Dungeon Alchemist - Creating a village

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hello everyone and welcome back as you can see i'm in a bit of a or where we are looking in dungeon alchemist again uh i've no i haven't done many videos about this because mainly i didn't have that much use for it until lately and what i'm doing right now is i am creating a little village this is actually not a battle map that i will use but rather this is for storytelling reasons i decided to make the village for a as a starting point for a uh yeah short or for a small campaign not small or short but rather simple campaign that i'm currently building or that i'm starting with a few friends um we're not playing dungeons and dragons rather we are playing a more free-form role-playing system that yeah uses very simple rules and the starting village is very rural with farms with um very simple uh yeah people um main interesting thing is an alchemist where the characters start as apprentices so this is a alchemy focused campaign and yeah i'm right now i'm just building the uh village this is the alchemist's house with a few extra um places where people um where people live so right now i'm just basically have made the base layout of the um of the village there's baker there will be a few other things right now i'm looking for um for something like a mill or millstone and i find the grindstone and a windmill which i can put together but this yeah this was a bit of looking around um playing with a few different uh objects and uh yeah this is basically really just um a very simple thing yeah what i'm trying right now is seeing how i can rotate objects apparently you have to place them before you can rotate them um but this uh the the first bridge was too small so i looked into other things um the bridge pieces are yeah really cool and neat but um yeah they don't really stick together that well so um i decided to go for the uh complete bridge here also the scale is a bit weird sometimes because the bridges are either really small or really big um yeah we're back up there looking for the grindstone um and the windmill which i both found and it's just simply stuck together um yeah and now that i have the base layout of the village um right there i'm just working on the uh river a bit making it a bit deeper so this also has landscaping abilities similar to what um uh the other program what flowscape is providing but um yeah there's a few key differences especially since this in this case i can look into the rooms i could have also done the same in flowscape most likely but i decided i wanted to use a bit or play around a bit more with um um with this program yeah right now i'm just putting out the uh uh the layout of the of the actual houses so the houses are not just one big room and um yeah instead i have uh yeah smaller rooms where people live and bigger rooms where people work um i'm also going into a bit of detail for the actual um for the full alchemist room because that is actually um a room that is the one half that is more important and yeah so this is basically the layout of the rooms in which the people in this village live and lastly i will add or lastly um i also decided to add some gardens to the different houses so um right now i'm still with the alchemist with his um um yeah with the spare room which uh i imagined as some kind of um closet room or store a storage room so um yeah what i think this um this program would greatly um help would actually be the option to rotate stuff when i put it in i didn't either i didn't find it or i didn't see the option this is something that um i think would greatly help with the whole um with the whole thing yeah so every house now gets a little garden trap in front and here i decided okay i want a different kind of fence around this um as you can see the um the baker or the uh yeah baker um is still a single room uh thing because uh yeah sometimes this is just how it is though it's not the baker it's uh the bakery is over there on the top um yeah but but sometimes you also have this um yeah playing around a bit with more landscaping and right there i'm just drawing a few paths so that um there's actually uh ways in the village where people so so that will be usually ways where people walk and and and uh move and uh yeah this is basically um or what i did that a bit of detail that i worked with for example i decided to put in some street lights um the main area where this whole place is european between renaissance and medieval ages so a bit advanced but not too much and i felt that this would be a nice touch this can also at some point maybe become battle map uh for uh dungeon drinks i don't know but um yeah um i think that's about uh that's about it yeah right there i'm also making an empty field because i thought that i'm also a big fan of orchards so i decided that um i will make some uh kind of orchard for for this uh village and yeah there's not that much different uh trees with a good size so i decided for uh yeah for this layout in the end uh yeah that's actually uh the whole video um i know i haven't done that much stuff lately um yeah because i'm again i'm looking for another job so that's taking up some time and some mind space as well um yeah i'll keep you posted about this also i'm gone for part of this week so there will not be that much videos uh that's it for today thanks for watching and see you guys around
Channel: Meister Murloc
Views: 68,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dungeon Alchemist, 3D Content, Tabletop
Id: nzkOw8yN6CE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2022
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