HOW TO USE ASANA | Asana Tutorial for Beginners (Project Management Software)

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hey guys my name's Stuart if you're new here today welcome to this channel in this asana tutorial for beginners I'm gonna walk you through how to use asana in 2020 asana is a powerful and free project management software designed to simply plan and manage team projects and tasks through an easy-to-use and streamlined project interface which is ideal for small businesses now just quickly before we jump into a sauna and if you're new to this channel consider subscribing to stay updated with new and actionable videos designed to help your small business thrive online and with that said let's dive into this asana tutorial for beginners [Music] okay so here we are at asana calm now the first thing we want to do is sign up with asana now to keep it really simple asana is a planning and management tool focused on team projects and tasks so the first thing we want to do is to sign up for free now the great thing about asana as a project management tool is it's free to use for up to 15 people which is ideal for small teams small businesses so what we want to do is hit down here and click on try for free now what you want to do is pop in your email here your business email ideally because this is going to help with integrations and adding your other teams within your business later on down the track so there we go I've just entered my business email then I'm going to click try for free now all we need to do is verify our email so I'm going to click continue with Google and select the same business email address which is actually a Google account and then here what we need to do is just add your full name then pop down here and click continue here what you want to do is give asana an idea of what you're all about so what kind of work are you involved in I'm going to come down here and select marketing now you have all these different options down here so select the best option that represents what you do so I'm going to sleep marketing and then come down here and click continue now here what asana wants you to do is select the best option that kind of represents what you've been doing in the past in terms of managing your work so for us we're going to come over here and select pen and paper as a lot of people do this and even from time to time we tend to use just pen and paper to record notes and and kind of document work and create to-do lists so we're gonna select this pen and paper option here and then come down here and select continue now what you'll notice when we jump onto the dashboard once we've finished our signup is your project your dashboard is really broken down into three areas you have your project then you have the sections within your project and within each section you have tasks and with each of these projects you can choose to create a list like structure a board a visual board timeline or calendar now the timeline option you actually have to upgrade to use this option this feature but with the free version of asana you can create less boards or calendars which are just different kind of types to view your project so it'll dive into a bit more later on so if we pop over here let's set up your first project what's something you and your team are currently working on so we're going to type in website design and this is the project we're currently working on and we're going to come down here and click continue now this is just setting up your asana dashboard we can add more projects and tasks down the track what are a few tasks that you have to do for web design so we're gonna come down here and type in logo design then we're going to come down here and type in SEO which is a marketing activity within web design and then the last task is content and like I said before this is just the set up we can add more projects and tasks once we've completed this initial setup so come down here and click continue and here what we want to do is add our tasks into sections or stages and this is just a great way to manage all our tasks so it's streamlined and it's easy to kind of understand for our team so for now I'm just going to leave it as a to-do doing and a complete or done sections as you can see here we've got to do doing and done so we've got these three tasks under to do which need to be complete and then as our team starts working on each of these tasks we can move them to doing and then complete or done so come down here once you're happy with that and click continue now you can change these later on down the track now here what we want to do is select the layout that best works for our project and for our team now we can change this later on down the track so we have list here and this is what list is going to look like we also have the option for a board which is more visual then we have timeline and calendar so now we're just going to focus on a list structure because it's kind of easier to follow so select the best layout for you come down here and select continue congratulations you have created your first project in asana now we'll dive deeper into projects tasks and sections of later on down the track for now you can come down here and if you like you can add your team members email address but we can do that again later on down the track so for now we're going to come down here and click take me to my project now asana will ask if you want to upgrade to a paid plan but for the purpose of this tutorial we're just going to use the free plan because that's sufficient enough for our small team so I'm going to come over here and select continue with our limited version and congratulations you have just completed the initial signup and you've created your first project you've added some tasks and sections as you can see on your dashboard so this is your asana dashboard and this is where the magic happens so the first thing we want to do here is create your team's because most likely you have a small team that you want to work with on projects on tasks so the first thing we want to do is create those teams now come over here and as you can see we've already got one team we've got a marketing team and we'll show you how to invite people in a second so first of all let's create a team so click Add team and think about your team's as departments departments within your organization so at the moment we've already got marketing now here what we're gonna add is sales a sales team then you can click on description to add a description about the team if you like and come down here and add the members emails within your organization that are part of the sales team and as you can see I've added one member to the sales team now you can come down here and we only have one option for the free plan and that's membership by request so they can join this team when they receive that invite and their email then I'm going to come down here and select create team and it's as simple as that to create a team now to add people to your team or to invite people all you need to do is come over here and select the team so remember we've got our team's here we've got marketing and sales then to invite people to this particular team just click invite people and here you can select the team so again I'm just going to select marketing then come over here and select the project that you want this individual to be part of so again he's in marketing and he's going to help with the web design project so I'm gonna sleep Web Design which is the only project we've created so far and then come down here and add the email address of that individual and as you can see I've just added one email address so for the purpose of this tutorial I'm just going to add one member and they're going to be part of the marketing team and they're going to be working on the web design project now if you want to add additional emails just click comma and then start typing that other email address of the member you want to invite so for now I'm gonna leave it at that and click send so it's extremely simple to create teams and add people to your teams so as you can see down here we've got the two teams like I mentioned we've got two individuals that are part of each team and then we've got one project here under marketing now to create a project all you need to do is come down here and click create a project now this is going to be for sales so under the sales team we're going to come down here and like I said we're going to click create project now you have the option to select a template to build off but for the purpose of this tutorial we're just going to create a blank project now what I recommend is selecting one of these templates that represent or a similar to the project that you're trying to create and when you do that you kind of get an idea of how you can create your own project but for now we're going to start from scratch and come across here and select blank project here you want to name your project and then come across here and select the team so for example we've already selected sales so we're gonna leave it as sales so that's the project that's going to be within the sales team for the sales team to work on you can click on add a description if you want to add a brief description so everyone has an idea of what this project is about now down here you can select the view of your project so the layout which we briefly explained when we initially set up asana so we've got the list view at the moment you can select board or calendar however you can change this at any time so we're going to leave it as a list and then we're going to come down here and we're gonna select public to sales team you can also go private if it's just something you're working on but because we're working on this particular branding project with our sales team we're going to leave it as that and then come down here and click create project and as you can see we've created our new project called branding now to add a task just come down here and click add task then name your task and then once you have added your new task click enter and then you can add another task and then you want to add a section under this project so the section is going to be called residential and we're going to add one more section which is going to be commercial and click enter so now all you need to do is drag these tasks and put them under the section so I'm going to put that residential branding and sales under residential and in commercial I'm gonna drag this under commercial branding in sales so there we go we've got two sections with one task under each section and you can continue adding other sections and tasks based on the way you want your project to look now I can come down here and click one more and I'm going to write completed tasks and click enter now if we come up here you can see that this is a less structure we can click forward to view it as a board so as you can see we've got no section here you can edit that you can delete it we've got residential then we've got the task under that section we've got commercial another section and then this task and in completed tasks and then if we complete each of these tasks we can move them over to completed tasks and again we've got timeline which is only available in the paid plan which I mentioned earlier and we have calendar so calendar is great when you have project timelines and deadlines so we're gonna head back to list and I'm going to come down here and we're going to select this particular task and that's going to bring up details for us to eat it so we can assign individuals here so if I click here I'm gonna add myself I can add others if I like I can add a due date for example I could go a week up from now then we can come down here and add a quick description or we can add a sub task so for example 10 door-to-door sales there could be a subtask under residential branding and sales so again I can come over here and add a due date I can assign an individual to complete this sub task and I can communicate or add a comment and as you can see we can add some comments questions or updates down below so it's very simple it's very straightforward you can come up here and you can also add attachments it's like click here I can upload from the computer Dropbox Google Drive box onedrive SharePoint so very easy to upload files that are relevant to this particular task and project then if I'm happy with all this I can click leave and there we go we're back at our overview of this particular project so again we can click on Ford to view the board layout if you're more visual and then again we can come over to calendar if you have particular timelines with each project and as you can see we've got this task that's due on the 25th which is a week from now so this is a very cool layout you can see exactly what is happening in each of the days that's very nice streamlined calendar layout we can click up here to turn weekends on we might have tasks done in the weekends as well so I like that kind of like full layout you can view the different months over here and you can come up here and you can share this with additional team members so very straightforward to create projects create tasks and subtasks within each project you can also come across here and click my tasks which is a great place to see exactly what's been happening what tasks you need to get completed within each of your teams so this is a great dashboard for all your tasks in one place and then you can click on calendar and see some of these projects that are coming and files that people have uploaded so it's very straightforward again you can change the layout from list to calendar or board so very simple and straightforward now as Santa is very similar to Trello now if you haven't heard of Trello what I'll do is I'll pop a link up above which will take you through a Trello tutorial which is another project management software however with Trello it's more of a visually plea seeing structure and layout whereas asana is more for those that like a list base structure however the great thing about asana is that you can also structure your workflows visually like in Trello Trello just has a bit more color and if you really like that kind of visual structure of layouts of tasks in Trello is a better option for project management however that is the basics to getting started with asana in 2020 and there we have it that is it for today's tutorial you should now be comfortable with getting started and making the most out of asana in 2020 now if you have any questions make sure to pop them down below and with that said thank you so much for watching this video if you got value you enjoyed this video then please leave a like down below and if you haven't done so already make sure to subscribe and I will see you in the next video thank you guys [Music]
Channel: Stewart Gauld
Views: 378,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to use asana, asana tutorial, asana tutorial for beginners, asana, asana project management, asana demo, asana 2020, project management software, project management tool, asana tutorial 2020, free project management tool, free project management software, Asana beginner tutorial, how to asana, client management, asana training, asana review, Stewart gauld
Id: iKsO9zx9n2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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