whole place now oral had said to me that suddenly before he said not only should you should tell God write it on the on the on the on the envelope he said because when you write it Faith doubles he said that he said when you write it down your faith kind of doubles up stronger so I wrote on my envelope Lord I want to pay off the house we just bought one for 300 000 that back then and every Sunday I would write the same thing Lord I want to pay off the house and put the offering in tired and offer him one Sunday morning a few months later he said I heard the Lord said Do you believe it I said yes he said praise me for it I said Lord I praise you the house is paid off I did that every Sunday morning a man Amel tennis his wife Joyce now Sue will remember used to wear her hair like the Eiffel Tower she was a blonde woman and her hair would go way up like that she would put a big piece of jewelry on top of the hair and that thing would be moving like this see I'm not kidding you so then am I right yeah she'd come down the aisle guys and that thing was doing this up there and you thought it could just come flying off she had a big rock whatever it was some kind of Crystal thing she'd wear and one day I said Joyce if you ever go swimming you drown I said you are so much jewelry you're gonna drown so she kind of dismissed me so her husband takes me out for dinner with Suzanne she she was there he saw the Lord Linda he said the Lord spoke to my wife and I to give you this an envelope I opened that envelope 300 000 in that envelope they wait the exact amount to pay off the house he said the Lord told us to give you this and we both began crying we paid off the house like that and I'm thinking oral is right he is because of the wonderful man of God I'm here to tell you tonight God will do it again for you if you believe that lift your hands and say I believe it Lord now so time after time in scripture I wish above all things you prosper being Health we got to believe it give it shall be given unto you good measure press down Shake It Up running over shall men we got to believe it so there's three keys that I've discovered in 48 years of ministry to Prosperity three keys key number one is in Proverbs 8. I will cause them that love me to inherit substance I will cause them that love me to inherit substance this is in Proverbs Chapter 8. so when you love the Lord he promises substance and you know that God's word is repeatedly telling us if you are not the Lord with your substance he'll bless you God is Big when it comes to honor in in in our culture same thing honor is headline big headline you you honor your parents you honor your your your elders and so forth to honor the Lord with your substance is highly important in his sight honor the Lord with thy substance and the first fruits of all your increase so shall thy bonds be filled with plenty and your prices will burst out not just come out burst out with no one that is his word that's his law you can't change that law number two the second key is job 22. it says if you love it says get acquainted with God and be at peace with him it says receive the love from his mouth receive his word from his mouth and then it says you'll have gold and silver you'll have plenty of blessings meaning the word of God is the second key that's in job 22 you can look it up years ago a French man put the verses in the Bible and an Englishman before him divided the Bible into Chapters at least I'm giving you that chapter so just go look it up huh Proverbs 8 and job 22. the third the third key is obedience job 36 it says if they obey if they obey and serve him they'll spend their days in prosperity and here's a pleasure obedience is the tough one obedience is where people have a problem with they all say yes I love Jesus they all obey Proverbs 8 and they all obey job 22 but nobody wants to obey job 36 obey him so when God speaks do it don't negotiate don't negotiate and it's going to hurt it will hurt you I promise you you you're not going to feel good you're going to feel pain he that goeth forth spreading seed weeping it says that's pain so nobody sews big seed laughing big seed means you're going to cry about it you're going to complain it's okay God understands but he'll prove it to you over and over and over in your life that that seed works absolutely works so I'm gonna have you do something tonight you've got an enamel of somebody you've got envelopes for other people okay now you're going to take this envelope and on the back of it you're going to write Lord I praise you that my financial whatever be specific tonight don't don't just say Prosperity now what is it you really want financially you got to be very specific with God I've learned that about the Lord he answers only specific prayers be specific with God is it your house is it your car is it your bills next week is it a lawsuit you're firing what is it financially don't write on the back of the envelope Lord Heal me ah you cannot pay for healing that is insulting to God I repeat you cannot give Financial seed for Spiritual results did you hear that you cannot buy a miracle that's only foolishness God will not pay attention to that prayer you you can't write Lord Heal My Mother no it's not going to work you can't pay for miracles you only are going to sow for financial results Miracles fine when God heals you physically all it takes is faith not money just faith nobody paid Jesus money for a miracle they just said Lord I believe that's it nobody gave money for salvation that's an insult to God because I've heard people say well if you give for Souls God will save your loved ones that's not in the Bible you got you don't give money for the Salvation of Souls or that your children be saved yes you can support the gospel of course you can but but you you're not paying for miracles spiritually it's impossible it's an insult to God so when you give you focus only on the financial need only on the final look this is after 48 years of learning it okay you focus on the financial Lord I need a house or I need to pay off the house or I need a car or I need to pay off the car or I need whatever financially and I want you to write that prayer or better than that just say Lord I praise you that I'm going to receive it or you may even want to write both prayer and praise at the same one David prayed for Prosperity when he said Lord send Prosperity now we pray that God I did not know that till oral Robert said why don't you ask God you ask him for everything else and then you need to sow a seed that fits the need you sow a seed that fits the need if you need a big Harvest you sow a big seed if you want a small Harvest you give a small seed if we sow sparingly worried sparingly we also reboundedly so I already came up one day she said well how much should I give I said what do you need what do you need you need to just something small well then so small but if you need something big from God you have to sow a big seed that's quite simple really so Lord I Thank you for your word Lord I pray you'll bless your people tonight financially and what you've done for me over and over do for them and Lord I Thank you for your promises thank you for your promises you said it shall be given unto you good measure press down shaken together and running over shall men give to your bosom and when we honor you Lord you said our barns will be filled with plenty we give you the praise do What God Says and watch the results will be amazing results and the Miracle happens always on time so once you've sown that seed I want to agree with you can we come into agreement can we come into agreement okay can you stretch your hands towards me I'm stretching my hands so would you come on let's just come into agreement let's just say Lord father in Jesus name we agree according to your word for you said if two will agree it'll be done and we agree Lord the seed we sow today will bring the needed Harvest we expect it and we thank you for it and we praise you for your love for your care wonderful Jesus thank you for taking care of us and taking care of this need in my life today is financial need we agree is met in Jesus name amen and amen Okay so you can probably give also online I see it's up there for you you and do the same thing online or credit card but that could take too long okay maybe they can do it later it'll be much quicker if we just write it from the screen please that because otherwise it could take too long and we people would lose interest in the service they'll get too tired okay if that's okay yeah good so just write it down on your on your envelope or you can do it on your phone so much simpler so much simpler just do it on your phone send the offering on your phone or text it or just simply give it and so forth okay you can sell it on your phone right now you can do Zell or PayPal right from your seat all right so I I can't hear what you said come come and tell them because I I can't hear what what to say to me oh and those online thank you very very much those of you online the information is there for you right online okay beautiful all right can we go ahead and pass the offering buckets you have the offering buckets here I'm sure can you go ahead and pass the offering buckets no no I don't want anyone coming up and putting my hair it takes too long just pass the offering from one person to another and there's the buckets okay good I do it the old-fashioned way I like the old-fashioned way as if people come up they want to talk to you and there's no time for that okay it's past the offering buckets please Lord I love you and I worship you you are worthy to be pressed Lord I love you [Music] [Applause] you are worthy to be praised world Worthy Lord I love you [Music] praise [Music] him you are worth y [Music] you are [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we are can you come and turn this on so I can look at the clock and not go beyond a certain time so people can all right do not turn my phone on keep it on plane mode I just want to see the clock so I can yeah thank you [Music] and uh tomorrow at 4 pm I'll be back here thank you Greg I'll be back here to minister on the anointing you can't miss tomorrow afternoon we really need to understand the anointing I just wrote a book called on the mysteries of the anointing and it's selling real good I don't know if I want to talk about that fully but I really want to minister on the anointing because I really want you to understand it so God can use you let me hear an amen and I also want to talk about the fact that God uses imperfect vessels and how to place yourself in that place where God will look on you with favor and use you okay so I'm going to wait till you're all done in the in the back and dear Bishop Don I'm going to be with you this Sunday morning at 10. attend so that's this Sunday morning I'll be at Bishop donmir's Church which and then Sunday night too so can you give them the address Upper Marlboro Maryland we're right across from Six Flags you can't miss it oh this street dress 13901 Central Avenue it's going to be very powerful Sunday we've actually promoted it quite a lot and this will be a BHM event in his building Sunday night Sunday night Sunday morning I'm preaching for him which I rarely do anymore to get me into a Sunday morning service is almost impossible I do it for my children reluctantly but when Bishop Don said I could not say no because we go way back we go way back and physically it's not easy for me you know to get up in the morning and then go back at night again it's kind of a little tough but for him I do anything all right so are you ready to receive the word lift Lift Your Hands to Heaven now Lord I Thank you for what you're going to say through this message will Quicken my mind to say just right Quicken my heart also Lord and Quicken the people's hearts and Minds to receive it to understand it for we need to understand it more than [Music] a year ago or two years ago we need it now this is a now word for we give you all the praise and God's people said amen okay sir come let's finish up finish up I want to make sure we're all done before I minister of the world okay so now can can they take the offering somewhere else oh okay good thank you okay thank you Greg we are dealing today with a generation that questions the reliability of scripture and for the first few moments I want to just answer some questions and give you something to believe and something to understand now this is not my message my message is on on mortifying the Deeds of the body but it's important I think for you because many of you have children young people that have a lot of questions or they are questioned about the Bible my grandson 15 year old Benny they called him after my name is very witty very smart kid he's reading Josephus he's so smart that kid he's only 15 years old reading Josephus and he asked me a question a few days ago it was quite eye-opening he said they call me dada dada what do I tell my friends that question the Bible in school I said what school do you go to I should have known he goes to a school called it's a Christian School at a church called One Church One Church are we all done with the offering my dear well I I'm I'm not going to say a word till it's done yeah that's it okay I don't give the word if people are still doing whatever it's distracting and it's harmful okay you're all done now nobody move now thank you very much okay all right let me continue so I said to my grandson I said you can tell your friends give them a few facts because these young people today are being uh uh be how shall I say that I think many of them are confused they're being lied to by people they look up to about the Bible so let's just understand just a few things about the Bible the word of God is so reliable so reliable that what you have to look at first of all that's most important is one question that you ask yourself or ask people ask them how many prophecies are in religious books outside Christianity whatever religion out there how many prophecies are in those books zero the zero prophecies in any religion outside Christianity or Judaism so anything outside Christianity their books whatever books they call them have no prophecy whatsoever why because they know if one of them is not fulfilled the whole religion is over and then I said to my grandson ask your friends how many prophecies are in the Bible most Christians don't know this but I'll tell you 2 500. 2 500 prophecies are in the Bible how many of them have been fulfilled I said to him you asked your friends do they know how many have been fulfilled two thousand now the chances of two thousand prophecies being fulfilled is humanly impossible in fact they say not even three if even three were fulfilled it's humanly impossible but God went Way Beyond to give us 2 500 prophecies and two thousand have been fulfilled in detail so the chances of the actual 500 to be fulfilled about the second coming of the Lord and the Millennium Reign and the restoration of Israel are very high to be fulfilled because 2000 already are fulfilled now number two number two God did not depend only because he knows the Mind of Men God knew that people would still question the Bible so God gave us historical evidence for those that don't believe the Bible who say they're atheists or whatever which is so foolish anyways he give us historical evidence so the question is how many documents out there talk about Caesar Augustus Caesar that many universities teach that he existed but how many documents are there out there historically nine less than 10. how many historical documents talk about Jesus the son of God 39. 39. nobody questions the existence of Augustus Caesar but Jesus 39 historical documents written by the majority of those who wrote them were actually atheists that did research historical research and they discovered documents in history that talk about a man named Jesus that many believed was the son of God who died and rose from the dead even Josephus talks about Jesus the greatest Jewish historian of his day and many such documents that you can walk into your library tomorrow and find them but God went Way Beyond his story he went into archeology because he knew man is so hard-minded his brain doesn't always think right and hard-hearted they really need to look at something right there in front of them today Israeli archaeologists use only one book for archeology the Bible no other book but the Bible the Bible has become the only book Israeli archaeologists fallow I've been to locations that you'd like to go I'm sure and walk in like the city of David I was there I was there when they discovered the steps that went up from the pool of Shalom to Temple Mount I was in there digging with them the dirt I was there when the steps were discovered mentioned in the book of Ezra with my own eyes and my own hand I picked up coins from the dirt two thousand year old coins and much more there's no question in archeology about the Bible and these are not believers they're unbelievers in Jesus they are not born again people but they will tell you that the Bible is so accurate they use it as the road map for archeology so today's Church doesn't know that now we believers do not need archeology to be convinced we don't need History either the proof we have is prophecy how can how can God Almighty the only word but think about how can it be that a prophecy can be so detailed that was written hundreds of years before its fulfillment in details in details God telling Abraham about Israel going to Egypt and how long did they'd be there hundreds of years before they went or give the names of certain individuals like King Josiah who wasn't even born yet that he would come and burn the bones of the priests that offered offerings to idols which he did today you can walk the holy land and see the places I've been to the valley of elah you haven't were David fought Goliath and the Bible says he took a rock out of the Brook and I took the rock out of the same Brook it's still there I was doing a promise and here's the same Brook and here's rocks right there and David found one of them too Chris we don't even need to go see we just need to know prophecy 332 prophecies fulfilled just about the Lord's first coming in detail in detail amazing details so make sure you share this and make sure to get to know your Bible because the problem today is people just don't read the Bible the problem is they don't know what it says all right now having said all that let me get into my message Romans 8 verse 12-14 this is really my message for you tonight but I gave you this little appetizer earlier to help you with your kids and Friends or maybe you yourself need that information therefore brethren we are debtors not to the flesh to live after the flesh for if ye live after the flesh he shall die but if he through the spirit do mortify or put to death the Deeds of the body ye shall live for as many as are led by the spirit of God they're the sons of God all right I want to focus on verse 13 for a minute here for if ye live after the flesh ye shall die but if he through the spirit to mortify the Deeds of the body you shall live this is a most important and searching verse and I want to show you five things that caught my attention when I read it the five things that will catch your attention when you read verse 13 is number one the person that that he's talking to who is he talking to number two the frightening warning number three the duty of the listener number four the helper provided and number five the promise of keeping it so let's look at it one more time and see those five things for if Ye Ye who's the ye so who is he talking to no wait no wait you gotta say more than that to to know who he's talking to you you've got to go back to verse one there's now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh after the spirit for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death so it says clearly he's talking to a believer and then in verse 2 a Believer how about verse 4 that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in US believers who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit then you look at verse five and six it says for they that are after The Flesh do mind the things of the flesh they that are after the spirit the things of the spirit for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritual man it is life and peace so he's still talking to the believer and then you go to verse 12 again the believer for he says therefore brethren therefore brethren we are debtors not to the flesh to live after the flesh so in verse 13 when he says ye he's talking to us number two there's a frightening warning in verse 13. if ye live after the flesh ye shall die that's the warning now the duty of you that are listening but he says but if he through the spirit do mortify if you through the spirit do mortify so it's your duty to mortify the flesh and then number four he talks about the spirit so there you see the helper that God has provided and number five the promise given is you shall live so let's read the verse again if you believer live after the flesh you'll die so he's talking to believe her giving you a warning you'll die but if you through the spirit will mortify it's your duty to mortify the Deeds of the body you live so what is so important is is the fact that he tells us it is it's possible to go back to death it's possible to lose the life we're living in so he says to you and me who have known life in Jesus you will die if you choose to live after the flesh now in verse 12 he makes a very powerful statement he says Brethren you don't owe the flesh a thing therefore brethren we are debtors not to the flesh so we believers are debtors to God we owe God everything we owe the flesh nothing why do we owe God everything because well he gave us life he gave us his spirit so Jesus is the one who has given us what we have today as believers we owe him our being we owe him our existence we owe him our all and therefore he has absolute priority over our lives Jesus has absolute priority over our Lives why he bought us we are his he bought us let's go to First Corinthians 6. and see what it says about this purchase he made for it says know ye not verse 19. what know ye not your body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you which you have of God you are not your own for you are bought with a price therefore glorify God in your body in your spirit which belong to God you don't owe the flesh anything because God bought you with his own blood in Ephesians 2 verse 10 it says we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them so we are his creation so having bought us from death having renewed us in life and continues to renew us into his image making us sons and daughters we owe him our life our strength and our service I'm going to show you something really quite powerful in Luke Luke 17 verse 10. so likewise ye when ye shall have done all these things which are commanded you say we are unprofitable servants we've done that which was our duty to do this tells me something powerful our obedience to God is a debt we owe him our obedience to God is a debt we owe him what it says likewise ye when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you you need to say we are unprofitable servants we have done that which was our duty to do so our obedience to God is a debt we owe him I love what it says in in second Corinthians 5. and I'm going to read verse 14 and 15. For the Love of Christ constrains us because we thus judge that if one died for all then we're all dead and that he died for all the day which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him which died for them and rose again so he demands our life we owe him our life we owe him our strength we owe him our service we owe him our obedience because the love of Jesus constrains us because we thus judge if he died for us we die for him that and it says in verse 15 and then he died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves but unto him who died for them and rose again it's powerful so we go back to Romans 8 12 that says brethren you don't owe the flesh anything you should not give the flesh anything now I'm going to read that again because it's so important to see the scripture more than once and such a message needs to be repeated because people are not catching everything you're saying brethren we are debtors not to the flesh to live after the flesh now there's something very important I'm going to say here there's a big difference between being in the flesh and living after the flesh look look at me my dear a big difference between in the flesh after the Flesh in the flesh means you're not even saved after the flesh means you are saved and you go backwards because now you went back in that old life so it is possible to lose life and die again he says so clearly in Romans 8 13 if you live after the flesh you will die so what we need to do today is pay attention to Galatians 6 8. Galatians 6 8 is a big headline warning for every one of us sitting in this room you've read it I'm sure you heard it it says he that soweth to his flesh shell of the flesh reap corruption now now can can can you look at me a minute yeah people that sow to the flesh are people that watch too much television they are too involved in worldly matters I made a decision in about 2014 I think 2014 2015. well the Lord I'm sitting watching TV and the Lord says to me cancel this subscription I was watching Netflix he said cancel it so I called the fellow that worked in our ministry called lands who knew this stuff I said you can cancel this thing I don't know how to do it then the Lord said cancel DirecTV I did cancel cable I did you can't watch Network TV in my place it doesn't even come through because there's nothing and I decided that I would spend my evenings in the scriptures change my life no I'm not bored I love it those programs bore me yes not the Bible and I decided to to learn Hebrew so I registered to be a student of Hebrew University to learn the Bible and for three years that's all I did and I and my professor was a brilliant woman that from Hebrew University sigal Zohar her name she is brilliant she's not a Believer but boy she knows Hebrew and I began reading my Hebrew Bible I grew up in Israel but I didn't know that good but when I went to that three-year course of that University which I finished by the way she told me I was the best student in the class we had a guy we had a guy come we had a guy come a few days ago named etan brilliant man from Israel and I when I read him the Bible in Hebrew he said I'm very impressed in fact Chad was right there and heard him tell me he said you read real good I said yeah I had to learn it the hard way but really the Hebrew Bible has opened a new door for me to understand scripture and the depth of scripture and then I really got into church history when I had more time I have read Fox's book of Martyrs now four times it changes your life when you read about the martyrs that paid with their blood for the faith you and I love and and live in it's wonderful reading about these men women who died for the faith praising the Lord burning in the fire do you begin to ask yourself am I a Christian can I like John has saying praise burning please can I suffer like William Tyndale and praise the Lord for it they burnt him for translating the Bible in English can I really praise the Lord if they killed my baby for learning The Lord's Prayer in English that happened in England they killed a little girl for learning how to pray the Lord's Prayer in English That's History and you just your whole look on Life Changes I don't even I don't even identify with been in pre-2014 I just don't identify with them that was somewhere else I guess the whole world is changed and I have made a decision I will finish better than when I began wait wait for one reason I know him better through his word his word his word his word the devil likes to bring the past up he's just a lot nothing but a liar we focus on tomorrow we focus on the future we focus on where we are in Jesus and get deeper simple and not allow the distractions of life to pull us back including family they're not going to stand next you say well please be easy on Benny you pay the price we only have one Soul here one One Life to Live and nobody's going to be next to you defending you on that day and your tears on that day will mean nothing you start repenting now not then so it says don't sow to the flesh the more you sow the more you die touching that garbage stop listening to those things that are are destroying you on the from the inside out and I'm going to be really blunt here you won't like this but I don't care stop being so political stop being so political God never called you to be involved in politics Jesus is all you need he's the only one you need I know some of you don't like it yeah it's okay I'm not your pastor I don't have to see you next next week I'm just telling you stop being distracted by worldly matters focus on your soul and your real the real need in your life the presence of the Lord in your life look look when you start losing your hunger you're dying there's three things in Christianity that says you're alive number one hunger for the Lord number two faith in his promises number three love for the Lord the minute you lose your hunger you're sick in I mean in the flesh in the flesh what do people lose first when they get sick physically appetite what do you lose first as a Christian when you're sick spiritually hunger your appetite for the Lord for his word knowledge of the Lord you don't want to even bother with it what do you lose then okay let's talk about in the natural what are the three things that says a baby is alive number one is hungry number two he knows this is Mommy this is Daddy this is family faith is born in that little baby by knowing this is my mother without even being able to talk then next thing you see that baby starts to love you doesn't know you all the way but they begin to love you three things happen to us when we're saved first we become hungry for the Lord two We Believe were saved we believe his word Supernatural and we don't have to listen to Hagen or Copeland to believe it we just know that he loves us and we know we are saved and we belong to him without even knowing what preachers are saying out there that's called faith and the third thing we amazingly discover is we love somebody we've never seen well that's not natural that's Supernatural that you love someone you've never seen before two thousand years ago they saw him and did not love him today we have not seen him and love him that's the work of the Holy Spirit not the work of the flesh so when you're hungry for Jesus that means you're alive when you believe what he says you're alive when you love him having not seen him you're alive but when you start dying you lose what your hunger you don't want to even bother with reading the Bible what else do you lose your faith you begin to question what he says number three your heart gets cold then you're dying so what are what are you doing spending your time with things that are destroying you destroying you on the inside and then they're going to destroy you on the outside stop it stop watching those programs stop reading those magazines stop reading those books get to know your savior spend time with him in his world heal revealed the scriptures he'll reveal his word that you'll be weeping just reading and your love will grow once your once your hunger is back you know alive your faith will live and your love will live and grow grow grow grow till his love will consume you it's precious and then his reality will take over your life but Paul is warning us he said don't sow to the flesh don't ignore the Lord and his word and be watching all this worldly stuff what did Paul say to to Timothy he said a soldier of Jesus will not entangle himself in the Affairs of this life did you hear that tell him what I just said a soldier of Jesus will not entangle himself in the Affairs of this life that's what Paul wrote that's for you too and me too are you listening good the Lord has warned us in Luke 11 35. and you see these warnings in the Bible it says this take heed therefore that the light which is in you does not become dark or Darkness that's a that's a that's a scary one be careful that the light in you does not become darkness in you so if you sow to the flesh you reap corruption and the light goes and then and and the old darkness comes back you don't want that it's not how you start that matters it's how you finish and it's not how you fall that matters that's how you get up did you hear that it doesn't matter how you fall how do you get up we all have had our slip here and slip there come on me too everybody's had some turbulence in life you almost destroyed yourself then you wake up become strong and go on go on so the word flesh by the way in scripture and there's other warnings like Luke 17 32 Jesus said remember Lord's wife how she looked back when you read The Word Flesh in Scripture it speaks of that corrupt nature which is in each one of us when we were born as babies transmitted from one parent to a child and by the way it was not an Adam God did not create him with that corrupt nature he chose it because when God created Adam he said very good well you don't say very good to something corrupt so the the answer to what happened to Adam how come he messed up his family Ecclesiastes 7 29. it says God made man or created man upright but he sought in many inventions God created man upright when God created Adam he was holy clean and good but he sought him in Vengeance he looked for ah I like that um let's look at this one so sadly Adam gave in to the flesh the enemy of holiness the flesh is enmity against God the Bible says Romans 8 7 enmity against God there's a big difference between an enemy and enmity you can reconcile with an enemy you cannot reconcile with an enmity Satan is enmity against God he's the very source of enmity the Bible says the flesh is enmity against God it cannot reconcile with him the flesh that irreconciable enemy of holiness the devil the world enmity against God so the flesh please hear this the flesh is the womb where all sin is conceived and formed and I just told you earlier the difference between In the Flesh and after the Flesh in the flesh is outside the kingdom the Romans 7 5 talks about people in the flesh for in Romans 7 5 he says we were in the flesh we were back then when we were in the flesh we were not in the Kingdom we were in the flesh that's in Romans 7 verse 5. if you want to know just know the difference for when we were in the flesh he says the Motions of sin which were by the law did work in our members to bring forth fruit to death and it says those that are in the flesh cannot please God Romans 8 8. so to live after the flesh means you are saved but you've gone backwards and now you conduct your life and begin to do the old things you did you become dominated by the Fallen nature to to to live after the flesh means you become governed Again by the evil nature you become governed Again by the evil nature is this getting through to you and people that go after the flesh the glory of God becomes nothing to them and the flesh becomes everything to them I'm so recommended in Romans 6 12. I'm almost done I've got to get this through to you let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body that you should obey and the lust thereof can I have my phone back so I know what time it is don't let sin reign in your mortal body so this is a matter of life and death because he says in verse 16 of Romans 6 don't you know know ye not to whom you yield yourself servants to obey his servants you are to whom you obey whether of sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness so this is a matter of life and death and that's why he says if you live after the flesh you'll die you know the Bible in Revelation 21 verse 8 talks about the second death the fearful the unbelieving Abominable murderers hormonal Sorcerers idolatrous or large shall have their part in the lake which burns with Fire Emblem Stone which is the second death Paul cries cried that he would he would be raised from the dead in the first resurrection that's that the second death will have no power then okay so it's time for you and I to obey Colossians please some beautiful music behind me I'm almost done do you do you sweet people want to make heaven and see the smile of the Lord on his face I'm going to give you the answer mortify Galatians Colossians 3 5 and 6. mortified Therefore your members which are upon the Earth fornication uncleanness inordinate or Passions evil affections and evil desire and covetousness which is idolatry mortify them put them to death how star of them for which things seek the wrath of God comes on the children of disobedience so how do I do that he says to us mortify Therefore your members mortify your members means make no provision for the flesh yeah thank God is right because we have the power to say no in Romans 13 14 Paul tells us put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lust thereof so I cannot starve the flesh till I put on the Lord Jesus so put on the Lord Jesus and then don't make provision for the flesh say no to it I'm not going to look at that I'm not going to do this no no no no that's not my life anymore we deny it completely yeah it's a it's it's a it's a it's a war if you want to walk in the spirit you have to starve the flesh quite simple and Paul in Galatians 5 says it's a war inside of you it's fine so have no Fellowship Ephesians 5 11 says have no Fellowship this is an important verse to underline and remember I'm going to read very Ephesians 5 11 says and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness don't look at them but expose them so now do you remember what it says I gave you earlier Romans 8 13 right can we go back to it and read it together out loud I want to point some one thing out to you before I say I'm done okay I want to point one thing out to you with that about that verse so we we're going to read it together let's read it out loud all of us one two three let's go for if he after the flesh ye shall die but if stop stop if ye through what it doesn't say the spirit through you it says you through him if you through the spirit [Music] meaning you start first you act first if you through the spirit not the spirit through you so we are the ones that act and he enables say I act he empowers say it again one more time so the second you act he gives you the power to do it because that's what it says if you through the spirit you act the spirit in powers do mortify the Deeds of the body you live so Lord I cannot do it but I decide today I will not look I will not entertain the world and Lord I make that decision now Empower me to live it and every day you ask the Holy Spirit to help you and finally one final scripture and I truly am done second Corinthians chapter 7 verse 1 Paul says having therefore these promises dearly beloved let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the Flesh and spirit perfecting Holiness in the fear of wow so we decided he empowers us to live it The Highway of Holiness is the only path to heaven [Music] Lift Your Hands to Heaven now Lord I gave them your word as clearly as I could as well as I could and I'm trusting you to help them live it help me live it help all of us live it we've made the decision already all of us our decision is firm we have decided to follow you no turning back we know the dangers of the lust of the eye and the lust of the Flesh and the part of life we don't want to make that mistake again thank you for your love and mercy that was still here that we can still go on and become stronger your word says when my foot slipped your mercy held me up thank you for that Mercy thank you Hallelujah [Music] you know the old song I'm going to sing it as a commitment lift your hands come up I have decided to follow Jesus [Music] that's it [Music] no turning back foreign [Music] I have decided [Music] [Applause] [Music] the World Behind Me across before me the World Behind Me the cross before me the world the World Behind we across before turning back [Music] though none go with me yet will I follow though none go with me yet I will follow though none go with me yet I will follow no turning back thank you now just gentle eyes close I have decided [Music] [Music] to thee us crime Glory Glory [Music] to thee the quest [Music] what's the best [Music] so it's always lift up on high the name of Jesus magnified [Music] Majesty [Music] we worship your majesty Jesus who died now glorify [Music] Majesty we worship His men unto Jesus be all glory [Music] Majesty Kingdom Authority [Music] flows from his throne [Music] lift up on our Jesus [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh is perfect you are perfect under your glorious and perfect in all your ways thank you Lord for dying on the cross taking our filth and misery and darkness thank you [Music] thank you for willfully lovingly enduring cross for the joy that you saw thank you but undeserving sinners yet you set your love upon us [Music] chosen in you before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and blameless and I cry again with your scripture your word unto him who's able to keep you from falling present you blameless before is thrown with joy Joy to the only wise God who are we lord who are we that we should be called your children who are we like David would say who am I it was my father's house thank you for your love that you chose us when we did not know you you died for us when we lived in sin thank you blessed Lord [Music] for searching for us and finding us we did not find you you found us you loved us before we knew your name [Music] keep us as the apple of the eye hide us under the shed of your wings from the wicked [Music] from the wicked one [Music] thank you thank you thank you thank you sweet Holy Spirit for making the world so real Anglo holy [Music] Glory [Music] Glory Glory [Music] whisper for all you are glorious and worthy to me you're the land upon the throne unto you [Music] we lift our voice [Music] and Worthy you're the last foreign [Music] good [Music] Lord I worship [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] those of you sick in body place your hand on that sickness as I pray the Lord when I touch you Lord Heal Your people I already puke that sickness I'll rebuke that pain in Jesus name the Lord declares for our transgressions rules for our iniquities chastise for our peace your stripes were healed heal your people I rebuke that sickness I rebuke that infirmity in Jesus name lift your hands received your Jesus your glorious some of you feel tremendous warmth on your body just lift your hands receive your healing someone with a neck injury in the back has just been healed if you move your neck it was hurting you earlier now the pain is gone an infection in someone's skin a lot of pain in your skin you've had a lot of pain your your medication for it you feel a beautiful presence anointing of the Lord on your body like a like a warmth a gentle warmth [Music] feel as though you're enveloped in the love of Jesus someone with an infection in your right eye just recently you begin having trouble with it the Lord is healing you now thank you Lord asthma is being healed in arthritis in someone's hip just just begin praying out loud in the Holy Ghost [Music] somebody with a tumor would you check it out it's gone somebody's kneecap there your right knee your right knee you've had a pain in your right knee yes Lord thank you for the beautiful healing somebody's circulation has just been healed some of the circulated heart condition also as being healed the heart condition has just been healed many of you are sensing the power of God on your body I don't have to call out every every healing so pray in the Holy Ghost Out Loud quickly I don't have to call out every every healing another problem with somebody's skin is being healed lift your hands and pray just for another minute or two and those of you that are being healed just come out of your seat if you know that God has healed you yes if you know God is healed you come out of your seat and line up over here to the left well just to my left as everyone keep praying praying the spirit if you know that God has touched you physically in the last few moments some of you began to sense the part of God on your body I would ask you now just to check it out see what's what what has changed in your in your body there is a lot of beautiful healings taking place here thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord now just line up over there on the left and begin to check him out quickly please and Suzanne you can come help me honey over here can you lift your hands and pray for just a few more minutes bring that lady up what happened to her [Music] what happened to her well just check it out first before you bring it up bring it up here bring it up here I'll pray for him if God has healed you just you go to the side here nobody come up on the platform please unless we need up here [Music] yeah yes Lord thanks every everywhere everywhere everybody in Jesus name what happened Sue I'm asked come here the pain is gone all right take your seats take your seats Lord let every bed of It Go in the name of Jesus it calls help them up can you help them up we need somebody to help us over here help her help her back and upper back just for a few more minutes I'm going to pray for the people that's it we're not going to stay too long with this I'll put down [Music] all right so what what happened to okay so that mic is not working no no no I know I need that bike with you because yeah a sharp pain okay Lord every every bit of it thank you for the better it goes in Jesus [Music] what happens to Lord every bit of that pain leaves that neck and the Lord who thank you in the Glorious name Jesus what happened to the gentleman [Music] Lord every bit of it will not come back thank you Jesus for your mercy the mercies our great Lord what happened to her [Music] everywhere arthritis leaves in Jesus name and thank you Lord for your grace on God yeah the grace what happened to her [Music] thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord breathing issues and pain the pain is totally gone and she can breathe we need people just one more person foreign Lord thank you to you with the glory he will blessed experience with your lord thanks for that healing everybody that goes what happened to her she had pain in her neck and her right knee and the pain is totally gone Jesus thank you Lord for your grace thank you Lord for your great mercy and Grace [Music] sweet Jesus I worship your Lords chest neck and neck and totally gone tonight thank you Lord thank you Lord thank the Lord thanks the Lord you never come back in Jesus name never come back lord I want you all to stand and please stand I wanna okay let this be the last one because I and the pain is totally gone and she's had it for six months thank you Lord for your amazing love power meet that need in your holy name may that be Lord Mercy is great for this woman now everybody everybody bring that lady in the blue or the purple light is for five years and the Lord has touched her tonight my Lord thank you for what you want to do with her is this your husband there come come with her Buddha [Music] sometimes you feel that shift in the atmosphere there you gotta change so we're done I can't believe so are you in Ministry the pastor thank you Lord Spirit you're welcome in this for in my presence [Music] this healing divine [Music] no other power can he load only thine Holy Spirit Thou Art well come in Holy Spirit Thou Art will come neighbor and father join hands together with your wife showing hands with your wife [Music] [Music] Holy Spirit [Music] yes Lord thank you [Music] there's a fresh visitation coming to you both and a Ministry God is bringing forth beautiful wisdom tremendous healing atmosphere would be there in your meetings fill all the hungry and a thirsty Within [Music] restore us sweet father revive us once again now what the Lord is telling me is there's going to be a healing atmosphere around you in fact you're feeling something on your hands what I'm talking now I don't need that Michael take that microwave from that man take it away from him put it over here with someone Lord I Thank you he's here right now correct both of them easy lift your hands like this both of you [Music] [Music] please see you right now he's here now Lord know what he needs [Music] I wanted to use this man prophetically he's here right now he's here we don't need to wait after ants never nope no pictures we don't need to beg please passing out the gifts for you [Music] to meet your own knees so we praise so we praise [Music] bring them both up here he is here right now he's here right now bring the wife with him you don't need to wait you don't need too bad put up by our husband he's passing out gifts my husband for you to receive letter Journal hands with her husband foreign [Music] bring Linda here and her husband putting Linda and her husband to meet your knees shall we praise so we praise [Music] see the Lord's gonna use these amazing people in a powerful way those of you that want if if you want God to use you lift your hands and ask him so we pray quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet all of you in front of me John hands right here you see what I am showing hands please use them so we praise [Music] extend to the side standard okay Linda standard side on it All Of You John hands we praise your name [Music] use them so we praise [Music] come on lift your hands ask God to use you so we pray back and back and back and back up showing hands right here guys all of you right here so we pray [Music] praise so we praise him so we praise we praise your name so we praise lift your hands and pray come on out loud Lord we agree use your people we agree Lord Jesus your people of the spirit use them he's here right now he's here right now we don't [Music] we're passing our gifts pick it up for you to receive I'll put up come on get up and help him there's something there's something new coming soon [Music] to me your needs so we praise wait wait wait I'm not done with you the Lord is not done with this you know pick up Suzanne your name bring your come on up here [Music] new doors are opening for yourself new doors darling just a wife [Music] you're being [Music] thank God thank God all right so your wife Bishop come your wife the Lord is going to do something really new with her don't be shocked by the things that she'll experience you know sometimes our wives will see things we don't see sometimes they'll say things we don't really understand pick him up [Music] they're not going to clear your it's happened just a little bit help him up help him up it's just like a clearing that's why I just waved at him there's a clearing of the Mind in you to to understand things she'll say like sometimes she'll pray in tongues when you're not really ready for her doing that and I think the Lord sometimes [Music] I don't know why he does certain things that we were in a plane crash and my wife was bleeding coming out I pulled her out of that plane in 83 and she was praying in tongues with the blood flowing and I could not figure that one out but God was using her to protect us from Satan's plan before that when the when the when the engine stopped April of April May of 83 she was scared and she had her nails in my flesh like this because she was scared she was holding my hand and her nails were going in my it was she was really hurting me but she she kind of was kind of out of it you know and then the plane hit him rolled and I began laughing to my surprise I was laughing in the spirit that to this day I don't even understand why I did it but just holy laughter came on me for the first time in my life in a plane crash of the unbeliever of all places and she starts praying in tongues with the blood coming out of her arm and her leg and I pull her out of the plane and she's praying in tongues and she still doesn't remember it to this day it was Supernatural for a man to laugh while you're dying or think you're gonna die and she's praying in tongues with the blood going everywhere and they'll put they they came the the ambulance came on this farm and picked up her body and she's bleeding and she's praying I don't to this day I don't know why she prayed like that all I know is God was using her I suppose to protect us from something that the devil wanted to do so your wife's gonna have that your wife didn't have expenses like that so they they may come across as not normal but sometimes God will allow that I don't know why all right now Lord in Jesus name I want every woman who believes God has called you into Minister get down here foreign [Music] I'll pay you for that so we breathe and and Bishop Don we're going to have an amazing time in your church the Lord just showed me that when I was praying earlier Sunday night is going to be explosive sometimes will be like I'm out of this world no you're still right here so I'm not done with you okay you ready girls you ready you you you don't mind if I if I call the girls or ladies much nicer come closer oh watch this the woman that my mind okay John John hands John hands so the Lord's going to give you a Ministry guys maybe some of you are going to have a new ministry okay you're ready for it you sure okay no no don't touch your wife touch your wife she needs this here here whoa whoa whoa here ladies here here go go go go go go go go go go that's right that's right go go that's it that's it that's it that's it [Music] I love it I just love it love it when God does that I love it now you just felt like a forest come on you that's the part of God now lift your hands and say more say more Lord more more ladies look at me here I see you I I I see it right right on you whoa just I sit on you look at me look there there there there there there there that's it watch what what okay now I Lift Your Hands Like This and I want you to pray in tongues for like five minutes wait wait oh stop stop Susanna is going to lead you in tongues and when you stop praying in tongues I'm gonna I don't want this on camera I don't want this live shut the camera off shut the camera off the world will not understand what's going to happen now okay the world will actually market so we're already done with them we don't want them to be a part of this so you're going to pray in tongues and Linda do
Channel: Robinson Fondong Ministries
Views: 46,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8MwbttlsgVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 25sec (9805 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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