How to use this simple Speed Loader

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hello my name is Dan I got a Smith & Wesson M&P SHIELD 9-millimeter and I I've been going to the Sportsman's Club and doing some shootin and my thumb's getting pretty tired loading these bad boys especially when they get to the seventh and eighth bullet it gets pretty hard to press he's a brand new and so I bought this it's uh it's a speed loader from range tray and it tells you you know what kind of gun and and the model so let's give it a try see the instructions say to put in the first bullet yourself which is pretty easy so you can either hold it on to push it on the table with whatever hands or use your thumb like you normally do which that's what I'm going to do pull it up a little bit push a bullet all the way in push down place it under the lip so it sits there pull it up a little bit push it all the way in this this is definitely a lot easier on the thumb then not using this little toy my thumb's get pretty tired after you know 50 rounds and is the eighth bullet it was a little push but it went in pretty good I bought this off eBay like I said for $9.25 I'll put a link at the bottom it's from range tray and they make these in all sorts of different colors and all sorts of different guns so appreciate you watching safe shooting
Channel: Just Having Fun
Views: 29,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speed loader, loading bullets, loading magazine, MP SHIELD 9mm, How to use a speed loader, what is a speed loader, magazine loader, single stack magazine
Id: aLoRBai-ZpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 20sec (140 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2016
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